
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Homogeneous multicomponent indium gallium zinc oxide (IGZO) ceramics for transparent electrode targets are prepared from the oxides and nitrates as the source materials, and their properties are characterized. The selected compositions were In2O3:Ga2O3:ZnO = 1:1:2, 1:1:6, and 1:1:12 in mole ratio based on oxide. As revealed by X-ray diffraction analysis, calcination of the selected oxide or nitrides at 1200oC results in the formation of InGaZnO4, InGaZn3O6, and InGaZn5O8 phases. The 1:1:2, 1:1:6, and 1:1:12 oxide samples pressed in the form of discs exhibit relative densities of 96.9, 93.2, and 84.1%, respectively, after sintering at 1450oC for 12 h. The InGaZn3O6 ceramics prepared from the oxide or nitrate batches comprise large grains and exhibit homogeneous elemental distribution. Under optimized conditions, IGZO multicomponent ceramics with controlled phases, high densities, and homogeneous microstructures (grain and elemental distribution) are obtained.
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the present study of this experiment was to understand the expression of apoptotic gene expression in the ovary of miniature pigs and pigs on the 15th day of estrus. Also the compare and analyze of programmed cell death type(Apoptosis and autophagy) expression pattern during mature oocyte on the miniature and normal pig cells. Analysis of mRNA gene expression of ovary in miniature and normal pigs on the 15th day of estrus showed that the expression of genes related to Autophagy (ATG13, MAP1LC3, Beclin1) was high in normal pigs but the expression of ATG1 and ATG5 genes was low. In addition, the expression of genes related to apoptosis (Casp-3, BAX) was high in the mini pigs, and the gene related to the LH hormone was high in the miniature pigs, whereas the expression of the gene related to the FSH hormone was high in the normal pigs. On the other hand, the result of muture oocyte on the miniature and normal pig cells is the expression of Casp-3 protein was moust high from treatment of FL+rapa (FSH+LH and Rapamycin) of the oocyte on the miniature pig cell. However, MAP1LC3 expression was higher in the oocytes of treatment of rapanycine treatment on the nomal pig cells. There was no gene expression in cumulus cells of matured oocytes in mini pig cells, whereas MAP1LC3 expression was higher in oocyte cumulus cells matured in normal pig cells. It was confirmed that the miniature and normal pigs showed different programmed cell death patterns, In the case of oocytes matured in miniature pig cells, MAP1LC3 gene expression was found to be low in spite of treatment with Autophagy regulator.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 농산물 중 2017년 기준신설예정농약 spiroxamine에 대한 공정시험법을 개발하고자 수행하였다. Spiroxamine은 모화합물만이 잔류물로 정의되므로 이를 분석하기 위한 시험법을 개발하였고, 확립된 시험법은 실험실 내 및 실험실 간 검증을 통해 공정시험법으로의 유효성을 확인 하였다. Spiroxamine의 물리화학적 특성을 고려하여 분석을 위해 LC-MS/MS를 분석기기로 사용하였으며, acetonitrile으로 추출 후 유기용매를 이용하여 액액분배조건 및 florisil cartridge를 이용한 SPE 정제조건을 확립하여 시료의 불순물을 효과적으로 정제하는 시험법을 개발하였다. 개발된 Spiroxamine 시험법의 직선성은 결정계수(r2)가 0.99 이상으로 우수하였으며, 검출한계 및 정량한계는 각각 0.0005, 0.001 mg/kg으로 높은 감도를 나타내었다. 대표 농산물 5종(현미, 감자, 대두, 감귤, 고추)에 대한 시험법 검증결과 평균 회수율(5 반복)은 71.9~98.8%였고, 분석오차는 10.0% 이하로 정확성 및 재현성이 우수함을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 광주지방식약청과의 실험실 간 검증 결과에서 평균 회수율은 70.6~104.6%를 나타내어 모두 Codex 가이드라인 및 식약처 가이드라인의 기준에 부합하는 것으로 확인 되었다. 개발된 시험법은 낮은 검출한계 및 정량한계, 우수한 직선성, 회수율 시험을 통한 양호한 정밀성 및 재현성 등이 입증되어 농산물 중 Spiroxamine의 분석을 위한 식품공전 공정시험법으로 활용되기에 적합한 것으로 판단된다.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 2017년 수입식품 중 신규 기준설정 예정 농약인 tridemorph의 안전성 관리를 위한 공정시험법을 확 립하기 위하여 수행하였다. Tridemorph의 잔류물의 정의 는 모화합물로 규정하며, 확립된 시험법은 실험실내 및 실 험실간 검증을 통해 공정시험법으로의 유효성을 확인하였다. 대표 농산물 5종(감귤, 감자, 고추, 대두, 현미)에 대하여 잔류분석이 가능하도록 선택성과 감도가 우수한 LCMS/ MS를 사용하여 수용성 유기용매인 ACN로 추출 후 NH2 카트리지에 가장 회수율이 우수한 용매인 MeOH/DCM (1/99, v/v)를 정제조건으로 확립하여 시험법을 개발하였다. 개발된 tridemorph의 직선성은 결정계수(r2)가 0.99 이상으로 우수하였으며, 검출한계 및 정량한계는 각각 0.001 및 0.005 mg/kg으로 높은 감도를 나타내었다. 개발된 시험법의 평균 회수율은 75.9~103.7%였으며, 분석오차는 8.5% 이하로 정확성 및 재현성이 우수함을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한, 외부기관 검증 결과 평균 회수율은 87.0~109.2%이 었으며, 상대표준편차는 모두 7.8% 이하로 조사되어 국제적 잔류농약 분석 가이드라인 및 식품의약품안전평가원 가이드라인에 적합한 수준임을 확인하였다. 따라서 본 시험법은 농산물 중 tridemorph의 잔류검사를 위한 공정시 험법으로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recently, the consumption of chickens meat has been gradually increased in Korea. However, most of the chickens breeds in Korea were imported from overseas. This study was conducted to evaluate the genetic distances and single nucleotide polymorphism by the mtDNA D-loop control analysis method for the Korean native chickens(red plumage, red-line plumage, Ogol) and white leghorn. For the initial investigation of the relationships between Korean native chickens(red plumage(KCR), red-line plumage(KCRD), Ogol(KCO)) with white leghorn breeds, the sequences from D-loop control region in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was used. The results from phylogenetic analysis indicated that both KNC and white leghorn breeds were classified well with wild duck breeds. However, KCR was not discriminated well with KCRD. The haplotype analysis indicated that KCR and KCO have ten different haplotypes with nineteen SNPs. Three haplotypes (haplotype 1, 2, 3, 5, 17) were shared both in KNC(KCR, KCRD) and KCO. On the other hand, haplotype 4, 6, 7 was appeared only KCR and haplotype 13, 16, 18 were identified only in KCRD population. In addition, haplotype 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19 was appeared only KCO. With further verifications, the results presented here can be used for the on servation and commercialization of the Korean native chickens. This work was supported by a grant from the “Livestock Preservation of Genetic Resources", Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a clinically approved and ra pidly developing cancer treatment regimen, It is a minimally invasive procedure that requires the administration of a photosens iti zer foll owed by the illumination of the tumor with Iigh t of an appropriate wavelength, In the presence of molecular oxygen, cytotoxic intermedi a ries a re produced‘ thus damaging cellular structures containing the photosensitizer , In the present study. we exa mined the effectiveness of newly d evelped chlorin e6- induced PDT on malignant animal tumor model of 3prague-Da wley (3D) ra t Three-week-old male 3D rats we re inocula ted s ,c, on the right f1 ank with our previously esta blished k- ras-trans formed RK3E cell line (RK3E- ras. tota l, 5xl07 cell s) , The experiments were carried out 1 week after inoculation of tumor cell s , by which time the tumors had r eached about 0,7 mm to 1.0 cm in diameter, L3-chlorin e6 (L8 Pharm Co" Gwa ngju, Korea) was admin istrated intravenous ly by the tail vein of 3D rat at a dosage of 10 mg/kg after inhalation a nesthesia of ether, Twenty- four hours a fter L8-chlorin e6 ad ministration, PDT was pe rfol‘med using a laser diode (Geumgwang Co ‘ Ltd‘’ Daejeon, Korea) a t a light dose of 100 J /cm2 and wavelength of 664 nm, A..nimals were monitered daily and tumor volume was measured by calipel The tumor t reated with PDT using Ce6 had significant reduction in tumor s ize examined by gross tumor volume , softex x- ray image, molecular imaging a nalysis, respectively, PCNA immunostaining and TUNEL assay revealed that the treat ed tu mor caused signifi cant inlübition of tumor formati on with decreased tumor cell proliferation a nd increased a poptosis , Our dat a showed Ce6-induced PDT effecti vely arrested the tumor growth by inhibi t ing cell proliferation a nd inducing a poptosis , These findings provide the potential value of Ce6- induced PDT as an a lternative candidate for a nt i- tumor therapy, Furthel bi ochemical and cellular studies will reveal the precise molecul ar mecha ni sm of cell death induced by PDT