Recently, there are few cases of the Precise Inspection for Safety and Diagnosis for transverse crack of CFRD. The presumable causes and characteristics of transverse cracks have suggested in this paper based on field survey and related NDT. Also, the maintenance of transverse crack of CFRD are proposed.
Recently, there are few cases of the Precise Inspection for Safety and Diagnosis for transverse crack of CFRD. The presumable causes and characteristics of transverse cracks have suggested in this paper based on field survey and related NDT. Also, the maintenance of transverse crack of CFRD are proposed
Precise Inspection for Safety Diagnosis on 6 dams have been conducted by KISTEC. Spillway is the main structure of dam facilities especially in discharging water. Crack, leakage, and other defects have been inspected and analyzed depending on the purpose of spillway such as water gate or gate of intake.
The crack propagation on lining is compared for 10 years with previous length of crack in PISD(Precise Inspection for Safety and Diagnosis) depending on the width from 0.2mm to 1mm. Analyzed crack on horseshoe single tunnel is increasing in proportion to square time and linear increment. In this proposal, the extent of crack propagation can be estimated during the elapsed time. The tendency of crack can also be used in evaluating the life cycle of tunnel.
Defects of diversion tunnel have been analyzed by using the precise inspection for safety and diagnosis in 7 dams. Leakage from joint, crack, and material segregation is crucial damage in dam as well as crack, corrosion, and drainage system. Maintenances of diversion tunnel have been suggested with common and unique characteristics of defects.
정밀안전진단시 콘크리트 강도를 추정하기 위한 방법으로 강도추정식을 이용한 방법이 많이 사용되며, 이용되는 추정식은 외국에서 이미 제안된 식이 대부분이고, 적용되는 추정식에 따라서 추정강도의 차이가 심하게 발생하며, 전반적으로 강도추정의 신뢰도가 낮아져 정밀안전진단 결과의 신뢰성에도 상당한 영향을 미친다. 이런 문제점은 일부 국한된 부분에서 발생하게 되어 다수의 실험을 통하여 신뢰도를 높일 수 있다. 본 논문은 이와 같은 필요성을 포괄하기 위해 실내압축강도와 관련된 신뢰도 평가식을 제안하였다. 확률론적 기법을 이용하여 신뢰도 평가식의 유용성을 검증하였으며 실내압축강도와 추정압축강도의 추이 그래프를 비교하였다. 비교결과, 본 연구에서 제시된 신뢰도 평가식의 유용성을 확인하였다.
To have a rational maintenance Measures in masonry tunnel, the interaction matrix in PISD is adapted. Opinions from 22 experts in tunnel are applied to estimate the weight factor in risk analysis. 11 causes of masonry tunnel are evaluated for 163 sheets accounting for the limited budget and priority in risk.
Scanning technic is implemented with the underground structures: subway, tunnel, shaft, drainage path, spillway, and slurry wall. Both optical and laser scanning system have been conducted to the precise inspection of diagnosis and safety. Image and 3D coordinate from scanning can be utilized in monitoring scope and fundamental database of maintenance. There is a high possibility that the scanning will prevail on inspection and diagnosis.
서울지역 28개 지하구조물에 대한 정밀안전진단 결과를 활용하여 제안된 균열집중구간 및 탄산화 기반 한계상태함수를 산정하여 우선적인 보수구간을 선별하고자 하였다. 상태평가를 위해 분할된 503개 쉬트에 대한 균열밀도는 로그정규분포, 탄산화 및 피복은 정규분포의 현장조사 결과를 얻었다. 각 구간별 실시한 강도, 초음파속도, CO2농도, 철근부식도, 염화물함유량 등을 고려할 수 있도록 환경지수를 도입하여 합리적인 보수 우선순위를 제안하고자 하였다.
In light of the maintenance of underground structures, the evaluation scope of precise inspection for safety and diagnosis have been revised. Crack, leakage, deterioration, and drainage system are evaluated with field inspection in maintenance manner. It also proposed that the additional revision of the precise inspection for safety and diagnosis.
Reinforced concrete structures are deteriorated in a few decades due to various causes, such as carbonation. Therefore it is important to evaluate the accurate carbonation depth in order to secure the durability of the structure. In this paper, carbonation depth by drilling excavation and splitting core sample are compared. Also, the procedure for estimating the appropriate repair zone is proposed, with the result of carbonation depth and steel bar detection.
Tunnel scanner is the most powerful and applicable technic for tunnel inspection. The enlargement or diminishment of defects is compared and analyzed by the scanning images. The pattern of crack is classified with the direction, shape, and location depending on the original lining and reinforced lining.
Infrastructure has been managed by precise diagnosis and repair․rehabilitation. Generally, more than 0.3mm cracks are repaired by injection method regardless of the time of repair and location of crack. In this papar, considering the feature of crack variation at three tunnels, it suggested that current diagnosis and repair methods should be improved.
The more durability of structures has been concerned, the more attention of maintenance has been given. Durability index is introduced to evaluate the state assessment in the precise safety of diagnosis in this paper. Two field data have been implemented to this proposal method. The priority of maintenance is also suggested using by this application.