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        검색결과 249

        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A large number of transgenic crop varieties expressing the Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) insecticidal proteins have been commercialized in 13 countries since 1996. Although the use of these insect-resistant Bt crops can increase crop quality and yields, concerns remain about the potential negative effects of such crops on ecosystems. Transgenic soybean containing cry1Ac gene have been developed to control Lepidopteran pests of soybean and we aimed to investigate whether this soybean could affect non-target arthropods, which play a major role in ecological functions in agricultural ecosystems. In the present study, we first measured the levels of Cry1Ac protein in Bt soybean at different growth stages of soybean and then we compared the community structure of arthropods occurred in fields of transgenic and wild-type soybean. The levels of Cry1Ac protein in transgenic soybean leaves ranged from 252.9 to 604.5 μg g-1 DW. Multivariate analyses (PerMANOVA and NMDS) showed that the composition of the non-target arthropod community was affected by sampling date but not by soybean genotype. These results suggest that transgenic soybean expressing Cry1Ac protein may not adversely affect such non-target arthropod communities.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We sequenced complete mitochondrial genomes (mt genomes) of four Apis species, such as A. cerana, A. dorsata, A. laboriosa, and A. mellifera ligustica. The A. m. ligustica used in this study was originated from United States and selected for a high hygienic behavior during several years of breeding program. Considering current phylogenetic hypothesis of Apis the positive relationships between phylogeny and gene rearrangement was not supported. Phylogenetic reconstruction using available Apoidea species has shown the relationships ((Apidae + Colletidae) + Crabronidae). Within Apis, a strong support for three groups was obtained: A. florea and A. andreniformis as a basal group to the other A. cerana and A. mellifera group and A. dorsata and A. laboriosa group. The test to find out suitable single mt gene for the phylogeny at the genus level and below-genus level of Apis provided an identical topology from ND4L and ND6 in the ML analysis and ND3 and NF4L in the BI analysis to that from whole mt genome, with relatively strong support, indicating that these individual genes can potentially be utilized for within-species level phylogeny of Apis.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Viral respiratory infections are common in horses, notably equine herpesvirus infection and equine influenza, which primarily initiate secondary bacterial respiratory infections such as strangles caused by Streptococcus equi equi. A decline in the production of stallions has been associated with these respiratory diseases leading to adverse financial implications. This study investigated the antibody responses against respiratory diseases in horses from Jeju Island a year after vaccination. A low level of equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) (11.36%) antibodies was detected from stallions, however a high level of EHV-4 (95.84%) antibodies was detected from horses without vaccination against this infection suggesting that EHV-4 is ubiquitous in this horse population. In case of equine influenza, ranch stallions showed low positive rate (12.06%) whereas stallions from Subtropical Livestock Research Institute displayed higher positive rate (81.32%). Antibody responses against equine influenza and strangles revealed positive rates of 26.32% and 55.12%, respectively. These findings may draw attention towards the importance of developing an improved disease prevention and/or immunization program that will effectively control respiratory diseases in horses.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Entomopathogenic fungi infect some arthropod pest and have been used for biological control. Some entomopathogenic fungi have high potential in insect pest management worldwide, and most of researches were given to Hypocreales order of Ascomycota, but little in Zygomycota, such as Entomophthorales in our country. We have identified some species belonging to Entomophthorales and investigated cultural features and ecology of Entomophaga aulicae. E. aulicae in sweet potato fields, where Aedia leucomelas was a dominant pest, had caused epizootics from 2002–2005. E. aulicae-infected A. leucomelas larva were mostly found from August to October and its occurrence was significantly related to the precipitation. E. aulicae were mainly observed in dead A. leucomelas larval populations (infection rate = 41.3% in 2002), rather than other lepidopteran pests. E. aulicae was morphologically and genetically identified and its virulence was characterized in laboratory conditions. Additionally, pest infection by Zoophthora radicans, Neozygites floridana and some Entomophthorales have been identified. On the basis with this information, we need research to predict the prevalence and to develop biological control agent using Entomophthorales including E. aulicae that contribute to regulation of host populations.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We sequenced 17,329 bp of mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of the black dwarf honey bee, Apis andreniformis (Hymenoptera: Apidae), that lacks ~200 bp of the A+T-rich region for the completion of the genomic sequence. The gene arrangement of A. andreniformis mitogenome is identical to that of A. cerana. However, the genome contains 5 additional tRNALeu(CUN) located 4 copies between tRNAMet and tRNAGln, and 1 copy between tRNAGln and tRNAAla, along with the typical sets of genes (13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNAs, and 2 rRNAs) including regular tRNALeu(CUN) and the A+T-rich region (at least 923 bp). Only 1 copy of tRNALeu(CUN) differed by 1 bp from other 4 copies of tRNALeu(CUN). Each additional tRNALeu(CUN) is followed by nearly identical 68-bp long repeat sequence (95.6% identity). All 13 protein coding genes have typical start codons found in insect mitochondrial PCGs (2 ATA, 9 ATT, and 2 ATG).
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the present study, the 17,694-bp long complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of the dwarf honey bee, Apis florea (Hymenoptera: Apidae), is described with an emphasis on the noteworthy triplicated tRNAser(AGN) region and an extraordinary long A+T-rich region with repeat regions. The gene arrangement of A. florea mitogenome is identical to that of A. mellifera, but has triplicated tRNASer(AGN), each of which contains the precedent 44 bp-long and following another 64 bp-long repeats plus one complete first repeat abutting to tRNAMet. A total of 1,610-bp long two repeat regions in 1,987 bp-long A+T-rich region is composed of nearly identical 141 ~ 219-bp long five tandem repeats and 50 ~ 52-bp long 12 tandem repeats that are encompassed by three non-repeat sequences. One of the common interpretations for such repeat sequence is slipped-strand mispairing and unequal crossing-over events during DNA replication.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We previously reported Pear Pest Forecasting Management System (PPFMS) for the Improvement of pass ratio of Korean exporting pears. It is consisted of regular field forecasting by pear farmers, meteorological data obtained by automatic weather station (AWS), an internet web page (http://pearpest.jnu.ac.kr/) as information collecting and providing ground, and information providing service. Currently, we are expanding this system to the area, Cheonan and Ansung, where pear orchards are organized into exportation-specific group. Further, the information obtained from field forecasting and AWS were up-loaded to under-constructing upgraded webpage (http://www.kpear.kr), with several pest/disease-related information. We hope this pest forecasting management system increases the pass ratio of Korean exporting pears throughout establishment of farmer-oriented forecasting, inspiring farmers’ effort for the prevention and forecasting of diseases and pests occurring at pear orchards.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Previously, several levels of phylogenetic relationships in an insect order Odonata have been estimated using morphological and molecular markers. For the molecular phylogeny rRNA sequences were mainly, but other markers were not frequently employed. In this study, we sequenced both two mitochondrial genes (COI and 16S rRNA) and nuclear genes (28S rRNA and elongation factor-1α), composed of ~4,002 bp from 71 species of Odonata, occurring mostly in South Korea. These concatenated sequences were utilized to test the previous phylogenetic hypotheses of Odonata via Bayesian Inference (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) algorithms, along with the data partition option available in BI method. Each families and superfamilies represented by multiple taxa consistently supported monophylies with the highest nodal supports in both Anisoptera and Zygoptera. A close relationship of Anisozygoptera to Anisoptera represented by a single species was obvious. On the other hand, familial relationships within each suborder of Anisoptera and Zygoptera have shown two compelling topologies. The topology obtained by BI method with partitioning of the four genes showed an unresolved relationship among Gomphidae, Aeshnidae, and the suborder Anisozygoptera in Anisoptera clade, presenting the relationships ((((Libellulidae + Corduliidae) + Macromiidae) + (Gomphidae + Aeshnidae + Anisozygoptera)) + (((Coenagrionidae + Platycnemdidae) + Calopterygidae) + Lestidae)). Another topology obtained by both BI and ML methods without partitioning, on the other hand, placed Anisozygoptera the basal lineage of Anisoptera, but Lestidae in Zygoptera was placed as the sister to Anisoptera + Anisozygoptera, presenting the relationships (((((((Libellulidae + Corduliidae) + Macromiidae) + Aeshnidae) + Gomphidae) + Anisozygoptera) + Lestidae) + ((Coenagrionidae + Platycnemdidae) + Calopterygidae)). Topological test to find out better supported tree turned out a slight higher support for the former topology, but the monophyly of Zygoptera with the inclusion of Lestidae was supported only poorly (BPP = 0.68) in the former topology.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Worldwide studies on Apis cerana variation for biogeography and genetic diversity depended largely on a 86~93 bp-long mitochondrial non-coding region (internal spacer region) located between tRNALeu and COII (named as NC2), possibly due to higher variability among available markers. In order to incorporate the A. cerana occurring in South Korea into world extensive data, we also sequenced the NC2 from 118 A. cerana samples collected over nine Korean localities and 66 A. cerana samples over seven Asian localities, such as China, Vietnam, and Thailand. These data were combined with preexisting world data to scrutinize genetic relationships of A. cerana in South Korea to outside distributional range. Sequencing of 184 samples provided a total of ten haplotypes: five from Korea, six from China, one from Vietnam, and two from Thailand. Among them eight were new, whereas two were previously reported ones. Phylogenetic analysis of A. cerana NC2 haplotypes so far found including ours has confirmed the presence of four major groups of A. cerana (Asian mainland group, Sundaland group, Palawan group, and Luzon-Mindahnao group) and all haplotypes found in this study also were included in the Asian mainland group. In order to find further variable regions that can be used as sequence-based marker several mitochondrial non-coding regions and nuclear intron regions are in the middle of testing.
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