The purpose of this study was to analyze University student’s dietary behavior for processed foods and recognition on food nutrition labelling according to the degree of health concern. For this study, 302 University students in Gyeonggi region was surveyed by questionnaire from May in 2016 and it included the questions about general matters, dietary behavior on processed foods, and the food nutrition label system. It was analysed by SPSS win 23.0 program. And the results are as follows. According to the result of the factor analysis, the preference of processed foods were showed 3.21~3.97. There were significant differences in milk and milk products preference according to health concern (p<0.05). Also frequency of processed foods was shown significant differences in milk and milk products, noodles, beverage, and fast food (p<0.05), whereas no significant differences were found in meat products, snack, bread and frozen food (p>0.05). Also, the processed food purchase consideration according to health concern was shown significant differences in nutrition, origin, manufacturing company (p<0.05), whereas no significant differences were found in taste, price, exterior, brand, and shelf life (p>0.05). Thus, it is necessary to do continuing public relations and to provide more opportunities for nutrition education so that the University students may obtain right dietary behavior on processed foods and the system of food nutrition indication be established properly.
Recently, increased caffeine intake has led to an increase in caffeine addiction and withdrawal symptoms. Coffee is surreptitiously consumed in as an additive to milk and caramel. There are few studies on how coffee affects the health of modern people. The purpose of this study is to determine the efficacy and side effects of coffee by awareness of coffee consumption patterns among college students, who are the principal consumers. A survey was conducted from May 11 to 17, 2015 and 302 questionnaires were analyzed. The respondents were 140 men (46.4%) and 162 women (53.6%). In terms of coffee additives, 151 (50.0%) respondents chose ‘americano’ and 111 (36.8%) ‘variation’. The frequency of coffee intake and sleep time for college students was negatively correlated, with the correlation coefficient of -0.145 and significance probability of 0.019. The group that was ‘positively’ aware of the principal ingredients of coffee had a higher level of academic training than those with ‘negative’ awareness (p=0.000). Women recognized a larger number of side effects than men: 1.99 and 1.36, respectively, on average (p=0.001). ‘Time for consumption’ had statistically significant effects on the side effects of coffee consumption: consumption before/after lunch, before/after supper and before going to bed led to 0.4 times (p=0.048) and 0.3 times (p=0.023) more side effects, respectively, than consuming coffee after getting up and before/ after breakfast. Excessive caffeine intake through coffee led to limited sleep time and poorer learning concentration. The guidelines for proper coffee consumption should be created to help students consume coffee properly so that it will not affect sleep, learning concentration or adversely affect health.
This study was designed to provide the basic data of an effective nutrition education for desirable lifestyle and dietary habits to improve the nutritional status for the elderly by investigating health-related lifestyle, dietary habits, nutritional knowledge, and food intake of the elderly. The subjects included 58 elderly men and 146 elderly women. 35.8% had no more than an elementary school education. Most subjects (54.4%) were widows/widowers. Most subjects (71.0%) made over 150,000 won. 52.5% of subjects lived in houses. Smoking, drinking, exercise, the average sleeping time were significantly difference between the gender (p<0.05). In terms of dietary habits, our results showed that 80.9% of respondent eat regularly meals, including breakfast (83.5%). Both sexes prefer soft and salty food. Women enjoys more spicy and salty food compared with men and then shows meaningful difference (p<0.05). Their favorite meals are soup, stew, salad and boiled vegetables. Compared to women, men have a higher rate of correct answers about questions related to nutrition knowledge as showing significantly difference (p<0.05). In a study of dietary habits, they take in carbohydrates with the highest percentage and following by vegetables and fruits. The amount of meat, first and egg they eat is more than the previously. Eating meat is higher men as showing significant difference (p<0.05). In summary, nutritional status for the elderly shows healthy lifestyle and diet about half of those and most them try to live healthy life in future. It is hope that the elderly may need to learn proper nutrition knowledge for healthy lifestyle and nutrition education and counseling for building up healthy lifestyle and desirable dietary habits. Furthermore, it is necessary to start work to establish a baseline nutritious evaluation for the elderly and at a time to study the development of standard eating tool proven reliability and validity, consequently to provide a basic framework for the evaluation of nutritional status.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of awareness and knowledge of the efficacy of carbonated water on consumption patterns and satisfaction for college students, who are the principal consumers of carbonated water. A survey was conducted with 502 college students in the Metropolitan area from May 13 to 18, 2015 and 455 questionnaires were analyzed. As for the differences in awareness and knowledge of the efficacy of carbonated water according to gender, females (14.60 and 0.76) had better awareness and knowledge than males (13.40 and 0.58) (p=0.000 and p=0.036). The more positive the awareness of carbonated water, the greater the knowledge (p=0.000); the greater the knowledge of carbonated water, the higher level of consumption satisfaction (p=0.006). The odds ratio of awareness for carbonated water was 11.98; that is, positive awareness led to higher levels of satisfaction than negative awareness (p=0.003). Since awareness of the efficacy of carbonated water was found to affect carbonated water drinking and satisfaction, it is necessary to provide correct information about the efficacy of carbonated water.
본 연구는 인천지역 일부 남녀 대학생들을 대상으로 올바 른 식습관의 확립과 신체적, 심리적인 건강을 위한 기초자료 로 제공하고자 실시하였으며, 식습관에 영향을 줄 수 있는 요 인으로 건강관련 생활습관, 신체증상, 체성분을 조사․분석 한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 대상자의 일반적인 특성으로는 남학생 96명(39.2%), 여 학생 149명(60.8%), 거주 형태는 자택 및 친척집 202명(82.4%), 자취 43명(17.6%), 통학 수단은 도보 48명(19.6%), 자전거 1명 (0.4%), 자가용 5명(2.0%), 버스 65명(26.5%), 지하철 126명 (51.4%), 학년은 1학년 60명(24.5%), 2학년 54명(22.0%), 3학년 84명(34.3%), 4학년 47명(19.2%)으로 나타났다. 또한 건강관 련 생활습관에서 운동 여부는 ‘하고 있다’ 120명(49.8%), ‘하 고 있지 않다’ 125명(51.0%), 흡연 여부는 ‘하고 있다’ 16명 (6.5%), ‘하고 있지 않다’ 229명(93.5%), 음주 여부는 ‘하고 있 다’ 58명(23.7%), ‘하고 있지 않다’ 187명(76.3%)으로 나타났 다. BMI는 저체중, 정상군, 과체중, 비만이 각각 13명(5.3%), 122명(49.8%), 79명(32.2%), 31명(12.7%)로 나타나, 정상체중 이 가장 많은 반면, 저체중과 비만 학생의 비율이 낮았다. 2. 남녀 대학생들의 건강관련 실천 양상의 차이를 분석한 결과, 흡연, 음주, 운동 여부, 과일 섭취, BMI에서 유의적인 차이를 보인 반면(p<0.05), 육류 섭취는 유의한 차이를 보이 지 않았다(p>0.05). 3. 남녀 대학생들의 식습관의 차이를 분석한 결과, 전체적 으로 ‘아침은 매일 규칙적으로 먹는가’, ‘식사는 언제나 적당 한 양을 먹는가’, ‘1일 2끼 정도의 고기․생선․달걀․콩제품 중의 어느 것인가를 먹고 있는가’, ‘기름을 넣어서 조리한 음 식을 매일 먹는가?’에서 남녀 모두 주 3~5일 실천하고 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 남녀 대학생 간의 ‘과일을 매일 먹는가’ (p<0.05)에서 통계적인 유의적인 차이가 나타나, 여학생이 남 학생보다 과일 섭취 빈도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 4. 남녀 대학생들의 신체증상의 차이를 분석한 결과, 남녀 모두 ‘쉽게 피로하다’, ‘집중력이 떨어진다’가 높게 나타났으 며, ‘두통이 있다’, ‘감기에 잘 걸린다’, ‘평소에 어지럽다’, ‘쉽게 피로하다’, ‘계단을 오를 때 숨이 가쁘다’, ‘집중력이 떨 어진다’, ‘소화가 잘 안 된다’, ‘변비가 있다’에서 성별에 따른 통계적으로 유의적인 차이가 나타난 반면(p<0.05), ‘얼굴이 창백하다’, ‘소화가 안 된다’, ‘설사 증상이 있다’에서 통계적 으로 유의적인 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다(p>0.05). 5. 남녀 대학생들의 체성분의 차이를 분석한 결과, 전체적 으로 신장, 체중, BMI, 근육량, 체지방량, 골격근량, 복부지방 률에서 모두 성별에 따른 통계적으로 유의적인 차이가 나타 났다(p<0.05). 6. 남녀 대학생들의 식습관과 신체증상의 상관관계를 분석 한 결과, 남녀 대학생들이 일상생활에서 경험할 수 있는 신체 증상과 식습관의 관계에서 기름을 넣어서 조리한 음식을 매 일 먹는 경우 ‘소화가 잘 안 된다’와 ‘집중력이 떨어진다’, ‘두 통이 있다’ 간에 양의 상관관계를 보였으며, 우유를 매일 마 시는 경우 ‘소화가 잘 안 된다’ 간에 음의 상관관계, 1일 2끼 정도는 고기, 생선, 달걀, 콩제품 중의 어느 것인가를 먹는 경 우 ‘소화가 잘 안 된다’와 ‘변비가 있다’간에 음의 상관관계 를 나타났다.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect and correlation of anthropometric data, eating behaviors, and nutrient intake on the bone mineral density(BMD) of female college students. 349 female college students were surveyed and their age, height, and weight were an average of 20.5 years, 163.2 ㎝ and 54.0 ㎏, respectively. Their average BMI was 20.2, with 66% falling in the normal range, 21.8% classified as underweight, 8.0% as overweight, and obese individuals comprised 3.4% of the sample by BMI classification. Calcaneal BMD was measured and the average T-score was 0.117. The results of BMD measurements were normal in 268 people(76.8%), osteopenia was found in 71 individuals(20.3%), and osteoporosis in 10(2.9%), respectively. There was a significant difference in bone mineral density according to height(p<0.05) and BMI (p<0.01). There were significant differences between BMD and eating behavior, regularity of eating behaviors(p<0.05), instant food intake(p<0.05), eating out(p<0.05) and nutritional supplement intake(p<0.05). In addition, normal the group with normal BMD had a more desirable eating behavior compared to the osteopenia and osteoporosis afflicted groups. BMD had a significant difference according to the nutrient intake of calcium(p<0.05), vitamin A(p<0.05), and vitamin C(p<0.05). In conclusion, BMD showed a good correlation with height(p<0.01), BMI(p<0.01), body composition including total body water(p<0.05), FFM(p<0.05), body protein(p<0.05) and intake of calcium(p<0.05), iron(p<0.05), vitamin A(p<0.05), and vitamin C(p<0.05). Therefore, an education plan and training on balanced diets proper body weight control, and desirable eating behaviors for female college students will be needed.
Bechamel sauce의 배합비율과 방법을 달리하여 소스를 만들었을 때의 최적 조건은 다음과 같다. 1. 우유의 양과 조리 방법을 달리한 Bachamel sauce의 점도와 퍼짐성은 각각의 시료간에 유의적인 차이를 나타내었으며 (P<0.001), 점도는 우유에 첨가되는 루의 양이 적음에 따라 증가하며, 반대로 퍼짐성은 감소함을 알 수 있었다. 2. 양파 첨가 방법을 달리한 Bechamel sauce의 점도와 퍼짐성은 각각의 시료간에 서로 유의적인 차이를 나타내지 않았다(P<0.05). 3. 우유의 양과 조리 방법을 달리한 Bechamel sauce의 관능적 평가는 각각의 시료간에 유의적인 차이를 나타내었다(P<0.001). 색, 부드럽기, 전체적인 맛 등에서 높은 기호도를 나타낸 것은 버터와 밀가루 그리고 우유가 1 : 1 : 17인 것이었다. 4. 양파 첨가 방법을 달리한 Bechamel sauce의 관능적 평가에서는 점도, 부드럽기, 풍미, 전체적인 맛에서 각각의 시료간에 유의적인 차이를 나타내었으며(P<0.001), 버터에 양파를 볶아서 만드는 방법이 가장 기호도가 높았다.