
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 20

        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out in Suwon-central plain, and Cheorwon, mid-northern plain of Korea to evaluate agricultural characteristics including heading date and yield component for North Korean rice germplasm. The difference between two regions of the heading dates of germplasm was recognized the significance and early matured group growing in Cheorwon tended to flower earlier than that of Suwon while mid-early matured group showed an opposite result. The other agricultural characteristics such as culm length, panicle length, number of panicles per hill, number of grains per panicle, and ripened grain ratio, of the two regions of all traits were highly significant, especially culm length and panicle length in Suwon were longer than those were growing in Cheorwon. Number of panicles per hill and number of grains per panicle in Suwon were more than that were growing in Cheorwon, and ripened grain ratio in Suwon was higher than that of Cheorwon. The another difference between both the regions, of 1000-grain weight was not significant while the effect of interaction between the regions and variety was highly significant. Whereas brown/rough rice ratio and milled rice yield were highly significant; higher in Cheorwon for brown/rough rice ratio and in Suwon of milled rice yield. Additionally, the results concluded that, the North Korean rice germplasm showed susceptible response to bacterial leaf blight(BLB) races such as K2. K3, and K3a but more than mid-range resistant response to rice blast.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        다양한 용도의 가공용 품종을 육성할 목적으로 1995년 하계에 아밀로스함량이 낮은 일품벼 변이체 Ilpum (MNU)-10-2-GH1-3을 모본으로 하고 양질 내도복성인 서안벼를 부본으로 교배하여 SR21716-30-2-3-1을 선발하여 '수원491호'로 계통명을 부여한 후 2003년-2005년 3개년 간 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과 그 우수성이 인정되어 2005년 12월 직무육성 신품종 선정위원회에서 국가목록등재품종으로 선정됨과 동시에 '백진주1호'로
        2012.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        백진주'는 1991년 하계에 개화 후 수정된 양질다수성 품종인 일품벼 수정난을 26±1℃ 암조건에서 1 mM의 MNU 용액에 45분간 침지한 후 24시간 동안 수세하였다. 처리한 식물체를 온실에서 등숙시켜 종실을 수확하여 돌연변이 M1세대 697개체를 얻었다. 1992년 하계 온실에서 M2세대 15개체를 선발하여 1992/'93 동계 온실에서 M3 집단을 육성하였다. M4 세대부터는 포장에서 계통 선발법에 의해 주요 병해충 및 미질검정을 병행하여 다양한
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        녹양'은 초다수 총체사료용 벼 품종을 육성하기 위하여 1996년 하계에 국제미작연구소에서 다수성인 용문벼를 모본으로하고 신초형 IR67396-16-3-3-1을 부본으로 교배하여 계통육종법에 의하여 육성한 품종으로, 2006년 12월에 직무육성신픔종선정위원회에서 국가목록등재품종으로 선정됨과 동시에 '녹양'으로 명명하였으며, 지역적응시험 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. '녹양'의 출수기는 보통기 재배에서 8월16일로 '다산벼' 보다 5일 정도 늦은 중만생종이다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘한설’은 1997년 고품질 극조숙 안전 다수성 품종을 육성할 목적으로 양질 극조숙인 ‘진부24호’를 모본으로 초형이 좋고 극조숙 내냉 다수성 계통인 ‘진부25호(운두벼)’를 부본으로 인공교배하여 2009년 육성한 극조숙 고품질 내냉성 벼 품종으로 주요 특성과 수량성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 출수기는 7월 25일로 ‘진부벼’보다 4일 정도 빠른 극조생종이며, 간장은 65 cm로 ‘진부벼’보다 약간 작고, 주당 이삭수는 12개, 이삭당 벼알수는 99
        2010.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 국내 수집 잡초성벼에 존재하는 잎도열병 저항성 관련 유전자를 탐색하고, 이 저항성유전자와 연관된 분자마커를 탐색하는 것이다. 도열병에 감수성인 자포니카 품종인 낙동벼와 도열병에 강한 잡초성벼인 강화앵미11을 교잡하여 120개 RILs를 육성하여, 도열병 균주반응과 잎도열병 밭못자리검정을 통한 저항성 유전자 탐색에 이용하였다. 1. 총 45개 도열병 균주를 이용하여 양친들을 검정한 결과, 잡초성벼 강화앵미11은 25개 균주에 대하여 저항성 반응
        2007.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was done to understand the G x E interaction of rice blast reaction for Japonica high quality rice varieties and to observe blast pattern for high quality varieties. Twenty one percent of the total sum of squares (SST) in blast reaction data of high quality Japonica varieties is attributed to genotype (G) by environment (E) interaction variation. This portion of blast response is higher than 8~12% of G x E effect in blast severity data obtained from various ecotypes of rice varieties. Blast response scores obtained from high quality Japonica varieties group were more severely affected by environment condition than mixed groups with Japonica and Indica varieties. Interaction Principal Component Analysis (IPCA) scores obtained from AMMI analysis for the leaf blast response implied variation of G x E interaction. Correlation analysis suggested that IPCA1 was associated with latitude, maximum mean temperature, precipitation and mean cloud amount. IPCA2 was associated with mean relative humidity, and IPCA3 was associated with precipitation and minimum relative humidity. Pattern analysis generated nine genotype clusters according to blast reaction over 11 regions. Collectively, the A, B, C, and D groups were susceptible to rice blast, where as the E, F, G, H, and I groups were relatively resistant to rice blast through multi-location blast nursery test. Relationship between the identified genes of high quality varieties and blast scores at each test site in the level of group could be analyzed based on the results from G x E Interaction analysis.
        2003.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Regional Adaptability Test (RAT) was conducted to select promising breeding lines of rice for cultivation in specif ic regions. Analysis of genotype (G) and genotype by environment (G×E) interaction observed in RAT was carried out to test their adaptabili
        2000.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Blast severity data of 39 rice varieties at 11 sites in Korea from 1997 to 1999 were analyzed using AMMI model and pattern analysis. Genotype x Environment (G~times E) interaction sum of squares (SS) accounted for 12 % of the total SS. Eight genotype groups and seven location groups were identified based on blast reaction pattern. The data obtained from over 21 sites with 44 test varieties from 1981 to 1996 were also considered. These were compared with the 1997-1999 data using the G~times E analysis results. Majority of the variability in the Korean Rice Blast Nursery (KRBN) were attributable to variations due to genotypes. Variations of G~times E interaction were maintained though test sites were reduced from 21 to 11 sites. Broadly compatible biological discriminative varieties identified were Nagdongbyeo and Akibare while broadly incompatible biological discriminative varieties identified were Hangangchalbyeo and Seogwangbyeo. Key sites for future evaluation work could be selected from location groups. Each location group should be represented by the site with the strongest interaction pattern. Blast responses in Cheolwon, Gyehwa, Suwon, Iksan, and Icheon showed different patterns from other locations.