Tricholoma matsutake, one of the most famous edible mushroom in Asia, has been cultivated in red pine forest. Because of its difficulty in artificial cultivation, T. matsutake cultivation has relied on foraging in the forest. Under certain environmental conditions, T. matsutake form the Shiro, the condensed mycelium, and develop into fruiting bodies. Among the certain environmental conditions, fungal communities play a major role in the mushroom development. Therefore, fungal community investigations for Bonghwa and Yangyang have been conducted on soil with fairy rings in the past, soil with existing fairy rings, and soil with presumptive fairy rings developing in the future. From the six soil samples, total 163 genera of fungi were detected and species diversity and species abundance of each sample were also analyzed. In result, the species diversity and species abundance of the fairy rings in Yangyang were lower than those in Bonghwa. In comparison with the fairy rings in Yangyang and Bonghwa, the dominance of the genus Tricholoma was higher and that of the genus Motilella was lower in Yangyang. Through the continuous study, establishment of optimal environmental conditions to promote the T. matsutake cultivation is highly expected.
Despite their historical use, studies on the genetic functions of mushrooms and varietal improvement via biomolecular techniques are limited compared to other organisms. Recent advancements in CRISPR/Cas9 have enabled precise genetic modifications in mushrooms, with RNP-based systems offering high editing efficiency without foreign gene insertion. In this study, we optimized gene-editing conditions for Ganoderma lucidum (Yongji 2) by utilizing RNP/nanoparticle complexes to enhance efficiency. The optimal conditions included a 0.2 M sorbitol buffer (pH 7.0) and a protoplast-to-complex ratio of 10:1. Among eight gRNAs designed for the catA gene, three were identified with high activity, and PEG-mediated transformation resulted in successful gene edits, primarily involving 1 bp deletions. The editing efficiency reached 7–8%, demonstrating that nanoparticle-supported RNP systems are effective for marker-free gene editing in mushrooms. These findings highlight a promising approach for advancing genetic research and varietal improvement in G. lucidum and other mushroom species.
In order to develop a stable production and delicious unique cultivar of beech mushrooms, we generated hybrids using wild resources collected domestically, and we developed excellent strains by identifying the mycelial cultivability of the hybrid strains. The developed strains were cultivated according to the type of spawn and incubation time, and strains with excellent yield and shape were first selected, and second strains with less bitterness and excellent taste were selected through quantitative descriptive analysis. This was verified in farms, and ‘HM6-6’, which had a good reputation in the field, was directly developed cultivars as ‘Maruking’. In addition, the yield was high overall in the 90-day culture of the growth substrate inoculated with solid spawn, and the ‘Maruking’ cultivar, was also best in the 90-day culture. The yield was high overall in the 75-day culture of the liquid spawn, but ‘Maruking’ showed excellent yield when cultured for 70 days.
The Grifola frondosa cultivar KMCC03118 was used to isolate monokaryotic strains via spore separation, resulting in the successful crossbreeding of strains KMCC03118-11 and KMCC03118-23, which produced F1 hybrids. These F1 hybrids were then further crossed with various monokaryotic strains to generate F2 progeny. In evaluating the effects of different medium compositions on fruit body development, it was found that a substrate consisting of wheat bran and dried sawdust, with a carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratio of 66-68, provided the most favorable conditions for mycelial growth. Among the strains tested, KMCC03137 and GF-18-50 demonstrated superior characteristics, including a larger fruit body diameter, thicker pileus, and greater stipe thickness, with the highest productivity observed at 143.6 ± 13.3 g and 144.7 ± 15.2 g, respectively. Furthermore, the color of the caps (L: 29.7 ± 7.1, a: 2.6 ± 0.7, b: 8.2 ± 1.8) remained consistent, indicating stable high-quality production. Based on these results, the optimal substrate composition for enhancing both the quality and productivity of the fruit bodies was determined to be 42% Quercus sp. sawdust, 42% Quercus sp. fermented sawdust, 6% wheat bran, and 10% dried tofu residue. This study provides a crucial foundation for the commercial cultivation and breeding improvement of Grifola frondosa, offering valuable insights into its genetic enhancement, and providing essential data for future research aimed at increasing the species' genetic diversity and productivity.
Oyster mushroom is one of the most widely cultivated and consumed mushrooms in Korea, and mechanization and automation of cultivation systems have enabled mass production. Many cultivars have been developed to replace the old ones such as ‘Suhan‘ and ‘Chunchuneutari 2 ho,‘ which have been cultivated for over 20 years. Among these, ‘Soltari‘ was developed in 2015. Although it has excellent quality, its cultivation is challenging and the productivity is somewhat lower. To address these issues, the Mushroom Division at the National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science selected the genetic resource KMCC05165 and attempted hybridization between monokaryons from KMCC05165 and ‘Soltari(KMCC04940)’. Through repeated cultivation tests and evaluation of fruiting body characteristics, the superior strain ‘Po-2019-smj22’ was selected and finally named ‘Otari‘. The optimal mycelial growth temperature of ‘Otari’ was between 25 and 30°C and optimal fruiting body growth temperature was between 13 and 18°C. Mycelial growth on PDA medium was best at 25°C, and at the same temperature, mycelial growth was similar across four media: PDA, MEA, MCM, and YM. In 1,100 mL bottle cultivation, the yield was approximately 174 g, which is about 5% higher than the control cultivar ‘Soltari‘, and the number of valid individuals was also higher at about 25. The diameter and height of the pileus were 29.8 mm and 17.6 mm, respectively, slightly smaller than ‘Soltari‘, and the stipe was thin and long with a thickness of 12.2 mm. Additionally, the pileus’ lightness index (L index) was 30.7, indicating a darker brown color compared to 'Soltari.' With excellent mycelial growth, ease of cultivation, and high yield, the new cultivar ‘Otari‘ is expected to be widely adopted by domestic oyster mushroom farms.
Owing to its excellent nutritional value, eggs are among the most important components of the human diet. Gender and environmental factors, such as feed composition, may alter the nutritional profile and quality of eggs. Feed additives have recently been used to enhance the health and productivity of hens, which has resulted in the production of higher-quality eggs. The fungus Cordyceps militaris, a well-established source of traditional medicines, contains potential bioactive metabolites, which prompted us to examine the effects of C. militaris-supplemented diets on the quality of hens’ eggs. The hens of two species (Gallus gallus domesticus and Araucana) were fed with one of three different diets: a control diet and diets supplemented with 2% or 5% of C. militaris. Egg quality was determined by measuring the Haugh Unit, yolk color, and shell thickness. In addition, egg and shell densities together with the ratio of yolk to albumen were calculated. Eggshell thickness and yolk color were both enhanced by the addition of C. militaris, whereas Haugh Unit values were somewhat reduced. Egg size, eggshell weight, and yolk and albumen production were all enhanced by C. militaris supplementation. Notably, in hens fed the 2% C. militaris-supplemented diet, enhancement was more evident in the yolk than in the albumen. The overall quality of the egg yolk was enhanced when 2% C. militaris was added to the hens' diet, which led to increases in both yolk color and quantity. Eggshell thickness and weight were also higher among eggs laid by hens fed the supplemented diets. Although these effects differed depending on the chicken species, we established that, in general, C. militaris contributes to improving egg quality.
Microsatellite SSR markers were developed and utilized to reveal the genetic diversity of 32 strains of Flammulina velutipes collected in Korea, China, and Japan. From the SSR-enriched library, 490 white colonies were randomly selected and sequenced. Among the 490 sequenced clones, 85 (17.35%) were redundant. Among the remaining 405 unique clones, 201 (49.6%) contained microsatellite sequences. We used 12 primer pairs that produced reproducible polymorphic bands for four diverse strains, and these selected markers were further characterized in 32 Flammulina velutipes strains. A total of 34 alleles were detected using the 12 markers, with an average of 3.42 alleles, and the number of alleles ranged from two to seven per locus. The major allele frequency ranged from 0.42 (GB-FV-127) to 0.98 (GB-FV-166), and values for observed (HO) and expected (HE) heterozygosity ranged from 0.00 to 0.94 (mean = 0.18) and from 0.03 to 0.67 (mean = 0.32), respectively. SSR loci amplified with GB-FV-127 markers gave the highest polymorphism information content (PIC) of 0.61 and mean allele number of five, whereas for loci amplified with GB-FV-166 markers these values were the lowest, namely 0.03 and two. The mean PIC value (0.29) observed in the present study with average number of alleles (3.42). The genetic relationships among the 32 Flammulina velutipes strains on the basis of SSR data were investigated by UPGMA cluster analysis. In conclusion, we succeeded in developing 12 polymorphic SSRs markers from an SSR-enriched library of Flammulina velutipes. These SSRs are presently being used for phylogenetic analysis and evaluation of genetic variations. In future, these SSR markers will be used in clarifying taxonomic relationships among the Flammulina velutipes.
‘Baekseung’, a new variety of Flammulina velutipes, was bred by mating two monokaryotic strains isolated from KMCC 4210 and KMCC 4216 in the Mushroom Research Division, Baekseung ARES in 2016. The Baekseung and Uri1ho strains showed fast mycelial growth and mycelial density on malt extract agar media after 7 days of incubation. The spawn running period on the sawdust substrate required a cultivation period and temperature of 30 days and 25oC, respectively, for primordia formation where in fruiting body development occurred from 11±1 days at 14oC and 14±1 days at 7oC. The length of the pilei and stipes of the Baekseung harvested in optimal stag were 11.3±0.4 and 89.2±7.1 mm, respectively, whereas the values for Uri1ho were 10.7±1.0 and 91.3±20.8 mm, respectively. The yield of the Baekseung and Uri1ho strain grown on the sawdust substrate was 153.7±12.5 and 139.8±17.8 g, respectively, per 850 ml in bottle cultivation. The inferred tree exhibited a phylogenetic relationship between the Korean white fruiting body strains of Baekseung, Uri1ho and Fv-14-a-38, Fv-14-a-51, and the Japanese white fruiting body-forming strains of KMCC 4226, and these were confirmed to be genetically related.
Oyster mushrooms are widely cultivated and consumed in Korea. P. ostreatus 'Suhan(ASI 2504)' is an ideal cultivar for mushroom farmers due to its dark pileus and thick stipe; however, as it is very sensitive to environmental conditions, an alternative cultivar is required. To develop a new cultivar, parental strains 'Suhan(ASI 2504)' and ‘ASI 0665 (Heuktari)’ were selected from various collected strains according to morphological characteristics. P. ostreatus ‘Soltari’ was developed by Di- Mon crossing between the dikaryotic strain ‘Suhan’ and the monokaryotic strain derived from ‘Heuktari’. Thirty-eight of the 100 crossed strains were selected following analysis of mitochondrial genetic characteristics, and 'Soltari' was ultimately selected by continuous cultivation tests. The mitochondrial DNA profile of ‘Soltari’ was found to be the same as that of ‘Heuktari, and a nuclear DNA profile of ‘Soltari’ was similar as those of the parental strains, ‘Suhan’ and ‘Heuktari.’ 'Soltari' mycelium grows adequately in moderate to high temperatures of 12–20oC, although its optimum temperature was found to be 30oC. Fruiting body production per 1.1-L cultivation bottle was approximately 158.8 g. Its stipe length and thickness were comparable to those of diameter and thickness were somewhat lower (42.72 vs. 51.33 mm and 18.18 vs. 22.46 mm, respectively). ‘Soltari’ was found to be more resistant to high CO2 atmosphere than 'Suhan', and the color of the pileus of 'Soltari' was dark gray at high temperature. Therefore, it is suggested that this new cultivar ‘Soltari’ is a good alternative cultivar and will contribute to energy saving in oyster mushroom farms.
풀버섯(Volvariella volvacea)은 분류학상 난버섯과에 속하는 식용버섯으로, 봄부터 가을에 걸쳐 썩은 볏짚이나 퇴비더미 위에서 무리지어 발생한다. 아열대지방을 중심으로 전 세계에 분포하며 고온성 버섯이다. 풀버섯은 단위면적당 생산량이 많으며 배양을 포함한 생육기간이 짧아 다른 버섯보다 경쟁력 있는 재배가 가능하며, 우리나라에서 사용하는 풀버섯은 중국 등 동남아에서 수입된 염장 풀버섯에 의존하고 있어 새로운 소득작물 로 자리잡을 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 이에 따라 한국에서 재배가능한 풀버섯 품종을 육성하기 위해 우선 풀버섯 유전자원을 각 도 농업기술원이나 민간으로부터 총 11점 수집하였다. 우선 수집된 풀버섯 유전자원의 유연관계를 파악하기 위해 균사체로부터 DNA를 추출하고 ITS 염기서열을 분석하였다. 그리고 그 중 대표적 인 균주를 골라 PDA, MCM, YM 등의 배지와 퇴비추출배지, 콘코브추출배지 등에서 균사를 배양시켜 균사생 장길이와 밀도를 조사하였다. 그 결과 느타리 수확후배지와 면실피에서 각각 추출한 배지에서 양호하게 생장 했다. 그리고 온도별로 25, 30, 35°C에서 배양시켰을 때 30°C나 35°C에서 잘 생장함을 확인할 수 있었다.
양송이(Agaricus bisporus)는 국내에서 5번째로 많이 생산되며 2014년 약11,493톤이 생산되었다. 본 연구에서 는 inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR)마커를 사용하여 국내 수집균주와 상업품종간의 유전적 다양성을 분석 하였다. 이를 위해 우선, 다양한 ISSR마커 중 종내 비교 분석이 가능한 마커를 선발하였다. 분석한 마커는 ISSR 808, ISSR 810, ISSR 811, ISSR 834, ISSR 835, ISSR 842, ISSR 807, ISSR 809, ISSR 836, ISSR 841, ISSR P3, ISSR P8, ISSR P22, ISSR P30, ISSR P17, ISSR P38, ISSR P39 총 17종이였고 이들 중 효율적인 품 종구분을 위한 마커를 선발하기 위하여 총 186종의 양송이버섯 수집균주 ASI 1110, 1114, 1115, 1238, 1246, 1365, 1366, 1369 등 8종을 선발하여 수행하였다. 그 결과 ISSR P31, ISSR P38, ISSR P39 마커에서 종별 구분 이 가능한 다양한 밴드가 나타났다. 이를 바탕으로 선발된 3종의 마커를 이용하여 국내 수집균주와 ‘새아’, ‘호감’ 등의 상업품종 39균주를 UPGMA 프로그램을 통하여 유연관계를 분석하였다. 국내 수집균주와 상업품 종간의 계통도를 분석한 결과, 국내 수집균주와 상업품종들이 다른 그룹을 형성하는 것을 확인하였다. 이 결 과를 근거로 국내 수집균주 ASI 1011, 1013 등 모본으로 다양한 국내 양송이 품종을 육성하는 자료로 사용될 것이라 기대된다.
This study was conducted to obtain a growth correlation of basal information from the development of disease resistantFlammulina velutipes cultivars through back-crossing between the strains of wild-type brown monokaryon 4019-20 and thederivative of commercial quality white monokaryons 3. The two strains were selected to back-cross for further enhancing their latentattributes and growth characteristics. The parents of 4019-20×M3 back-crossed to reproduce F1, M3-Sn. Using F1, M3-Sn procuredand isolated into 94 monokaryon strains. Further examination of growth characteristics carried out by back-crossing between M3and BC1F1 from M3-n dikaryon. Monokaryon exhibited an irregular growth pattern and demonstrated to be sluggish development inthe sawdust medium. However BC1F1(M3-n) dikaryon strains confirmed mostly regular growth pattern and demonstrated ordinarygrowth in the sawdust medium. The fruitbody of BC1F1 confirmed as light-brown colour to be the dominant gene. The colourdistributions of fruitbody, BC1F1, resulted as follows; 7% of dark brown, 25% of brown , 27% of light brown, 16% of ivory and 25%of white. The ratio of the other color to white showed 3 to 1 which suggested two major genes were related to fruitbody color.
‘Baekjung’ adaptable to high temperature was made by crossing between monokaryon derived from selfing of brownstrain and monokaryon derived from Korea white strain. In the condition that temperature is maintained at 10oC without lowtemperature of 4oC suppressing treatment and wrapping during cultivation period, it showed good productivity thanUri1ho(control). The optimum temperature of mycelial growth was 30oC and that of fruiting body initiation and developmentwere 14oC and 7oC, respectively. The days for the fruiting and yield were 7days and 277±11.2g per 1,100ml bottle,respectively. This variety needed high concentration of carbon dioxide up to 4,000 ppm for the good quality.