A new annual dose evaluation system called E-DOSE has been developed. The system is based on the methodology of the previous version, K-DOSE60, which uses the dose evaluation methods of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP-60). However, E-DOSE is coded in ABAP to be compatible with the KHNP’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, SAP. This allows E-DOSE to use the real-time data from SAP, which minimizes the need for user intervention. The socio-environmental data, which was previously managed by the staff of each plant sites, can now managed in the system in a centralized manner. This is a significant improvement over the previous system, as it reduces the risk of errors and makes it easier to track and manage data. The system also automatically generates the reports required by regulations. EDOSE is expected to minimize the occurrence of human errors in preparing and managing the input data. This is because the system uses the data from SAP, which is less prone to errors than manually entered data. Additionally, the automatic generation of reports reduces the risk of errors in report preparation. E-DOSE is also expected to improve work efficiency. This is because the system automates many of the tasks involved in annual dose evaluation, such as data entry, calculation, and report generation. Overall, E-DOSE is a significant improvement over the previous annual dose evaluation system. It is more efficient, accurate, and user-friendly.
수출용 스프레이 장미 신품종을 육성하기 위해 경남농업기술원 화훼연구소에서 2012년 분홍색 스프레이 장미 ‘Pink Sensation’을 모본으로, 오렌지색 스프레이 장미 ‘Orange Jam’ 을 부분으로 하여 잿빛곰팡이병 민감성이 약하고 수송성과 생산성이 좋은 황색 스프레이 장미 ‘Egg Tart’를 육성하였다(품종보호 제7791호). ‘Egg Tart’의 화형은 불규칙한 원형이고, 잎색은 짙은 녹색으로 광택이 강하였으며, 잎 수는 15매, 잎의 길이는 12.3cm로 대조품종 ‘Yellow Tea’에 비해 작았다. 잎의 형태적인 면에서 대조품종과 뚜렷한 차이를 보였는데 ‘Egg Tart’는 소엽 가장자리의 물결모양이 크지 않고 정단부 소엽이 좁은 타원형이었으며, 특히 정부의 모양은 매우 뾰족한 형태를 보였다. ‘Egg Tart’의 절화수량은 152본(㎡/년), 절화장은 78cm, 꽃잎수는 78.8매, 절화수명은 14.4일로 길어 스프레이 절화장미로서 대조품종 ‘Yellow Tea’보다 우수하였다. ‘Egg Tart’의 수출품종으로서 가능성을 확인하기 위해 같은 황색 품종인 ‘Yellow Babe’와 함께 장미 수출업체 재배온실에서 2017 년부터 3년간 실증재배를 하였고 생산된 절화는 내수시장과 일본 수출 시장에 출하하였다. 시험 결과 절화수량과 소화수는 두 품종간 차이가 없었으나 절화길이와 꽃 직경의 크기는 ‘Egg Tart’가 컸으며, 시장 가격도 내수시장과 일본 시장이 각각 송이당 845원, 758원으로 ‘Yellow Babe’ 보다 높았다. ‘Egg Tart’의 잿빛곰팡이병에 대한 민감성을 확인하기 위해 인위적으로 잿빛곰팡이병 균주를 접종하여 병 발생 및 확산 정도를 조사한 결과 대조품종인 ‘Yellow Babe’는 병원균 접종 후 1일 부터 감염이 되었으나 ‘Egg Tart’는 2일부터 감염되었고, 접종 후 4일에 ‘Yellow Babe’는 100% 감염되었지만, ‘Egg Tart’는 38.9%로 대조품종에 비해 상대적으로 감염이 적고 확산 속도도 느렸다. 이상의 결과를 종합해볼 때 황색 스프레이 장미 ‘Egg Tart’는 기존 수출품종 ‘Yellow Babe’를 대체 가능한 품종으로 판단된다.
본 연구는 생산자와 시장의 기호성이 우수한 스프레이 장미 품종 ‘Haesal’의 유용한 화색변이 품종을 단기간에 육성하기 위해 삽수와 발근삽목묘에 각각 감마선을 처리한 후 변이 발생 양상과 주요 화색변이의 생육특성을 조사하기 위해 실시하였다. 감마선 처리 시료 형태에 상관없이 선량이 높아질수록 식물체 치사율은 높아졌고 신초의 발생량과 신초 생장량이 감소하였다. 50% 치사선량(LD50, Lethal dose 50)은 삽수는 70Gy부터, 발근삽목묘는 90Gy부터였고 변이 발생률은 삽수와 발근삽목묘에서 각각 2.6%, 3.1% 였으며, 변이형태는 양쪽 모두 완전변이체, 키메라, 그리고 꽃 형태변이였다. 감마선을 처리한 삽수로부터 ‘Haesal’과 거의 유사한 특성을 가진 화색변이 MUL-1과 MUL-2를 각각 70Gy와 50Gy 선량에서 유기하였고 특성을 조사한 결과 꽃 직경과 꽃잎수, 절화수량은 ‘Haesal’에 비해 조금 적었지만 화형과 잎의 특성, 절화장 등은 ‘Haesal’과 차이가 없었다.
Ostrea denselamellosa and Eriocheir japonica samples were collected from the Seomjin River in 2019 as part of the “Research of Host-Associated Bacteria” research program. Almost 200 bacterial strains were isolated from the O. denselamellosa and E. japonica samples and subsequently identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Among the bacterial isolates, ten strains possessed greater than 98.7% sequence similarity with published bacterial species that had not previously been recorded in Korea. These species were phylogenetically diverse, belonging to three phyla, four classes, seven orders, and eight genera. At the genus and class level, the previously unrecorded species belonged to Pseudoalteromonas, Aliivibrio, Rheinheimera, Leucothrix, and Shewanella of the class Gamma-proteobacteria, Olleya of the class Flavobacteriia, Algoriphagus of the class Cytophagia, and Lactococcus of the class Bacilli. The previously unrecorded species were further characterized by examining their Gram staining, colony and cell morphology, biochemical properties, and phylogenetic positions.
Introduction Existing studies have revealed various value systems’ relationship to consumer behavior. The factors that have been shown to explain consumer behavior include basic values (e.g., Rindfleisch, Burroughs, & Wong, 2009), consumer worldview (e.g., Saatcioglu & Ozanne, 2013), the dominant ideology of society (e.g., Juhl, Fenger, & Thøgersen, 2017), and political ideology (e.g., Jung, Garbarino, Briley, & Wynhausen, 2017). In this study, we attempted to identify a new, overarching construct that captures individuals’ socioeconomic worldview and then to investigate its impact on consumer behavior. In doing so, we developed a neoliberalism scale and investigated how it relates to consumption-related factors. This neoliberalism construct encompasses individuals’ perspectives on various dimensions, including profit centrism, government intervention, welfare, and self-development. Theoretical development Neoliberalism, as used in this construct, is defined as one’s tendency to support economic liberalizations (e.g., free trade, open markets, financial liberalization, deregulation, globalism, privatization, and private-sector enhancement) and the government’s powerful ruling and legal enforcement to reinforce them even at the expense of significant demographic processes. However, neoliberal individuals otherwise tend to consider the government and political system to be much less efficient and much more oppressive than the competitive market and private sector are. Additionally, they strive to manage everyday life strategically, as if they were innovative entrepreneurs. These individuals believe that one’s success largely depends on his or her own merits and efforts, and thus that inequality or unequal compensation is inevitable in order to achieve efficiency, economic growth, and moral justice (e.g., Peck & Tickell, 2007; Steger & Roy, 2010). Methods We distributed our survey to 374 adults (187 female) who are recruited through a market research firm’s online panel in Korea. Participants’ education levels were as follows: those who have only graduated from high school or have yet to graduate from high school = 20.9%, those who are current college students or have graduated from college = 66%, post-college graduates = 13.1%. Based on the literature on neoliberalism, we generated 54 items to measure neoliberalism tendencies. We initially created 12 dimensions, each of which included between four and six items. The dimensions included belief in economic growth, opposition to government intervention, belief in the inefficiency of the government, opposition to labor unions, opposition to policies that favor the majority, hostility toward social welfare, belief in the need to protect private property, support for globalization, interest in time management, elitism, interest in self-development, and interest in wealth management. We adapted our measures from existing scales, except for perceived social mobility and perceived social inequality, which were measures that we created. We measured long-term orientation (Bearden, Money, & Nevins, 2006), the perceived importance of achievement (Burroughs & Rindfleish, 2002), community values (Burroughs & Rindfleisch, 2002), political cynicism (Kaid, 2002), political liberalism (Mehrabian, 1996), life values (Schwartz, 1992), materialism (Richins, 2004), consumer values (Sánchez-Fernández, Angeles Iniesta-Bonillo, & Holbrook, 2009) and impulsive buying behavior (Rook & Fisher, 1995). Results Using the data from 374 respondents, we conducted an exploratory-factor analysis to examine the factor structure of our neoliberalism scale. The exploratory-factor analysis used a principle-component method with direct oblimin rotation, and the criterion of eigenvalue greater than 1.00 generated an 11-factor solution. This factor solution accounted for 59.83% of the total variance. This study employed the following three criteria to retain factors and items: (a) items with factor loading greater than .4, (b) factors with at least three items, and (c) items that do not cross load on the other factors. The results yielded 32 items that comprise seven factors: interest in economic development, hostility toward welfare, interest in wealth management, distrust in government ability, opposition to labor unions, support for the protection of private property, and interest in self-development. We ran an another exploratory-factor analysis using the same methods and items as before, which confirmed that those items loaded well for the seven factors, explaining 59.37% of the total variance. Each factor—hostility toward welfare, interest in self-development, distrust in government ability, interest in economic development, opposition to labor unions, interest in wealth management, and support for the protection of private property—was found to account for 24.08%, 14.11%, 5.12%, 5.01%, 4.27%, 3.40%, and 3.30% of the total variance, respectively. Additionally, the reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) of each factor was as follows: hostility toward welfare = .87, interest in self-development = .83, distrust in government ability= .62, interest in economic development = .68, opposition to labor unions = .76, interest in wealth management = .75, and support for the protection of private property = .67. Finally, we created the neoliberalism index by averaging these seven factors. There was a significant difference in how survey participants responded to the five factors of the neoliberalism construct used in this study—namely, interest in economic development, interest in self-development, opposition to labor unions, hostility toward welfare, and support for the protection of private property. In general, support for those five factors tended to increase with the age of the individual, such that participants over 50 years old appeared to place the most emphasis on the importance of economic development, self-development, and the need to protect private property, while showing more unfavorable attitudes toward labor unions and government welfare policies compared to younger age groups. Overall, neoliberalism index, which is the average of all seven factors, also demonstrated similar patterns. People seem to agree more with neoliberal values as they age. We examined the correlation between the neoliberalism index and related measures such as perceived social inequality, perceived social mobility, and long-term orientation. Our data revealed a significant and positive correlation between neoliberalism and perceived social mobility (r (372) = .35, p < .01), and neoliberalism and perceived social inequality (r (372) = .23, p < .01). Neoliberal individuals are likely to perceive the society to which they belong as relatively equal and to believe that they can achieve a satisfactory social status as long as they strive to do so. This tendency is well explained by the significant correlation between neoliberalism and long-term orientation (r (372) = .47, p < .01), that of neoliberalism and the perceived importance of achievement (r (372) = .39, p < .01). Neoliberal individuals’ positive attitudes toward their future status appear to encourage them to work diligently for their future achievements and to improve their status. In contrast, a significant correlation with political cynicism (r (372) = .27, p < .01) indicates neoliberal individuals’ distrust in government. It can be also inferred that neoliberal individuals are politically conservative, given that neoliberalism is negatively correlated to political liberalism (r (372) = -.29, p < .01). Finally, this index is positively correlated to community values (r (372) = .32, p < .01). Furthermore, our neoliberalism index was correlated with Schwartz’s general life values (Schwartz, 1992), including efforts toward self-enhancement (r (372) = .41, p < .01), openness to change (r (372) = .28, p < .01), efforts toward self-transcendence (r (372) = .32, p < .01), and interest in conservation (r (372) = .45, p < .01). Highly neoliberal individuals may strive to develop themselves, seek interesting and stimulating experiences on their own, tend to be altruistic, and conform to what has been established. Given that politically conservative individuals have been considered to be less altruistic and less open to change, the current results, which contradict prior assumptions, seem to indicate that neoliberalism is very different from conservatism. Our data indicated that there is a significant correlation between neoliberalism and the five dimensions of consumer values—namely, efficiency (r (372) = .26, p < .01), quality (r (372) = .37, p < .01), social values (r = .30, p < .01), play (r = .27, p < .01), aesthetics (r = .32, p < .01), and materialism (r = .16, p < .01). Individuals with neoliberal views are likely to consider various factors prudently in choosing products and proper places to shop. What matters to them in their consumption would be satisfactory shopping experiences as a whole rather than just the quality of the products for which they shop. It is interesting to note that highly neoliberal individuals are likely to value possessions. Given the significant correlation between neoliberalism, social mobility, and inequality, neoliberal individuals may believe that they can be like others who achieve a better status than they have and perceive that having more possessions is an efficient tool for acquiring a higher social status. Impulsive buying behavior was not significantly correlated with neoliberalism. Self-development, one of the seven dimensions of this neoliberalism construct, is closely linked to an emphasis on efficient time management and self-control. Neoliberal individuals are likely to be more thorough and careful in their decision-making and consumption behavior. Thus, it is not surprising to observe an insignificant relationship with impulsive buying behavior. Discussion We attempted to determine if individuals’ worldview could explain consumption-related phenomenon such as the extent to which they value possessions. The data supported the prediction that neoliberalism is closely linked not only to basic human values (Schwartz, 1992), but also to consumption phenomena, including materialism (Richins, 2004) and consumer values (e.g., Sánchez-Fernández, Angeles Iniesta-Bonillo, & Holbrook, 2009). Although we were unable to make clear casual inferences from correlational findings, our results shed light on future research in the field of materialism and other consumerbehavior phenomenon using this neoliberalism construct. Experimental manipulation of neoliberal tendencies would generate more intriguing results.
This study was aimed to evaluate the dose-response the effects of nano-encapsulated conjugated linoleic acids(CLAs) on in vitro ruminal fermentation profiles. A fistulated Holstein cow was used as a donor of rumen fluid. Nano-encapsulated CLAs(LF, 5% of nano-encapsulated CLA-FFA; HF, 10% of nano-encapsulated CLA-FFA; LT, 5% of nano-encapsulated CLA-TG; HT, 10% of nano-encapsulated CLA-TG) were added to the in vitro ruminal fermentation experiment. In the in vitro ruminal incubation test, the total gas production on incubation with nano-encapsulated CLAs was increased significantly according to the incubation time, compared with the control(p<0.05). The tVFA concentrations on addition of LF and HT were significantly higher than that of the control(p<0.05). Thus, nano-encapsulated CLAs might improve the ruminal fermentation characteristics without adverse effects on the incubation process. In addition, the population of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens which is closely related to ruminal biohydrogenation was increased by adding HT, while decreased by adding LF at 12 h incubation. These results showed that nano-encapsulated CLA-FFA could be applied to enhance CLA levels in ruminants by maintaining the stability of CLA without causing adverse effects on ruminal fermentation profiles considering the optimal dosage.
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is a powerful tool for the detection of DNA sequences in the specific region of the chromosomes. As well as for the integrated physical mapping, FISH karyotype analysis has to be preceded. The detailed karyotypes of two onion cultivars, which are resources for onion genome sequencing project (‘Eumginara’ and ‘Sinsunhwang’), were constructed based on triple color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using 5S rDNA, 45S rDNA, and tandem repeat sequence. All used our materials showed 2n=2x=16 with x=8 as basic chromosome number. 5S rDNAs were located on 4 loci in one pair of interstitial region of short arm chromosome in both onion cultivars. Two pairs of 45S rDNAs were positioned in distal region of short arm chromosome in ‘Eumginara’. Otherwise 5 loci of 45S rDNAs were located in distal region of two pairs of short arm chromosome in ‘Sinsunhwang’. Among them, two signals of 45S rDNAs were co-localized in distal part of short arm and long arm chromosome, respectively. In case of tandem repeat sequence was detected on telomeric region of 8 pairs of chromosomes except on 45S ribosomal DNA sites. These results will provide a valuable background for physical mapping and help to further more understand the genome sequencing project in Allium cepa.
The elite rice cultivar, Suweon365, shows high level of leaf blast resistance. The number and chromosomal locations of genes conferring the resistance were detected by linkage analysis using DNA markers in the RILs from the cross between Suweon365 and Chu