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        검색결과 15,557

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The bentonite buffer material is a crucial component for disposing of high-level radioactive waste (HLW). Several additives have been proposed to enhance the performance of bentonite buffer materials. In this study, unconfined compression tests were conducted on bentonite mixtures as well as pure bentonite buffer material. Joomunjin and silica sands were added at a 30% ratio, and graphite was added at 3% along with bentonite. The unconfined compression strength (UCS) and elastic modulus of pure bentonite were found to be 20% to 50% higher than those of bentonite mixtures under similar dry density and water content conditions. This decrease in strength can be attributed to the reduced cross-sectional area available for bearing the applied load in the bentonitemixture. Furthermore, the 3% graphite-bentonite mixture exhibited a 10% to 30% higher UCS and elastic modulus compared to the 30% sand-bentonite mixtures. However, since the strength properties of additive-bentonite mixtures are lower than those of pure bentonite, it is essential to evaluate thermohydraulic-mechanical functional criteria when considering the use of bentonite mixtures as buffer materials.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Colloid Formation and Migration (CFM) international joint research initiative continues as a part of the GTS’s Radionuclide Retardation Programme, which has been in progress since 1984. This project focuses on examining the formation of colloids from a bentonite-engineered barrier system and exploring how these colloids impact the migration of radionuclides in fractured host rock when subjected to advective flow. Phase 1 of the project was launched in 2004 and concluded in early 2008, focusing on preliminary studies related to in-situ boundary conditions, predicting models, and supplementary lab works. Following that, Phase 2 spanned from 2008 to 2013 and aimed at fortifying the field setup by adding three new monitoring boreholes and suitable instrumentation in both the boreholes and tunnel. This phase also tested the system’s resilience while mapping the flow domain. Phase 3 kicked off in January 2014 and extended until December 2018. During this period, the Long-term In-situ Test (LIT) was introduced in May 2014, featuring a set of compacted bentonite rings laced with radionuclide tracers. These were placed in a borehole to serve as a colloid and radionuclide source. CFM Phase 4 initiative commenced in January 2019, marking the successful deployment of the i-BET (In-situ Bentonite Erosion Test). This project component involves placing approximately 50 kg of compacted bentonite in a natural water-conducting shear zone. Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) joined CFM in 2008 to examine the behavior of colloid generation and migration with radionuclides in the Underground Research Laboratory. The fourth phase of the CFM project was also scheduled to include a post-mortem evaluation of the LIT and additional tracer experiments in the well-mapped MI shear zone. This study aims to provide an interim update on the ongoing i-BET, a key component of Phase 4 of the CFM project. We will also discuss the current status of the post-mortem analysis for the LIT experiment. In addition, we will outline plans for the forthcoming Phase VI of the project. These plans will continue to advance our understanding of radionuclide migration and the influence of bentonite-based disposal systems.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the high-level waste disposal systems, colloids generated through the chemical erosion of bentonite buffers can serve as critical mediators for the transport of radionuclides from the disposal environment to the biosphere. The stability of these colloids is influenced by the chemical composition of the groundwater. According to DLVO theory, the Critical Coagulation Concentration (CCC) is the ionic strength at which the total repulsive force between colloids is either less than or equal to the total attractive force. At ionic strengths lower than the CCC, electrostatic double-layer repulsion outweighs van der Waals attraction, forming a repulsive barrier between particles. Conversely, at ionic strengths higher than the CCC, attractive forces dominate, leading to particle aggregation. To investigate the CCC of bentonite colloids, this study focused on Ca-type WRK bentonite. Colloids separated from a ten g/L bentonite suspension underwent centrifugation (1,200 g for 30 minutes) and dialysis (3,500 MWCO) to produce colloid samples. After adjusting the ionic strength from 0.1 mM to 10 mM, the particle size distribution was monitored as a function of aggregation time for approximately 20 days. Rate constants, calculated based on variations in ionic strength, were used to interpret the observed results. The experimental outcomes revealed that the CCC value for WRK bentonite colloids was an order of magnitude lower with CaCl2 than with NaCl. This suggests that Ca ions have a more significant impact on colloid stability, which has implications for the longterm safety of high-level waste disposal systems.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Engineered Barrier Systems (EBS) are a key element of deep geological repositories (DGR) and play an important role in safely isolating radioactive materials from the ecosystem. In the environment of a DGR, gases can be generated due to several factors, including canister corrosion. If the gas production rate exceeds the diffusion rate, pore pressures may increase, potentially inducing structural deterioration that impairs the function of the buffer material. Therefore, understanding the hydraulic-mechanical behavior of EBS due to gas generation is essential for evaluating the longterm stability of DGR. This study employed X-ray computed tomography (CT) technology to observe cracks created inside the buffer material after laboratory-scale gas injection experiments. After CT scanning, we identified cracks more clearly using an image analysis method based on machine learning techniques, enabling us to examine internal crack patterns caused by gas injection. In the samples observed in this study, no cracks were observed penetrating the entire buffer block, and it was confirmed that most cracks were created through the radial surface of the block. This is similar to the results observed in the LASGIT field experiment in which the paths of the gas migration were observed through the interface between the container and the buffer material. This study confirmed the applicability of high-resolution X-ray CT imaging and image analysis techniques for qualitative analysis of internal crack patterns and cracks generated by gas breakthrough phenomena. This is expected to be used as basic data and crack analysis techniques in future research to understand gas migration in the buffer material.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The disposal of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) in a deep geological repository (DGR) is a widely accepted strategy for the long-term sequestration of radiotoxic SNF. Ensuring the safety of a DGR requires the prediction of various reactions and migration behaviors of radionuclides (RNs) present in SNF within its geochemical surroundings. Understanding the dissolution behaviors of mineral phases harboring these RNs is crucial, as the levels of RNs in groundwater are basically linked to the solubility of these solid phases. Accurate measurements of solubility demand the use of welldefined solid materials characterized by chemical compositions and structures. Herein, we attempted the synthesis of sklodowskite, a magnesium-uranyl (U(VI))-silicate, employing a twostep hydrothermal synthetic approach documented previously. Subsequently, we subjected this synthesized sklodowskite to various analytical techniques, including powder X-ray diffraction (pXRD), scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM/EDX), and vibrational spectroscopies (FTIR and Raman). Based on our findings, we confidently identify the obtained mineral phase as sklodowskite (Mg[UO2SiO3OH]2·5H2O). This identification is primarily based on the similarity between its pXRD pattern and the reference XRD pattern of sklodowskite. Furthermore, the measured infrared and Raman spectra show the vibrational modes of UO2 2+ and SiO4 4- ions, particularly within the 700~1,100 cm-1 region, which support that the synthetic mineral has a characteristic layered uranyl-silicate structure of crystalline sklodowskite. Finally, we utilized synthetic minerals to estimate its solubility up to about three months in a model groundwater, where the dissolved species composition is analogous to that of granitic groundwater from the KAERI Underground Research Tunnel. In this presentation, we will present in detail the results of spectroscopic characterizations and the methodology employed to assess the solubility of the U(VI)-silicate solid phase.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The high-level nuclear waste (HLW) repository disposes of high-level nuclear waste at a depth of 500 m to 1,000 m underground. Structural health monitoring must be accompanied by the complex environmental conditions of high temperature, high humidity, radiation, and mechanical stress. A thermocouple for measuring temperature, total stress meter and pore pressure meter for measuring stress and water pressure, relative hygrometer and electrical resistivity sensor (TDR or SUS) for measuring humidity, accelerometer for measuring crack signals, and strain gauge for measuring displacement are used. For safety, after disposing of HLW in the HLW repository, access to the disposal tunnel gets blocked, making it impossible to replace or remove the monitoring sensors. So, it is necessary to evaluate the effect of the HLW repository’s environmental conditions on the monitoring sensors and enhance their durability through quantitative life evaluation and shielding. Before evaluating the life of accelerometers and strain gauges used in the HLW repository, an experimental study is conducted to determine failure modes and failure mechanisms under radiation conditions, which are unique environmental conditions of the HLW repository.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the evaluation of the stability of radioactive waste disposal, it is imperative to take into account the concept of the redox front. Initially, this front is typically observed near the surface. However, if the hydraulic gradient increases due to the construction of a disposal facility, the redox front can potentially transport deeper into the geological environment through groundwater flow. This transport triggers changes in the geochemical characteristics, potentially diminishing the natural buffering capacity of the bedrock. Consequently, it is necessary to characterize both the unsaturated and saturated zones in the disposal site. In this context, a tracer test is a useful method to identify the characteristics of the site from the surface to the deep geological environment where the disposal facility can be located. Therefore, this study also aims to establish a methodology enabling a comprehensive understanding of the hydrogeochemical characteristics through the tracer test that can be applied to future sites for research URL (Underground Research Laboratory) or radioactive waste disposal in Korea. For the tracer test, a UNIT (UNsaturated zone Insitu Test facility) was built within the KAERI and five wells with a depth of 24 m were installed in 2022. Before conducting the test, to determine the geochemical background characteristics of the site, topsoil and soils at depths of 30 cm, 60 cm, and 90 cm were collected. Additionally, a groundwater sample was obtained from the newly installed well. Soil samples were analyzed for soil texture, moisture content, total and exchange cations, anions, and heavy metals. Similarly, the groundwater sample was analyzed for cations, anions, and trace elements. The outcomes of these comprehensive analyses will serve as the baseline values in the hydrogeochemical changes after the tracer test. This includes changes in soil composition, water quality, precipitation/dissolution processes, and mineral phases. Furthermore, these results will be provided as input parameters for surface-underground interface models in future studies.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the nuclear environment, sensors ensure safety, monitoring, and operational efficiency under various operating conditions. These sensors come in various forms, each tailored to specific purposes, including nuclear safety and security, waste treatment and storage, gas leak detection, temperature and humidity monitoring, and corrosion detection. Ensuring the longevity of sensors without the need for frequent replacements is a vital goal for researchers in this field. This paper explores materials that can act as shields to protect sensors from harsh environmental conditions (high radiation and temperatures) to enhance their lifetime. The types of material that had been explored were divided into categories: metal and non-metal. Fourteen types of metal and seven different plastic materials were studied and focused on their characteristics and current applications. Considering properties like melting point, intensity, and conductivity, plastic materials are chosen to be examined as sensor shielding material. A preliminary experiment was conducted to verify signal characteristics changes by shielding material. Metal material and plastic material each were placed in the middle of the granite and the target sensor. The result showed that when metal is between the granite and the sensor, the density and impedance are higher in granite than in the metal. This leads to signal attenuation and a shift in resonance frequency, while plastic does not. Therefore, PPS (Polyphenylene sulfide) and PAI (Polyamide-imide) have lower density and impedance than granite while also possessing heat, moisture, and radiation resistance for effective shielding.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Montmorillonite, a versatile clay mineral with a wide range of industrial applications, is often found in natural deposits with impurities that limit its effectiveness. This study investigates the use of column froth flotation as an innovative technique to improve the purity of montmorillonite by selectively removing impurities without affecting its essential properties. Column froth flotation, a well-established mineral separation method, is adapted to address the specific challenges associated with enhancing montmorillonite purity. The process involves conditioning raw montmorillonite with carefully chosen reagents to selectively separate impurities, including quartz, feldspar, and other minerals commonly found alongside montmorillonite in natural deposits. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of column froth flotation in significantly enhancing the purity of montmorillonite. This method allows for efficient impurity removal while preserving the essential properties of montmorillonite, making it suitable for various industrial applications. The study also explores the optimal conditions and reagent choices to maximize the purification process. In conclusion, column froth flotation offers a promising avenue for enhancing montmorillonite purity without compromising its fundamental properties. This study provides valuable insights into optimizing the process for large-scale industrial applications, facilitating the development of highquality montmorillonite products tailored to specific industrial needs.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to ensure the long-term safety of a deep geological repository, the performance assessment of the Engineered Barrier System (EBS) considering a thermal process should be performed. The maximum temperature at the side wall of a disposal canister for the technical design requirement should not exceed 100°C. In this study, the thermal modelling was conducted to analyze the effects of the thermal process from a disposal canister to the surrounding near-field host rock using the PFLOTRAN code. The mesh was generated using the LaGriT code and the material properties were assigned by applying the FracMan code. Initial conditions were set as the average geothermal gradient (25.7°C/km) and an average surface temperature (14.7°C) in Korea. The highest temperature was observed at the middle of the canister side wall. The temperature of the buffer was lower than that of the canister, and the temperature increase of the deposition tunnel and the host rock was insignificant due to the lower effect of the heat source. The result of the thermal evolution of the EBS represented the highest thermal effects in the vicinity of the canister. In addition, the thermal effects were largely decreased after 10 years of the entire simulation period. It demonstrated that the model took 3 years to heat up the buffer around the canister. The temperature at the canister side wall increased until 3 years and then decreased after that time. This is because that the radioactive decay heat from the heat source was emitted enough to raise the overall temperature of the EBS by 3 years. However, the decay heat rate of the canister decreased exponentially with the disposal time and then its decay heat was not emitted enough after 3 years. In conclusion, the peak temperature results of the EBS were lower than 70°C to meet the technical design requirement.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Natural Analogue Study, Concrete is one of the important engineering barrier components in the Multi-thin wall concept of radioactive waste disposal and plays the most important role in disposal sites. The concrete barrier at the disposal site loses its role as a barrier due to various deterioration phenomena such as settlement, earthquake, and ground movement, causing the disposed waste to leak into the natural ecosystem. Some of the key factor is deterioration triggered by sulfate attack. Concrete deterioration induced by sulfate is commonly manifested in an extensive scale when a concrete structure makes contact with soil or water, aggravating its performance. In this study, an accelerated concrete deterioration evaluation experiment was performed using a total of three experimental methods to evaluate the reaction between concrete and water. The first experiment was a deterioration evaluation using Demi. Water, the second was a deterioration evaluation using KURT groundwater after extraction, and the last experiment was a concrete deterioration evaluation using KURT groundwater and sodium sulfate. For all of these experiments, accelerated concrete deterioration experiments were conducted after immersion for a total of 365 days, and specimens were taken out at 30-day intervals and characterization analysis such as SEM and EDS was performed. Experimental analyzes have shown that various chemical species are generated or destroyed over time. In the future, we plan to continue to conduct a total of three concrete deterioration evaluation experiments above, and additionally evaluate the chemical reaction between bentonite and concrete.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Currently, Korea is considering a disposal system based on Sweden’s KBS-3 model to dispose of high-level waste. The disposal system uses a multi-barrier concept to protect high-level waste with canister, buffer, backfill, and natural rock. In Korea, copper and iron are being considered for external and internal canisters, and bentonite is being considered as a buffer material. This is a similar choice to many overseas disposal systems. However, unlike the rolling, extrusion, and forging manufacturing methods being considered overseas for manufacturing external canister, domestic research is currently underway on manufacturing external copper canister using cold spray coating. The canister manufacturing method may vary depending on unit cost and manufacturing convenience. However, the properties of metal vary slightly depending on the manufacturing method of the metal. In this case, the characteristics of the canister may vary slightly depending on the canister manufacturing method, and eventually the corrosion resistance may also vary slightly. In order to understand how the copper canister manufacturing method affects corrosion resistance, corrosion rates were calculated and compared through electrochemical corrosion experiments at domestic groundwater ion concentration.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The mobility of uranium (U) in various disposal environments of a deep geological repository is controlled by various geochemical conditions and parameters. In particular, oxidation state of uranium is considered as a major factor to control the mobility of uranium in most of geological environments. In this study, therefore, we investigated the geochemical behaviors of uranium in grounwater samples from natural analogue study sites located in the Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt (OMB). Groundwater samples were taken using a packer system from Boeun Hoenam-myun site and Geumsan Suyoung-ri site where several boreholes were dilled with various depths. The geochemical properties and parameters such as temperature, pH, Eh, EC, and DO were directly measured in the site using an in-line measurement method. The concentrations of major cations and anions in the groundwater samples were measured by using ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry) and IC (Ion Chromatography), respectively. The concentrations of trace elements including U and Th were measured by using ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry) The concentrations of U in the groundwater samples are very low for the Hoenammyun site (0.03~0.69 ppb) and Suyoung-ro site (0.39~1.74 ppb) even though the two sites are uranium deposits and redox conditions are weakly oxidizing. The speciation, saturation index (SI), pH-Eh (Poubaix) diagram were calculated using the Geochemist’s Workbench (GWB 9.0) program and the recent OECD/NEA thermochemical database for U. Calculation results for U speciation in the groundwater samples show that major dissolved uranium species in the groundwater samples are mainly as calcium uranyl carbonate complexes such as Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq) and CaUO2(CO3)3 2- for almost all groundwater samples. The calculated results for SI and Poubaix diagram also show that the dominant uranium solid phase is a uranyl silicate mineral, uranophane (Ca(H2O)(UVIO2)2 (SiO2)2(OH)6), not uraninite (UIVO2). Since the determination of Eh values for natural groundwater samples is very difficult and uncertain work, we analyzed and discussed the effect of Eh on the geochemical behaviors of U in the groundwater. However, these calculation results are not consistent with the observation for U minerals in rock samples using electron microscopic techniques. Thus, we need further studies to explain the discrepancy between calculation and observation results.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The compacted bentonite buffer is a key component of the engineered barrier system in deep geological repositories for high-level radioactive waste disposal. Groundwater infiltration into the deep geological repository leads to the saturation of the bentonite buffer. Bentonite saturation results in bentonite swelling, gelation and intrusion into the nearby rock discontinuities within the excavation damaged zone of the adjacent rock mass. Groundwater flow can result in the erosion and transport of bentonite colloids, resulting in bentonite mass loss which can negatively impact the long-term integrity and safety of the overall engineered barrier system. The hydro -mechanicalchemical interactions between the buffer, surrounding host rock and groundwater influence the erosion characteristics of the bentonite buffer. Hence, assessing the critical hydro-mechanicalchemical factors that negatively affect bentonite erosion is crucial for the safety design of the deep geological repository. In this study, the effects of initial bentonite density, aperture, discontinuity angle and groundwater chemistry on the erosion characteristics of Bentonil WRK are investigated via bentonite extrusion and artificial fracture experiments. Both experiments examine bentonite swelling and intrusion into simulated rock discontinuities; cylindrical holes for bentonite extrusion experiments and plane surfaces for artificial fracture experiments. Compacted bentonite blocks and bentonite pellets are manufactured using a compaction press and granulation compactor respectively and installed in the transparent extrusion cells and artificial fracture cells. The reference test condition is set to be 1.6 g/cm3 dry density and saturation using distilled water. After distilled water or solution injection, the axial and radial expansion of the bentonite specimens into the simulated rock discontinuities are monitored for one month under free swelling conditions with no groundwater flow. Subsequent flow tests are conducted using the artificial fracture cell to determine the critical flow rate for bentonite erosion. The intrusion and erosion characteristics are modelled using a modified hydro-mechanicalchemical coupled dynamic bentonite diffusion model and a fluid-based hydro-mechanical penetration model.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Buffer materials play an important role in preventing the leakage of radionuclides from the residue. The mineralogical properties of these buffer materials are critical in repository design. This study presents the fundamental properties of Na-type MX80 and a novel Ca-type Bentonil- WRK. The CaO to MgO ratio in Bentonil-WRK was approximately 1:1, and the CaO to Na2O ratio was approximately 2.8:1. These results suggest that Bentonil-WRK demonstrates a lower swelling index compared to Gyeongju bentonite due to its CaO-to-MgO ratio’s proximity to 1:1, despite having a higher montmorillonite content than Gyeongju bentonite. The results of this research can provide useful foundational data for the evaluation of the thermal-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical behavior of buffer materials.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The final disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) will take place in a deep geological repository. The metal canister surrounding the SNF is made of cast iron and copper, designed to provide longterm containment of radionuclides. Canister is intended to be safeguarded by a multiple-barrier disposal system comprising engineered and natural barriers. Colloids and gases are mediators that can accelerate radionuclide migration and influence radionuclide behavior when radionuclides leak from the canister at the end of its service life. It is very important to consider these factors in the assessment of the long-term stability of deep dispoal repository. An experimental setup was designed to observe the acceleration of nuclide behavior due to gas-mediated transport in a simulated environment with specific temperature and pressure conditions, similar to those of a deep disposal repository. In this study, experiments were conducted to simulate gas flow within an engineered barrier under conditions reflecting 1000 years post repository closure. The experiment utilized bentonite WRK with a dry density of 1.61 g/cm³ after compaction. The compacted bentonite was subsequently saturated under a water pressure of 5 MPa, equivalent to the hydrostatic pressure found 500 meters underground. Gas was introduced into the saturated bentonite at different pressures to assess the permeation behavior of the bentonite relative to gas pressure variations. Consequently, it was observed that under specific pressures, gas permeated the saturated bentonite, ascending in the form of bubbles. Furthermore, it was noted that when a continuous flow was initiated within the bentonite, erosion took place, leading to the buoyant transportation of eroded particles upward by the bubbles. The particles transported by the bubbles had a relatively small particle size distribution, and cesium also tended to be transported by the bubbles and moved upward. When high-pressure gas is generated at the interface of the canister and the buffer, flow through the buffer can occur, and cationic nuclides such as cesium and strontium can be attached to the gas bubble and migrate. However, the pressure of the gas to break through the saturated buffer is very high, and the amount of cesium transported by the gas bubbles is very limited.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The presence of technological voids in deep geological repositories for high-level radioactive nuclear waste can have negative effects on the hydro-mechanical properties of the engineered barrier system when groundwater infiltrates from the surrounding rock. This study conducted hydration tests along with image acquisition and X-ray CT analysis on compacted Korean bentonite samples, which simulated technological voids filling to investigate the behavior of fracturing (piping erosion) and cracking deterioration. We utilized a dual syringe pump to inject water into a cell consisting of a bentonite block and technological voids at a consistent flow rate. The results showed that water inflow to fill technological voids led to partial hydration and self-sealing, followed by the formation of an erosional piping channel along the wetting front. After the piping channel generated, the cyclic filling-piping stage is characterized by the repetitive accumulation and drop of water pressure, accompanied by the opening and closing of piping channels. The stoppage of water inflow leads to the formation of macro- and micro cracks in bentonite due to moisture migration caused by high suction pressure. These cracks create preferential flow paths that promote longterm groundwater infiltration. The experimental test and analysis are currently ongoing. Further experiments will be conducted to investigate the effects of different dry density in bentonite, flow rate, and chemical composition of injected water.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The spent fuels derived from the nuclear reactor facilities may be finally disposed in a deep underground below 500 m. It majorly has uranium with minor iodine, which is a typical anionic radionuclide. In particular, radioiodine has higher mobility from its spent fuel source. It has been well known that it could freely pass through a compacted bentonite that is one of underground engineering barriers that are used to retard some nuclide’s migration from the spent fuel. We installed a small laboratory apparatus in an anaerobic glove box imitating such an underground repository and evaluated the iodine mobility in compacted bentonites with or without copper. Some copper-bearing bentonites were prepared in two types, a copper ion-exchanged form and a copper nanoparticle-mixed one. In our study, we tried to find an effect of sulfate that has an ability to retard mobile iodine from the compacted bentonite for a long-term period. Conclusively, we found an effective way to limit the iodine release from the compacted bentonite. This condition can be achievable by exchanging the bentonite interlayer cations with copper ions or by simply mixing copper nanoparticles with bentonite powder. In those cases, soluble iodine can be easily immobilized as a solid phase (i.e., marshite (CuI)) by combining with copper via the geochemical role of sulfate and indigenous SRB (sulfate reducing bacteria) of bentonite.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The thermal evaluations for the conceptual design of the deep geological repository considering the improved modeling of the spent fuel decay heat were conducted using COMSOL Multiphysics computational program. The maximum temperature at the surface of a disposal canister for the technical design requirement should not exceed 100°C. However, the peak temperature at the canister surface should not exceed 95°C considering the safety margin of 5°C due to several uncertainties. All thermal evaluations were based on the time-dependent simulation from the emplacement time of the canister to 100,000 years later. In particular, the heat source condition was set to the decay heat rate and axial decay heat profile of the PLUS7 fuel with 4.0wt% U-235 and 45 GWD/MTU. The thermal properties of the granitic rock in South Korea were applied to the host rock region. For the reference design case, the cooling time of the SNF was set to 40 years, the distance between the deposition holes 8 meters and that between the deposition tunnels 30 meters. However, the peak temperature at the canister surface at 10 years was 95.979°C greater than 95°C. This design did not meet the thermal safety requirement and needed to be modified. For the first modified case, when the distance between the deposition tunnels was set to 30 meters, three cooling time cases of 40, 50 and 60 years and five distances of 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 meters between the deposition holes were considered. The design with the distances of 9 and 10 meters between the deposition holes for the cooling time of 40 years and all five distances for 50 and 60 years were less than 95°C. For the second modified case, when the distance between the deposition holes was set to 8 meters, three cooling time cases of 40, 50 and 60 years and five distances of 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 meters between the deposition tunnels were considered. The design with the distances of 35 and 40 meters between the deposition tunnels for the cooling time of 40 years, the distances of 25, 30, 35 and 40 meters for 50 years and all five distances for 60 years were less than 95°C. As a result, the peak temperature at the canister surface decreased as the cooling time and the distance between the deposition holes and the tunnels increased.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The safe disposal of high-level radioactive waste has become a prominent global concern, necessitating rigorous safety assessments for deep geological disposal facilities. In Korea, crystalline rock with low-permeability is considered as the host rock for radioactive waste disposal, and fluid flow and solute transport in a low-permeability rock formation predominantly occur through interconnected fracture network. To analyze and predict fluid flow and solute transport behavior within the fractures, a comprehensive understanding of solute mixing at fracture intersections is crucial. However, difficulty in direct observation of the mixing processes occurring within microscale fracture intersections has led only to analytical and numerical studies, which requires thorough experimental study based on direct observations and measurements for a fundamental understanding of the mixing processes in fracture intersections. In this study, elaborate experiments are being prepared and conducted to measure the complex flow velocity/structure and solute concentration at rough-walled fracture intersections, using a microscale visualization technique of micro Particle Image Velocimetry (micro-PIV) system. Most analytical and numerical studies have shown that at high Peclet number (Pe) > 1,000, streamlinerouting model plays a major role in redistributing solutes at the fracture intersection, at which the mixing ratio converges to zero. As opposed to the conventional mixing model, our experiments found the rebounding of the mixing ratio in the inertial flow regime, indicating an enhanced solute mixing at the intersection. Flow visualization has demonstrated that the inertial flow features, such as the development of large-scale eddies and the straightening of main streamlines, enhance the physical mixing of solutes at rough-walled fracture intersections. The findings provide insights into the influence of fracture geometry on flow dynamics and its significant impact on solute mixing at fracture intersections.