This study investigated the relationship between service quality factors, customer satisfaction, and reuse intention based on the degree of attachment to companion animals felt by caregivers when using dog grooming services. An online and offline survey with caregivers experienced in dog grooming services were conducted, and 304 responses were analyzed using SPSS 26.0 Statistics Program. The analysis revealed the following. First, sub-factors of dog grooming service quality: empathy, assurance, tangibles, and reliability, significantly affect customer satisfaction. Second, customers satisfaction with dog grooming services significantly affects their reuse intention. Third, only reliability demonstrates a moderating effect on attachment to companion dogs in influencing the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality. These findings that service quality management is necessary to improve the business performance of dog-grooming services. Particularly, this study is meaningful in presenting the direction of service marketing centered on trust, as more guardians consider companion dogs as family.
The aim of study was to investigate the virulence profile of Escherichia coli O157:H7 bacteriophages isolated from sewage and livestock stools. Among 23 E. coli O157:H7 bacteriophages, 14 strains were isolated from sewage and 9 were from animal stools collected from 10 livestock farms in Korea. For each bacteriophage DNA sample, the presence of stx1, stx2, eae, aafII, ial, elt, estI, estII, astA, afa, and cnf was examined by polymerase chain reaction. The detection rate of eae, stx2, estI, astA, and ial was 100%, 69.6%, 13.0%, 13.0%, 8.7%, respectively. While all E. coli O157:H7 bacteriophages isolated from stools carried eae+stx2, stx2+eae, eae+astA, eae, stx2+eae+estI, eae+estI, stx2+eae+ial, and eae+ial were observed in bacteriophages isolated from sewage. As several plasmid-carrying virulence factors (estI, astA, and ial) were found in E. coli O157:H7 bacteriophages obtained from sewage and stools, the microbial safety of bacteriophages should be investigated in further study.
Arcobacter butzleri is one of the aerotolerant Campylobacter species which cause persistent diarrhea,abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting in human. The aim of this study was to determine the growth and survival of A. butzleri under the heat treatment or freezing storage condition. In heat treatment, two Korean isolates of A. butzleri were treated at 40 to 80℃ for various times. In freeze treatment, two Korean isolates of A. butzleri were kept at 4, −20 and −70℃ from 1 to 15 d. The survivability of the A. butzleri Korean isolates significantly decreased at higher than 60℃ heating condition but it didn't show any significant difference in 40℃ treated group. Under the cold stress condition, survivability of A. butzleri were significantly decreased at −20℃ storage. Like other foodborne pathogens,survivability of A. butzleri was controlled by heat and freezing treatment.
This research aimed to compare the detection methods of Anisakis simplex in Sea fish by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and macroscopic inspection. We examined 18 Trichiurus lepturus, 11 Scomber japonicus, and 65 Todarodes pacificus collected from the retail markets in the areas of Uljin, Kyuonggi province and Seoul. As the result of examinations, we found that detection rate of Anisakis simplex by macroscopic observation was 89% in Trichiurus lepturus, 90.9% in Scomber japonicus, 32.3% in Todarodes pacificus. The detection rate of Anisakis simplex by PCR-RFLP was 77.7% in Trichiurus lepturus, 81.8% in Scomber japonicus, 26.1% in Todarodes pacificus. We could conclude that PCR-RFLP method of Anisakis simplex was more specific rather than macroscopic observation.
Abscisin산(ABA)의 방사면역측정법을 이용하여 발아과정에 있는 수도에 있어서 ABA함량이 어떻게 변동되는가를 구명하였다. 수도종자중에 함유된 ABA함량은 동진벼에 있어서는 76.5ng/g 건물중이었고 삼강벼는 91.1ng/g 건물중이었다. 발아중에 있는 수도의 ABA함량은 종자 침지후 24시간내에 크게 감소되었으며 이와같은 ABA감소율은 침지온도와 발아중 수분흡수율에 유의한 정의 상관관계를 나타냈다. 수도발아중 ABA의 감소는 조직내 ABA가 침지액중으로 일부 용출되고 일부는 조직내에서 다른 화합물로 대사되는 것에 기인함을 알 수 있었다. 수도의 발아는 체내의 함량이 일정수준 이하에서만 일어나며 발아중 ABA함량의 감소율이 수도의 품종간 저온 발아성과도 관련이 있었다.
Abscisin산(ABA)의 정량분석을 위한 방사면역 측정법을 개발하였다. (± )-ABA를 사람혈청 albumin에 conjugate 시킨 항원을 만들고 이를 가토에 접종하여 얻은 항혈청은 ABA에 대하여 높은 친화성을 나타냈다(Ka=3.28 1013 /mol ) 3 H-ABA를 추적자로 사용하고 dextran-coated charcoal을 유리 ABA와 항체결합 ABA의 분리에 사용한 본 방사면역측정법은 ABA를 0.5 1012mol 까지 측정할 수 있었고 측정범위는 14 1012mol 까지 포함되었다. 이 면역측정법은 특이성이 높기 때문에 분석전 시료로부터 ABA를 미리 정제할 필요가 없었다. 시료 1개의 분석에는 2시간 정도 소요되어 하루 수백개의 시료률 분석처리할 수 있었다.