2017년 국내 육성 사과 ‘아리수’ 품종에서 노린재류에 의한 피해와 유사한 반점 증상이 확인되었다. 사과 과실 전면에 발생하는 이 반점 증상은 크기가 2∼4 mm이며 진한 갈색, 짙은 고동색으로 반점 중심부가 약간 함몰되는 형태를 가진다. 이 연구는 이러한 반점증상의 원인이 노린재에 의한 피해인지 여부를 알기 위해 수행하였다. 노린재류는 접종 전 채집하였고, 6월 초순부터 ‘아리수’ 사과에 약 15일 간격으로 썩덩나무노린재와 갈색날개노린재를 각각 접종하였다. ‘아리수’ 사과의 수확기인 9월 초순까지 총 5회(6월 상순, 7월 상순, 7월 중순, 8월 상순, 8월 중순) 접종하였으며, 접종후 접종시기별로 피해 양상을 확인하였다. 6월 상순에 노린재에 의해 가해 받은 과실은 비대하지 못하거나 낙과하였다. 다른 시기에 노린재에 의해 가해 받은 접종 1~2일후 흡즙구멍을 확인할 수 있었고, 5일 후부터는 가해 받은 부위 주변이 붉게 착색되는 halo 증상이 나타났다. 노린재류에 의한 ‘아리수’ 사과의 피해양상은, 기 보고된 ‘후지’ 품종에서의 피해양상과 거의 유사하였다. 실험결과 2017년 ‘아리수’ 사과에 발생한 반점증상은 노린재에 의한 것이 아님을 확인할 수 있었다.
Insect growth regulators (IGRs) are insecticides that disrupt the normal development of target insects. Among the IGR insecticides, juvenile hormone (JH)-related IGRs are of particular interest because they stimulate or interfere with the formation of JH receptor complex. In the precious studies, novel JH-related IGRs with JH agonist (JHA) and antagonist (JHAN) activity were identified by using yeast two-hybrid system transformed with the Aedes aegypti JH receptor complex. In this study, the transcriptomic responses of Aedes albopictus were investigated upon JHA and JHAN, respectively. These results will provide important information about understanding of impact of JH-related IGRs in transcription level.
Korea is a relative newcomer in the global medical tourism market. The reported success from of forerunners including Thailand and Singapore inspired Korea to consider medical tourism as a path toward economic development. In a time of economic recession, medical tourism presented opportunities to create jobs and generate revenue. After the Korean government designated medical tourism as a new growth engine in 2009, several actions including allocation of revenue, enactment of promotional law, and establishment of specialist committees were taken. In 2007, 16,000 foreign patients were treated in Korea, generating US$68 million in revenue. By 2013 this number had risen to over 210,000 patients, contributing revenue of US$390 million. The Korean government has set a target of treating over 1 million patients by 2020.
Competitors including Thailand, Singapore, and India take a large fraction of the Asian medical tourism market and are continuously innovating medical tourism services and seeking to improve delivery. New entrants such as Japan are also attempting to achieve a share of the market. Furthermore, the rapid development of medical technology and changing customer generate market turbulence.
In order to gain a competitive advantage in this highly turbulent market, countries need to differentiate their destination brand identity from others in the market. This involves medical tourism products providing unique values to the customers being developed and advertised. Such a context increasingly requires medical tourism industry competitors to consider marketing perspectives and skills. Marketing in the healthcare field has a relatively short history and was traditionally strictly regulated, emerging as an important tool for creating competitiveness in the healthcare field from the early 1980s (Thomas, 2010).
The challenge is clear for the Korean medical tourism industry – ensuring a trajectory of growth in medical tourism requires innovative marketing campaigns. Many hospitals and clinics have developed medical tourism products and actively advertised them to target nations. The Korean government has sought to establish a favorable environment for promoting medical tourism, with actions ranging from de-regulation to allow medical institutions to undertake marketing activities targeted at foreign patients, to hosting global conferences and exhibitions. Korea also undertook a thorough review of the marketing activities of its competitors.
This presentation aims to identify the marketing actions undertaken by both the Korean government and medical institutions within Korea, using it as a case to highlight the broader issues concerning the marketing of medical tourism within a regional and global marketplace.
Medical tourism marketing within Korea is analyzed using the 7 Ps of marketing mix. The longstanding marketing mix framework consisting of 4 Ps was criticized as an inappropriate tool for healthcare field. The framework’s elaboration by Tracy (2014) suggested the 7 Ps – product, price, people, packaging, positioning, place, and promotion.
The 7 Ps of marketing mix must be systematically reviewed, managed and coordinated. Without a vision and blueprint, marketing activities surrounding 7 Ps will be undertaken separately and sporadically. Attention to coordinating seven elements of marketing mix will ensure the most effective allocation of limited marketing resources. Marketing has the capacity to increase competitive edge. However such marketing can be a financial drain, providing a poor return on investment as measured by tourist spending per advertisement dollar. Inefficiencies, poor positioning, and misuse of channels can lead to poor returns of investment and these questions must be asked at the organizational level of providers as well as the state level and national approaches.
As the number of medical tourist continues to increase over the last decade, there is an emergent need to manage the medical tourism market. However, there is a lack of hard evidence to support growth in future. Thus, this research is to investigate the effect of perceived risk on the actual service experiences of medical tourists. The data was collected from 153 foreign patients who were admitted to the hospital between August and November, 2013 at four tertiary general hospitals and one general hospital, in either Seoul or Incheon. For the statistical analysis of data, hierarchical multiple regression analysis were implemented. The major results of this study are as follows: First, foreign patients chose word-of-mouth as the major information source for the purchase decision and also as the main method to reduce risk. Second, a positive attitude toward medical tourism significantly influenced on the perceived service quality. Third, perceived risk on through all purchase stages negatively influenced on perceived risk. In "pre-visit" stage, patients perceived more risks for financing and making an uncertain decision. Meanwhile, in "during-stay" stage, culture related(food, cultural differences and communication) and finance related(additional cost) were indicated as the major factors. For "post-discharge" stage, the medical side(recovery pain, side effect & complication) and the financial side(whole time and money invested, cost for follow-up care) were ranked in the top groups. Fourth, the risk reduction in the "pre-visit" stage significantly influenced on perceived service quality compared to other stages. This indicates that foreign patients perceive a high quality of service if they do more risk reduction activities before visiting the destination. The major risk reduction methods included gathering advice of friends and family, consulting with expert, direct trial and collecting information through formal source. The implications as follows were drawn from the results of this study. First, hospitals participating in medical tourism services should use experienced patients as marketers and the stories of their experiences as marketing tools. Second, the hospitals or governments should advertise both the excellence of the medical service and the subsidiary benefits of medical tourism. Third, reducing perceived risk of medical tourists should be managed in advance. Fourth, risk reduction activities should be induced before the patients visit.
Lentinus lepideus is an edible mushroom, belongs to the family Tricholomaceteae and order Agaricales. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activities, tyrosinase inhibitory effects on the fruiting bodies of L. lepideus extracted with acetone, methanol and hot water. The antioxidant activities were performed on β-carotene-linoleic acid, reducing power, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl free radical scavenging, and ferrous chelating abilities. In addition to this, phenolic acid and flavonoids contents were also analyzed. Hot water extract of L. lepideus showed the strongest β-carotene-linoleic acid inhibition as compare to others extracts. At 8 mg/ml, methanolic extract showed a high reducing power of 1.21. The scavenging effects on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radicals, acetonic and methanolic extracts were effective than hot water extract. The strongest chelating effect (87.50%) was obtained from the methanolic extract at 1.0 mg/ml concentration. Antioxidant activities of the extracts from the fruiting bodies of L. lepideus were increased with the increasing concentration. After application of reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography, coupled to a diode array detector and electrospray ionisation mass spectra, six phenolic compounds namely, chlorogenic acid, vanillin, naringin, naringenin, formononetin and biochanin were identified from acetonic extract. Tyrosinase inhibition of acetonic, methanolic, and hot water extracts of L. lepideus were increased with the increasing of concentration. Results revealed that acetonic and methanolic extract showed good, while hot water showed moderate activities of the tyrosinase inhibition at the concentration tested. This study suggests that fruiting bodies of L. lepideus can potentially be used as a readily accessible source of natural antioxidants.
Lentinus edodes is a popular edible mushroom in South-East Asia. This study was initiated to evaluate the antioxidant activities, tyrosinase inhibitory effects on the fruiting bodies of L. edodes extracted with acetone, methanol and hot water. The antioxidant activities were performed on β-carotene-linoleic acid, reducing power, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl free radical scavenging, and ferrous chelating abilities. In addition to this, phenolic acid and flavonoids contents were also analyzed. Methanolic extract of L. edodes showed the strongest β-carotene-linoleic acid inhibition as compare to others extracts. At 8 mg/ml, hot water extract showed a high reducing power of 0.96. The scavenging effects on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radicals, acetonic extract was effective than other extracts. The strongest chelating effect (86.45%) was obtained from the acetonic extract at 1.0 mg/ml concentration. Antioxidant activities of the extracts from the fruiting bodies of L. edodes were increased with the increasing concentration. After application of reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography, coupled to a diode array detector and electrospray ionisation mass spectra, four phenolic compounds namely, naringenin, hesperetin, formononetin and biochanin were identified from acetonic extract. Tyrosinase inhibition of acetonic, methanolic, and hot water extracts of L. edodes were increased with the increasing of concentration. Results revealed that acetonic and methanolic extracts showed good, while hot water showed moderate activities of the tyrosinase inhibition at the concentration tested. This study suggests that fruiting bodies of L. edodes can potentially be used as a readily accessible source of natural antioxidants.
Pyrifluquinazon, as a quinazinalone chemical group, based on a new mode of biological activity. It is reported that mode of action is modifies insect behavior, rapidly stopping feeding such that insects starve to death. Time-release feature and mortality effect on M. persicae using different pyrifluquinazon nano type and non-nano type were compared. Pyrifluquinazon nano type was formulated with different molecular weight and density of used chitosan (CS 30000 0.1% and CS 3000 0.3%). In the CS 30,000 0.1%, the mortality was weakly occurred at early time, but steadily increased after 4days. Finally, we confirmed more than 70% mortality as a peak at 16days. In CS 3000 0.3%, the mortality showed about 70% until 18days as a effective controlled release. Also, We examine time-release feature and mortality effect on M. persicae according to the different pyrifluquinazon nano type(CS 30000 0.1% and CS 3000 0.3%) of concentrations. The CS 30000 0.1% bioassay results of different concentration were showed that the highest concentration(100ppm) was measured better mortality than other concentration at 0 day, but cannot confirm different effect about dissimilar concentration. However, increasing rates of M. persicae were low as treatment concentrate was high. In CS 3000 0.3% 100ppm concentration bioassay result, aphid mortality reached peak at 24 days and increasing rate also low. Additionally, for the comparing of bioassay and feeding behavior of M. persicae against pyrifluquinazon nano types and non-nano type, EPG technique was carried out. In case of non nano type, feeding inhibition efficacy was showed during 4 days after treatment, but appeared similar level with control after 10days. In CS 3000 0.3% 50ppm, residual efficacy was specially showed until 28days after treatment whereas treatments with CS 30000 0.1% were similar to the control after 22days. These result show that the change of feedinng behavior and motrality of M. persicae is correlated with the change of nano type or non nano type of pyrifluquinazon.
Several species of the genus Aphidius are used in biological control programs against aphid pests throughout the world and their behavior and physiology are well studied. But despite knowing the importance of sensory organs in their behavior, their antennal structure is largely unknown. In this study, the external morphology and distribution of the antennal sensilla on the antennal of both female and male adults of A. colemani were described using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Generally, the filaform antennae of males (1,515.20±116.48 ㎛) are longer than females (1,275.06±116.42㎛). Antennae of this species is made up of scape, pedicel and flagellomeres. Male and female antennae differed in the total number of flagellomeres as 15 in males and 13 in females. Female and male antennae of A. colemani has samely seven types of sensilla. We classified sensilla placodea, Bohm bristles, 2 types of sensilla coeloconica, , 2 types of sensilla basiconica as with a tip pore and with wall pores, sensilla trichodea. In addition, the possible functions of the above sensilla types are discussed in light of previously published literature; mechanoreception(Bohm bristles, sensilla coeloconicaⅡ and sensilla trichodea) and chemoreception(sensilla coeloconicaⅠ, sensilla basiconicaⅠ,Ⅱ and sensilla placodea). Future studies on the functional morphology of the antennal sensilla of A. colemani using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) coupled with electrophysiological recordings will likely confirm the functions of the different sensilla identified in this study.
The Maillard Reaction Products (MRPs) such as Glucose-tyrosine (Glu-Tyr) and Xylose-arginine (Xyl-Arg) have antioxidant, antimutagenic, and antibacterial effects. However, to date, still little is known about the other biological effects of the MRPs. In this study, we investigated whether the fructose-tyrosine MRP, 2,4-bis(p-hydroxyphenyl)-2-butenal (Fru-Tyr), could modulate cell cycle progression and NF-κB activity, and thereby induce apoptotic cell death of colon cancer cells. Treatment with different concentrations (10-40 μg/ ml) of Fru-Tyr for 24 h inhibited colon cancer cell (SW620 and HCT116) growth followed by induction of G2/M phase cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner. We also found that Fru-Tyr suppressed tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α)-induced NF-κB transcriptional activity. Moreover, Fru-Tyr induced the expression of apoptotic gene, cleaved caspse-3. These results suggest that Fru-Tyr inhibited colon cancer cell growth through induction of G2/M phase cell cycle arrest and apoptotic cell death by modulating of NF-κB.
Somatic cell nuclear transfer in cattle has limited efficiency in terms of production of live offspring due to high incidence of fetal failure after embryo transfer to recipients. Such low efficiency of cloning could possibly arise from abnormal and poorly developed placenta. In the present study the placental proteome in late pregnancy established from in vitro fertilization (IVF) and nuclear transfer (NT) was analysed. Proteome alternation was tested using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI- TOF). Comparing placenta from NT embryos to those from IVF counterparts, significant changes in expression level were found in 18 proteins. Of these proteins 12 were not expressed in NT placenta but expressed in IVF counterpart, whereas the expression of the other 6 proteins was limited only in NT placenta. Among these proteins, cytokeratin 8 and vimentin are considered to be involved in regulation of post-implantation development. In particular, cytokeratin 8 and vimentin may be used as makers for placental development during pregnancy because their expression levels changed considerably in NT placental tissue compared with its IVF counterpart. Data from 2-DE suggest that protein expression was disorientated in late pregnancy from NT, but this distortion was eliminated with progression of pregnancy. These findings demonstrate abnormal placental development during late pregnancy from NT and suggest that alterations of specific placental protein expression may be involved in abnormal function of placenta.