This study was conducted to determine the appropriate seeding dates by verifying the difference in winter survival and productivity of alfalfa according to fall sowing dates in the central area of South Korea. The experiment was conducted for 2 years (2020 and 2021) at the field in the Department of Animal Resources Development, NIAS located in Cheonan. Sowing dates started from September 18 to November 8 with 10 days of intervals during 2020 and 2021; SO1 (September 18), SO2 (September 28), SO3 (October 8), SO4 (October 18), SO5 (October 28), and SO6 (November 8). After sowing, the winter survival rate was measured in the spring of the following year, and the dry matter yield was measured by harvesting at 10% flowering and harvesting five times a year. SO6 failed to winter survival, and SO5 also had a lower winter survival rate than SO1~4 (p<0.05). The average annual dry matter yield of alfalfa linearly decreased with delaying sowing dates (p<0.05). The feed value did not differ in the same year by delaying the sowing date in the same year. These results suggest that sowing date should be started before October 18 to increase winter survival and productivity of alfalfa in the central area of South Korea.
The structural safety of prototype transport and storage containers for very low-level radioactive liquid waste was experimentally estimated for its localization development. Transport containers for radioactive liquid waste have been researched and developed, however, there are no standardized commercial containers for very low-level radioactive waste in Korea. In this study, the structural safety of the designated IP-2 type container capable of transporting and temporarily storing large amounts of very low-level liquid waste, which is generated during the operation and decommissioning of nuclear power plants, was demonstrated. The stacking and drop tests, which were conducted to determine the structural integrity of the container, verified that there was no external leakage of the contents in spite of its structural deformation due to the drop impact. This study shows the effort required for the localization of the technology used in manufacturing transport and storage containers for very low-level radioactive liquid waste, and the additional structural reinforcement of the container in which the commercial intermediate bulk container (IBC) external frame was coupled.
We demonstrated an effective way of preparing melt spinnable mesophase pitches via catalytic hydrogenation of petroleum residue (fluidized catalytic cracking-decant oil) and their subsequent thermal soaking. The mesophase pitches thus obtained were analyzed in terms of their viscosity, elemental composition, solubility, molecular weight, softening point and optical texture. We found that zeolite-induced catalytic hydrogenation under high hydrogen pressure contributed to a large variation in the properties of the pitches. As the hydrogen pressure increased, the C/H ratio decreased, and the solubility in n-hexane increased. The mesophase pitch with entirely anisotropic domains of flow texture exhibited good meltspinnability. The mesophase carbon fibers obtained from the catalytically hydrogenated petroleum residue showed moderate mechanical properties.
고연소도 경수로사용후핵연료를 이용하여 voloxidation 및 소결 열처리 공정으로부터 세슘의 시간에 따른 방출 거동을 실험적으로 평가하였다. 사용후핵연료 voloxidation 공정에서는 fragment 형태의 시편을 사용하여 최대 의 산화 및 환원 분위기에 따른 세슘 방출 거동을 상호 비교하였으며, 소결 공정에서는 압분체를 이용하여 4% H2/Ar 환원분위기 에서 열처리 온도 변화에 따른 세슘방출 특성 변화를 분석하였다. 산화 분위기에서 fragment 형태의 사용후핵연료로부터 세슘 방출 온도 구간은 였으며, 환원 분위기에서 압분체로부터 방출 온도 구간은 로서, 산화에 의한 사용후핵 연료의 분말화가 세슘 방출 거동에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 아울러 사용후핵 연료로부터 세슘 방출 거동에 영향을 미치는 주요 인자는 사용후핵 연료내 세슘 화합물의 화학적 형태뿐만 아니라 결정립 및 핵연료 표면으로의 확산 속도에 지배를 받음을 알 수 있었다.
사용후핵연료의 건식 재가공을 위한 핵연료 원격 제조공정중 분말제조를 위한 산화 및 OREOX(산화 환원공정)열처리 공정으로부터 및 핵분열기체의 방출거동을 정량적으로 평가하였다. 특히 사용후핵연료의 평균 연소도가 범위내에서 연소도 변화에 따른 핵분열기체의 방출 분율은 측정한 실험결과와 ORIGEN 코드로부터 계산된 초기 inventory를 상호 비교하여 구하였다. 1차 산화공정(voloxidation)에서 및 의 시간에 따른 방출거동은 핵연료의 으로의 분말화 정도와 밀접한 관련이 있는 것으로 보이며, 입계(grain-boundary)에 분포된 핵분열기체가 대부분 방출되는 것으로 여겨진다. 산화분말을 이용한 OREOX 공정으로부터 핵분열기체의 높은 방출율은 의 환원공정에서 온도 증가에 의한 기체 확산 및 으로의 환원에 의한 U 원자 이동성 증가에 의존하며 주로 inter-grain 및 intra-grain에 분포된 핵분열기체가 방출된 것으로 판단된다. 일차 산화공정시 및 핵분열기체의 방출 분율은 핵 연료 연소도가 증가함에 따라 높게 나타났고 방출 분율 범위는 총 inventory의 정도며, 산화분말의 OREOX 공정처리시 잔류 핵분열기체 대부분이 방출되는 것으로 보인다. 아울러 사용후핵 연료로부터 핵분열기체의 제거를 위해서는 고온 환원분위기보다는 산화에 의한 분말화가 더 효과적인 것으로 여겨진다.
Background : Ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) is one of the most important medicinal plants in Korea, but its yields are often reduced by a variety of root pathogens. The root rot of ginseng is a destructive soil-borne disease caused by Cylindrocarpon destructans (teleomorph: Ilyonectria radicicola). Methods and Results : Ilyonectria radicicola and its Cylindrocarpon-like anamorph represent a species complex that is commonly associated with root rot disease symptoms on virulence. During the course of this study, several species could be distinguished from I. radicicola sensu stricto based on morphological and culture characteristics. As results of investigated culture characteristics, optimal temperature for mycelial growth of isolates were 20℃, and colony pattern and color were slightly different on PDA. Isolates of I. radicicola were analyzed for their genetic relatedness based on several genes and microsatellite region. I. radicicola group was divided into two small groups. Conclusion : Therefore, we were able to confirm pathogenicity and genetic difference between the isolates in each of the groups of the pathogen. Among these isolates, 21.5% were classified as highly virulent and 78.5% were weakly virulent. *(Corresponding
Hepatocytes and hepatic progenitors derived from human ES cells may be a useful source for clinical application. Therefore, identification and purification of these cell types would be following important issues. There are very few candidate surface markers that can be used to identify and purify hepatic progenitor cells. In addition, indocyanine-green can be uptaken by mature hepatocytes, but cannot be applied for fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) due to its long emission wavelength. In the present study, we tested EpCAM as a potential marker for magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) of hepatic progenitors and also modified indocyanine-green into fluorescent indomonocarbocyanine for FACS-mediated sorting of mature hepatocytes after differentiation of human ES cells. Hepatic progenitor cells were sorted by MACS after incubation with anti-human EpCAM antibodies. After the final differentiation, the differentiated cells and mouse primary hepatocytes (control group) were incubated with indomonocarbocyanine and were sorted by FACS. MACS and immunocytochemistry data showed that approximately 45% of differentiated cells were EpCAM-positive cells. EpCAM-positive cells expressed α-fetoprotein, FOXa2, HnF4a, and CK18. Differentiation efficiency into albumin-positive cells was significantly higher in EpCAM-positive cells, compared to EpCAM-negative cells. Importantly, indomonocarbocyanine successfully stained cells that expressed ALB. Furthermore, FACS analysis data showed that the purity of hepatocytes that expressed albumin was significantly increased after purification of indomonocarbocyanine-positive cells. Our data demonstrated that human ES cell-derived hepatic progenitors can be efficiently isolated by MACS using EpCAM antibody. In addition, we also showed that indomonocarbocyanine can be successfully used to identify and purify mature hepatocytes using FACS.
This study was conducted to find out environment-friendly disease control method to Alternaria blightcaused by Alternaria panax of ginseng. For this study, 150 methanol extracts from medicinal plants were evaluated and theextract of Impatiens balsamina showed most strong antifungal activity against A. panax. The methanol extract of I. balsam-ina showed also stable antifungal activity against other ginseng pathogens such as Botrytis cinerea and Fusarium sp., whentreated by heat or pH. In vivo, Alternaria blight incidence rate was low of 13% with the treatment of I. balsamina methanolextract compared to 35% of the non-treatment. The antifungal compound of I. balsamina was purified and identified byusing a silica gel column chromatography, TLC and ESI-LC/MS/MS analysis. The compound which showed strong antifun-gal activity was identified as 2-methoxy-1,4-naphtoquinone (C11H8O3).