
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 265

        2014.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the performance of hollow reinforced concrete bridge column systems with reinforcement details for material quantity reduction. The proposed reinforcement details have economic feasibility and rationality and make construction periods shorter. A model of hollow reinforced concrete bridge columns was tested under a constant axial load and a quasi-static cyclically reversed horizontal load. As a result, proposed reinforcement details for material quantity reduction were equal to existing reinforcement details in terms of required performance. The companion paper presents the experimental and analytical study for the performance assessment of hollow reinforced concrete bridge column systems with reinforcement details for material quantity reduction.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare biomechanical factors on badminton shoes between anti-slip outsole and non anti-slip outsole. Six subjects participated in this experiment. For three-dimensional analysis, eight cameras (Oqus 3series, Qualisys) were used to acquire raw data, and then the parameters were calculated and analyzed with Visual-3D. In conclusion, the patterns of spent time during side step, and maximum velocities of CoGs were consistent without joint angles of lower extremities in spite of small differences. Those of GRFs, and moment of lower extremities were absolutely consistent. This trend of biomechanical factors was that Y shoe (ante-treatment) was much greater and PS shoe (treatment) was greater than Y shoe (treatment). (That was, Y shoe (ante-treatment) > PS shoe (treatment) >Y shoe (treatment)). The findings of this study showed that anti-slip outsole was effective and brought increasing performance and decreasing injuries. It is suggested that further study of these phenomena will help understand many aspects of human locomotion, including work, performance, fatigue and possible injuries.
        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인터넷 기술의 발전으로 2004년에 웹2.0이라는 용어가 등장하면서부터 인터넷을 활용하는 여러 분야에서 관심의 대상이 되고 있으며 학습자의 의견을 수렴하고 이를 반영하여 강의를 개선하고 발전시킬 수 있는 환경이 요구되고 있다. 이러한 요구를 반영하여 웹 2.0 환경의 Open-API, RSS, Mash-Up 등 웹 2.0의 참여·공유·개방을 촉진시키는 융합기술은 교육 분야에도 변화를 주고 있는데, 교육 분야에서의 융합은 ’이러닝 2.0’으로의 진회를 뭇하며 이러한 웹 2.0의 사조가 반영된 기술 환경에서의 새로운 교육을 ’이러닝 2.0’이라고 지칭한다. 웹 2.0을 반영한 교쥬L학습의 특성은 사용자 참여 중심이며, 개방성을 근간으로 사회적 상호작용과 개인의 참여가 핵심인 것으로 요약할 수 있다. 우리나라의 경우 웹2.0 사조를 반영한 ’이러닝 2.0’ 교육서비스는 아직 운영되지 않고 있는데,이는 시스랩을 최신화하는 수준이 아니라 교육하는 방법과 기술에 대한 다OJ=한 의미를 가지기 때문이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 웹2.0 서비스가 줄 수 있는 장점을 어떻게 결합시킬 것인지 고민하는 것에서 출발하여 발전된 웹 2.0 기술을 기반으로 학습자의 참여를 증진시키고 활성화시키며 교육 내용의 수준을 한층 꿀어올리기 위해 웹 2.0 사 조를 반영한 ’이러닝 2.0’ 교육서비스 구현에 필요한 영향 요인을 도출하여 소셜 웹 시대 온라인 교육 콘텐츠의 접근에 대하여 조명하고자 하였다.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to investigate the optimal joint positions which can minimize distresses of concrete pavement containing box culvert with horizontally skewed angles. METHODS : The concrete pavement containing the box culvert with different skewed angles and soil cover depths was modeled by 3 dimensional finite element method. The contact boundary condition was used between concrete and soil structures in addition to the nonlinear material property of soil in the finite element model. A dynamic analysis was performed by applying the self weight of pavement, negative temperature gradient of slab, and moving vehicle load simultaneously. RESULTS : In case of zero skewed angle (0˚), the maximum tensile stress of slab was the lowest when the joint was positioned directly over side of box culvert. In case there was a skewed angle, the maximum tensile stress of slab was the lowest when the joint passed the intersection between side of the box culvert and longitudinal centerline of slab. The magnitude of the maximum tensile stress converged to a constant value regardless the joint position from 3m of soil cover depth at all of the horizontally skewed angles. CONCLUSIONS : More reasonable and accurate design of the concrete pavement containing the box culvert can be possible based on the research results.
        2013.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        최근 지구온난화에 따른 제트기류의 영향으로 겨울철 최저기온이 낮아지면서 한파가 증가함에 따라 도 로포장과 지중구조물의 동상에 의한 파손 가능성이 점차 증가하고 있다. 동절기가 되면 0℃ 이하의 낮은 온도에서 흙 속의 간극수와 수분 유입에 따라 빙정(Ice lens)이 형성되며, 체적이 팽창되는 동상 현상이 발생한다(이경하 등, 2002). 포장하부의 동상은 0℃ 이하의 온도, 수분의 공급, 토질의 3가지 요소의 조 합에 의하여 발생되며, 한 가지 요소라도 충족되지 않으면 발생하지 않는다(신은철 등, 2012). 지중구조물 주변은 지중구조물 내부로 통과하는 대기에도 영향을 받아 포장 표면과 지중구조물 상단으로 부터 위아래로 결빙이 확산된다. 또한 박스형 암거와 보강슬래브의 간섭으로 인해 하부로 흘러내려야 할 유입수분이 정체하기 쉬운 구조적 여건이므로 동상으로 인한 파손에 매우 취약하다. 국내에서는 포장하부 동상을 방지하기 위해 노상 상부에 별도로 동상방지층을 설치하고 있지만, 흙쌓기 높이 2m 이상인 구간에는 동상방지층을 생략하고 있다(국토해양부, 2012). 하지만, 지중구조물이 매설된 구간은 대부분 흙쌓기 높이가 2m 이상이므로 국토교통부 기준에 따라 동상방지층이 생략되고 있기 때문에 동상으로 인한 포장융기, 평탄성 저하, 동결융해 반복에 따른 지반열화 등으로 인해 다양한 포장파손이 발생한다(권기철, 2002). 본 논문에서는 포장하부 지반의 동상을 최소화 시키기 위해, 박스형 암거 상부에 Crown 경사를 적용하 여 지중구조물 구간으로 유입된 수분을 배수시키는 방안을 고찰하였다. 포장하부의 재료별 배수성능을 검토하였고, 기상청 자료를 참고하여 지역별 동절기(12월~1월)의 1시간 최대강수량과 폭우를 기준으로 한 시간당 강수량을 비교분석하였다. 그리고 노면배수를 고려하여 포장하부 유입량을 산정하였다. 박스형 암거는 일반적으로 시공되는 중형 박스암거(4.5m×4.5m)를 기준으로 0%~10%의 Crown 경사를 적용하였으며, 동상방지재료(SB-1 또는 SB-2)와 일반 노상재료에 대해 배수성능을 분석하였다. 국내의 겨울철 기후특성을 고려하여 분석한 결과, 그림 1과 같이 동상방지재료는 1%를, 노상재료의 경우 6%의 Crown 경사를 적용함으로써 동상을 최소화할 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다.
        2013.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        지중구조물 주위는 다짐이 어려워 장기침하 가능성이 매우 높으며, 지중구조물과 지반의 강성천이구간 은 포장지지력의 심한 변화를 유발시켜 도로의 수명을 저하시킨다. 여기에 여러 하중이 가해지면 설계 시 예상한 것보다 큰 응력이 도입되어 도로 및 구조물에 파손이 발생하고 수명이 감소하게 된다(Darter et al.). 이러한 현상들은 유지관리 비용을 발생시킬 뿐 아니라 차량의 주행성과 안전성에도 영향을 미친다. 이전 연구(박주영 외, 2012)에서는 지중구조물 주변 도로의 건전성 확보를 위한 방안을 제시하고자 유한 요소 방법으로 현장 상황을 모사할 수 있는 모형을 제작하였다. 줄눈위치, 박스 암거의 크기, 보강슬래브의 길이 등을 바꿔가며 지중구조물 상부 도로시스템 거동을 해석하였다. 그 결과 박스 암거의 크기에 관계없이 줄눈을 암거 측면 가까이 설치하는 방법으로 슬래브의 파손을 최소화 할 수 있으며, 보강슬래브의 길이가 2m를 넘게 되면 콘크리트 슬래브에 발생되는 최대인장응력에는 큰 차이가 없으므로, 현재 6m로 설계·시공되는 기준은 과대설계의 가능성이 크다는 결론을 얻었다. 본 논문에서는 위의 연구결과를 검증하기 위해 1/2 상사율을 적용하여 가속시험용 콘크리트 포장을 설계하였고, 한국도로공사의 포장가속시험동에 현장 상황 및 절차에 맞도록 시공하였다. 그리고 위의 그림 1과 같이 실제 차량하중을 이동시키면서 각 지점별 변형률을 분석하였다. 그 결과 암거 측면에 줄눈을 일치시킨 구간이 슬래브 중앙이 암거 측면에 놓인 구간에 비해 슬래브 상·하부 모두에서 인장변형률이 매우 작게 측정되어 선행 연구의 해석결과와 일치함을 확인하였다. 또한 보강슬래브 2m와 6m 구간에서는 유사한 인장변형률의 크기를 보여 합리적이고 경제적인 보강슬래브 길이를 검증할 수 있었다.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the inelastic behavior of hollow reinforced concrete bridge column sections with reinforcement details for material quantity reduction and to provide the details and reference data. Among the numerous parameters, this study concentrates on the shape of the section, the reinforcement details, the diameter of the transverse reinforcement and loading types. Eighteen column section specimens were tested under quasi-static monotonic loading. In this study, the computer program RCAHEST (Reinforced Concrete Analysis in Higher Evaluation System Technology) was used. A modified lateral confining effect model was adopted for the hollow bridge column sections. This study documents the testing of hollow reinforced concrete bridge column sections with reinforcement details for material quantity reduction and presents conclusions based on the experimental and analytical findings.:
        2013.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Inflammation functions as a double-edged sword against external stimulus. For instance, inflammation can have anti-cancer effect and simultaneously can play cancer-promoting factors. Recent studies have shown that cytokine plays an important role in tumor biology by influencing tumor growth, invasion and metastasis. We classify these cytokines by cancer type and review current knowledge of cytokines in terms of carcinogenesis. Here, we also focus on whether cytokines can act as biomarkers for early detection of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). This review will provide basis for further approach to study the role of cytokines in carcinogenesis and evaluating the possibilities of cytokines as biomarkers for cancer detection
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the performance of hollow reinforced concrete bridge column sections with reinforcement details for material quantity reduction. The proposed reinforcement details has have economic feasibility and rationality and makes construction periods shorter. A model of column sections with reinforcement details for material quantity reduction was tested under quasistatic monotonic loading. As a result, the proposed reinforcement details for material quantity reduction was were equal to existing reinforcement details in terms of the required performance. In the a subsequent paper, the an experimental and analytical study will be performed for the performance assessment of hollow reinforced concrete bridge column sections with reinforcement details for material quantity reduction will be performed.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to analyze fish fauna and species compositions along with trophic guilds, tolerance indicators, and fish community conditions before weir construction (BWC) and after weir construction (AWC) in the Yeongsan River watershed. Total 45 and 44 fish species were sampled in BWC and AWC, respectively without any distinct differences through weir constructions. Fish fauna analysis revealed that the dominant species was the same, Zacco platypus with 24.3% and 20.8% in BWC and AWC, respectively. However, the subdominant species were Carassius auratus with 8.9% in BWC but Opsarichthys uncirostris amurensis with 20.3%, almost identical that of the dominant species AWC. This phenomenon showed the distinct modification of species composition in the watershed. We sampled the 1st class endangered species, Liobagrus obesus in tributary stream as previously reported. Also Culter brevicauda was sampled in the mainstream of Yeongsan River watershed and this was the first sampled record in this watershed. One of the most important features were an increase of exotic species, such as Micropterus salmoides and Lepomis macrochirus, with 3.2% BWC vs. 10.2% AWC as well as the increase in tolerant species with 49.2% BWC vs. 73.7% AWC, indicating ecological degradation through weir construction. Overall, our results indicated that fish fauna and composition analyses showed distinct ecological degradations related to increases of exotic and tolerant species AWC. Further long-term studies of fish monitoring should be conducted in the future to configure existent status of river conditions and to provide key information in order to conserve the healthy ecosystem.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The existing method evaluating the existence of the hollows in concrete pavement does not consider the stiffness of pavement. In addition, the method uses unreasonable logic judging the hollow existence by the deflection caused by zero loading. In this study, the deflection of slab corner due to heavy weight deflectometer (HWD) was measured in concrete pavement sections where underground structures are located causing the hollows around them. METHODS: The modulus of subgrade reaction obtained by comparing the actual deflection of slab to the result of finite element analysis was calibrated into the composite modulus of subgrade reaction. The radius of relative stiffness was calculated, and the relationship between the ratio of HWD load to the radius of relative stiffness and the slab deflection was expressed as the curve of secondary degree. RESULTS: The trends of the model coefficients showing width and maximum value of the curve of secondary degree were analyzed by categorizing the pavement sections into three groups : hollows exist, additional investigation is necessary, and hollows do not exist. CONCLUSIONS: The results analyzed by the method developed in this study was compared to the results analyzed by existing method. The model developed in this study will be verified by analyzing the data obtained in other sections with different pavement structure and materials.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The problem under this circumstance is that the erosion not only drops strength of the steel dowel bar but also comes with volume expansion of the steel dowel bar which can reduce load transferring efficiency of the steel dowel bar. To avoid this erosion problem, alternative dowers bars are developed. METHODS: In this study, the bearing stresses between the FRP tube dowel bar and concrete slab are calculated and compared with its allowable bearing stress to check its structural stability in the concrete pavement. These comparisons are conducted with several cross-sections of FRP tube dowel bars. Comprehensive laboratory tests including the shear load-deflection test on a full-scale specimen and the full-scale accelerated joint concrete pavement test are conducted and the results were compared with those from the steel dowel bar. RESULTS: In all cross-sections of FRP tube dowel bars, computed bearing stresses between the FRP tube dowel bar and concrete slab are less than their allowable stress levels. The pultrusion FRP-tube dowel bar show better performance on direct shear tests on full-scale specimen and static compression tests at full-scale concrete pavement joints than prepreg and filament-winding FRP-tube dowel bar. CONCLUSIONS: The FRP tube dowel bars as alternative dowel bar are invulnerable to erosion that may be caused by moisture from masonry joint or bottom of the pavement system. Also, the pultrusion FRP-tube dowel bar performed very well on the laboratory evaluation.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate drivers' postures in different car pedal systems and skilled levels under fatigue. Twenty four subjects participated in this experiment. For three-dimensional analyses, six cameras (Proreflex MCU-240, Qualisys) were used to acquire raw data. The parameters were calculated and analyzed with Visual-3D. In conclusion, ROAs of two leg-pedal system were less than one leg pedal system by pattern analysis. Through statistical tests, skilled levels have effects on ROAs(X, Y, Z) of ankle joint at breaking a pedal and ROAs(Y, Z) of ankle joint at accelerating a pedal. Also, car pedal systems have effects on ROAs(Y, Z) of ankle joint, and ROA(Z) of knee joint at accelerating a pedal. In addition, skilled levels and car pedal systems (cross effects) have an effect on ROA(Z) of ankle joint. These findings suggested that we should improve a present single pedal system.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Hollows are easily made, and bearing capacity can be lowered near underground structures because sublayers of pavement settle for a long time due to difficult compaction at the position. If loadings are applied in this condition, distresses may occur in pavement and, as the result, its lifespan can decrease due to the stress larger than that expected in design phase. Although reinforced slab is installed on side of box culvert to minimize the distresses, length of the reinforced slab is fixed as 6m in Korea without any theoretical consideration. The purpose of this paper is investigating the behavior of concrete pavement according to the cover depth of the box culvert ad the length of the reinforced slab. METHODS : The distresses of concrete pavement slabs were investigated and cover depth was surveyed at position where the box culverts were located in expressways. The concrete pavements including the box culverts were modeled by finite element method and their behaviors according to the soil cover depth were analyzed. Wheel loading was applied after considering self weight of the pavement and temperature gradient of the concrete pavement slab at Yeojoo, Gyeonggi where a test road was located. After installing pavement joint at various positions, behavior of the pavement was analyzed by changing the soil cover depth and length of the reinforced slab. RESULTS : As the result, the tensile stress developed in the pavement slab according to the joint position, cover depth, and reinforced slab length was figured out. CONCLUSIONS : More reasonable and economic design of the concrete pavement including the box culvert is expected by the research results.
        2012.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: In this study the influence factors related to abrasion resistance of interlocking concrete block have been evaluated, and comparisons between various domestic and foreign abrasion test methods was also accomplished. METHODS: The modified rotational cutting method suggested in ASTM C 944 was applied. Surface materials with different types of fine aggregate such as crushed sand, sea sand, and mixture of crushed and sea sand were tested to compare the aggregate effect for abrasion resistance. RESULTS: The different surface mixtures with various W/C ratios, mortar and fly ash ratios have been investigated for functional and economical considerations. CONCLUSIONS: This study had obtained reliable results by changing diamond blade of rotating cutter. Therefore, in order to improve the abrasion resistance of interlocking concrete block for road, a new mix design was proposed.
        2012.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료