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        검색결과 125

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, laser-induced graphene oxide (LIGO) was synthesized through a facile liquid-based process involving the introduction of deionized (DI) water onto polyimide (PI) film and subsequent direct laser irradiation using a CO2 laser (λ = 10.6 μm). The synthesized LIGO was then evaluated as a sensing material for monitoring changes in humidity levels. The synthesis conditions were optimized by precisely controlling the laser scribing speed, leading to the synthesis of LIGO with different structural characteristics and varying oxygen contents. The increased number of oxygen-containing functional groups contributed to the hydrophilic properties of LIGO, resulting in a superior humidity sensing capabilities compared with laser-induced graphene (LIG). The LIGO-based sensors outperformed LIG-based sensors, demonstrating approximately tenfold higher sensing responsivity when detecting changes at each humidity level, along with 1.25 to 1.75 times faster response/recovery times, making LIGO-based sensors more promising for humidity-monitoring applications. This study demonstrated laser ablation in a renewable and natural precursor as an eco-friendly and energy-efficient approach to directly synthesize LIGO with controllable oxidation levels.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pellino, a highly conserved E3 ubiquitin ligase, is known to mediate ubiquitination of phosphorylated Interleukin-1 receptor-related kinase (IRAK) homologs in Toll signaling pathway. To understand the immunological function of TmPellino, we screened the knockdown efficiency of TmPellino by injecting TmPellino-specific dsRNA into T. molitor larvae. Subsequently, we investigated the larval mortality and the tissue-specific expression patterns of antimicrobial peptide (AMP) genes against microbial challenges. Interestingly, the results indicate that the expression of many AMP genes was upregulated in the Malpighian tubules of TmPellino-silenced T. molitor larvae. This study may provide basic information to understand how Tmpellino regulates AMPs production in T. molitor.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recently, it is demonstrate that the invertebrates have a immune memory, called Immune priming (IP). It was partially studied that the IP is mainly regulated by epigenetic modification. Here, to understand the IP on antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) production, we investigated larval mortality and time-dependent expression patterns of AMP genes in T. molitor larvae challenged with E. coli (two-times injection with a one-month interval). Interestingly, the results indicate that the higher and faster expression levels of most AMP genes were detected compared to the non-primed T. molitor larvae. Our results may used to improve the understanding of mechanisms of invertebrate immune memory.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor (TRAF) is known to regulate antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) production in mammals. Here, to understand the immunological function of TmTRAF against microbial challenge, the induction patterns of TmTRAF against microbial infection was investigated by qRT-PCR in the whole-body and tissue of young larvae. In addition, the effects of TmTRAF RNAi on larval mortality and expression of 15 AMP genes in response to microbial infection were investigated. Our studies may help to understand the basic role of AMP production.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Tube, an intracellular protein of the Toll-pathway, forms a complex with Pelle and MyD88, and regulates a signal transduction to activate NF-κB in Drosophila. To understand the antimicrobial function of TmTube, the induction patterns of TmTube were investigated at 3, 6, 9, 12, and 24 h-post injection of pathogens into 10th to 12th instar larvae. In addition, we investigated the effects of TmTube RNAi on larval mortality and tissue specific AMP expression in response to microbial challenge. Our results will provide a basic information to elucidate the immunological function of TmTube
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pelle, a serine/threonine kinase, is an intracellular component of the Toll pathway and is involved in antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) production due to pathogenic infection. It is known that the Pelle phosphorylates Cactus and activates the NF-κB signaling pathway in Drosophila, but it is not studied in Tenebrio molitor. In this study we investigated the tissue-specific expression patterns of the Pelle following pathogenic infection at 3, 6, 9, 12, and 24 hours. Additionally, larval mortality and AMP expression against microbial injection were investigated in dsPelle-treated T. molitor larvae. Our results may help to understand the antimicrobial function of TmPelle.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In insects, the glutathione S-transferase is initiated in both the detoxification process and the protection of cellular membranes against oxidative damage. In this study, we identified the open reading frame (ORF) sequence of GST-iso1 and 2 from Tenebrio molitor (TmGST-iso1 and 2). To investigate the expression patterrns of TmGST-iso1 and 2 in response to herbicide, 0.06, 0.6, and 6 ㎍/㎕ of butachlor (FarmHannong, Seoul, South Korea) was challenged into T. molitor larvae, resulting that the TmGST-iso1 were highly induced at 3 and 24 h-post injection. Whereas, the highest expression of TmGST-iso2 was detected at 24 h after treatment. This study may contribute to basic information about the detoxifying activities of T. molitor.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        It is well known that the JNK pathway regulates AMP production against pathogenic infection in both vertebrates and invertebrates. Tenebrio molitor hep (Tmhep) is an homolog of MAP kinase kinase in mammals. Here, we investigate the immunological function of Tmhep in responses in microbial infection using RNA interference technology. The results showed that silencing of Tmhep increased the larval mortality against microbial challenge, as well as reduced AMP production compared to the control group (dsEGFP-treated group). Conclusively, Tmhep plays an critical role in antimicrobial defense in T. molitor larvae.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        산오이풀(Sanguisorba hakusanensis)은 한국의 자생식물 이며 정원소재로써 가치가 있지만, 생육 및 생리적 특성 및 정 원 적응 여부에 대하여 알려진 정보가 많지 않아 이용에 어려 움을 겪고 있다. 본 연구에서는 자생식물인 산오이풀의 관수 주기 및 NaCl 농도에 따른 생장, Fv/Fm, NPQ, 성분 변화, 무기성분 변화를 조사하여 내건 및 내염성 보유 여부, 생육 한 계 범위, 스트레스 환경에서 생육을 유지하기 위한 반응을 파 악하고자 했다. 실험 결과 NaCl 무처리구의 관수주기에 따른 성분 분석에서 엽록소 함량의 감소를 제외하고 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았으나 이는 토양수분함량이 건조 스트레스를 유 발할 정도로 감소하지 않았기 때문으로 보인다. 염 처리에서 는 2주 이후 급격한 스트레스 반응이 나타났고 3주차부터 고 사하기 시작하여 6주차에 모든 개체가 최종 고사했다. 이러한 결과는 2주까지 염 스트레스에 의해 유발되는 2가지 스트레 스 중 초기에 나타나는 삼투 스트레스에는 저항하였으나 이후 나타나는 NPQ의 감소 등 이온 스트레스에 의해 유발된 광합 성 기구 붕괴로 인해 정상적인 생육을 유지할 수 없었기 때문 에 나타난 것으로 보인다. 그러나 무기이온 분석은 이온 스트 레스에 저항하기 위한 메커니즘의 존재 가능성을 시사하였다. 상대적으로 염 농도가 낮을 때에는 세포내 Ca2+ 및 K+ 수준이 높았는데, 이는 Ca2+ 수준이 높아짐에 따라 Na+를 세포 밖으 로 방출시키는 단백질, Na+를 K+와 함께 수송하는 단백질이 기능하여 Na+축적을 지연시키는 반응이 있었음을 시사한다. 그러나 NaCl을 고농도로 처리했을 때는 이러한 반응이 관찰 되지 않았다. 따라서 산오이풀은 염 스트레스에 의해 야기되 는 삼투 스트레스에 강한 저항성을 가지고 있고 이온 독성을 줄이기 위한 메커니즘으로 Na+ 세포내 축적을 지연시키는 것으로 보이지만, 심한 염 스트레스를 받았을 때 나타나는 급격 한 반응에서 이러한 메커니즘이 기능하지 못하고 이온독성에 매우 취약한 것으로 여겨진다. 본 연구를 통해 자생식물인 산 오이풀의 활용을 늘리는 데 기초적인 자료를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        표면발현(surface-display system)은 세포 또는 바이러스 표면에 목적 단백질을 고정하여 발현시킴으로써 목적 단백질에 대하여 독립적인 공간 구조 및 생물학적 활성을 부여하는 단백질 공학 기술이다. 또한 이를 이용하여 높은 중화항체 유도 및 대량생산이 가능한 삼량체의 형태로 항원 단백질의 발현 또한 가능하다. BES(baculovirus expression system)에서의 표면발현 기술은 번역 후 수정과정 및 복잡한 구조의 다양한 단백질의 발현이 가능하기 에 다른 숙주 기반 시스템보다 효율적이라고 보고되고 있다. 그러나 목적 단백질 외의 다른 표면 단백질과 발현 공간에서의 경쟁으로 목적 단백질의 낮은 생산량이 큰 문제점으로 지적되고 있다. 따라서, 이러한 BES에서 표면 발현의 생산 효율을 증대시키기 위하여, 동일한 표면 공간에 대한 단백질 간의 발현 경쟁에 대해 실험적으로 확인 후, 그를 해결하기 위하여 표면발현에 최적인 목적 단백질 발현을 위한 프로모터 선발 실험을 수행하였다. 이를 통해 BES에서 표면발현에 의한 목적 단백질의 생산 효율을 증대시킬 수 있음을 확인하였다.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Boric acid-containing B-10 is used in a nuclear reactor as a coolant and absorbs thermal neutrons generated during nuclear fission in the primary circuit. Boron-containing coolant water waste is generated from maintenance, floor drain, decontamination, and reactor letdown flows. There are two options for aqueous solution waste of boric acid. One is recycling and discharge through filtration, ion exchange, and reverse osmosis. The other is immobilization after evaporation and crystallization processes. The dry powder of boric acid waste liquid can be immobilized by cement, polymer, etc. Before the mid-1990s, concentrated boric acid waste was solidified with a cement matrix. To overcome the disadvantage of low waste loading of cement waste form, a method of solidifying with paraffin was adopted. However, paraffin solids were insufficient to be disposed of as final waste. Paraffin is a kind of soft solidified material and has low compressive strength and poor leaching resistance. As a result, it was decided as an unsuitable form for disposal. In KOREA, paraffin waste form was adopted for boric acid waste treatment in the 1990s. A large amount of paraffin waste forms about 20,000 drums (200 l drum) were generated to treat boric acid waste and were stored in nuclear power sites without disposal. In this study, we want to obtain high-purity boric acid waste by oxidizing and decomposing solid paraffin waste form through a boric acid catalytic reaction. In this reaction, paraffin is separated in the form of various by-products, which can then be treated through a liquid waste treatment device or an exhaust gas treatment device. The proper temperature for sample decomposition during the catalytic reaction was set through TGA analysis. Compositions of by-products and residues generated at each stage of the reaction could be analyzed to determine the state during the reaction. Finally, the boric acid waste powder was perfectly separated from paraffin waste form with disposable products through this pyrolysis process.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the design of a spent-fuel (SF) storage, the consideration of burnup credit brings the benefits in safety and economic views. According to it, various SF burnup measurement systems have been developed to estimate high fidelity burnup credit, such as FORK and SMOPY. Recently, there are a few attempts to localize the SF burnup measurement system in South Korea. For the localization of SF burnup measurement systems, it is very important to build the isotope inventory data base (DB) of various kinds of SFs. In this study, we performed DeCART2D/MASTER core follow calculations and McCARD single fuel assembly (FA) burnup analyses for Hanbit unit 3 and confirmed the characteristic of the isotope inventory over burnup. Firstly, the core follow calculations for Cycles 1~7 were performed using DeCART2D/MASTER code system. The core follow calculation is very realistic and practical because it considers the design conditions from its nuclear design report (NDR). Secondly, the Monte Carlo burnup analyses for single FAs were conducted by the McCARD Monte Carlo (MC) transport code. The McCARD code can utilize continuous energy cross section library and treat complex geometric information for particle transport simulation. Accordingly, the McCARD code can provide accurate solutions for burnup analyses without approximations, but it needs huge computing resources and time burden to perform whole-core follow calculations. Therefore, we will confirm the effectiveness of the single McCARD FA burnup analyses by comparing the DeCART2D/MASTER core follow results with the McCARD solution. From the results, the use of single FA burnup analyses for the establishment of the DBs will be justified. Various FAs, that have different 235U enrichments and loading pattern of fuel rods and burnable absorbers, were considered for the burnup analyses. In addition, the results of the sensitivity analyses for power density, initial enrichment, and cooling time will be presented.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Minuartia laricina (L.) Mattf. is a Korean native plant with high potential as a commercial flowering potted plant due to its compactness and long flowering duration. However, because this plant is a groundcover, it is susceptible to lodging and leggy growth. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of plant growth retardants (PGRs) on the inhibition of stem elongation and flowering characteristics of M. laricina. Commercial products, Trimmit, Cycocel, and B-Nine, were used for the exogenous PGR application of paclobutrazol (PBZ), chlormequat chloride (CCC), and daminozide (DMZ), respectively. Application concentrations were 50 and 100 mg·L-1 for PBZ; 100, 500, and 1,000 mg・L-1 for CCC; and 500, 1,000, and 2,000 mg·L-1 for DMZ. Paclobutrazol was the only PGR that inhibited stem elongation. The stem lengths of the plants treated with 50 or 100 mg·L-1 PBZ were 2.2 cm (13%) or 9.8 cm (57%) shorter, respectively, than those of the control. 50 mg·L-1 PBZ retarded stem growth effectively without negatively affecting flowering or other growth parameters, whereas 100 mg·L-1 PBZ caused excessive dwarfing and significantly reduced flowering by 59%. CCC and DMZ applications were ineffective for growth control. Flowering time was accelerated with most PGRs, except for 2,000 mg·L-1 DMZ, reducing the time to flowering by 2–8 days. These results indicate that the stem growth of M. laricina was successfully inhibited with PBZ but not with CCC or DMZ. Thus, we concluded that a single application of 50 mg·L-1 PBZ or similar treatment is effective in miniaturizing M. laricina without causing harm to its growth or aesthetic value, such as the flower number. Additionally, because CCC and DMZ are not persistent in the growing medium, testing multiple application times for these PGRs is crucial.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, an aerosol process was introduced to produce CaCO3. The possibility of producing CaCO3 by the aerosol process was evaluated. The characteristics of CaCO3 prepared by the aerosol process were also evaluated. In the CaCO3 prepared in this study, as the heat treatment proceeded, the calcite phase disappeared. The portlandite phase and the lime phase were formed by the heat treatment. Even if the CO2 component is removed from the calcite phase, there is a possibility that the converted CO2 component could be adsorbed into the Ca component to form a calcite phase again. Therefore, in order to remove the calcite phase, carbon components should be removed first. The lime phase was formed when CO2 was removed from the calcite phase, while the portlandite phase was formed by the introducing of H2O to the lime phase. Therefore, the order in which each phase formed could be in the order of calcite, lime, and portlandite. The reason for the simultaneous presence of the portlandite phase and the lime phase is that the hydroxyl group (OH−) introduced by H2O was not removed completely due to low temperature and/or insufficient heating time. When the sufficient temperature (900°C) and heating time (60 min) were applied, the hydroxyl group (OH−) was removed to transform into lime phase. Since the precursor contained the hydrogen component, it could be possible that the moisture (H2O) and/or the hydroxyl group (OH−) were introduced during the heat treatment process.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Uranium-235, used for nuclear power generation, has brought radioactive waste. It could be released into the environment during reprocessing or recycling of the spent nuclear fuel. Among the radioactive waste nuclides, I-129 occurs problems due to its long half-life (1.57×107 y) with high mobility in the environment. Therefore, it should be captured and immobilized into a geological disposal system through a stable waste form. One of the methods to capture iodine in the off-gas treatment process is to use silver loaded zeolite filter. It converts radioactive iodine into AgI, one of the most stable iodine forms in the solid state. However, it is difficult to directly dispose of AgI itself in an underground repository because of its aqueous dissolution under reducing condition with Fe2+. It must be immobilized in the matrix materials to prevent release of iodine as a result of chemical reaction. Among the matrix glasses, silver tellurite glass has been proposed. In this study, additives including Al, Bi, Pb, V, Mo, and W were added into the silver tellurite glass. The thermal properties of each matrix for radioactive iodine immobilization were evaluated. The glasses were prepared by the melt-quenching method at 800°C for 1 h. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was performed to evaluate the thermal properties of the glass samples. From the study, the glass transition temperature (Tg) was increased by adding additives such as V2O5, MoO3, or WO3 in the silver tellurite glass. The relative electro-static field (REF) values of V2O5, MoO3, and WO3 are about three times higher than that of the glass network former, TeO2. It could provide sufficient electro-static field (EF) to the TeO2 interacting with the non-bridging oxygen forming Te-O-M (M = V, Mo, W) links. Therefore, the addition of V2O5, MoO3, or WO3 reinforced the glass network cohesion to increase the Tg of the glass. The addition of MoO3or WO3 in the silver tellurite glass increased Tg and crystallization temperature (Tc) with remaining the glass stability.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To reduce the environmental burden caused by the disposal of spent nuclear fuel and maximize the utilization of the repository facility, waste burden minimization technology is currently being developed at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KEARI). The technology includes a nuclide management process that can maximize disposal efficiency by selectively separating and collecting major nuclides in spent nuclear fuel. In addition, for efficient storage facility utilization, the short-term decay heat generated by spent nuclear fuel must be removed from the waste stream. To minimize the short-term thermal load on the repository facility, it is necessary to separate heat generating nuclides such as Cs-137 and Sr-90 from the spent fuel. In particular, Sr-90 must be separated because it generates high heat during the decay process. KAERI has developed a technology for separating Sr nuclides from Group II nuclides separated through the nuclide management process. In this study, we prepared Sr ceramic waste form, SrTiO3, by using the solid-state reaction method for long-term storage for the decay of separated Sr nuclides and evaluated the physicochemical properties of the waste form. Also, the radiological and thermal characteristics of the Sr waste form were evaluated by predicting the composition of Sr nuclides separated through the nuclide management process, and the estimation of centerline temperature was carried out using the experimental thermal data and steady state conduction equation in a long and solid cylinder type waste form. These results provided fundamental data for long-term storage and management of Sr waste.
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