
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 19

        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        화훼작물의 새로운 품종 개발과 특성을 개선하기 위해 교잡 및 돌연변이 육종과 같은 기존 기술에서 유전자변형기술에 이르기까지 다양한 육종 기술이 사용되고 있으며, 특히 화훼류의 유전자변형기술은 화색변형, 화형 및 형태변형, 개화시기 조절, 꽃 수명연장, 내환경성, 내병성, 내충성 등의 목적으로 이루어지고 있다. 국내에서의 GM 화훼류 연구는 2000년대부터 진행되었고, 현재는 장미, 국화, 카네이션, 페튜니아 등을 대상으로 형질전환체를 개발하고 있다. 호주의 Florigene사에서 개발한 푸른 카네이션이 상업화되면서 일본 SUNTORY사 의 파란색 장미 그리고 호주 Florigene사의 시들지 않는 카네이션이 개발되어 상용화되고 있으며, 더 많은 품종 개발과 판매 시장이 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 이처럼 GM 화훼작물에 대한 연구성과는 급속도로 발전하고 있으며, 국내에서도 생명 공학 기술을 기반으로 형질이 우수하고 소비자의 선호도가 높은 새로운 화훼 신품종 개발로 수출확대를 도모함으로써 농가 소득 향상을 기대할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 본 보고에서는 국내외에 최근 보고된 GM 화훼작물의 형질전환체 연구개발 성공 사례들을 소개하고, 그 요인 분석을 통해 향후 더 성공적인 GM 화훼작물 개발 전략을 수립하는데 도움이 되고자 한다.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of communitybased rehabilitation (CBR) program on activities of daily livings (ADLs), quality of life and assistive technology satisfaction for disabled adults in South Korea. Fourteen community-dwelling subjects were participated in a home-based rehabilitation program which performed once a month for 2 months. The outcome measures included Modified Barthel Index (MBI) for assessing ADLs, EuroQol five-dimensions questionnaire (EQ- 5D) for quality of life (QoL) and Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with assistive Technology 2.0 (QUEST 2.0) for assistive technology. Significant improvements in ADLs, quality of life and assistive technology satisfaction were observed after the program. This study indicated that community-based rehabilitation program is an effective method for improving ADLs, quality of life and assistive technology satisfaction for adults with disabilities.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Even though klotho deficiency in mice exhibits multiple aging-like phenotypes, studies using large animal models such as pigs, which have many similarities to humans, have been limited due to the absence of cell lines or animal models. The objective of this study was to generate homozygous klotho knockout porcine cell lines and cloned embryos. A CRISPR sgRNA specific for the klotho gene was designed and sgRNA (targeting exon 3 of klotho) and Cas9 RNPs were transfected into porcine fibroblasts. The transfected fibroblasts were then used for single cell colony formation and 9 single cell–derived colonies were established. In a T7 endonuclease I mutation assay, 5 colonies (#3, #4, #5, #7 and #9) were confirmed as mutated. These 5 colonies were subsequently analyzed by deep sequencing for determination of homozygous mutated colonies and 4 (#3, #4, #5 and #9) from 5 colonies contained homozygous modifications. Somatic cell nuclear transfer was performed to generate homozygous klotho knockout cloned embryos by using one homozygous mutation colony (#9); the cleavage and blastocyst formation rates were 72.0% and 8.3%, respectively. Two cloned embryos derived from a homozygous klotho knockout cell line (#9) were subjected to deep sequencing and they showed the same mutation pattern as the donor cell line. In conclusion, we produced homozygous klotho knockout porcine embryos cloned from genome-edited porcine fibroblasts.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 daminozide의 엽면 살포방법를 이용하여 국내육성 스프레이 국화 ‘일월(Ilweol)’의 하계 고온에 의 한 꽃목 길이의 과도한 신장을 억제함으로서 품질을 향상 시키기 위해 수행하였다. 처리 시기는 화뢰 발달과정별로 3단계(stage I, II, III)로 나누고 daminozide의 처리농도는 0, 500, 1000, 2000mg·L−1로 구분하여 조합 처리하였다. 절화장과 꽃목 길이는 각각 stage III와 stage II에서 줄기 신장 억제효과가 가장 크게 나타났고, daminozide의 농도 가 증가할수록 절화장과 꽃목 길이는 감소하였다. 화폭은 무처리구에 비하여 처리시기가 늦어질수록 증가하였으 며, daminozide의 농도가 증가할수록 비례적으로 감소 하였다. 선단부 화방의 배열각도는 시기별로는 stage III 에서 농도에서는 2,000mg·L−1 daminozide 처리에서 각각 가장 크게 나타났다. 전체 처리 중에서는 2,000mg·L−1 daminozide를 stage II에 처리시 무처리구 대비 31.3%가 증가하여 가장 높은 배열각도를 보여주었다. 화수와 총 화뢰수도 2,000 mg·L−1 처리시 가장 많았으며, 처리시 기별로는 stage I에서 가장 많았다. 국내육성 스프레이 품종 ‘일월(Ilweol)’의 하계 재배시 꽃목(소화경)의 신장을 가장 효과적으로 억제하고 화서배열을 고르게 하며 화수 증가를 유도하는 daminozide의 처리농도와 시기는 2,000mg·L−1와 Stage III로 나타났다. 그러나 이 처리는 절화장과 화폭의 감소가 크게 나타나 상품성의 또 다른 면에서 불리하게 작용하였다. 따라서 실용적인 daminozide 의 처리시기와 농도는 절화의 품질을 감안할 때 Stage III 에서 500 mg·L−1로 판단되었다.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 daminozide의 엽면 살포방법을 이용하여 국내 육성 스프레이 국화 ‘가마(Gama)’의 하계 고온에 의한 꽃목 길이의 과도한 신장을 억제함으로서 품질을 향상시키기 위해 수행하였다. 처리 시기는 화뢰 발달과 정별로 3단계(stage I, II, III)로 나누고 daminozide (DMZ)의 처리농도는 0, 500, 1000, 2000 mg·L−1로 구분하여 조합 처리하였다. 절화장과 꽃목 길이는 stage II에서 신장 억제효과가 가장 크게 나타났고, DMZ의 농도가 증가할수록 절화장과 꽃목 길이는 감 소하였다. 줄기직경과 화폭은 무처리구에 비하여 처리 시기가 늦어질수록 줄어들었으며, DMZ의 농도가 증가 할수록 비례적으로 감소하였다. 선단부의 평행 배열된 화수는 시기별로는 stage I과 II에서 농도에서는 500- 1,000 mg·L−1 DMZ 처리에서 각각 가장 많았다. 전체 처리 중에서는 1,000mg·L−1 DMZ를 stage II에 처리시 무처리구 대비 24.2%가 증가하여 가장 우수하였다. 화수와 총 화뢰수도 1,000 mg·L−1 DMZ를 stage II에 처리시 가장 많았다. ‘가마(Gama)’의 하계 재배시 꽃 목(소화경)의 신장을 가장 효과적으로 억제하고 화서배 열을 고르게 하며 화수 증가를 유도하는 DMZ의 처 리농도와 시기는 1,000 mg·L−1와 stage II로 나타났다. 그러나 이 처리는 절화장, 줄기직경, 화폭의 감소가 크게 나타나 상품성의 또 다른 면에서 불리하게 작용하였다. 따라서 실용적인 최적 처리시기와 농도는 stage I에서 1,000 mg·L−1로 판단되었다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is conducted to investigate the effects of growth characteristics (GC) and DPPH radical scavenging activity (DRSA) of the heading lettuce ‘Fidel’ depending on four concentrations of activated mineral groups (AMG: 1.6% active minerals and 0.03% CaO) added to basic nutrient solutions (diluted by 0, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2%) and on four different light-emitting diodes (LED; B:R:W ratio = 0:1:12, 0:1:9, 0:5:5, and 2:3:5). Both 0.1 and 0.2% AMG showed better GC of lettuce in plant width, plant length, leaf width, leaf length, and the number of leaves than those of other AMG, while leaf thickness and chlorophyll value did not show significant difference among all AMG. Moreover, 0.1 and 0.2% AMG showed heavier shoot fresh weights than those of other AMG. As for the combinations of AMG and LED, B0:R5:W5 showed the best lettuce GC regardless of AMG compared to other AMG and LED combinations. As shown in the above results of LED, although there was a difference in lettuce growth by LED, the differences of lettuce growth by AMG were statistically significant. The DRSA was the highest at 82.8% in B2:R3:W5, followed by B0:R5:W5 at 77.8%. LED showed differences but AMG did not affect DRSA. Therefore, the optimal conditions in plant factory for GC and DRSA of the lettuce were 0.1% AMG and B0:R5:W5.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The final goal of this research is to develop a miniaturized botanical biofilter using a wick-typed automatic humidifier for stabilizing soil moisture content (SMC) and purifying indoor air pollutants by the biofilter. This new biofilter equipped with wick-typed automatic humidifier was manufactured as more compacted design removing an absorption tower-typed humidifier compared with the previous big-sized biofilter made in 2015. This study was performed to compare changes of SMCs among floors depending on the number of wicks installed on the humidifier within the novel biofilter, and to compare changes of SMCs and plant growth parameters before and after planting Spathiphyllum wallisii ‘Mauna Loa’ on the biofilter. SMCs among floors depending on the number of wicks were similar, and all regression lines of SMCs showed almost horizontal lines because of long-term stability on SMCs. Comparing plant growth parameters of S. wallisii ‘Mauna Loa’ before planting and at 30 days after planting on the biofilter, all growth parameters were not statistically significant. Thus, SMCs of the biofilter were more stabilized using this humidifying appar
        2015.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The final goal of this research is to develop a botanical biofiltration system, which combines green interior, biofiltering, and automatic irrigation, which can purify indoor air pollutants according to indoor space and the size of biofilter. The biofilter used in this experiment was designed as an integral form of water metering pump, water tank, blower, humidifier, and multi-level planting space in order to be more suitable for indoor space utilization. This study was performed to compare indoor air quality between the space adjacent to a botanical biofilter and the space away from the biofilter (control) without generation of artificial indoor air pollutants, and to evaluate plant growth depending on multiple floors within the biofilter. Each concentration of indoor air pollutants such as TVOCs, monoxide, and dioxide in the space treated with the biofilter was lower than that of control. Dracaena sanderiana ‘Vitoria’ and Epipremnum aureum ‘N Joy’ also showed normal growth responses regardless of multiple floors within the biofilter. Hence, it was confirmed that the wall-typed botanical biofilter suitable for indoor plants was effective for indoor air purification.
        2006.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The simultaneous analysis of multi-residual pesticides was developed using a gas chromatography (GC) method. In this study, a simple and reliable methodology was improved to detect 154 kinds of pesticides in ginseng extract sample by using a liquid-liquid extraction procedure, open column chromagraphy and chromatographic analysis by GC electron capture detector (ECD) and GC nitrogen-phosphorus detector (NPD). The 154 kinds of pesticides were classified in 4 groups according to the chemical structure. The extraction of pesticides was experimented with 70% acetone and dichloromethane/petroleum ether in order, and cleaned up via open column chromatography (3×30㎝) packed with florisil (30g, 130℃, 12hrs). The final extract was concentrated in a rotator evaporator at 40℃ until dryness. Then the residue was redissolved to 2㎖ with acetone, and analyzed by GC-ECD and GC-NPD. The applied concentration of pesticides was over 1~10㎍/㎖. The recovery tests were ranged from 70.7% to 115.2% with standard deviations between 0.3 and 5.7% of the standard spiked to the ginseng extract sample (Group Ⅰ~Ⅳ). The limit of detection (LOD) ranged from 0.001 to 0.099㎍/㎖ (Group Ⅰ~Ⅳ). The 9 kinds of pesticides were not detected. The developed method was applied satisfactory to the determination of the 154 kinds of pesticides in the ginseng extract with good reproducibility and accuracy.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was investigated the residual contents of sulfur dioxide on the 373 kinds of herbal medicine distributed from Korea, China, and Japan. A modified Monier-Williams method was described for the determination of SO2 contents in herbal medicines. The residual contents of SO2 were not detected at 221 products(59.8%) in total 373 products. Regardless of region, SO2 contents were not found at Farfarae Flos, Zizyphi Spinosi Semen, Castanea crenata, and Strychni Ignatii Semen. But it's found at Asparagi Radix, Codonopsitis Radix, Lilii Bulbus, and Kaempferiae Rhizoma of every region collected the samples. Also, SO2 contents were not detected at the herbal medicines which collected cultural fields of dometic. SO2 contents ranged 11~3990 mg/kg(mean 152 mg/kg) at domestic samples, 11~3440 mg/kg(mean 603 mg/kg) at imported samples. After treated with water wash and hot water extraction, the reduction rates of sulfur dioxide were appeared with 24.4%~68.7% and 83.8%~100.0%, respectively. These data will be used to establish a criteron of residual sulfur dioxide in herbal medicines.