
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 110

        2004.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        KEPCO has expanded electrical facilities to the largest scale to cope with electrical demand that over 10% increases per annum during last four decades, and marked herself in the world as an advanced power company by recently opening a new era of 765kV transmission system, the first among East nations to do so. Particulary, KEPCO has a big global competitive edge in accumulated knowhow and also with highly experienced specialists groups in every field. KEPCO is taking advantage of it's experience and has been knocking on the door of the overseas market since 1993. Success could be seen in the power generator in Philippines and other nations, and also the accomplishment of the successful first project of transmission part, Myanmar Power System Analysis. Based on that, KEPCO developed the second stage of the Myanmar project, Basic Designs for the 500kV Transmission System in Myanmar, and commenced it in January 2004. KEPCO would like to take this opportunity to find business advance strategies which coincide with the special quality of the transmission field, and not only techno-service businesses but also find a way out of transmission business field, which is already facing a slow down, by cultivating oveseas markets of huge constructing business with domestic companies. In connection with that, this paper is trying to find a cooperation system between KEPCO and domestic companies, and an effective project management method.
        2004.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 실험은 돼지체외수정란을 생산하는데 적합한 배양액과 산소조건을 구명하기 위하여 NCSU(North Carolina State University)-23, PZM(Porcine Zygotes Medium)-3, PZM-4 및 TCM(Tissue Culture Medium)-199 배양액과 5% 산소조건(39, 5% O₂, 5% CO₂, 90% N₂ 및 포화습도) 및 20% 산소조건(39, 5% CO₂ 및 포화습도)에서 돼지 미성숙난포란의 체외성숙과 체외배발달을 실시하였다. 본 연구에서 얻어진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 돼지 난포란을 5 및 20% 산소조건하에서 NCSU-23, PZM-3, PZM-4 및 TCM-199 배양액에 44시간 동안 성숙을 유도한 결과 난핵포붕괴율과 핵성숙률에 있어서 산소조건 및 배양액간 유의적(p>0.05)차이는 없었다. 2) 체외수정을 실시한 결과 정자 침투율, 자ㆍ웅전핵형성률, 다정자 침입률 및 평균정자수에 있어서 산소조건 및 배양액간에 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 3) 체외수정을 실시한 후, 5 및 20% 산소조건의 NCSU-23, PZM-3, PZM-4 및 TCM-199 배양액에서 배양하여 배발달에 미치는 영향을 조사한 결과, 난할률에 있어서는 유의적(p<0.05)인 차이가 없었으며. 배발달 7일째 배반포기 발달률에 있어서 5% 산소조건에서는 PZM-3 배양액이, 20% 산소조건에서는 NCSU-23 배양액이 유의적(p<0.05)으로 높은 결과를 나타냈다. 4) 배발달 7일째 배반포기 배의 세포수를 조사한 결과, 내부세포괴세포수와 총세포수는 산소조건과 배양액간에 통계적인 유의성이 인정되지는 않았으나, 5% 산소조건에서 PZM-3 배양액(36.8±6.5개)이 다소 높은 총세포수를 나타냈다. 위의 결과를 종합하면 돼지체외수정란의 생산에는 5% 산소조건에서 PZM-3 배양액에서 배발달을 유도하는 것이 배반포기 발달률과 세포수에 있어 효과적이라고 판단된다.
        2004.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 돼지 난포란을 이용하여 생산된 1-세포기의 체외수정란을 NCSU-23, PZM-3 및 PZM-4의 세 가지 배양액과 서로 다른 산소농도를 부여하여 돼지 체외수정란의 적합한 체외배양조건을 구명하고자 실시하였다. 돼지 난포란의 체외성숙은 BSA가 미첨가 된 NCSU-23 배앙액에 10% pFF, 0.9 mM crysteine, 25 ㎍/㎖ β-mercaptoethanol 및 10 ng/㎖ epidermal growth factor와 호르몬(10 IU/㎖ PMSG, hCG)을 첨가하여 20∼22시간과 추가로 호르몬을 제거한 배양액에 20∼22시간을 배양하여 성숙을 유기하였고, 5∼6시간 동안 돼지 액상정액과 공배양함으로써 체외수정을 유기하였다. 체외수정 5∼6시간후 각각 5% 및 20%의 산소조건하의 NCSU-23, PZM-3 및 PZM4 배양액에서 배발달을 유기하였다. 돼지체외수정란을 체외배양하였을 때, 배발달 48시간에 처리구간 난할율에는 차이가 없었으나, 배양 7일째 배반포형성률은 5% 산소조건의 PZM-3 배양액에서 가장 높게 나타났다(19.9±2.4 vs. 11.1±2.0 to 16.0±2.5%, P<0.05). 그리고, 총세포수에 있어서 5%의 산소조건 하에서 배양하는 것이 20% 산소조건보다 유의적(P<0.05)으로 높았으나, 배양액간 차이는 인정되지 않았다. 따라서, 체외생산된 돼지초기수정란의 체외배발달은 5% 산소조건하의 PZM-3 배양액에서 배양하는 것이 좋은 것으로 나타났다.
        1998.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Floating debris was recorded from a training ship, #1 Kwarnksan, of Pukyong National University with about 10 knots speed during March, May and July of 1997. The area sampled is the Southeastern Coast of Korea, divided into 40 unit segments on survey routes. Debris fabrication materials were categorized using the following ; man-made or natural wood items, paper, cardboard, nylon rope, netting, styrofoam and plastics, floating metal and glass containers. All identified items within a 〈TEX〉100 ± 2 m〈TEX〉 wide band were recorded but ignored if beyond this boundary.The results of distribution and composition of floating debris in the area as follows:1. The quantities of debris during the duration of survey were distributed from 2~605 items per km2. The most obvious trend is the widespread distribution of all debris. 2. The highest densities of all debris were discovered in the coastal waters of Seoimal lighthouse, the southeastern part of Koje island, next near Nakdong estuaries. Especially styrofoam & plastics were observed in 77.4~87.2% of sampled area, next is wood items, 9.1~ 13.5%. And nylon netting & rope, 3.6%, was the third item of pollutant. Others are very small. 3. Compared with the East Coat of Korea, the quantities of all debus in theSoutheastern Sea are 6 times as large as the East Coast. The survey provides a basis for more detailed survey work in the South Sea. Further surveys are being investigated, and from this it is hoped that a much wider coverage can be achieved, perhaps on all sites of the Coast of Korea and contributed to the removal method, finding of sources, stationary area of debris.
        1997.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Stokes drift(SD) and Lagrangian discharge(LD) are important factors for analysis of flushing time, tidal exchange, solute transport and pollutant dispersion. The factors should be calculated using the approached method to flow phenomena. The aim of this paper re-examines the previous procedures for computing the SD and LD, and is to propose the new method approached to stratified flow field in the cross-section of coastal region, e.g. Masan Bay. The intensity of velocity near the bottom boundary layer(BBL) depends on the sea-bed irregularity in the coastal estuaries. So we calculated the depth mean velocity(DMV) considering that of BBL omitted in Kjerfve's calculation method. It revealed that BBL effect resulting in application of the bay acts largely on DMV in half more among 1l stations. The new expression of SD and LD per unit width in the cross-section using the developed DMV and proposed decomposition procedure of current were derived as follow : Q=u0+½H1U1cos(Φh-Φu)+U3cos(Φh-Φud) LD ED SD(Qskim+Qsk2) The third term, Qsk2, on the right-hand of the equation is showed newly and arise from vertical oscillatory shear. According to the results applied in 3 cross-sections including 11 stations of the bay, the volume difference between proposed and previous SD was founded to be almost 2 times more at some stations. But their mean transport volumes over all stations are 18% less than the previous SD. Among two terms of SD, the flux of second term, Qskim, is larger than third term, Qsk2, in the main channel of cross-section, so that Qskim has a strong dependence on the tidal pumping, whereas third term is larger than second in the marginal channel. It means that Qsk2 has trapping or shear effect more than tidal pumping phenomena. Maximum range of the fluctuation in LD is 40% as compared with the previous equations, but mean range of it is showed 11% at all stations, namely, small change. It mean that two components of SD interact as compensating flow. Therefore, the computation of SD and LD depend on decomposition procedure of velocity component in obtaining the volume transport of temporal and spacial flow through channels. The calculation of SD and LD proposed here can separate the shear effect from the previous SD component, so can be applied to non-uniform flow condition of cross-section, namely, baroclinic flow field.
        1992.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Current measurements at 3 sections and numerical experiments were carried out in Masan Bay to understand the effect of the wind on the residual currents and pollutant transport. The vertical distribution of horizontal velocities were directly affected by the wind at the depths of 1m and 2m beneath the sea surface. Analysis of the velocity data suggested that changes in the vertical gravitational circulation contributed to the net circulation. The net transport of water through the northern part of the bay was observed to be landward, with wind-induced transport of about 100m super(3)/s. Hence, wind is concluded to be the dominant mechanism driving the net circulation in the northern area of Masan Bay. Numerical experiments are shown that when S wind with 5m/s blew, northern area of the bay was generated the horizontal circulation of clockwise and local gyre. On the contrary of those, N wind made her to the anti-clockwise. In the case of no wind, the tidal residual current(constant flow) is very small or neglected except the bay-mouth. The inflow or outflow pattern of the mouth is considered as the flows generated by tidal residual current only. The distance of wind-induced transport of pollutant was as long as 2 times of no wind during the one tidal period.
        1990.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        물리적, 지형적 특성으로 구성되고 있는 만내수괴의 유출입 구조와 해수의 교환능력을 정량적으로 구하기 위해, 진해만과 그 부속 내만을 대상으로 하여 현지관측에 근거해서 다음과같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 가덕수도 단면의 유출입 특성은 유출수괴의 유축은 1조석주기동안 남북으로 2회 왕복운동을 진행하며, 대체로 하층에 존재한다. 유입수괴의 유축은 남부와 북부에 양분되어 존재하는 경향이다. 전 시간에 걸쳐 반류현상으로 보이는 유출입 수괴가 동시에 존재한다. 2. 양 수도를 통한 해수유출입량의 비율은 가덕수도에서 대조기 약 86~90% 소조기 61~80%유출입된다. 따라서, 가덕수도를 통한 수괴의 유출입이 만의 해수교류.교환을 지배한다. 3. 하계만의 해수교환율은 양 수도에서 대조기 12~13%, 소조기 20%이상이나, 마산만 입구에서는 대조기 9%, 소조기 2%정도에 불과하다. 4. 하구역 특성으로 본 해수교환기구는, 가덕수도가 흐름은 깊이에 따라 방향이 변하고 약간 성층되나, 잘 혼합된 염분분포를 나타내어 salt flux는 주로 이류에 의존한다. 마산만은 sill의 해저지형가 만 입구에서 tidal trapping 현상으로, 고도의 성층된 상태를 보이고 있다.
        1990.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research is to develop the design/control method that can be used for the improvement of harbour tranquility and water quality of fishing ports. For this end, firstly, the hydraulic environmental characteristics of fishing ports in the coastal waters of the Korean Peninsula are analysed and discussed combined with disasters of facilities and vessels in the ports. Secondly the problems of water quality control is pointed out considered with the improvement measures of harbour tranquility such as the methods of lengthen of main breakwaters and construction of wave absorbing structures. Finally, the control characteristics of composite functions of water quality and tranquility of fishing port are discussed and the improved control method si proposed using the experimental results for the various measures. The proposed measure is proved to be a applicable method to improve these two main functions on the design of fishing port.
        1986.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The characteristics of tidal exchange in Masan Bay were studied on the basis of salinity observations and current measurements in the summer of 1985. The exchange ratio of the sea water was calculated using three different formulas. The tidal exchange rate was estimated to be smaller than that of another bays in the southern coast of Korea. The tidal exchange ratios in Masan Bay at spring tide were deduced to be 2.4-11.7%. While those at neap tide were 2.0-9.1%. Though tidal range of neap tide is smaller than that of spring tide. the tidal exchange ratio in the bay can be increased in case of highly stratified vertical structure.
        1986.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is very important for a navigator on bridge to know the maneuverability of his ship sufficiently at sea. Generally, the data of a turning circle test have long been used to study and evaluate the maneuverability of a ship. But referring only the data of the turning circle test method, he can not evaluate his ship's maneuvering characteristics sufficiently. So nowaday the test method added Z test to turning circle test for more detail references is considered to be desirable. In this paper, the authors performed PAL test and Z test together in order to study the maneuverability of M. S.Pusan 403, training ship of the National Fisheries University of Pusan. According to the results of PAL test, the rudder effect in port rudder angle of the M. S. Pusan 403 was found to be more effective than that in starboard one, because her changing amounts of angular velocity, turning radius and tangent speed in port rudder angles were found to be larger than those of them in starboard rudder one in unsymmetry. The relation between her drift angle(.8) and rudder angle (0) was found to be changing with .8=0.640 in direct proportion. As it appeared that her calculated K'-values were smaller than the standard K'-values of different kinds of ships in accordance with her Z test, her turning ability was found to be lower. The running distance of a turn in her 10˚ Z test was about 8.3 times her own length and was found not to be exceeded the standard maneuvering distance, therefore she was considered to have good maneuverabilities synthetically.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this paper is to estimate consumer’s satisfaction by purchasing farmer‘s processed food. So, this paper surveyed consumers which have purchased Korean traditional soybean paste products, by reason of limiting research objects among lots of farmer‘s processed food. A survey of 220 consumers was carried out on September and October 2016. For this matters, this paper used multiple linear regression model(included LOG-LIN model) and, set up 1 dependent and 11 independent variables. As the analysis results, we could find out that consumer’s satisfaction was affected by 6 variables(price, taste, ease of cooking, confidence of product information, social awareness and perceived 6th industrialization). Among these variables, the strongest variable was “social awareness”, and the second was “perceived 6th industrialization”. This paper also estimated the rate of change that a dependent variable was affected by independent variables. As the results, this paper found out that “perceived 6th industrialization” had the highest rate of change(5.8%) and the second was “social awareness”(5.6%). This paper proposed 7 implications of Korean traditional soybean paste. Those were the proper price policy and quality value’s promotion, quality Improvement and confidence enhancement, development of products for consumer’s convenience, enhancement of social awareness, enhancement of politic management about 6th industrialization and accessibility of purchasing information.
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