
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 11

        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Disabled people have a low employment rate and poor working conditions, making it difficult for them to get a job compared to non-disabled people. In this study, we examined the characteristics of the commuting environment for the disabled because they experience many difficulties in the commuting environment owing to the physical influence of the disabled. METHODS : Disabled people are expected to have a higher meaning in commuting satisfaction than commuting time. Therefore, in this study, commuter satisfaction was used as a dependent variable, and an ordered logit model was used because it was composed of a five-point scale. RESULTS : As a result of the analysis, both disabled and non-disabled people were identified as influencing factors in salary, satisfaction with the environment around the residence, work characteristics, and public transportation. The main difference was that disabled people were affected by the household income, length of residence, and commuting area, whereas non-disabled people were affected by the personal income, home ownership, and area of residence. Therefore, it appeared that the household income, stability of residence, and short-distance commuting had a strong influence on the satisfaction of the commuting environment of the disabled. CONCLUSIONS : This study showed that if we understand the determinants of commuting environment satisfaction and various environmental factors, it is expected that effective policies to improve the employment rate of the disabled can be determined.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: Seoul introduced public bicycles to reduce environmental pollution and create a healthy society. Because the use of bicycles is highly weather dependent, and bicycles are rented by the people, member characteristics and seasonal influences should be considered. This study analyzed bicycle traffic characteristics considering seasonal and member characteristics and highlighted some implications. METHODS: The Yeouido and Sangam districts, which have multiple business districts, were taken as the areas of interest. In order to reflect seasonal and membership characteristics, the traffic volume, time of use, and characteristics of each zone were categorized by season (spring, summer, autumn, winter) and membership type (season, daily, group). In addition, we analyzed the pattern of traffic volume and usage time according to the traffic purpose after separating rental locations into residential, business, subway, and park, reflecting the land characteristics. RESULTS: The results revealed that seasonal characteristics were high for bicycle traffic, time of use, and occupancy rate for park locations in spring and autumn. In terms of membership characteristics, group and daily users appeared as major visitors for park locations, and the trends of commuter pass users showed that bicycle use meets the purpose of introducing public bicycles. CONCLUSIONS: Traffic characteristics differed according to seasonal and membership characteristics. It is necessary to involve and extend the users of the commuter pass. Situations in which commuter pass users cannot function as a group or in which daily users monopolize bicycles (especially near parks, near subway stations, etc.) must be avoided.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The effects on traffic accidents change with the changing environment. Accordingly, this study analyzes the characteristics of traffic accidents based on the personal characteristics (gender and age) of drivers, and those of 25 autonomous districts in Seoul, and suggests improvements. METHODS: Based on data pertaining to traffic accidents in Seoul, the analysis of accident characteristics was conducted by categorizing the types of traffic accidents according to the drivers' gender and age, and characteristics of 25 autonomous districts in Seoul. Further, for statistical verification, the SPSS software was used to derive influence variables through a multinomial logistic regression analysis, and a method for reducing traffic accidents was proposed. RESULTS : Analysis results show that males tend to be more involved in speed-related accidents and females in low-experience drivingrelated accidents such as those during parking and alleyway driving. In addition, variables such as age, automobile type, district, and day of the week are found to influence accident types. CONCLUSIONS : This study analyzed the accident characteristics based on personal and city characteristics to reflect the sociological characteristics that influence traffic accidents. The number of traffic accidents in Korea could be decreased drastically by implementing the results of this study in customized safety education and traffic maps.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Road sectors contribute approximately 16 % of total GHG emission rates in South Korea. Engineers and experts expend significant efforts to identify countermeasures for the reduction of carbon emission. This study aims to determine how total carbon emission rates change depending on whether or not there is speed limit enforcement.METHODS: In this study, Lamm’s travel speed profile theory is first adopted to select the hazard road, which sections are designated as speed limit enforcement. Second, Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) was used to simulate the carbon emission on the road.RESULTS : The total carbon emission rate under speed limit enforcement was 10,773 g higher than the condition without speed limit enforcement in the designated road. This might affect acceleration, which can lead to increased emissions.CONCLUSIONS : There would be no researches about proving the relationship how speed limit enforcement has an effect on carbon emission. The result of our study can provide valuable guidelines regarding road safety and eco-friendly roads.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The objective of this study was to analyze variations in the vehicle driving behavior characteristics on signalized intersections according to the use of traffic enforcement camera (red light camera). METHODS: In order to analyze the driving behavior characteristics on signalized intersections when red light camera are installed, the target sites for investigation were selected depending on whether the red light camera is installed and accident rates increased after the installation. In particular, to analyze the characteristics of dilemma zones in signalized intersections, approach speed and deceleration speed of 3 type vehicles (passing vehicles during a yellow light, stopping at a yellow light, passing vehicles during a green light) were examined. Based on these data, the starting point, ending point, and distance of the dilemma zones were calculated. Also, the locations of increased traffic accidents and decreased accidents after the installation of the equipment were distinguished when analyzing the traffic accident characteristics. RESULTS : Analysis results revealed that there was a tendency for the dilemma zone distance to decrease after the installation of equipment(red light camera) in most sites. This tendency was found to be due to the decrease in the approaching speed of vehicles at intersections after the installation of equipment, resulting in the starting and ending points of dilemma zone to become closer to the stop line. Moreover, analysis showed that the number of traffic accidents decreased for most intersections after the installation of equipment and safety of the intersections increased somewhat. CONCLUSIONS : In general, installation of equipment(red light camera) caused the intersections approaching speed and dilemma zone distance to decrease. Decision-making is difficult for drivers in the dilemma zone, so the decrease in the dilemma zone distance implies an improvement in traffic safety. Furthermore, the number of accidents within intersections significantly decreased after the equipment was installed, leading to the conclusion that installation of the equipment affected the decrease in traffic accidents.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The objective of this study is to find Percentile Speed( ) for Appraisal of Road Section with Recurring Congestion. METHODS : Percentile Speed( ) is determined by correlation analysis of CSI that proposed existing literature. and CSI(Consistency Service Index) is a index that subtract service fail frequency from 100 points, and service fail is defined as traffic situation is driving less than 80kph speed. In this study, We analyzed the highest correlation percentile speed associated with CSI. This speed is chosen as a delay decision speed. In order to verifying reliability, it performed a comparison with the previous method. RESULTS : As a result, 30 percentile speed( ) was decided as index speed for judgement of recurring congestion section, and through comparison with existing methods, we demonstrated that 30 percentile speed can be useful for judgement of recurring congestion section. CONCLUSIONS: This method to Determine recurring congestion section using the percentile speed( ) was proposed for the first time in this paper. This method can be applicated more quickly and easily than existing method for determining of recurring delay section .
        2014.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        이용자는 해당 도로를 이용함으로써 얼마나 빠르게 이동을 할 수 있는가에 따라 경로를 선택하지만, 예 측가능한 통행시간을 얼마나 확보할 수 있는가에 대한 가치에도 큰 비중을 둘 수 밖에 없다. 현재 표준편 차(SD), 통행시간 불확실성(Rh), Buffer Time 등의 지표들이 널리 사용되고 있으나, 본 연구에서는 사회 과학 분야에서 널리 사용되고 있는,‘지니계수’(Gini coefficient)를 새로운 통행시간 신뢰도 평가 지표로 사용할 수 있는가를 증명해 보고자 한다. 지니계수는 이탈리아 통계·사회학자인 지니(Corrado Gini)가 1912년에 만든 것으로, 지수값은 0~1 사이로 나오는데 숫자가 작을수록 평등한 소득분배를 의미하고, 숫자가 1에 가까울수록 소득분배가 불평 등하다는 것을 의미한다. 통상적으로 0.4가 넘으면 소득분배의 불평등 정도가 심한 것으로 평가한다. 따 라서 본 연구에서 제안한 불평등지수(GI)는“해당 도로를 통행하는 이용자들의 통행시간에 대한 불평등 도”로 정의하고자 한다.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : In order to do an improving countermeasures for congestion on the highway with a limited budget, it is very important to select a habitual congestion section effectively. This study is develop CSI(Consitency Service Index) which contained the service for drivers on the highway to select a habitual congestion section. METHODS : By applying the concept of service for the users paying a fee, proposed CSI(Consistency Service Index) to determine habitual delay. CSI is mean that users using the highway road must be provided an environment which can driving more than 80kph, anytime, anywhere. RESULTS : The result applying developed method in this study included most of congestion sections selected by conventional method. but, in some section of existing non-congestion section were included by CSI. The annual average speed and CSI correlation analysis result was high correlation. This result proved that CSI was reflecting road traffic condition well. CONCLUSIONS : It was verified practicality from the delay section of gyeonggi-do area highway. we can judge whether or not to be a habitual congestion in the specific highway and do the traffic improving countermeasures accordingly.