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        검색결과 167

        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since 2000, the damages of hemipteran pests have severely increased. This study was performed to find the proper monitoring methods and investigate seasonal occurrences of the two apple-infesting stink bug species by the year and to evaluate the orchard rate of infestation and rate of damaged apple. Also the preferences of stink bugs to the crabapple cultivars were investigated in orchards. Compared data obtained from monitoring methods using visible counts, aggregation pheromone traps or mercury light traps, the occurrence density of apple-infesting stink bugs (Plautia stali and Halyomorpha halys) could be monitored more effectively in aggregation pheromone trap than visible count or mercury light trap. The occurrence densities of two species during growing season were low in 2013, but increased in 2014. From the investigations at 25 orchards of eight districts was the infestation rate was at 16.7% in 2013 and 62.1% in 2014 . The occurrence density of stink bugs in crabapples was highest in ‘Purple lemoine’ followed by ‘Professor sprenger’ ‘M. baccata’, ‘Robinson crab’, ‘Sandong pingguo’, damaged fruit rate. The number of damaged holes was high in order as ‘Hopa-A’, ‘Sandong pingguo’, ‘Adam’s crab’, ‘Professor sprenger’, ‘Purple lemoine’.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        There are over 3,000 different species of mosquitoes throughout the world; currently 56 species are reported in Korea. Mosquitoes can act as vectors for many disease-causing viruses and parasites during blood sucking. Various species of mosquitoes are estimated to transmit various types of disease to more than 700 million people annually in Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico, Russia, and much of Asia, with millions of resultant deaths. At least two million people annually die of these diseases, and the morbidity rates are many times higher still. To prevent the spread of diseases, KNIH (Korea National Institute of Health) used three categorized methods; identifying or taxonomic analysis of mosquitoes, detecting virus caring mosquitoes, and detecting malaria from Anopheline mosquitoes. We have proved that taxonomic analysis using DNA barcording method (COI gene) is useful to complement identification of mosquito species. In detecting virus, we have reported Cx. orientalis as a new potential Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) vector. We also reported that the Anopheline mosquito species composition and Plasmodium vivax infection rates in malaria hot spot in Korea.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Gravitational interactions — mergers and y-by encounters — between galaxies play a key role as the drivers of their evolution. Here we perform a cosmological N-body simulation using the tree-particle-mesh code GOTPM, and attempt to separate out the effects of mergers and y-bys between dark matter halos. Once close pair halos are identified by the halo finding algorithm PSB, they are classified into mergers (E12 < 0) and y-by encounters (E12 > 0) based on the total energy (E12) between two halos. The y-by and merger fractions as functions of redshift, halo masses, and ambient environments are calculated and the result shows the following: (1) Among Milky-way sized halos (0:33-2:0 X 1012h-1M⊙), 5:37±0:03% have experienced major y-bys and 7.98±0.04% have undergone major mergers since z ~ 1; (2) Among dwarf halos (0:1 - 0.33 X 1012h-1M⊙), 6.42 ± 0.02% went through major y-bys and 9.51 ± 0.03% experienced major mergers since z ~ 1; (3) Milky-way sized halos in the cluster environment experienced fly-bys (mergers) 4-11(1.5 - 1.7) times more frequently than those in the field since z ~ 1; and (4) Approaching z = 0, the y-by fraction decreases sharply with the merger fraction remaining constant, implying that the empirical pair/merger fractions (that decrease from z ~ 1) are in fact driven by the fly-bys, not by the mergers themselves.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The metallicity distribution of globular clusters (GCs) provides a crucial clue for the star formation history of their host galaxy. With the assumption that GCs are generally old, GC colors have been used as a proxy for GC metallicities. Bimodal color distributions of GCs observed in most large galaxies have, for decades, been interpreted as bimodal metallicity distributions, indicating the presence of two populations within a galaxy. However, the conventional view has been challenged by a new theory that non-linear GC color-metallicity relations can cause a bimodal color distribution even from a single-peaked metallicity distribution. Using photometric and spectroscopic data of NGC 5128 GCs in combination with stellar population simulation models, we examine the effect of non-linearity in GC color-metallicity relations on transformation of the color distributions into the metallicity distributions. Although in some colors offsets are present between observations and models for the color-metallicity relations, their overall shape agrees well for various colors. After the offsets are corrected, the observed spectroscopic metallicity distribution is well reproduced via modeled color-metallicity relations from various color distributions having different morphologies. We discuss the implications of our results.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to evaluate the accumulation and distribution of hydrophobically modified glycol chitosan (HGC) as a degradable nanoparticle in the body. To determine the movement of degradable HGC nanoparticles in the body, 20 mg/kg of lutetium177-labeled HGC (Lu177-HGC) with the size ranging from 320 to 400 nm was injected intravenously into ICR mice, and the amount of radioactivity remaining in blood and several organs was measured at various time points during the period of 5 days. In the pharmacokinetics analysis using the Lu177 radioisotope, the free Lu177 was mainly distributed and accumulated in the order of kidney>liver>lung at 1 day after the injection of the radioisotope. However, the Lu177-HGC showed a high distribution of nanoparticles in the order of liver>spleen>kidney during the experimental period of 5 days. These results would provide a basic pharmacokinetics for the use of HGC as a drug carrier in drug delivery system.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The ultimate goal of this study is to assess the accumulation and distribution of hydrophobically modified glycol chitosan (HGC) as a degradable nanoparticle in the body. To understand the movement of degradable nanoparticle HGC in the body, we intravenously injected a dose of 20 mg/kg of Cy5.5-labeled HGC with size ranging from 320 to 400 nm into ICR mice, and measured the amount of fluorescence remaining in blood and several organs at various time intervals. In blood, the level of Cy5.5-labeled HGC was the highest at 15 min, then after 30 min it decreased rapidly and reached a plateau form 30 min to 28 days. In the tissue we confirmed the presence of nanoparticles at high levels in the order of kidney>liver>submandibular gland until 28 days after injection. However, we did not find the presence of the particles in the brain or testes. These results will provide basic information on HGC as a drug delivery agent.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate the flora of Gyodongdo island (Ganghwa-gun). The vascular plants from 11 field surveys were revealed to belong to a total of 629 taxa; 118 families, 364 genera, 561 species, 5 subspecies, 53 varieties, 7 forms and 3 hybrids. 184 taxa were the first records from this region. The plants in Gyodongdo island are composed of the deciduous broad-leaved and conifer-mixed forests which are the common ones in the middle part of the Korean Peninsula. Five taxa of Korean endemic plants such as Clematis brachyura Maxim., Viola seoulensis Nakai, Populus × tomentiglandulosa T. B. Lee, Forsythia koreana (Rehder) Nakai and Hemerocallis hakuunensis Nakai were collected. Endangered wild plants designated by the law called 'Protection Law for Endangered wild fauna and flora' were one taxon. The red list plants according to IUCN valuation basis were examined for 13 taxa; endangered (EN) species of Prunus yedoensis Matsum., Vulnerable (VU) species of both Utricularia pilosa (Makino) Makino and Iris ruthenica var. nana Maxim., Near Threatened (NT) species of Senecio argunensis Turcz., Least Concern (LC) species of Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco, Potentilla discolor Bunge, Limnophila sessiliflora (Vahl) Blume, Acorus calamus L., Phacelurus latifolius (Steud.) Ohwi, Pseudoraphis ukishiba Ohwi, Belamcanda chinensis (L.) DC., and Not Evaluate (NE) species of both Astragalus sikokianus Nakai and Potamogeton oxyphyllus Miq. The floristic regional indicator plants found in this area were a total of 47 taxa comprising three taxa of gradeⅤ, four taxa of grade Ⅳ, nine taxa of grade Ⅲ, 10 taxa of grade Ⅱ, and 21 taxa of gradeⅠ. The naturalized plants were identified as 62 taxa and the percentage of naturalized index (NI) was 9.9 % and the percentage of urbanization index (UI) was 19.3 %, respectively. Furthermore, hemicryptophytes (28 %), therophytes (26 %), hydrophytes (13 %) and geophyte (12 %) showed high proportional ratio in life form spectrum.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to evaluate antimicrobial resistance of food-borne pathogens isolated from retail meat in Korea. A total of 157 samples of beef, pork, and chicken were collected and analyzed for E. coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter. Resistances to tetracycline were declined in accord with reduced usage of tetracycline in live stock production. E. coli stains from chicken meat had higher multi-drug resistance ratio than strains from other meat. One extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) producing E. coli and two ESBL producing Salmonella were identified in this study. ESBL producing Salmonella strains were confirmed to carry CTX-M-1 type genes.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to evaluate antimicrobial resistance of food-borne pathogens isolated from retail meat in Korea. A total of 157 samples of beef, pork, and chicken were collected and analyzed for E. coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter. Resistances to tetracycline were declined in accord with reduced usage of tetracycline in live stock production. E. coli stains from chicken meat had higher multi-drug resistance ratio than strains from other meat. One extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) producing E. coli and two ESBL producing Salmonella were identified in this study. ESBL producing Salmonella strains were confirmed to carry CTX-M-1 type genes.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed load transferred from upper structure due to wind and snow loads and applied to foundation on greenhouse structure in order to provide basic data for economic and reasonable design of greenhouse. The results indicate that the upper structures of greenhouses in Korea take wind load of 18.2-121.5 kgff/m2 and snow load of 3.1-104.6 kgff/m2. The maximum compressive load from axial direction applied on the foundation of greenhouse subjected to facility and crop loads was 437 kgff. The maximum pull-out load applied on the foundation of greenhouse subjected to wind load was 1557 kgff. The maximum compressive load applied on the foundation of greenhouse subjected to snow load was 6094 kgff.
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