Amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O (a-IGZO) thin film transistors (TFTs) with a coplanar structure were fabricated to investigate the feasibility of their potential application in large size organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs). Drain currents, used as functions of the gate voltages for the TFTs, showed the output currents had slight differences in the saturation region, just as the output currents of the etch stopper TFTs did. The maximum difference in the threshold voltages of the In-Ga-Zn-O (a-IGZO) TFTs was as small as approximately 0.57 V. After the application of a positive bias voltage stress for 50,000 s, the values of the threshold voltage of the coplanar structure TFTs were only slightly shifted, by 0.18 V, indicative of their stability. The coplanar structure TFTs were embedded in OLEDs and exhibited a maximum luminance as large as 500 nits, and their color gamut satisfied 99 % of the digital cinema initiatives, confirming their suitability for large size and high resolution OLEDs. Further, the image density of large-size OLEDs embedded with the coplanar structure TFTs was significantly enhanced compared with OLEDs embedded with conventional TFTs.
The present study investigated effects of antifungal and carboxylesterase inoculant on rumen fermentation with different rumen pH. Corn silage was treated without inoculant (CON) and with a mixed Lactobacillus brevis 5M2 and L. buchneri 6M1 (MIX). Rumen fluid was collected from two cannulated Hanwoo heifers before morning feeding (high rumen pH at 6.70) and 3 h after feeding (low rumen pH at 6.20). Dried corn silage was incubated in the rumen buffer (rumen fluid + anaerobic culture medium at 1:2 ratio) for 48 h at 39oC. Eight replications for each treatment were used along with two blanks. Both in a high and a low rumen pH, MIX silages presented higher (p<0.05) the immediately degradable fraction, the potentially degradable fraction, total degradable fraction, and total volatile fatty acid (VFA) than those of CON silages. Incubated corn silages in a low rumen pH presented lower (p<0.05) total degradable fraction, ammonia-N, total VFA (p=0.061), and other VFA profiles except acetate and propionate, than those in a high rumen pH. The present study concluded that application of antifungal and carboxylesterase inoculant on corn silage could improve degradation kinetics and fermentation indices in the rumen with high and low pH conditions.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of fall injuries on the balancing abilities and ankle flexibility. Fifteen of the voluntary participants had no experience of falling in the last two years (none falling group, NFG) and 15 others experienced at least one (falling group, FG). Static balance (sway length, sway area), dynamic balance (timed up and go (TUG), and functional to reach test (FRT) were measured in each group. In comparison of static balance, sway length was not significantly different between NFG and FG in both eyes open and eyes close, however the sway area of the FG was significantly wider than that of the NFG (p<.05). In dynamic balance comparisons, TUG of FG was significantly longer than that of NFG (p <.05), however FRT and STS were no significant difference between groups. Ankle flexibility was significantly higher in NFG than in FG. This study suggests that the fall prevention program should include methods for improving ankle stability and lower extremity function.
Lignosus rhinocerotis, commonly known as Tiger Milk Mushroom, has been long extolled for its medicinal properties and used for treatment of asthma, cough, fever, cancer, liver-related illnesses, joint pains and as tonic. The history of usage for Tiger Milk Mushroom dates back to almost 400 years, ago but there were no records of scientific studies done due to inavailability of sufficient samples. Even when there were samples collected from the wild, the supply and quality was inconsistent. With the advent of cultivation success of one of the most utilized species of Tiger milk mushroom (L. rhinocerotis) in 2009 (known as TM02), scientific investigation was done to validate its traditional use and to investigate its safety for consumption, biochemical and biopharmacological properties. Preclinical toxicology evaluations showed that TM02 did not induce adverse effects on fertility. It also poses neither teratogenic effects nor genotoxicity. The no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) dose of the TM02 in 180-day chronic toxicity study is 1000 mg/kg which is equivalent to 162 mg/kg human dose, anticipated dose for a 60 kg adult is ~10g. The effective dosage of TM02 is as low as 0.5g per day for an adult. There is therefore, a huge margin for the safe consumption of TM02. TM02 is proven to be effective in supporting the lung and respiratory health, immune health, maintenance of joint health (caused by inflammation), improving vitality and stamina and improving the quality of life for cancer patients. Recent scientific findings have shown that TM02 contains various active components such as the polysaccharides-protein complexes, β-glucans, proteins, immuno-modulatory proteins all of which could play possible roles in rendering significant therapeutic properties such as anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulatory, anti-proliferative, anti-oxidative, neurite outgrowth stimulation etc. The revelation of the genome, transcriptome, proteome of L. rhinocerotis by MMRG has provided valuable insights into the biomolecule discovery and provided the foundation for future research and exploitation of L. rhinocerotis in pharmacological and functional food applications. These data forms a valuable foundation for future research in the exploitation of the L. rhinocerotis in pharmacological and industrial applications.
Pilomatricoma is the second most common benign dermal-subcutaneous tumor of the head and neck region, after epidermoid cyst, originating from the outer sheath cells of the hair follicle. It can be easily treated with surgical excision. However, it is a relatively unknown skin lesion to maxillofacial surgeons. Therefore, we report a case of pilomatricoma occuring inferolateral area of the parotid gland in a 54-year-old man; with a review of the relevant literature.
Mucormycosis generally presents as an acute infection manifesting in rhinocerebral, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, cutaneous, or disseminated forms. Fungal invasion to the arteries can reduce blood supply by thrombi formation inside the blood vessels, leading to necrosis. Fungal infection usually initiates in the upper turbinate, paranasal sinus, or less commonly in the palate or pharynx. Here we report an unusual case of mucormycosis in the maxilla of a 75-year-old man and present a review of the literature.
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma, a malignant neoplasm of salivary gland, rarely arises within the jaws. Differential diagnosis should include an odontogenic cyst because the central mucoepidermoid carcinoma usually reveals either an unilocular or multilocular radiolucency with hyperostotic border. Long-term follow-up is needed due to late recurrence and clinical slow progress like other salivary gland tumors. We would like to report an unusual case of central mucoepidermoid carcinoma with a review of literature.
Dermoid and epidermoid cysts in the oral cavity are uncommon and account for less than 0.01% of all oral cysts. The large majority of cases arise in the floor of the mouth and there are rare in other sites. We would like to report an unusual case of epidermoid cyst at the buccal mucosa in a 66-year-old male with a review of literature.
Bioactive peptides function effectively with a minimal amount compared to proteins. Recently SPARC related modular calcium binding 1 (SMOC1) has been implicated in regulating osteoblast differentiation and limb and eye development. In this study we synthesized a peptide covering 16 amino acids derived from the extracellular calcium binding (EC) domain of SMOC1, and its effects on proliferation and osteoblast differentiation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells were examined. Treatment of SMOC1 peptide did not modulate proliferation of BMSCs. However, mineralization of BMSCs was significantly increased with a dose dependent manner. Consistently expression of osteoblast differentiation marker genes including type 1 collagen and osteocalcin was also dose dependently increased. Taken together, these results suggest that peptide derived from the EC domain of SMOC1 recapitulates at least partially osteogenic function of SMOC1.
Multinucleated giant cells appear in a variety forms in different types of oral lesion. However, their nature is still not well understood. Thus, to address this issue, the immunohistochemical characteristics of inflammatory giant cells (Langhans’ giant cells in lesions of tuberculosis and foreign body giant cells in odontogenic keratocysts and squamous cell carcinomas) and tumor giant cells in central giant cell granulomas were compared with those of osteoclasts, the normal giant cell, using a panel of macrophage and osteoclast marker antibodies, such as calcitonin receptor (CT-R), c-Src, Cathepsin K (Cath-K), CD14, RANK, and c-fms. The foreign body giant cells around cholesterol clefts in inflamed odontogenic keratocysts revealed more macrophage-like characteristics than the foreign body giant cells resorbing keratin pearls in squamous cell carcinomas. As such, both cases of foreign body giant cell exhibited immunoreactivity for the macrophage markers, such as CD14, RANK, and c-fms, yet only the latter case exhibited immunoreactivity for the osteoclast markers, such as CT-R and c-Src. Moreover, both cases of foreign body giant cells were positive for TRAP activity, yet negative for Cathepsin K activity. In contrast, the other inflammatory giant cells, Langhans’ giant cells, exhibited immunoreactivity for both the macrophage and osteoclast markers, yet were negative for TRAP activity. Meanwhile, the giant cells in the central giant cell granulomas reacted positively to both the macrophage and osteoclast markers, and were also positive for TRAP activity. Accordingly, these findings suggest that the immunoprofiles of giant cells in oral lesions vary according to the nature of the lesion, despite shared osteoclast and macrophage characteristics. Furthermore, the giant cells in tumorous lesions closely associated with bony destruction revealed more osteoclastic characteristics and their enzyme components were different according to the nature of the lesion
The central granular cell odontogenic tumor is a rare benign odontogenic neoplasm of uncertain hisotogenesis characterized by varying amounts of eosinophilic granular cells and apparently inactive odontogenic epithelium with variable presence of calcified tissue. We present a case of central granular cell odontogenic tumor involving the maxilla of 35-year-old man with immunohistochemical characterization of granular cells. In microscopic view, the granular cells densely packed in sheets and lobules with abundant eosinophilic, granular cytoplasm and eccentric round-to-ovoid nuclei revealed immunoreactivity for vimentin, α1-antitrysin and CD68, and NSE but not for cytokeratin and S-100 protein while the interspersed odontogenic epithelial cells were positive for cytokeratin only. Granular cells also revealed strong PAS staining. Numerous concentric structured round to ovoid calcified aggregates were also noted. The lesion was treated with excision without recurrence for 8 years. Our immuohistochemical staining findings also suggest that the granular cells of central granular cell odontogenic tumor are mesenchymal in origin with possible histiocytic differentiation
Recent corpus-based approaches have emphasised autonomous and process-oriented methodologies focused on developing learners’ cognitive skills. This cognitive development is based on consciousness-raising being considered a necessary condition for language learning (Schmidt, 1990). From this viewpoint, the study was aimed at how this kind of corpus-based approach contributes to EFL learners’ interlanguage development. To this end, the study examined advanced Korean learners’ acquisition of English determiners via a corpus-based methodology designed to enhance their cognitive ability and skills. To achieve this, the study contrastively analysed two methodologies: traditional structuralist and corpus-based. The former focused on a product-oriented perspective which is commonly used in Korean grammar classes, while the latter focused on a process-oriented perspective which was based on learners’ exploration of corpus data. The study discovers that both methodologies lead learners to raise their consciousness of knowledge about the grammatical rules of language, but the corpus-based methodology also raises learners’ consciousness of the knowledge of how language is used at the level of noticing. This result suggests that this level of consciousness, raised via a process-oriented corpus methodology, can contribute to EFL learners’ interlanguage development.
Al though the changes in tooth morphology and hardness by hydrogen peroxide(H20 z) have been r‘epor‘.ted .‘ the pαr。o야t뻐ec야tive role of heme oxygenase-l(HO-l) against the cytotoxic effects of H202 has not been clarifïed i n human pulp cells ln this st udy. we investigated whether HO-l is involved in Hz0 2-induced cytoLox icity a nd examined the production 0 1' dentin sia lophosphoprotein(DSPP) and other mineralization markers‘ in hllman pu lp cells H202 decreased cell viabi lity, but increased HO-l and DSPP expression in a concentra tion and time dependent manner . Inhibitors of gllanylate cyclase. PI3K, ERK. and p38 MAP kinase blocked H202-indllced cytotoxicity and the expression of HO-l and DSPP mRNAs in pulp cells. These data suggest that the induction of HO-l by H202 in plllp cells plays a protective role against the cytotoxic effects 0 1' HzOz and stimulates DSPP expression‘ reslllting in prematllre odontoblast dilTerentiation throllgh pathways that involve cGMP‘ p38. and ERK.
As a pa rt 0 1' the effort to develop a suitable scaffold for tissue-engineered bone regene ration, we modified calcium metaphosphate(CMP) ce ramic with 5 mol% Na20 or K20 to improve t he biodegradability and evaluated their effi ciency as a biodegr adable scaffold for ti ssue-engineered bone regeneration. The macroporous αiIP ceramic blocks incor porated with 5 mol% Na20 or K20 were prepa recl to have average pore size of 250 um in an inte rconnectecl framework structure The influ e nce of inco r pora tecl 5 mol% Na20 or K20 on cytotoxicity‘ cellular attachmont and t heir clifferentiation was evaluated by in vit ro analyzing sys tern. res pectively. The bioclegradability, histocompatibility, and osteogenic effect by cell-scaffolcl co nstruc ts were evalua ted by im plantation of them into subcutaneous pouches of SD-rats 0 1' SCID ITllce The incorporation of 5 mol% Na20 or K20 causecl clecrease of compressive strength without improving of biodegr adabili ty . The moclifi ed scaffolcls revea led no cy totoxic and excell ent biocompatability but osteogneic effect was recluced compa red to pure CMP ce ramic porous blocks . These res ul Ls s ugge::;t tha t the incorporation of 5 mol% Na20 0 1' K20 into pure CMP is not effective for improv ing effï ciency 0 1' scaffolcls fo1' tissue-engineered bone regeneration in terms of bioclegradabi li ty‘ physical s trength . a ncl osteogenic rege ne ra tive effect
Influences of different seeding dates on growth, seed yield, fatty acid composition and oil content were investigated in flax plants for two years. The results indicated that plant height in early seeding date was higher than that of delayed seeding dates during first season. Furthermore, seeding date also significantly affected the ripened seed rate and the rate increased with the delay in seeding date in first season. Seed yield in the first crop season was significantly higher than the second crop season. Palmitic acid showed variation in different seeding dates. Contrarily, stearic acid was stable and did not changed by different seeding dates. Linolenic acid was found in highest amount in all seeding dates consecutively in two cropping years. Highest oil content was recovered from the seeds of flax sown at 29 Apr. and May 9 in first and second cropping year respectively.