Quercetin and genistein, plentifully present in fruits and vegetables, are flavonoid family members that have antioxidative function and plant-derived phytoestrogen activity. The antioxidative effects of quercetin and genistein on boar sperm characteristics and in vitro development of IVF embryo were investigated. The sperm motility was increased by addition of genistein 50 μM for 6 hr incubation compared to control (p<0.05). The sperm viability was increased by addition of quercetin 1 and 50 μM and genestein 1 and 50 μM for 3 hr incubation. In addition, the sperm viability seemed to be increased dose-dependantly by addition of quercetin or genistein 1 and 50 μM, respectively (p<0.05). The membrane integrities were not increased by quercetin or genistein treatments for 3 hr or 6 hr incubation period except for quercetin 1 μM for 3 hr incubation. In mitochondrial activities, addition of quercetin 50 μM for 6 hr incubation increased mitochondrial activity but decreased at 100 μM concentration compared with control (p<0.05). When porcine IVF embryos were cultured in PZM-3 medium supplemented with low concentrations of quercetin (1∼10 μM), the developmental rates to morula and blastocyst increased but significantly decreased at high concentrations of quercetin (25∼50 μM). The highest developmental rate to blastocysts among all concentrations of quercetin was shown at quercetin 10 μM (p<0.05). The developmental rates to morula or blastocysts at low (0.01∼1 μM) and high (5∼10 μM) concentrations of genistein were not significantly different among all treatment group and genistein did not affect on IVF embryo development. These results suggest that quercetin and genistein seem to have positive effects at certain concentrations on sperm characteristics such as motility, viability and mitochondrial activity. In addition, low concentrations of quercetin (1, 5 and 10 μM) in this experiment, seem to have beneficial effect on porcine IVF embryo development but genistein did not affect on it at all given concentrations (0.01∼10 μM).
The purpose of this study was to look into how alliance discount cards affect customers using family restaurants by analyzing and identifying the difference in brand equity and satisfaction according to the propensity of using alliance discount cards. For this purpose, 407 customers who have used family restaurants completed a questionnaire survey. The study findings indicated that (1) there were significant differences in brand equity and satisfaction according to the propensity to use alliance discount cards. Moreover, it was found that groups with a strong propensity to use alliance discount cards had higher brand equity and satisfaction than groups that did not; also, (2) it was found that there were significant differences in brand equity and satisfaction according to the intensity of dependency on alliance discount cards. The group with strong loyalty to alliance discount cards went beyond the level of strong propensity to use alliance discount cards, of preference, and of use, which were previously proposed. This study implied that from mid-to long-term perspectives, it was necessary to operate a policy for more active alliance discounts as well as to ensure sufficient options for partnership benefits. Furthermore, it was essential to maintain the menu and service quality of restaurants, which were intrinsic factors for elevating brand equity and satisfaction in restaurants among dining customers.
This study sought to identify unique semiotic codes of Korean cuisine, including table settings, service styles, service ware selection, cooking techniques, and the logic behind menu composition. This research also aimed to verify that yangnyomjang reflects the code of Korean food culture. One of key findings from this study was that hidden codes of Korean food were found in their daily set-up for bapsang (dining table), which was found to decodify polysemic characteristics with an emphasis on harmony. These semiotic codes were influenced by the yin and yang philosophy and impact dining activities in our daily lives. Korean bapsang, composed of bap (rice), guk (soup) and banchan (side dishes), helps every individual diner share the semiotic codes of Korean cuisine within the context of paradigm and syntagm. Yangnyomjang, a major component of the Korean menu, also represents a unique code of Korean cuisine in its structure, main ingredients, production, and usage. This study also mathematically verified that a synchronic table setting of Korean cuisine provides diners with more opportunities for potential flavor combinations, compared to the Western service setting.
The objective of this study was to examine the effects of relationships between food service companies and their client companies by surveying employees working at cafeterias among a food service companies' client companies. For this purpose, previous research was reviewed, and confirmatory research was conducted using a questionnaire. In the questionnaire survey, the subjects were sampled through convenience sampling from the client companies of A Food Service Company, and 182 valid questionnaires were used in the analysis. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, the characteristics of the relationship between the food service company and its client companies, which were reputation, communication, operation skill, and contact-point employees' service quality, had a significant effect on trust, and the effect was high in the order of contact-point employees' service quality, communication, operation skill, and reputation. Satisfaction was significantly affected by reputation, operation skill, and contact-point employee' service quality, but not by communication. The effect was high in the order of contact-point employees' service quality, reputation, and operation skill. In addition, reputation, communication, operation skill, and contact-point employees' service quality had a significant effect on long-term orientation, and the effects were high in the order of reputation, contact-point employees' service quality, communication, and operation skill. Second, with regard to the quality of relationships between a food service company and its client companies, trust had a significant effect on satisfaction. Third, among the factors related to the quality of relationships between the food service company and its client companies, trust and satisfaction had a significant effect on long-term orientation, and the effect of satisfaction was higher than that of trust. This study has scientific significance as one of only a few studies on factors affecting the long-term relationship between food service companies and their client companies, along with managerial implications that contact-point employees' capabilities are most important in service businesses, and thus efforts should be made at employing and educating them properly.
The study sought ways to promote the global recognition of Korean food items. The Korean cuisine is one of the healthiest and well-balanced in the world. But, in contrast to countries including the United States, France, China, Japan, Thailand and Australia that have adopted food promotion and marketing strategies, Korea lacks a similar strategy. Development of indigenous sauces by Korean food manufacturers and processors is one route in the promotion of Korean cuisine. Korean restaurant franchising could also aid in export of Korean food items. The food manufacturing/processing sectors must work in concert with the Korean government to globalize the Korean cuisine. Brand chefs, Korean cuisine seminars and promotional efforts in foreign countries and foreign cooking schools (such as the 'Taste Korea' campaign) are prudent actions.
The purpose of this study is to recognize the Brand chef(Star chef) in Korean society to globalize the Korean cuisine. There have been so many famous chefs in Europe, USA and Japan such as Auguste Escoffier, Paul Bocus, Pierre Gagnaire, Ferran Adria, Thomas Keller, David Bouley, Alain Ducasee and Nobu Matsuhisa. They have developed their own cuisine and food culture and delivered their food culture to the other countries. We must educate the Korean brand chefs to inform our Korean food and Korean culture to the foreign country. The school, the government and the industry must recognize the power of the Korean brand chefs.
As Korea has approached the aging society, older Koreans have become an important force in restaurant sales today. To succeed with this silver market, it is important for restaurant managers to know who they are and what factors influence older Koreans' eating-out decision making process. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the silver consumers' education level on eating-out decision making process. Data were collected from 178 older consumers above 55 years old and analyzed using the descriptive statistic analysis, MANOVA, and one-way ANOVA. The results showed that the elderly consumers' education level significantly influenced the decision making process in determining where to eat out. Significant differences were found in the Problem Recognition Step(Wilks' Lambda=0.817, F=2.991), Information Search Step(Wilks' Lambda=0828, F=2.218), Alternative Evaluation Step II(Wilks' Lambda=0.741, F=3.596), Purchase Decision Step(Wilks' Lambda=0.859, F=2.223), and the Post-Purchase Behavior(Wilks' Lambda=0.885, F=1.780). The higher education level was, the more directly involved in the eating out decision process. The elderly consumers with university education were likely to 'propose to eat out by themselves'(F=9.346), to obtain restaurant information from the 'printed materials'(F=7.452), to go to 'family restaurant'(F=9.057), 'Japanese restaurant'(F=8.7891) and 'fine dining restaurants'(F=3.936), and to directly express their emotion when they had complaints about restaurant service(F=3.206). In conclusion, older Koreans will become more healthy and wealthy which means the dining out activity will be an important part of their life to socialize with people. Therefore, food service operations should consider the elderly consumers' needs and expectation of restaurant services and actively position themselves for this new market segment.
This study was conducted to identify the factors that correlated with food consumption frequency and perceptions of attributes for food selection. The purpose of this study was to improve menu's quality which is related to the food consumption frequency. Taste health and cost perceptions were chosen as the main factors of foods selection from the former related researches. There were differences in foods perception and consumption patterns according to gender. For both of female and male consumers, taste perceptions were highly correlated with consumption of most of foods. Finally, some recommendations which should be considered to correct or improve the quality of menu.
The purposes of this study were to investigate the customers' perception on nutrition information provided on a family restaurant menu, to examine customers' intention to use the nutrition information when eating out if nutrition information would be provided, and to identify what kinds of nutrient information the customers want. A total of 265 respondents were answered. Female was sixty-six percents, and eighty-four percent of the respondents was less than thirty-five years old. The patrons' perception about nutrition information on the menu showed the level of 2.5 points out of 5 points, which pointed out that family restaurant patrons were not satisfied with receiving nutritional information related to the menu. The customers perceived that restaurants had responsibilities for providing nutritional information about menu items. Sixty-six percent of respondents showed a positive intention to the question item about how much the customer would use nutritional information provided on the menu. The customers, who were female (p<0.05), who had a good health status, who showed higher interest on weight control (p<0.01), and who were health-oriented (p<0.01), showed the higher intention to use nutritional information. Nutrient information in which the customers were interested strongly was a fat content, followed by cholesterol content and calorie information. According to the trends of eating out, preferring family restaurants, and increasing interests in a healthful menu, nutrition information demand in restaurant operations would be increased rapidly in the near future. Providing nutrition information at the point of menu choice might result in the improvement of customers' nutritional and health status by encouraging proper dietary habits of patrons as well as providing nutritional education. Therefore, it is recommended that government and restaurant firms should recognize the importance of nutrition information and make strategic plans for the future.
The state-of-art third generation wave prediction model WAM was applied to the Korean seas for a winter monsoon period of January 1997. The wind field used in the present study is the global NSCAT-ERS/NCEP blended winds, which was further interpolated using a bi-cubic spline interpolator to fine grid limited area shallow water regime surrounding the Korean seas. To evaluate and investigate the accuracy of WAM, the hindcasted wave heights are compared with observed data from two shallow water buoys off Chil-Bal and Duk-Juk. A detailed study has been carried with the various meteorological parameters in observed buoy data and its inter-dependency on model computed wave fields was also investigated. The RMS error between the observation and model computed wave heights results to 0.489 for Chil-Bal and 0.417 for Duk-Juk. A similar comparison between the observation and interpolated winds off Duk-Juk show RMS error of 2.28 which suggest a good estimate for wave modelling studies.
This study sought to determine family restaurant patrons' attitudes toward nutrition and healthy menus. A written questionnaire was handed out to 300 dine-in customers at the three different sites of T brand family restaurant. A total of 265 questionnaires were usable for data analysis, resulting in 88% response rate. Two attitude statements eliciting the strongest agreement were that 'Diet and chronic diseases risk are closely connected each other(4.44)' and 'Koreans are more nutrition & health conscious than they were in the past(4.41)'. The attitude statement-that nutrition is important when I eat out- received the lowest scores(2.92), which indicated that nutrition was not yet considered the most important factor when dining out. 23% of the respondents were interested in healthful foods, while 30% said they were unconcerned. Nutrition conscious group showed significantly (p<.000) higher attitude scores for most of statements than unconcerned group. Significant differences were found in age groups(p<.05, p<.01, p<.001), income levels(p<.05), educational levels(p<.05), health status groups(p<.05), and weight control interest groups(p<.05). Older respondents, respondents with higher income and educational levels were more interested in nutrition and healthy menus. Respondents who reported good health status and showed higher interest in weight control were more interested in nutrition and healthy menus. These findings indicate that restaurant firms should respond to consumers' increased interest in nutrition and healthy menus by offering healthful menus and increasing nutrition marketing activities. This may positively result in increasing customer counts and revenue as well as customer satisfaction level and brand image of restaurant firms. Moreover, restaurant firms are strongly encouraged to play an active role in promoting public's nutritional and health status because increasing consumption of meals away from home will seriously affect good health of our consumers.
The purposes of this research were to; (a) identify useful information source; (b) assess the usefulness of the Internet as an information source; and (c) assess the degree of Internet utilization for purchasing process in food service industry. The results were as follows; 1. 'personal experience and colleague recommendation' was perceived as the most useful information source, whereas the most frequently used source was 'Internet web site' for real purchasing practice. 2. the most frequently used purchasing activity through Internet was 'online ordering', followed by 'gathering product/component information', however e-marketplace or Internet bidding were less performed by Internet. 3. acquisition of real time information, rapidity, accuracy, and increasing effectiveness of purchasing process were reported the advantages of Internet utilization. 4. respondents somewhat or strongly agreed with the importance of Internet in terms of present and future purchasing management. The results of the research suggest that Internet should be able to improve purchasing process and enhance buyer-supplier relationship directly or indirectly, therefore food service industry should consider making attempt to new purchasing systems through Internet for strategic sourcing and effective procurement management.
체감형 게임에서는 사용자의 몸 자체가 인터페이스로써 컨트롤러의 기능을 가지며 사용자는 자신의 행동의 결과를 체화된(embodied) 경험으로써 피드백 받는다. 이는 관객이 적극적으로 참여하는 상호작용 미디어 아트 설치미술의 경우와 같다. 컴퓨터 게임의 대부분을 차지하는 비디오 게임과는 차별적으로 실물의 움직임으로 피드백 되는 게임이 고려될 수 있으며 그 기초는 로보틱 아트에서 찾을 수 있다. 본 논문은 게임과 상호작용 미디어 아트의 접점을 체감형 게임으로 전제하여 하나의 상호작용 로봇 설치물 사례를 제시하고 실험하며 분석한다. 본 설치물은 관객의 위치나 움직임에 의하여 운동하고, 로봇의 운동에 따라 현의 유효길이가 조절됨으로써 소리에 변화를 주는 하나의 학기이다. 로봇은 다중 셀 거리 센서를 이용하여 관객을 추적하고 관객은 일정한 거리를 두고 악기와 상호작용하므로 악기와 관객 간에는 관계적 긴장이 자리할 공연적 내러티브 공간이 형성된다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 상호작용 로봇 설치미술이 상호작용에 기초한 엔터테인먼트적 요소를 지닌 체감형 게임의 원형으로 제시될 수 있음을 몇 가지 사례를 들어 토론한다.
디지털 아트의 한 영역으로써 인터렉티브 비디오는 관객이 특정한 관점에서 비디오 공간에 비춰지는 매체적 특성상 거울의 효과가 하나의 비유로써 도입된 바 있으며 이는 미디어의 본질에 접근하는 담론을 자극하였다. 본 논문에서 소개되는 인터렉티브 비디오 작품은 이러한 담론의 연장선에서 개념적으로는 장자의 나비의 꿈에서 나타나는 사상에 기초하며 기술적으로는 컴퓨터 비젼을 이용하여 명암 처리를 통해 관객의 실루엣을 얻음으로써 다수의 그래픽 나비 개체가 이를 추상적으로 그리게 한다. 관객은 그래픽 공간에 투영된 자신의 이미지와 상호작용하면서 내러티브를 생산하게 된다. 시스템에 사운드를 도입하여 공간감을 증강시키고 추가적인 내러티브를 생산할 수 있도록 하였다. 본 작품에서 도입된 컴퓨터 비젼 기법과 개체의 자율행동 및 군집운동 메카니즘에 의한 그래픽 생성이 인터렉티브 비디오를 구현하는 하나의 방식으로 제시된다.
컴퓨터 게임은 실세계에 대한 시뮬레이션으로 간주되어질 수 있다. 소프트웨어 에이젼트의 제어 문제는 인공지능 분야에서 오랫동안 연구되어져 왔으며, 이는 행동기반 접근법이라는 것을 내놓았다. 인공지능 분야에서는 지금까지 크게 세 가지의 접근법을 볼 수 있다. 인지주의는 기호의 형태로 지능이 표현되어질 수 있고 다루어질 수 있다는 것을 제안하였으며, 연결주의에서는 표현이 신체 구조에 내포되어있어서 신체로부터 분리되어질 수 없음이 강조되었다. 행동기반 접근법에서는 인공지능은 동적인 성질을 가져서 어디서든지 존재하지 않는 대신에 에이젼트가 환경에서 행동할 때 비로소 우러나오는 성질을 가진 것으로 제시된다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 세 가지의 접근법을 비교하고 행동기반 접근법의 타당성과 문제점 에 대하여 논한다. 본 논문은 또한 행동기반 접근법의 컴퓨터 게임의 에이젼트 제어에 대한 활용을 제안한다.