
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 11

        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This experiment was carried out to clarify the effect of light qualities on the growth characteristics and yield of fruiting body in the cultivation of Lyopyllum ulmarium. The intensity of illumination by type of light was in the order of white light(2,270Lux), yellow light(1,750Lux), blue light(460Lux) and red light(400Lux). An investigation of fruiting body showed these results that the pileus size and stipe diameter of fruiting body on CBM (Chungbuk mushroom)-1757 were much larger than Hypsizigus marmoreus, and an effect of yellow light seemed to be better than those of another light. In comparison with Hypsizigus marmoreus, the growth duration of CBM-1757 was shortened by 8 days which included 2 days for fungi culture, 1 day for first pinning requirement and 1 day for growth. The growth duration in yellow light illumination was about 70 days showing the tendency of 2~4 days reduction. There were no differences in results such as number of effective stem and fresh weight. The yield of fruiting body per bottle in CBM-1757(95.6g) was little higher than Hypsizigus marmoreus(94.8g). By a white light’s standard, the yields of blue and red light illumination were decreased by 2~9%, but that of yellow light illumination was increased by 8%. The chromaticity results showed that brightness, red and yellow coloration of CBM-1757 were higher than those of Hypsizigus marmoreus, and yellow light treatment was more effective than another light.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        When we consider that most Flammulina velutipes are foreign varieties, and the international disputes of genetic resources increase, the development and distribution of domestic varieties are very important. Flammulina velutipes, which belongs to the Basidiomycot, have abundant vitamins, and is one of popular mushrooms. 6 varieties of Flammulina velutipes were collected, the selection of desirable isolates and characterization were conducted after monosporous isolation and breeding. After isolation of 1,200 monospores from 6 varieties, the final 10 monospores from each isolate were selected, and 250 isolates were obtained in 15 breeding combinations. Through an investigation of fruiting body, 29 lines were selected at first, then 6 lines at secondary step, and the last 3 lines. The biological characteristics was that mycelia growth was 0.6~2.0cm below 15 ℃, and 2.3~3.8cm at 20~25℃ showing the best result, on the other hand, 1.1~2.4cm at 30℃. There were no differences in pH, but the mycelia density of E-2-8 line seemed to be lower. Mycelia growth and density in some kinds of media such as MCM and MEM were most favorable, but worst in Wa medium. In D-1-10 and C-3-5 of selection lines, yield of fruiting body per bottle(850cc) was 120∼125g, number of effective stem was 299, and stipe length was 93∼95mm showing the best growth.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1. 광 종류별 조도는 백색광은 2,270Lux로 가장 밝았으며, 황색광 1,750Lux, 청색광 460Lux, 적색광 400Lux의 순이었다. 2. 자실체 특성을 조사한 결과, CBM-1757이 느티만가닥버섯에 비하여 갓의 크기와 대직경이 양호한 경향이었으며, 광 종류간에는 황색광에서 다른 광에 비하여 다소 좋은 경향이었다. 3. 생육기간은 CBM-1757이 느티만가닥버섯에 비하여 균 배양일수는 2일, 초발이소요일수는 1일, 생육일수는 1일정도 단축되어 생육기간이 8일 정도 빠른 경향이었다. 광종류간에는 황색광에서 생육기간이 70일 소요되어 다른 광에 비하여 2~4일 정도 단축되는 경향이었다. 4. 유효경수 및 개체중은 품종간에 차이가 나지 않는 경향이었고, 병당 수량은 느티만가닥버섯 94.8g에 비하여 CBM-1757은 95.6g으로 약간 많았다. 광 종류간에는 백색광의 96.0g에 비하여 청색광 및 적색광에서는 2~9%가 감소되었으나, 황색광에서는 103.4g으로 8% 정도 증수되는 경향이었다. 5. 버섯의 색도는 CBM-1757이 느티만가닥버섯에 비하여 명도, 적색도 및 황색도가 높았으며, 광 종류간에는 황색광에서 다른 광에 비하여 다소 높은 경향이었다.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        느타리버섯의 배지에 철, 고춧가루, 은행잎을 첨가하였을 때 버섯의 생육과 생리활성을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 수량은 춘추 품종에 철 34.9g을 첨가하였을 때 144g으로 가장 높았고, 나머지 품종간에는 차이가 없었으며, 34.9g 및 174.5g 처리시 17.4g 처리에 비해 수량이 높은 경향이었다. 자실체와 배지에 포함된 무기물의 함량은 종류별로 차이가 있었으며, 배지중 철의 함량이 증가하여도 자실체내의 철의 함량은 0.31∼0.43mg/kg으로 거의 일정하게 유지되었다. 배지에 포함된 고춧가루의 함량이 많아질수록 자실체에 포함된 캡사이신의 함량도 많아졌으며, 수한품종에서 6mg/100g으로 가장 많이 전이되었다. 철이나 고추를 첨가한 배지에서 재배한 버섯에서 페놀성 화합물의 함량이 높게 나타났으며, 항산화력과 총 페놀성 화합물 함량, 환원력과 총페놀성 화합물 함량, 금속이온 제거능과 페놀성 화합물의 함량 간에는 서로 영향을 미치지 않는 경향이었다. Macrophage 활성화능은 수한 품종이 다른 품종에 비해 높은 경향이었다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The experiment of grape leafroller (Herpetogramma luctuosalis) was carried out at Okcheon area from 2007 to 2009 and 2015. The grape leafroller had been occurred at a campbell early’ organic vineyard in Okcheon. It’s larva was rolling the leaf of grape and ate the leaf. So the leaf of grape decreased. In organic vineyards, adult grape leafroller’ generation rate per year showed the first peak in mid-June, the second peak in early –August and the third in mid-September. The larva showed the first peak in early July and the second peak in late August-early September. The grape leaf roller had three generations per year. And it took 60.9±1.09 days from egg to adult in growth chamber (VS-91G09M-1300) which the relative humidity conditions was 60±10%, temperature 25±2℃ and photoperiod 16L:8D (The egg : 12±0 days, larvae : 22.2±0.22 days, pupa : 10.6±0.75 days and adult : 16.1±0.45 days). It was conducted to find out the effect of microbial pesticide treatments to control H. luctuosalis. The 4 microbial pesticides (Bacillus thurigiensis) were treated twice on the grape leaves in June 11 and 21 at an organic vineyard in Okcheon. On 10 days after last treatment, the control value of all microbial pesticides were more than 95%. When the dates of spraying to the grape leaves were on May 22, June 12 and July 2 each, the effects of microbial pesticide were 73.9%, 93.5% and 43.6% respectively. As a result, it was effective that Bt was sprayed to grape leaves on mid and late June for controling the H. luctuosalis in organic vineyard. And microbial pesticide Bt was thought to be useful to control the grape leafroller in organic vineyard.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        'Cheongpungheukhyangchal' New aromatic, black pericarp and glutinous rice variety was developed by the rice breeding team of Chungbuk Agricultural Research and Extension Services, in 2012. This cultivar was derived from a cross between 'Shindongjin' as a grain quality source and 'Heugseonchal' as a black glutinous and aromatic source. The donor parent, 'Sindongjin' has been backcrossed one time with recurrent parent 'Heugseonchal' and selected by the pedigree breeding method, until F6 generation. As a result, a promising line, CBR11-2-4-3, was advanced and designated as the name of ‘CBR L3’ in 2009. The maturity period of this cultivar took approximately 168 days from seedling to heading. This cultivar has about 15 tillers per hill and 115 spikelet numbers per panicle. Ripening ratio is about 76.5% and 1000 grain weight is 27.2 g in brown rice. Milled rice of 'Cheongpungheukhyangchal' has trait of glutinous and aromatic endosperm. It has higher anthocyanin content compared to that of black pigmented check cultivar ‘Heugseonchal’. The yield performance of brown rice was 5.39 MT/ha in local adaptability test for three years. ‘Cheongpungheukhyangchal’ is adaptable to central plain and southern mid-mountainous area of Korea.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘청풍흑찰’은 충북농업기술원에서 2009년도에 육성한 다수성 흑색 찰벼 품종이다. 잎은 녹색이고, ‘흑선찰’보다 길이는 짧고, 너비는 비슷하다. 초형은 반직립형이며, 줄기의 강도가 강한 편이다. 이삭 추출은 양호하고 착립밀도는 조밀하다.까락은 벼알 선단부분에 약간 발생되며, 탈립이 잘 안되고 부선은 황색, 영색은 담자색이다. 출수기는 8월 23일인 중만생종이다. 간장은 65 cm로 작은 편이고, 주당수수와 천립중은‘흑선찰’과 비슷하였으나. 수당립수는 16개 더 많았다. 성숙기 하엽노화는 느린 편이며, 줄기의 강도가 강하여 도복에 강하다. 도열병에는 저항성을 나타냈지만, 해충에 저항성이 없다. 단백질 함량은 ‘흑선찰’보다 낮고, 도정수율 및 강하점도가 높아 가공적성이 뛰어나며, 기능성 성분 함량이 높고, 항산화 활성이 뛰어났다. 수량성은 ‘06~‘08년 3개년 간 실시한지역적응시험 보통기 보비재배 3개소에서 평균 현미수량이5.80 MT/ha로 ‘흑선찰’ 대비 53% 증수되었다.