
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,269

        2017.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        With increased human activity in space, the risk of re-entry and collision between space objects is constantly increasing. Hence, the need for space situational awareness (SSA) programs has been acknowledged by many experienced space agencies. Optical and radar sensors, which enable the surveillance and tracking of space objects, are the most important technical components of SSA systems. In particular, combinations of radar systems and optical sensor networks play an outstanding role in SSA programs. At present, Korea operates the optical wide field patrol network (OWL-Net), the only optical system for tracking space objects. However, due to their dependence on weather conditions and observation time, it is not reasonable to use optical systems alone for SSA initiatives, as they have limited operational availability. Therefore, the strategies for developing radar systems should be considered for an efficient SSA system using currently available technology. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the performance of a radar system in detecting and tracking space objects. With the radar system investigated, the minimum sensitivity is defined as detection of a 1-m2 radar cross section (RCS) at an altitude of 2,000 km, with operating frequencies in the L, S, C, X or Ku-band. The results of power budget analysis showed that the maximum detection range of 2,000 km, which includes the low earth orbit (LEO) environment, can be achieved with a transmission power of 900 kW, transmit and receive antenna gains of 40 dB and 43 dB, respectively, a pulse width of 2 ms, and a signal processing gain of 13.3 dB, at a frequency of 1.3 GHz. We defined the key parameters of the radar following a performance analysis of the system. This research can thus provide guidelines for the conceptual design of radar systems for national SSA initiatives.
        2017.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) as an acute form and a catastrophic manifestation of coronary artery disease (CAD) is the major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The prevalence and incidence of myocardial infarction can be influenced by demographic, biological and psychosocial factors, and it is rare in childhood and adolescent years. Contrary to the elderly, where cardiac attack is mainly caused by CAD, exercise-induced cardiac attack is relatively more prevalent in a young adult. We report here on a case of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in a young adult during vigorous physical activity and we review the relevant literatures.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        장 건강에 유익한 프리바이오틱스 소재를 개발하기 위하여 배변을 촉진하는 효능을 지닌 붉은팥을 식품 발효에 이용되는 Bacillus subtilis KCCM 11965P로 발효하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 붉은팥의 일반성분은 회분 3.35±0.04%, 조단백질 21.1±0.19%, 조지방 0.35±0.02% 함 유되었다. 붉은팥 원물 1%, 3%, 5%와 Bacillus subtilis KCCM 11965P 3% (v/v)를 접종하여 0, 24, 48, 72시간 배양 하였다. 배양액의 총균수를 측정한 결과 붉은팥 원물을 3% 첨가한 후 72시간 배양군에서 Bacillus subtilis KCCM 11965P 발효가 가장 적합하였다. 발효 시간에 증가함에 따라 총 폴리페놀 함량과 DPPH 라디칼 소거활성이 증가하였다. Protease 활성은 붉은팥 원물 5% 첨가한 후 72시간 배양한 군(2.69±0.003 unit/mL)에서 활성이 가장 높았다. 발효시간과 붉은팥 원물 첨가 농도가 증가함에 따라 α -amylase 활성도 증가하였으며, 붉은팥 원물 5% 첨가한 후 72시간 배양한 군에서 0시간 배양군(1.0±0.1 unit/mL) 보다 26.0±0.2 unit/mL로 증가하였다. Bacillus subtilis KCCM 11965P로 72시간 배양한 후 유리아미노산을 측정한 결과 leucine은 붉은팥 원물 5% 첨가한 0시간 배양군 5.22 mg/L 에서 67.59 mg/L로 증가하였으며, 비필수아미노산인 tyrosine은 5% 첨가 0시간 배양군 10.08 mg/L에서 259.35 mg/L로 증가하였다. 이와 같이 Bacillus subtilis KCCM 11965P로 붉은팥을 발효하면 항산화 활성, protease 효소활성, 및 α-amylase 효소 활성이 증가하였으며, 유리아미노 산과 유기산이 증가하였다. 붉은팥을 발효하는데 Bacillus subtilis KCCM 11965P가 적합할 것으로 판단되며, 붉은팥은 프로바이오틱스를 활성화시켜 장 건강을 증진시킬 수 있는 프리바이오틱스 소재로 개발할 수 있는 가능성을 시사 하였다.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 일반인을 대상으로 시대성이 반영된 각종 잠재적 위험요소와 원자력(방사선)발전의 위험성 대 한 인식을 분석하였다. 설문 대상은 다양한 계층으로 하고 그 중에 총 293부를 분석하였다. 그 결과, 잠재 적 위험요소 중에서 화재에 대한 위험도 인식이 높게 나타났으며, 다음으로 방사선 테러와 핵(원자력)에너 지의 위험도를 다른 위험요소들에 비해 비교적 높게 인식하였다. 연령별, 학력별, 정치 이념 성향에 따른 분석에서 원자력발전의 필요성과 위험성, 안전성에 대해서 상반된 결과를 나타내었다. 정치이념의 성향에 따른 잠재적 위험요소와 원자력발전에 대한 인식은 보수적 이념집단에서 긍정적인 인식을, 진보적 집단에 서는 부정적인 인식을 하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 정치 이념의 성향에 따라 원자력발전 인식 분석에서 통계적 차이를 보였다. 따라서 원자력(방사선)발전 정책 방향 설정과 방사선 이용 관련 산업에 있어서 전문 가 의견과 일반인의 다양한 의견을 반영해서 결정되어져야 할 것으로 판단되고, 일반인도 사실을 바탕으로 객관적이고 과학적인 근거에 입각해 각종 잠재적 위험과 원자력(방사선)에 대해 막연한 불안감을 가지지 말고 유연한 대처를 할 필요가 있다고 판단된다.
        2017.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        There is a rising interest of depletion of deposited fossil fuel and environmental pollution, inducing extensive studies to find new alternative sustainable energy sources to replace current petroleum based energy usage. As one of solutions, anaerobic digestion (AD) treating organic wastes has been considered one of the most promising processes owing to its sustainability, low production of sludge, unnecessariness of aeration, and biogas generation. Swine wastewater is characterized by high strength of organic matter contents, so it is regarded as a potential feedstock to produce methane through AD process. To investigate the functional relationship between the microbial communities and anaerobic process performance, regular seasonal sampling was done at four full scale anaerobic digesters treating swine wastewater in South Korea for two years. As results of process and microbial community analyses, chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency was monitored to proportional to those of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Methanogenic and bacterial populations were also positively related to the removal efficiencies of carbohydrates and lipids. However, proteins removal efficiency was independent of microbial population. It means that microbial communities in full scale anaerobic digesters are most likely to be mainly associated with carbohydrates and/or lipids metabolisms, indicating that proteins may be putative recalcitrant contents in wastewater. The microbial population tends to be more affected by places rather than seasons; however, with respect to seasons, the highest species abundances were observed mainly at winter. This implied that rising temperature in the anaerobic digesters in summer would be not suitable for the growth of mesophilic microorganisms, known to be predominant in anaerobic process. Actually, this speculation is supported by the fact that the highest removal efficiency of COD was measured at winter samples. The marked information in this study must provide a real insight into the effective field operation of anaerobic digestion.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to investigate the effects of rooting promoters on rooting and seedling quality in Buddleja davidii ‘Empire Blue’, Hydrangea paniculata ‘Magical Candle’, Hydrangea arborescence ‘Annabelle’, Stephanandra incisa semi-hardwood cuttings. IAA and IBA (500, 1000, or 1500 mg・L-1 soaking for 30 minutes and 3,000 mg・L-1 dipping for 10 seconds) or RootoneTM were used as rooting promoter. In B. davidii ‘Empire Blue’, IBA 1,500 mg・L-1 soaking reduced rooting percentage than control, but the effect of rooting promoters was generally insignificant. Number of leaves and shoot length were reduced in RootoneTM and IBA 1,500, 3,000 mg・L-1 treatments. IAA 1,000~3,000 mg・L-1 and IBA 500 mg・L-1 treatments showed better mat formation than control. The rooting ratio of H. paniculata ‘Magical Candle’ increased to 66.7% in IBA 1,500 mg・L-1 soaking treatment compared with 26.4% in the control. The mat formation was higher in RootoneTM, IAA and IBA treatments compared to control, and root length showed longer tendency in IAA and IBA except RootoneTM. The rooting ratio of H. arborescence ‘Annabelle’ was highest at 70.8% in the control and auxin treatments showed negative effect on the rooting percentage except IAA 1,000 mg・L-1 soaking treatment. The mat formation was very poor in IBA 1,000 and 1,500 mg・L-1 soaking at 1.1 and 1.3, respectively. S. incisa showed high rooting percentage at RootoneTM (80%) and IAA 1,500 mg・L-1 (80%) treatments compared to control (51.7%). Root length and dry weight were high in IAA 1,500 mg・L-1 soaking treatment. As a result, B. davidii ‘Empire Blue’ and H. arborescence ‘Annabelle’ did not need rooting promoter for stem cuttings, and IBA 1,500 mg・L-1, IAA 1,500 mg・L-1 soaking treaments could be used to improve rooting and seedling quality of H. paniculata ‘Magical Candle’ and S. incisa semi-hardwood cuttings, respectively.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        유방암 발생률이 해마다 증가하여 그에 따라 유방 종양을 진단하는 검사인 조직검사의 횟수도 같이 증 가하고 있다. 조직검사는 침습적 검사로써 환자들의 불안감과 감염, 출혈 등의 부작용이 발생하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 유방 병변 환자를 대상으로 회색조 초음파와 탄성초음파검사 모두 실시한 69명을 대상으로 회 색조 초음파는 BI-RADS Category에 따라 분류하고, 탄성초음파검사는 횡파의 전파 속도를 환산하여 나타 낸 kPa값을 Color overlay pattern으로 분류하였다. 민감도와 특이도의 합이 가장 높은 최적의 Cut-off value는 54.70 kPa로 나타났다. Color overlay pattern에서 Dark Blue 42명, Light blue ~ Red 27명으로 분류된 결과와 BI-RADS Category 분류 결과인 양성 40명, 악성 29명으로 분류된 결과가 유사하다. 따라서 Color overlay pa ttern에서 Dark Blue에 분류될 경우에는 양성, Light blue ~ Red에 분류될 경우에는 악성으로 의심할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 결론적으로 유방 탄성초음파는 무분별한 유방 조직검사의 횟수를 줄이고 양성종양과 악 성종양을 구분하는데 획기적인 역할을 할 것으로 사료된다.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Platycodon grandiflorum (Bell flower) is an important plant that has traditionally been used as herbal medicine for the treatment of cough, phlegm, sore throats, lung abscesses, chest pains, dysuria, and dysentery. The present study was initiated to investigate the feasibility of inducing shoot and root organogenesis in cultured explants of P. grandiflorum in a range of culture media and through use of various plant growth regulators (PGRs). The plantlets (Stem containing one node) were isolated and cultured on different concentrations of Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with PGRs. We found that proliferation and elongation of shoots and roots could be achieved on ¼ MS for P. grandiflorum with wild and green petals and on ⅛ MS for P. grandiflorum with double petals. The highest levels of development and elongation of adventitious shoots and roots were observed when petal explants were cultured on ¼ MS (pH 3.8) supplemented with 5% sucrose. Increasing the agar concentration reduced shoot growth and rooting potential; nevertheless, the highest number of shoots and roots was observed on 0.6% agar. In the case of growth regulators, ¼ MS supplemented with 1 mg L-1 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) was found to be best for shooting, although higher concentrations of BA tended to reduce shoot and root elongation. The highest number of shoots was achieved on 0.5 mg ․ L-1 thidiazuron (TDZ) from double petal explants grown on ⅛ MS. However, root and shoot elongation were found to decrease when TDZ concentrations were increased. Low concentrations of kinetin, naphthalene acetic acid, indole acetic acid, and 3-indole butyric acid induced shoot and root proliferation and elongation. Taken together, our study showed that low concentrations of PGRs induced the greatest root formation and elongation, showing that the optimal concentration of PGRs for shoot proliferation was species-dependent.
        2017.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed to analyze difference in clinical findings, including coronary artery complications, in patients with Kawasaki disease and respiratory symptoms with several respiratory infections. We studied 182 pediatric patients diagnosed with Kawasaki disease. Examinations for respiratory viral polymerase chain reaction were conducted in the group of patients with respiratory symptoms. Echocardiography was perfomed by a pediatric cardiologist, and laboratory findings were evaluated. Clinical manifestations and laboratory findings based on medical records were compared. There were no differences between patients with and without respiratory viral infections with respect to age, male-female ratio, coronary artery complications, Kawasaki disease-specific clinical manifestations, duration of fever, duration of hospitalization, or recurrence rate. There was a significant difference in C-reactive protein levels (55.6 vs. 73.9 mg/L) between the two groups, but the other laboratory findings. The rate of respiratory infections in pediatric patients with Kawasaki disease was similar to those reported in previous studies, and clinical manifestations and laboratory findings were not significantly different between the groups.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        일반적으로 유방암 발생에 영향을 미치는 요소는 여러 연구가 진행되었으나 위험인자에 관한 체계적인 조사는 드물다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 유방초음파 검사 전 실시하는 건강문진표 작성내용과 실제 초음파 검사에서 유방암 판정을 받은 환자를 바탕으로 관련인자를 파악하고자 하였다. 유방초음파를 실시한 417명 을 대상으로 자기기입식 문진표를 작성하였고 양성, 악성으로 분류하여 후향적 연구를 시행하였다. 유방암 발생 관련인자로 나이, 체질량지수, 투약 종류에서 관련성을 보였으며(p<0.05), 다변량분석 결과 교차비(Od ds ratio)는 나이에서 50대 이하를 기준으로 50대에서 4.93배, 체질량지수 정상군보다 비만군에서 2.43배 증 가하였고 타목시펜과 여성호르몬제 투약 시에는 0.14배, 0.16배 감소하였다(p<0.05). 따라서 나이가 증가함 에 따라 정기적인 검사를 실시하고 적절한 체중관리가 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구는 유방암 발생에 영향을 미치는 위험인자 규명의 기초자료로 제공될 것으로 기대한다.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        만성간질환(Chronic diffuse hepatopathy)의 진단은 간경화, 간부전, 간암으로 인한 사망률과 유병율을 감소 시키는 중요한 임상과제 중 하나이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 초음파진단 영상을 바탕으로 간탄력도검사(Fibro scan)를 통해 지방간, 만성간질환을 예측할 수 있는 기준을 알아보고자 하였다. 280명의 환자를 대상으로 혈청학적 검사, 간탄력도 검사 측정값(kPa)을 분석하였으며 ROC 곡선분석을 이용하여 지방간 및 만성간질 환을 예측을 위한 간탄력도 측정값의 cut-off value를 결정하였다. 혈청학적 검사에서 Bililubin, PT(prothromb in time)은 질병예측에 관련성이 없었으며(p=0.243, p=0.115), 혈당과 중성지방수치는 지방간에서 의미 있는 차이를 보이며 높게 나타났다(p<0.05). 간탄력도 측정값은 정상 대조군, 지방간, 만성간질환 순으로 높게 측 정되었으며 만성간질환 예측을 위한 cut-off value는 10.3 kPa(AUC 0.98, Sensitivity 94.94%, Specificity 94.9 3%)로 결정하였다. 따라서 정량적인 평가로 만성간질환 환자의 진단에 일차적인 도구로 활용될 것으로 사 료된다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        EP was obtained through 20% ethanol extraction of Pueraria lobata root, and the fermented form of EP, FEP, was prepared from the EP after incubating with Lactobacillus rhamnosus vitaP1. There was no significant toxicity by EP and FEP up to 1000 ㎍/㎖ in NIH-3T3, HaCaT, and B16F10 cells. In addition to antioxidant potentials of EP and FEP determined by DPPH and ABST assays, we confirmed increase of procollagen type I and elastin synthesis by supplementation of the EP and FEP at the concentration of 50 ㎍/㎖ using ELISA kits. The protein expression levels of matrix metalloprotease (MMP)-1, -3, and -9, those are involved in the degradation of collagen or other skin matrix proteins, were remarkably suppressed while their inhibitory protein metallopeptidase inhibitor 1 (TIMP-1) was greatly up-regulated by supplementation of the EP and FEP at a concentration of 50 ㎍/㎖. Taken together, both EP and FEP supplementation could be involved in the suppression of the skin wrinkle formation through inhibiting degradation of collagen and stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The results showed that the anti-wrinkle potential of the EP and FEP will be a promising candidate for developing cosmeceutical compounds or products.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The influence of triploidization on histological characteristics of retina, trunk kidney, liver and midgut tissue, and cell cycle of tail fin and gill tissue in far eastern catfish, Silurus asotus were analyzed. In the infertile triploid fish, the nucleus and/or cell size of secondary proximal tubule cells of trunk kidney, hepatocyte and midgut epithelium are much larger than those of the corresponding cells in the diploid fish (P<0.05). However, triploid tissue showed fewer number of outer nuclear layer in retina and nuclei in secondary proximal tubule of trunk kidney than those for diploid tissue. The mean percentages of the Gl-, the S- and the G2+M-phase fractions were 92.5%, 3.2% and 4.3% in tail fin tissue of diploid, and 93.4%, 2.6% and 4.0% in those of triploid, respectively. There were no significant differences in the percentages of each cell cycle fraction between diploid and triploid. The mean percentages of each phase fractions were 75.1%, 11.1% and 13.8% in gill tissue of diploid and 85.2%, 8.9% and 5.9% in those of triploid, respectively. The differences of cell cycle between tail fin tissue and gill tissue were statistically significant in diploid and triploid (P<0.05). Also, the differences between diploid and triploid were statistically significant in tail fin tissue and gill tissue (P<0.05). Cyclin D1 and cyclin E expressions were not significantly difference between gill tissue and tail fin tissue, and protein expressions of induced triploid were higher than those of diploid. Results from this study suggest that some characteristics in the triploid exhibiting larger cell and nucleus size with fewer number of cell than diploid can be used as an indicator in the identification of triploidization and ploidy level in far eastern catfish.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The influence of triploidization on histological characteristics of retina, trunk kidney, liver and midgut tissue, and cell cycle of tail fin and gill tissue in far eastern catfish, Silurus asotus were analyzed. In the infertile triploid fish, the nucleus and/or cell size of secondary proximal tubule cells of trunk kidney, hepatocyte and midgut epithelium are much larger than those of the corresponding cells in the diploid fish (P<0.05). However, triploid tissue showed fewer number of outer nuclear layer in retina and nuclei in secondary proximal tubule of trunk kidney than those for diploid tissue. The mean percentages of the Gl-, the S- and the G2+M-phase fractions were 92.5%, 3.2% and 4.3% in tail fin tissue of diploid, and 93.4%, 2.6% and 4.0% in those of triploid, respectively. There were no significant differences in the percentages of each cell cycle fraction between diploid and triploid. The mean percentages of each phase fractions were 75.1%, 11.1% and 13.8% in gill tissue of diploid and 85.2%, 8.9% and 5.9% in those of triploid, respectively. The differences of cell cycle between tail fin tissue and gill tissue were statistically significant in diploid and triploid (P<0.05). Also, the differences between diploid and triploid were statistically significant in tail fin tissue and gill tissue (P<0.05). Cyclin D1 and cyclin E expressions were not significantly difference between gill tissue and tail fin tissue, and protein expressions of induced triploid were higher than those of diploid. Results from this study suggest that some characteristics in the triploid exhibiting larger cell and nucleus size with fewer number of cell than diploid can be used as an indicator in the identification of triploidization and ploidy level in far eastern catfish.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the risk factor of Gallbladder stone in Busan and Kyungnam area. The subjects of the experiment was performed with patients by abdominal ultrasonography among the patients who came to the P hospital from June 2016 to December 2016. Among them, risk factors were analyzed on 353 people at the same time when abdominal ultrasonography and hematological test. The statistical analysis of risk factors related to the Gallbladder stone was performed by independent t-test and chi-square test. In consider of difference verification result for calculations odds ratio about independent variables, multiple logistic regression analysis to conduct verify adequacy by calculating forecasting model from variable. As a result, Gallbladder stone risk factors have relevance to age ɤGTP with probability model and values to calculated. Age was showed sensitivity 49.7%, specificity 82.2%, receiver operating characteristic area under curve 0.724. Forecasting probability sensitivity 69.3%, specificity 62.4%, receiver operating characteristic area under curve 0.699 showed, ɤGTP confirmed validity of forecasting model
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Pachyrhizus erosus (Leguminosae), locally called as “Yam bean” is a traditional medical plant that grows in the tropical and subtropical region. The root of P. erosus is used by the local people to treat insomania, treatment of osteoporosis and extracts of this plant have shown antioxidant activity, immunomodulatory activity, tyrosinase inhibitionby, antitumour properties and cardiovascular benefit. Methods and Results : Free radical scavenging activity was evaluated using α-tocopherol and butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT) as standard antioxidants. The radical scavenging activity was measured using the stable radical 1,1-diphenyl–2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ABTS assay. Total phenolic content was determined by following Folin-Ciocalteau colorimetric method and Total flavonoids were determined using aluminium chloride calorimetric methods. Phenolic compound concentration and compositions were determined by HPLC-MS/MS system. Seedlings grown under the flourescent light (Fl) exhibited the highest DPPH radical scavenging activity when compared to the plants treated with light emitting diodes (LEDs) and light emitting plasma (LEP). LED-Blue showed the higher DPPH radical scavenging activity and ABTS concentration of PE compared to other LEDs. The accumulation of phenolic compounds increased under different white-LEDs conditions as compared to LEP and FL light conditions. Conclusion : In this study, antioxidant activity and phenolic compound composition of P. erosus was improved by the application of LED and LEP.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study aimed to investigate the effect of elevated temperature by climate change on growth and ginsenoside contents of Korean ginseng, which requires low temperature during growth period. Methods and Results : Yunpoong was transplanted in temperature gradient chamber (TGC) for high temperature treatment and then growth characteristics and ginsenoside contents were investigated by growth period. Stem length, petiole length, leaf length and leaf width were increased as the temperature was higher than Ambient Temperature (Amb), but stalk diameter was decreased and small petiole length, number of petiole and leaf were no significant difference. Root growth, whereas, including length diameter and weight were decreased as the temperature was higher than Amb. Compared with Amb, root length, diameter and weight were decreased by 19.6%, 22.4% and 41.5% at Amb+6, respectively. The higher the temperatures are associated with the more ginsenoside contents. Compared to Amb, total ginsenoside contents were increased by 68% and 78% at Amb+4℃ and Amb+6℃, respectively. Almost all contents of individual ginsenoside, with the exception of Rg1, made a significant difference. Conclusion : When temperatures rises during growth period, the growth of ginseng was decreased but, ginsenoside contents were increased.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Although ginseng has various bioactive compounds in it, there is lack of study on the variations of bioactive compounds in ginseng according to the cultivation soil and the applied fertilizer types (or amount). Therefore, this study aims to examine the variations of 37 fatty acids (FA) and 8 vitamin E (Vit-E) vitamers in 6-year-old ginseng root cultivated in different soil types with different fertilizers regimes. Methods and Results : The profiling of 37 FAs and 8 Vit-E vitamers in 6-year-old ginseng roots was measured by gas chromatography coupled with a flame ionization detector, and then these results were statistically analyzed with chemometrics. The FA and Vit-E content in ginseng roots varied significantly with respect to soil cultivation conditions due to organic fertilizer types and amounts used. Unsaturated FA in ginseng is approximately 2.7 fold higher than the saturated FA. Linoleic, palmitic, and oleic acids were the most abundant FAs found in the ginseng roots. Also, the major Vit-E vitamer found in ginseng root is α-tocopherol. In particular, the application of rice straw compost or food waste fertilizer was increased to create nutritionally desirable FAs and bioactive Vit-E in ginseng root. In addition, phytonutrient profiling coupled with chemometrics can be used to discriminate the cultivation conditions of ginseng. Conclusion : This study extends our understanding about the variations of FA and Vit-E in ginseng root depending on cultivation conditions. Hence, these results can be useful as basic information for reliable ginseng production containing high amounts of phytonutrients in a paddy-converted field.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The geographical origin of Panax ginseng Meyer, a valuable medicinal plant, is important to both ginseng producers and consumers in the context of economic profit and human health benefits. We therefore aimed to discriminate between the cultivation regions of ginseng using the stable isotope ratios of C, N, O, and S, which are abundant bio-elements in living organisms. Methods and Results : The C, N, O, and S stable isotope ratios were measured by isotope ratio mass spectrometer, and then these isotope ratios profiling was statistically analyzed with chemometrics. The various isotope ratios found in Panax ginseng roots were significantly influenced by region, cultivar, and the interactions between these two factors (P ≤ 0.0002). In particular, δ18O was lower in ginseng roots grown at high altitudes (r = −0.47), while δ34S was higher in ginseng roots grown close to coastal areas (r = −0.48). Chemometric results provided discrimination between the majorities of different cultivation regions. Conclusion : Our case study extends the understanding about the variation of C, N, O, and S stable isotope ratios in ginseng root depending on cultivation region. Hence, the analysis of stable isotope ratios is a suitable tool for discrimination between the regional origins of ginseng samples from Korea, with potential application to other countries.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study was conducted to determine the optimal ginseng greenhouse shading material for minimizing heat injury and maximizing the yield of ginseng plants in an effort to develop a stable ginseng cultivation technology and contribute to popularizing ginseng greenhouse farming. Methods and Results : Three different types of greenhouse shading material were used: polyethylene (PE) film + black screen (95%), light scattering film + black screen (75%), and blue-white vinyl. Important experimental details were implemented in accordance with the Analysis Standard of Agricultural Test and Research set out by the Rural Development Administration. The average greenhouse temperature for the period of May through October was 20.0℃ under the PE film + black screen, 20.2℃under the light scattering film + black screen, and 19.7℃ under the blue/white vinyl. High average photosynthesis rates of ginseng plants were demonstrated by light scattering film+black screen (2.35 μmole CO2/㎡/s) and blue-white vinyl (2.38 μmole CO2/㎡/s), with the PE film + black screen showing a considerably lower photosynthesis rate (1.55 μmole CO2/㎡/s). Heat injury occurred in 0.3%, 10%, and 0.1% of the plants grown under the PE film + black screen, light scattering film + black screen, and blue-white vinyl, respectively. As for the roots, the blue-white vinyl outperformed the other shading materials in root length (25.7 ㎝), taproot length (5.9 ㎝), and the number of fine roots (23.2). The blue-hite vinyl also yielded the greatest root fresh weight (30.2 g), followed by the light scattering film + black screen (29.1 g), with the PE + black screen yielding by far inferior average weight (22.0 g). The highest crude saponin content was yielded by the light scattering film+black screen (16.61 ㎎/g), followed by blue-white vinyl (11.36 ㎎/g) and PE + black screen (11.0 ㎎/g). Conclusion : Comparing the effects of three different shading materials on greenhouse-cultivated 3-year-old ginseng plants, the blue/white vinyl outperformed two other shading materials in most of the growth characteristics, whereas the and the light scattering film + black screen yielded the highest ginsenoside content.