
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 44

        2001.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper presents the interrelationship between software quality character and engineering attributes. The software quality characteristics and subcharacteristics are excerpted from IS0/IEC 9126 standards, and the engineering attributes are from Deutsch and Willis〔4〕. Based on the previous studies a subjective judgement, trisected interrelationship(strong, medium, weak) bet these two groups are derived. The results are summarized in a table, and can be used as a quick reference guide to the software quality engineering application such as quality evaluations for software products, selection of key engineering attributes for high-quality software production, and so forth.
        2000.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A study was carried out to establish a detection method for irradiated black and white pepper. Samples were packed in polyethylene bags and irradiated with 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 and 15 kGy using a Co-60 irradiator. The samples were suspended in water, and alkalized with sodium hydroxide solution. Apparent viscosity was determined after heat gelatinization using a Brookfield DV-III rotation viscometer at 30 with 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, and 210 rpm. Means and standard deviations of the viscosities of all samples decreased by increasing the stirring speeds. The viscosities increased in all samples by increasing the concentration. Regression expressions and coefficients of viscosity which decreased with increasing irradiation dose of 10% and 13% black pepper, and 7% and 10% white pepper were 0.9531 (y=-131.29x+1,769.0), 0.9725 (y=-351.33x+4,036.0), 0.9731 (y=2,208.0e^(-0.3546x)), and 0.9959 (y=5,116.0e^(0.2887x)), respectively, at 120 rpm. This trend was similar for all stirring speeds. These results suggest that the detection of irradiated black and white pepper at various doses is possible by the viscometric method.
        2014.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Human-robot co-operation becomes increasingly frequent due to the widespread use of service robots. However, during such co-operation, robots have a high chance of colliding with humans, which may result in serious injury. Thus, many solutions were proposed to ensure collision safety, and among them, collision detection algorithms are regarded as one of the most practical solutions. They allow a robot to quickly detect a collision so that the robot can perform a proper reaction to minimize the impact. However, conventional collision detection algorithms required the precise model of a robot, which is difficult to obtain and is subjected to change. Also, expensive sensors, such as torque sensors, are often required. In this study, we propose a novel collision detection algorithm which only requires motor encoders. It detects collisions by monitoring the high-pass filtered version of the velocity error. The proposed algorithm can be easily implemented to any robots, and its performance was verified through various tests.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘퍼플듀’ 품종은 경기도농업기술원에서 2009년도에 육성한 절화용 장미 신품종이다. 이 품종은 2006년도에 화색이 보라색인 스탠다드 장미 ‘Boy Friend’를 모본으로 하고 분홍색 스탠다드 장미 ‘GSR10315’를 부본으로 교배하여 2007년도에 실생을 양성하였다. 화색과 화형이 우수한 67계통을 예비선발 하였으며 2008~2009년에 1, 2차 특성검정과 품평회 결과 절화특성이 우수한 GR06-R6-12계통(Gyeong Gyo D1-19)을 최종 선발하였다. 화색은 보라색(RHS Color Chart Red Purple Group N66C)이다. 스탠다드 형태로 개화하고 화형은 고심형이다. 화폭은 10.5 cm이며 화고가 4.0 cm이며 꽃잎수는 52.0매이며 향기는 약한 편이다. 생육속도가 매우 빨라 개화소요일수는 평균 48일이며 엽색은 녹색(RHS Color Chart Green Group 139A)이며 엽 광택이 강하며 줄기의 가시 발생 정도는 적은 편이다. 흰가루병에 강한 편이고 년간 절화수량은 164.1본/m2이고 절화장은 70.0 cm이며 줄기직경은 6.3 mm이고 절화중이 39.3 g이다. 엽수는 10.1매이며 절화수명은 12일이다.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘오렌지젬’ 품종은 경기도농업기술원에서 2009년도에 육성한 절화용 스프레이 장미 신품종이다. 이 품종은 2005년도에 화색이 주황색인 중형 스탠다드장미 ‘Nananga’를 모본으로노란색 스프레이 장미 ‘Sun City’를 부본으로 교배하여 2006년도에 실생을 양성하였다. ‘오렌지젬’의 화색은 주황색(RHSColor Chart Orange Group N25B)이고 스프레이 형태로 개화하고 화형은 반고심형이다. 소화수는 4.8개이며 소화의 화폭은 4.5 cm이며 화고가 3.6 cm로 중형화이고, 꽃잎수는 23.0매로 대비품종 ‘리틀마블’에 비하여 꽃이 크고 꽃잎수가 많다.향기는 약한 편이며 소화의 꽃이 동시에 개화하여 개화상태가균일하며 개화소요일수는 평균 45일이다. 엽색은 녹색(RHSColor Chart Green Group 139A)으로 대비품종 ‘리틀마블’보다 진하며 엽광택이 강한 편이며 줄기의 가시 발생정도는중간정도이고 흰가루병에 강하다. ‘오렌지젬’ 품종의 년간 절화수량은 165 본/m2이고 절화장은 64.3 cm이며 줄기직경은6.0 mm이고 절화중이 33.6 g이며 절화수명은 8.0일로 절화품질이 우수하다. 엽수는 7.5매이며 2차 생장지 발생이 없다.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        프리티유' 품종은 경기도농업기술원에서 2008년도에 육성한 절화용 장미 신품종이다. 이 품종은 2005년도에 화색이 적색이며 꽃잎수가 많은 스탠다드 장미 'Red Sandra'를 모본으로하고 분홍색 스탠다드 장미 'Mira Bai'를 부본으로 교배하여 2006년도에 실생을 양성하였다. 화색과 화형이 우수한 27계통을 예비선발 하였으며 2006~2008년에 1, 2, 3차 특성검정과 품평회 결과 절화특성이 우수한 KR05-2-1계통(Gyeonggi R1-
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘드림문’은 경기도농업기술원에서 2008년도에 육성한 절화용 스프레이 계통의 국화 신품종이다. 이 품종은 2005년도에 황색 스프레이 국화 ‘Patra (yellow)’품종을 모본으로 하고 분홍색 ‘Sei-Rosa’품종을 부본으로 인공교배하여 화색과 화형이 우수한 12계통을 예비 선발하였다. 2006-2008년 까지 3차에 거쳐 특성검정과 품평회로 4번째 개체인 ‘GCS06-27-4’를 최종선발하여 ‘드림문(Dream Moon)’으로 명명하였다. ‘드림
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        "러빙유" 품종은 경기도농업기술원에서 2007년도에 육성한 절화용 장미 신품종이다. 이 품종은 1999년도에 화색이 적색이며 향기가 있는 스탠다드 장미 "Neon"을 모본으로 하고 주황색과 살구색으로 복색이며 화형이 우수한 스탠다드 장미 "Hello"를 부본으로 1999년도에 교배하였다. 2000년에 실생을 양성하여 화색과 화형이 우수한 55계통을 예비선발 하였으며 2005~2007년에 1, 2, 3차 특성검정과 품평회 결과 절화특성이 우수한 KR99-
        2009.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In modern society, people spend most of their time on various types of chairs. However, it is not easy for a designer to design a comfortable chair because satisfaction with the chair depends not only on the quantitative elements such as size, but also on the qualitative element such as the user’s feeling. To deal with these problems, there have been many studies on designing ergonomic chairs. This paper proposes the haptic-aided design (HAD) system to design an ergonomic chair. Based on the HAD system, the designer can experience whether the chair is comfortable or not through the haptic device, and also can modify the design parameters instantaneously. The haptic chair capable of controlling the design parameters in real time was proposed as a haptic simulator. The controllable parameters, such as seat height, reclining angle, stiffness of the backrest, and so on were selected based on the previous research related to ergonomic chairs. The proposed methodology will help reduce the development cost and time by replacing the process of making the real mock-ups and prototypes with the haptic chair.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new graft cactus (Copiapoa scopa) cultivar ‘edstone’was developed at Cactus Research Institute, Gyeonggi-do A.R.E.S, in 2007. GCP563 and GCP618 were crossed in 2004 and we got 9 seedlings from this combination. After pedigree selection in 2005, one cultivar was finally selected through the test of specific character in 2007 and named as “edstone” “edstone”cultivar has red brown color and round globose shape with 15 ribs and its spines are black. This cultivar is able to produce 26.8 offshoots per plant. ‘edstone’cultivar has higher productivity and more slow growth than Copiapoa scopa cultivar.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new graft cactus (Chamaecereus silvestrii f. variegata) cultivars “ellow Ttree”was developed at Cactus Research Institute, Gyeonggi-do A.R.E.S. in 2007. GC013001 and GC0110703 were crossed in 2005 and we got 42 seedlings from this combination. After pedigree selection in 2005, one cultivar were finally selected through the test of specific character in 2007 and named as “ellow Ttree” “ellow Ttree”has cylindrical shape of yellow color with 13~14 ribs. Formation of its offshoots is concentrated on the lower part of the plant. This cultivar is able to produce 13.9 offsets shoots per plant and its offshoots are hard.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new rose variety, was selected from the progenies of a cross between “osai”and “okimeky”in 2006 after evaluation trials for three years (2004-2006). “altz”was developed because of many petals and powdery mildew resistance. A standard type with large sized flower, “altz”shows in 11.0 cm flower diameter. “altz”produces 130 stems・m-2 in a year. It has red-white color flower and 49.6 petals per flower. The stem length of cut flower was long with 69.3 cm. Vase life of the variety could be as long as 9.6 days.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study aims to explore the situation of allotment garden and its implication from case study on the Kleingarten in German the Dacha in Russia and the Civic Garden in Japan. It has shown that the allotment gardens have gradually been an important for urban people to have recreation and health from agricultural activities. The results suggest that whereas most of kind of allotment gardens in three countries was perspectively enhanced according to their historic and social contexts, the basic rationales initiated were to provide recreation areas for supporting people health and preserving green areas in urban areas. To expand these kind of allotment gardens, we conclude that the establishment and amendment of the related law are needed to activate and enhance the allotment garden in Korea.
        2006.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        단백 효소 가수분해물의 천연 항균제로서의 응용성을 검토하기 위하여 casein에 5종의 단백질 가수분해 효소를 작용시켜 얻어진 가수 분해물의 항균활성을 측정하고 활성이 가장 높은 가수분해물을 부분 정제하여 그 응용성을 검토하였다. Casein에 5종 단백질 분해효소를 작용시켜 얻은 가수분해물의 항균활성은 Aspergillus oryzae protease에 의한 것이 가장 높았다. 효소처리에 의하여 얻어진 가수분해 물을 30,000, 10,000,
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