The purpose of this study was to test the effect of Gastrocnemius and Low Back-muscle isotonic exercise on static•dynamic standing balance during the period of 4 weeks. This study was two groups pretest-posttest design. Nineteen subjects who were over 22 years old were randomly assigned to either the experimental group that received the Gastrocnemius muscle exercise(n=9) or the low back muscle exercise(n=10) : The former group performed isotonic exercise(plantar flexion), the latter group performed isotonic exercise(trunk extension) a total of 18 times for three times per week for four weeks. Two groups also performed static and dynamic balance before the exercise and 4weeks after the exercise. The data were analyzed by using the paired t-test and independent t-test. The results were as follows: As compared with change of dynamic balance performance capacity at two groups, a significant difference was shown in the test(p<.05), but not in static balance(p>.05). Also, a significant difference of balance between groups was not shown in the test. In this study indicated that gastrocnemius and low back muscle isotonic exercise will have positive impact on standing balance.
This study aims to examine the effects of taping of the ankle joint on the static and dynamic balance and gait ability of stroke patients. Twenty-six stroke patients receiving physical therapy at a hospital located in Gyeonggi-do were divided equally into a group that had taping in physical therapy and an ordinary physical therapy group. They exercised for 30 minutes each, 3 times per week for 8 weeks from June to August 2011. Romberg’s eye open and eye closed tests, limits of stability(LOS), forward and back test, timed up and go test(TUG) and 10-meter gait velocity test were performed to evaluate static balance, dynamic balance, and gait ability, respectively, prior to and 8 weeks after the intervention. Differences within each group in relation to the lapse of time were compared by a paired t-test. Differences between the two groups were compared by an independent t-test. Regarding comparison of differences within each group, all tests resulted in significant changes in both groups after the intervention (p<.05). Comparison of differences between the two groups showed that taping in the physical therapy group had significantly better test results than the ordinary physical therapy group in all measured items(p<.05). The after effects of ankle taping on stroke patients are more efficient and effective than ordinary physical therapy alone in improving balance and gait ability.
Wntsignaling is involved in the normal development and tumorigenesis via epithelial- mesenchymal transition (EMT). init iated by down-regul ation of E-cadherin by the transc ription factor Snail. Wnt signaling inhi bits Sna il phosph o rylation t hrough Axin2-dependent pathway that sustains nuclear accumul ation 0 1' Snail by driving CSK3ß nucleocytoplasmic export then consequently increases Snail protein levels and induces an EMT However. the roles of Wnt and Axin expression and their functional implication on Snail dependent EMT program a re not clear du ring the multistep carcinogenic process. We examined that canonical Wnt signaling engagingmul t istep carcinogenic process of uterine cervical cancer through Wnt-Axin2-Snail axis. In nonnal cervi cal mucosa, Wntl. Wnt3a. and Axin2 mRNA expression were locali zed in basal cell layer suggesting that canonical Wnt is required for maintenance of self-renewal program of cervica l epi theli al cells. With progression to cervical int r aepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and carcinoma. Wntl, Wnt3a‘ Axin2, and Snail expression were gradually increased in patient samples suggesting that canonical Wnt pathway is involved in earl y step of carcinogenesis in uterine cervix. LRP6 and Axin2 transfected cells showed the highly increased nuclear Snai l resul ted from dec reased level 0 1' nu clear GSK3ß , indicating that LRP6- Axin2 serves to stabili ze Sna il protein levels and susLains iLs nllclear acc llrnulation by driv ing GSK3ß . RNA interference of Axin2 and Snail on SiHa cells relieved E-cadherin proximal promotel‘ activity and block the in 띠 vo chorioalantoic membra ne ln VaSlOn These results suggest the canon ical Wnt signa ling regul ating Axin2-GSK3ß compartmentalization may important for stabi li zation of E- cad herin repressor Snail during the multistep carcinogen ic process of uteri ne cervix. It may lead to not only tracing the proper biomarker 0 [' ca ncer progression‘ but a lso the development oJ new targets for therapeutic intervention in cancer