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        검색결과 20

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To utilize textured vegetable protein (TVP) instead of meat in kimchi stew, TVP of different sizes were added to kimchi stew under different cooking conditions. Canned Kimchi stew was prepared by adding processed TVP. Physicochemical quality characteristics and antioxidant activities of the broth, kimchi, and meat (or TVP) were measured. The pH and salinity did not show a significant difference between treatment groups in the broth or kimchi. However, the TVP treatment group showed higher pH and lower salinity than the control group. There was no significant difference in color between control group and TVP-treated groups. In terms of texture, the control group had the lowest hardness, gumminess, and chewiness, followed by TVP-1 and TVP-2 manufactured after pre-cooking, which showed lower hardness, gumminess, and chewiness. The smaller the size of the TVP, the lower the hardness, gumminess, and chewiness. Results of shear force were consistent with those of hardness. Contents of flavonoid and polyphenol compounds as antioxidant components did not increase or decrease with the addition of TVP. There were no significant differences in antioxidant activities among experimental groups.
        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To determine the differences in food quality between fish fed a low fish meal diet containing black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) instead of fish meal and those fed a general fish meal diet, we analyzed the approximate components, mineral content, amino acid composition, fatty acid composition, color, and texture of Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). The analysis of approximate components showed no difference between the two samples, except for moisture content. Mineral contents were measured in the order of K, P, Na, and Mg in both samples, with no difference except for phosphorus (P). A total of 16 amino acids were detected in both samples, with no significant differences in their composition. Additionally, 17 types of free amino acids were identified, with no significant differences between the two samples. The fatty acid composition consisted of 13 fatty acids, with palmitic acid, DHA, and oleic acid being the most prominent, although slight differences in content were observed. The color and texture also showed no differences between the two samples. Overall, there were no significant differences in chemical components or physical characteristics, so it was judged to be insignificant in terms of food science.
        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pavements have historically been used for mobility, but their usage in cities is steadily increasing owing to social and cultural development. Urban development is rapidly accelerating, primarily because of the concentration of the urban population. Additionally, the effects of the urban heat island are intensifying owing to global warming. One of the main factors contributing to this phenomenon is the increase in impermeable layers, such as asphalt and concrete pavements, in city centers. Various technological developments have been conducted to reduce the effects of urban heat islands. This study developed a moisture-retaining asphalt that absorbs moisture by incorporating a highly super-absorbent polymer (SAP) into a porous asphalt mixture, with the aim of alleviating the urban-heat-island effect. The porous asphalt mixture was designed accordingly. When the mixing design was completed, tests for the tensile strength ratio (TSR), asphalt wheel tracking, and indoor water permeability were conducted on the porous asphalt. Moreover, Hamburg wheel tracking and dynamic water acupuncture tests were performed to evaluate the compatibility of SAP moisture-retaining asphalt, and the results were as follows: Depending on the type and content of SAP, we confirmed that the TSR and permeability coefficient decreased as the amount of SAP increased, resulting in a decrease in durability. In addition, thermal characteristics and simulations showed that the SAP asphalt mixture would have a heat island reduction effect. In this paper, guidelines for the blending design of SAP moisture-retaining asphalt are presented with the aim of alleviating the urban heat island phenomenon by ensuring durability while simultaneously reducing surface temperatures.
        2024.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To utilize textured vegetable protein (TVP) in food manufacturing, TVP was soaked in salt solutions of different concentrations. Physicochemical quality characteristics of TVP were then measured. When TVP was soaked in a salt solution, the pH tended to increase compared to the control. However, the pH decreased after 18 hours of soaking. The salinity of the control decreased slightly from the initial value depending on the soaking time. The group treated with salt solution showed higher salinity than the control. Water absorption capacity of the control increased as the soaking time increased. However, water absorption capacity of the group treated with salt solution decreased as the concentration of salt solution increased. Lightness of the group treated with salt solution showed less change than the control during soaking. The redness increased as the concentration of salt solution increased. The yellowness increased compared to the control during soaking. Hardness, gumminess, and chewiness of the control decreased during soaking in water. The group treated with salt solution showed significantly higher hardness, gumminess, and chewiness as the concentration of the salt solution increased. However, adhesiveness, elasticity, and cohesiveness generally did not show significant differences among samples.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To produce super sweet corn sikhye, substituted for sweetener, the ratio of rice and super sweet corn was adjusted and processed with complex enzymes during saccharification, and their physicochemical and sensory properties were analyzed. The soluble solid content of the control and Corn-5 showed significantly high content at 13.50 °Brix, and the reducing sugar content of Corn-5 showed the highest content at 9.45%. The control showed the lowest free sugar content among all the experimental groups, excluding maltose content. In the enzyme-treated corn sikhye group, as the amount of super sweet corn increased, the content of sucrose decreased and the contents of glucose and fructose increased. The content of ascorbic acid and polyphenol compounds increased as the amount of super sweet corn increased. DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging abilities increased with increasing ratio of super sweet corn and enzyme treatment compared to the control. In the case of sensory evaluation, Corn-3, which substituted 30% of super sweet corn for rice and treated with enzymes, showed higher evaluations in taste, sweetness, and overall preference than those of the control.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        By developing a high-quality plexiglass sign using LED, it is possible to respond to international competitiveness and effectively cope with market expansion measures. The degree of inhalation of the fine dust blown by the air nozzle was tested so that it was not blown into the air. As a result of this test, the acrylic absorption rate was 82%, an increase of 20% from 60% before improvement, and the working environment was improved. With the development of the dust extraction device for the acrylic processing machine in this study, the suction and removal of acrylic fragments or dust is smoothly performed, resulting in a cleaner, more hygienic and improved safety through the improvement of the working environment. As a result of comparing the amount of burr generated in the plexiglass material and comparing the degree of test performance for reaching 24,000 rpm, it reached 24,000rpm.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To improve usability of super sweet corn, extracts were prepared with hydrolytic enzyme and changes in physicochemical and antioxidant properties were analyzed. Soluble solids and reducing sugars contents were higher in all enzyme treatment groups than in the control. When enzyme treatment time increased, contents of soluble solids and reducing sugars were also increased. There was no significant difference in lightness between treatment groups, with redness showing the highest value in the control and yellowness showing the highest value in the invertase treatment group. Free sugar content in the control was the lowest. However free sugar content in the enzyme combination treatment group was increased by more than four times compared to that in the control. Contents of ascorbic acid, flavonoids and polyphenols were higher in the enzyme treatment group than in the control. In particular, the enzyme combination treatment group showed the highest content. DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging abilities were significantly higher in all enzyme treatment groups than in the control. Radical scavenging abilities of cellulase treatment group and enzyme combination treatment group showed high activity. The activity increased when enzyme treatment time increased. The combined enzyme treatment method for super sweet corn was suitable for food processing.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A lot of CANDU Spent Fuels (CSFs) have been stored in spent nuclear fuel pools and dry storage facilities. In accordance with the enhanced nuclear regulations, the initial characteristics of CSF should be inspected to ensure the integrity of CSF and the reliable operation of storage system before loading it into a cask for long-term dry storage. For the inspections, an initial characteristics measurement equipment was designed, which is used for Pool-Side Examination (PSE) in the spent fuel pool of the pressurized heavy water reactor nuclear power plant. Measurements using the equipment consist of non-contact inspections and contact inspections. The non-contact inspections do not affect CSF integrity, whereas the integrity of CSF can be reduced during the contact inspections under abnormal operating conditions because the probe of equipment may apply specific loads to the CSF. Therefore, the structural integrity evaluations of equipment and CSF are performed using Finite Element (FE) analyses for four combinations based on two abnormal conditions and two probe positions. The used abnormal conditions are the pressing load condition and the scratching load condition, and two probe positions are the center and bottom of the fuel rod in the longitudinal direction, respectively. In this evaluation, the bottoms of the fuel rod or CSF are defined as the regions facing the bottom surface of equipment. The analysis of the pressing load condition is performed by pressing the probe of the equipment in radial direction of the CSF fuel rod. That of the scratching load condition is carried out by applying a specific radial load to the CSF fuel rod using the probe and then applying the load to the surface of the fuel rod while moving axially along the surface. All combinations are analyzed considering geometric, boundary and material non-linearity under the dynamic load, which is dependent on the equipment operating velocity. The stresses of CSF and equipment components were obtained from these analyses. The maximum stress of each component was generated at the combination on the scratching load condition for the bottom position among the four combinations. The obtained maximum stresses are lower than the yield stress for each component material. Also, the CSF is not overturned due to the support plate of the equipment in all analyses. Therefore, the structural integrity and safety of the equipment and the CSF are maintained under abnormal operating conditions during the inspection using the initial characteristic measurement equipment.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The following results were obtained by conducting a flow experiment. The experiment with air volume showed that the ducts with 3 shapes in the same cross-sectional area were large in the order of circular duct, square duct, and flexible duct. As a result of measuring the pressure value by duct shape to determine the cause of the difference between the flow rate and the air volume value by duct, the negative pressure was large in the order of circular duct, square duct, and flexible duct. in the countercurrent test, In the case of circular ducts, the deviation was high, In the case of Flexible ducts, the mild increase in the countercurrent is judged to be the difference in pressure and friction received by shape.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Integrity evaluation scheme for Spent Fuel (SF) dry storage has been developed under transportation failure modes. This method especially considered the degradation characteristics of Spent Fuel (SF) during dry storage such as radial and circumferential hydride content, hydride volume fraction, oxide thickness, etc. Hydride and zircaloy cladding are considered as material composite system, using correlation models related to material properties. Critical Strain Energy Density (CSED) is compared with Strain Energy Density (SED), to evaluate cladding integrity. CSED serves as material characteristics, while SED can be considered as boundary condition. To calculate the CSED of cladding in the lateral failure mode, circumferential hydride concentration is used. SED is calculated considering both the bending moment and axial load. On the other hand, in the longitudinal failure case, fuel rod temperature, internal pressure, hoop stress, radial hydride concentration is used to calculate CSED. And pinch force (contact) was considered to evaluate SED. Model validations were conducted by comparing hot cell SF test and existing validated evaluation results. To separately handle normal transportation conditions from hypothetical accident conditions, SED according to stress-strain analysis results was separated into elastic and plastic regions. As a result of applying this scheme for 14×14 SF, failure probability of normal condition was zero, which is the similar result with DOE and same with EPRI. Regarding accident condition, lateral case showed similar result, but longitudinal case showed different but reasonable result, which was due to the different analysis conditions. The proposed methodology which was indigenously developed through this study is named as K-method.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To enhance the efficacy of Abeliophyllum distichum leaves, extracts were prepared using different solvents for hydrolytic enzyme-treated Abeliophyllum distichum leaves. Physicochemical quality and antioxidant activity were measured. Soluble solids, reducing sugar, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, and polyphenols contents showed the lowest values in the control without enzyme treatment. However, they showed high contents in ethanol extract. In the case of enzyme treatment, their values were higher than those of the control. In particular, verbascoside content increased about 220 times more than that of the control group when treated with enzymes and extracted with 50% ethanol. pH was lowered upon enzymatic treatment. Regarding DPPH radical scavenging activity, for enzyme-free, 25% ethanol extract showed the highest activity among extracts with different solvents. For cellulase and pectinase-treated leaves, water extract showed the highest DPPH radical scavenging activity among extracts with different solvents. For leaves treated with enzyme combination, 50% ethanol extract showed the highest DPPH radical scavenging activity among extracts with different solvents. Regarding ABTS radical scavenging activity, it was generally higher in the 50% ethanol extract than in the water extract and 25% ethanol extract. In particular, verbascoside content was increased when the extract was prepared by co-treatment with enzymes and 50% ethanol.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, to improve the performance of kitchen range hoods, a comparative analysis of air volume and noise is conducted using three ducts by changing shapes. It was found that the difference in air volume was caused by the pressure difference received by each shape. The noise data can be found to be no more than 60dB overall, except for the second tier of A-type. The difference when connecting the circular, square, and flexible ducts was judged to be due to some laboratory noise, and it was found that there was no difference.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper presents a strategic adoption model for blockchain technology in nuclear nonproliferation by analysing the implementation of legally binding agreements and leveraging results from governmentleading sectors. Blockchain has been emerging as not only a single promising technology but a foundational one which can be combined with diverse sectors. From the national point of view, it is imperative that the government formulates policy for fostering blockchain-related industries, thereby, gaining a competitive advantage at the national level. Accordingly, the Korean government has established the Blockchain Technology Development and Diffusion Strategies in 2018 and 2020, respectively, to verify the technology by supporting pilot projects for apposite industries, such as customs clearance, transhipment of containers, record-keeping of meat processing, and smart contracts. In addition, the strategies announce to support liaison with regulatory sandbox and cooperation between the projects. Internationally, on the other hand, nuclear nonproliferation imposes the duties of verifying that member states under the NPT and the Safeguards Agreement obey the IAEA mandate, “Atoms for Peace and Development”. Similarly, bilateral nuclear cooperation agreements and administrative arrangements specify reporting obligations for the origin and history records of the Trigger List items. Meanwhile, commercial and industrial secrets and other confidential information of any entities involved have to be securely protected. Provided accompanying activities accomplish the integrity of records and mutual transparency, it brings more credibility, and further, the competitiveness of the state’s nuclear industry. In conclusion, the tasks that the Republic of Korea implements as an exemplary country complying with the nuclear nonproliferation regime have many similarities with the pilot projects that have been or are being carried out under national strategies for fostering blockchain technology elsewhere. This implies that the leveraging of the subsets can derive a new competitive model in blockchain adoption that contributes to the competitiveness of the national nuclear industry due to the advanced nuclear regulations.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a system was developed that can evaluate the radon gas removal efficiency of air cleaner filters. The system has three acrylic chambers connected in series;: the 1st chamber, the filter chamber and the 2nd chamber. In the 1st chamber, a radon source and an air pump were installed to create an environment with a constant radon concentration. Radon concentration in the two chambers was continuously monitored by ionization chamber detectors(RD-200, FRD1600, FTLab, Korea) and, in the 2nd chamber, the radon concentration increase of air filtrated by each filter was inter-compared. HEPA filters and two honeycomb type filters were evaluated. Results of HEPA filter, GAC 1 and GAC 2 were 1142 Bq, 7016 Bq and 12053 Bq, respectively. HEPA filter showed a significantly lower capacity for radon removal than the GAC filters. Also, the GAC 2 filter showed a more than 70 % better result compared to GAC 1 due to the difference in filter materials. Therefore, this system can be used to evaluate the radon removal ability of air cleaner filters, by filter type and filter material.
        2001.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2018.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 코끼리 흑마늘의 분말화를 위해 추출액과 말토덱스트린을 비율 별로 첨가한 후 분말을 제조하였으며, 제조 및 저장 조건 별로 품질 특성을 비교 분석하는데 목적을 두었다. 분말의 용해도는 90.87-96.93%으로 5:5 처리구에서 가장 높은 값을 보였으며 색깔의 경우 말토덱스트린 함량이 증가할수록 명도는 감소하였으나 적색도와 황색도는 증가하였다. 입도는 7:3 처리구를 제외하고 말토덱스트린 함량에 비례하여 증가하는 추세를 보였으며, 분산성은 0.54-0.63 범위에서 나타났다. 포화 염용액으로 다른 상대습도를 조성하여 25, 35℃에서 분말을 각각 저장했을 때 평형 수분함량은 4:6에서 가장 낮게 나타났다. 그리고 단분자층 수분함량을 산출하기 위해 GAB 식과 BET 식을 이용하였으며 모든 조건에서 0.943-0.997로 높은 R2값을 보였다. 여러 처리구 중 4:6 처리구가 단분자층 수분함량이 가장 낮았으며 다른 처리구들은 온도나 적용 식에 따라 다른 추세를 보였다. 또한 등온 흡습 모델의 적합성을 확인하기 위해 Caurie, Halsey, Kuhn, Oswin, Mizrahi 식을 사용하였는데, 그 중 Halsey, Kuhn 식이 높은 R2 값과 낮은 편차를 보여 적합성을 나타내었다.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 새싹보리를 이용하여 제품 개발에 적용할 수 있도록, 생리활성물질의 최적 추출구간을 설정하는 데에 목적이 있다. 에탄올 농도(0-100%), 마이크로웨이브 전력 (60-300 W), 추출시간(4-20분)을 종속 변수로 설정한 후, 빠르고 추출 수율이 좋은 마이크로웨이브추출법을 이용하여 16구의 다른 추출 조건을 중심합성계획법에 따라 설정 하여 새싹보리를 추출하였다. 이 후, 추출물의 총 폴리페놀 함량, 총 플라보노이드 함량, DPPH 라디칼 소거능 활성을 측정하였다. 모든 회귀식의 R2는 0.9 이상으로 5% 수준 이내에서 유의성이 인정되었다. 총 폴리페놀의 최적 추출 조건은 에탄올 농도 58.94%, 마이크로웨이브 전력 209.04 W, 추출시간은 18.17분으로 나타났으며, 총 플라보노이드 의 최적 추출 조건은 에탄올 농도 52.7%, 마이크로웨이브 전력 73.03 W, 추출시간은 5분으로 나타났다. DPPH 라디칼 소거능 활성의 경우, 에탄올 농도 75.84%, 마이크로웨이브 전력 210.79 W, 추출시간 은 6.5분으로 나타났다. 조건에 따른 TPC, TFC 그리고 DPPH 라디칼 소거능 활성의 예측값 은 각각 3.84 mg GAE/g, 3.00 mg RE/g 그리고 35.43%의 수치를 나타냈다. 최적 범위 내 임의의 점, 즉 에탄올 농도 40%, 마이크로웨이브 전력 120 W, 추출시간은 18분에서 실험값은 3.38 mg GAE/g, 2.64 mg RE/g, 그리고 37.94%를 나타냈으며 예측값과 실제 실험값은 유사한 값을 보였다.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Functional compounds including flavonoids, anthocyanins, polyphneols and antioxidants were extracted from blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) using highly efficient microwave-assisted extraction. And extraction process was modeled and optimized according to response surface methodology (RSM). The independent variables (Xn) were ethanol concentration (X1: 0, 25, 50, 75, 100%), irradiation time (X2: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 min), and microwave power (X3: 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 W). Dependent variables (Yn) were total flavonoid contents (Y1), total anthocyanin contents (Y2), total polyphenol contents (Y3) and antioxidant activity (Y4). Four-dimensional response surface plots were generated based on the fitted second-order polynomial models to get optimal conditions. Estimated optimal conditions for 4 responses were ethanol concentration of 54-72%, irradiation time of 7.1-7.6 min, and microwave power of 243-251 W. Ridge analysis predicted the maximal responses of total flavonoid content, total anthocyanin content, total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity were 38.00 mg RE/g, 6.80 mg CGE/g, 14.90 mg GAE/g, 89.10%, respectively. Verification experiment was carried out at predicted optimal conditions and experimental values for total flavonoid content, total anthocyanin content, total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity were 38.10 mg RE/g, 6.72 mg CGE/g, 14.91 mg GAE/g and 89.13%, respectively. No significant difference was observed between predicted and experimental values, indicating good fitness of fitted model and successful application of RSM.