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        검색결과 48

        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구는 벼 화분에 잔류한 네오니코티노이드계 약제가 꿀벌 봉군 내로 유입하여 만성적으로 피해를 주는지 에 대해 실험적으로 검증하고자 한다. 벼 꽃 개화기에 맞춰 논 인근의 세 지역에 각 6개 봉군을 설치하였다. 3개의 지역 중 두 지역은 벼 꽃 개화기 항공 방제 수행지역이고, 1개 지역은 미수행 지역이다. 지역마다 봉군 3개에는 채분기를 설치하여 벌통 내 화분 유입을 차단한 그룹과 미설치 그룹 간 봉세와 꿀벌 면역 및 수명 관련 유전자 발현량을 비교하였다. 약제 방제가 수행된 지역에서 채분기를 설치한 봉군의 봉세는 미설치 봉군보다 상대적으 로 강한 것을 확인하였다. 또한, 약제 처리 지역에서 채분기 설치 봉군에서 채분기를 설치한 봉군의 봉세는 미설치 봉군보다 상대적으로 강한 것을 확인하였다. 또한, 약제 처리 지역에서 채분기 설치 봉군에서 채집된 꿀벌의 면역 및 수명 관련 유전자 발현량이 미설치 그룹과 차이가 있는 것을 확인하였다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        양봉꿀벌은 한 마리 여왕벌을 중심으로 일벌 및 수벌들이 군집을 이루고 있는 사회성 곤충이다. 꿀벌은 여왕벌 이 깨어나면 처녀비행 (반경 2.4~7.4km )을 하여 공중에서 여러 마리의 수벌들과 교미를 한 후, 자신의 봉군 내부로 돌아와 평생을 살아가는 생태적 특성을 가지고 있다. 이와 같은 이유로 계통 증식 또는 품종 육종에서 외부의 오염원을 차단하기 위해서는 여왕벌과 수벌이 격리된 지역에서 교미가 이루어져야 한다. 본 연구는 여왕벌과 수벌이 격리될 수 있는 국내 도서지역을 중심으로 격리교미 연구를 2020년부터 2023년 봄부터 가을까지 수행하 였으며, 육종을 위한 격리교미의 효율성을 분석하고자 하였다. 도서지역은 전남 - 낙월도, 전북 - 위도, 왕등도, 식도에서 수행되었으며, 섬 크기, 경관 환경 요인, 교미 시기 등에 의해 격리교미의 성공률이 어떻게 변하는지를 확인하였다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Honey bees are crucial pollinators for agricultural and natural ecosystems, but are experiencing heavy mortality in Korea due to a complex suite of factors. Extreme winter losses of honey bee colonies are a major threat to beekeeping but the combinations of factors underlying colony loss remain debatable. Finding solutions involves knowing the factors associated with high loss rates. To investigate whether loss rates are related to Varroa control and climate condition, we surveyed beekeepers in korea after wintering (2021–2022 to 2022–2023). The results show an average colony loss rate of 46%(2022) and 17%(2023), but over 40% colony loss before wintering at 2022. Beekeepers attempt to manage their honey bee colonies in ways that optimize colony health. Disentangling the impact of management from other variables affecting colony health is complicated by the diversity of practices used and difficulties handling typically complex and incomplete observational datasets. We propose a method to 1) Varroa mite population Control by several methods , and 2) Many nursing bee put in hive before wintering.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research presents a conceptual framework for a comprehensive understanding of the causes of user migration from social media networking sites. The results of our survey show that users’ intentions to switch social media platforms are influenced by user satisfaction, alternative attractiveness, peer influence, and perceived switching costs.
        2022.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In 1943, Koreans and Americans gathered at American University for a simple ceremony affirming friendship between our peoples and voicing the hopes for world peace. As we gather here today, we are again on the precipice of world war-a war from which no one may survive. Three years ago, former president Jimmy Carter, calling the United States “the most warlike nation in the history of the world,” said that the United States has only enjoyed 16 years of peace in its 242-year history. This time it is who threatens world peace. But the lesson is clear. As the proponents of environmental peacebuilding understand unless we quickly end this war and find a way to solve problems without resorting to violence, especially in the nuclear age, humans will not long be here to enjoy these beautiful cherry trees or nature’s other gifts to humanity.
        2019.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        If we patiently continue to share our vision and to strengthen our solidarity among us who know already something about Jeju 4.3 Grand Tragedy during ‘peacetime’ Korea, we may be able to accomplish something when these few victims are still alive. I sincerely hope that the dream Dr. Martin Luther King announced at the march of Washington D.C. in 1963 be realized also to the victims of Jeju 4·3. A dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low. The rough places will be plain and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Irradiation at doses less than 1 kGy is an effective phytosanitary measure with minimal adverse effects on the quality of most fresh produce. There are internationally recognized guidelines for the use of irradiation as a phytosanitary measure and for the conduct of trade in irradiated fresh produce. A generic dose of 150 Gy is internationally recognized as sufficient to ensure the sterility or inability to reproduce of all fruit flies of the family Tephritidae on all hosts. Irradiation offers a cost-competitive, non-chemical alternative to several other phytosanitary measures and can be used to decrease dependence on fumigation with methyl bromide. In the last decade trade in irradiated fresh produce has increased steadily with over 20,000 tonnes traded in 2015. The US and New Zealand are the main importing countries and main exporting countries are Mexico, Australia, Vietnam, Thailand and India. Many different irradiated fruits are traded with guava, mango, sweet potato and dragon fruit pre-dominant. Several issues present barriers to the wider adoption of phytosanitary irradiation including the 1 kGy limit, labeling requirement, the limited number of country approvals, and restrictions on the use of modified atmosphere. The development of small-scale cabinet style x-ray machines could provide farmers and packinghouses with in-house treatment capability, and accelerate adoption of the technology.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        What is the connection between aesthetics or classroom design and engagement towards courses, teachers and groups? Students spend at least one quarter of their waking hours in schools, most of it in classrooms, which have become a potentially powerful setting for influencing them. Especially in recent years, where marketing classes are often projectbased and students are required to regularly interact in class and participate in group assignments, the role of classrooms and their design is crucial for improving learning and engagement (e.g. Abernethy and Lett III, 2005; Razzouk, Seitz and Rizkallah, 2003). Education research over the past decade has demonstrated that classroom designs have an effect on learning behaviors. Ample evidence suggested that classroom layout, technology and overall design can have a profound effect on student learning (e.g. Cheryan, Ziegler, Plaut and Meltzoff, 2014; Neill and Etheridge, 2008). So far, literature on classroom design and teaching has mainly focused on the relationship between quality of physical infrastructure and student achievement (Cheryan et al., 2014), on flexible learning spaces (Neill and Etheridge, 2008) and on the use of interactive technology (i.e. student response systems or clickers) for improving satisfaction, creative interaction, and achievement (e.g. Eastman, Iyer and Eastman, 2011). Little research has examined the role of classroom design on engagement (Kuh, 2001; Marks, 2000), investigating it primarily in the online or distance learning contexts (Chen, Lambert and Guidry, 2009). Unexplored in previous research is the role that a high vs. low technological classroom design may play in students’ engagement, and more specifically, in the general engagement level experienced by students towards a course, a teacher and a group. This work includes a comparison of two courses taught by the same instructor in a lowtechnology space (traditional class) versus a high-technology space, demonstrating counterintuitively that students perceive a higher engagement in a traditional classroom setting, evaluate the teacher more positively, and like to work in groups more.
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