1. 키르키즈스탄에서 한국형 토마토 재배 온실 내 최저온도는 12월 상순에 12℃ 내외였고 딸기 재배온실은 10℃ 내외로 상당히 양호하였다.
2. 10월 1일부터 12월 2일까지의 최고 광량은 토마토 온실에서 400W/m2, 딸기 온실에서 300W/m2 미만인 날이 대부분으로 광은 부족하였다.
3. 환기관리가 정상적으로 이루어지지 않아 잎 결로시간이 토마토는 10시간, 딸기는 12시간 이상 되는 날이 많아 곰팡이 병에 매우 취약한 것으로 나타났다.
4. 한국형 온실에서 문제점은 온도보다는 광량이 적은 것이 토마토, 딸기의 생산성을 감소시키는 요인으로 판단되었다.
5. 온실 시공 시 보온다겹커튼보다는 광 환경에 유리한 알루미늄보온스크린, 투광보온스크린 등이 설치되어야 할 것으로 생각된다.
6. 재배기술에 있어서는 수경재배에서 일사제어와 배액구 적정 위치를 충분히 이해하지 못하고 있었으며 타이머로 관수하였다.
7. 키르키즈스탄에서 저온기 과채류의 생산을 증대하기 위해서는 온실 시공 시 광량을 증가시키는데 중점을 두어야 하며, 결로를 예방할 수 있는 보일러, 환기 제어시설 등과 함께 온실을 운영하는 기본적인 관리기술도 함께 보급되어야 할 것이다.
Most known species in the Strophariaceae are decomposers and grow on various kind of organic matter. Approximately 18 genera and 1,316 species in the Strophariaceae have been reported worldwide. Through an ongoing survey of indigenous fungi in Korea, 29 specimens belonging to the Strophariaceae were collected from 2012 to 2016. These specimens were identified based on morphological characteristics and molecular analysis of internal transcribed spacer sequences. Fifteen taxa were confirmed, with eight species matching those previously recorded. Seven species in five genera were shown to be new records in Korea: Galerina marginata, Gymnopilus crociphyllus, Gymnopilus picreus, Hebeloma birrus, Hebeloma cavipes, Pholiota multicingulata, and Psilocybe thaizapoteca. In this study, we provide detailed morphological descriptions of these species and investigate their evolutionary relationships by constructing phylogenetic trees.
월드비전은 제 2차 세계대전이후 미국에서 새롭게 시작된 복음주의 운동과 그 영향을 받은 밥 피얼스(Bob Pierce)가 창설하였다. 이 복음주의 운동은 전통적인 기독교 메시지를 수호하는 동시에 변화하는 새로운 문화에 적응하는 한편, 제 2차 세계대전 이후 자유세계를 위협하는 공산주의에 대항하였다.
밥 피얼스는 복음주의 선교단체인 YFC(Youth for Christ)의 일원으로 1947년과 1948년 중국을 방문하여 그곳에서 전도와 함께 어려운 사람들을 도왔다. 특별히 그는 당시 중국의 상황을 필름에 담아 미국사회에 생생하게 전하였다.
밥 피얼스는 중국이 공산화되자 1950년 3월 한국에 와서 위와 같은 사역을 다시 시작하였다. 밥 피얼스는 한국에서 활동하던 선교사들과 한경직 목사의 도움을 받아 전국을 순회하면서 전도집회를 개최하였고, 고아원들을 순회하였으며, 이승만을 만나 공산주의의 위협에 대해 논의하기도 하였다. 그가 귀국한 뒤 곧 바로 한국전쟁이 발발하였다.
밥 피얼스는 한국사역을 체계적으로 하기 위해서 1950년 9월에 월드비전을 창립하였고, 1953년에는 한국 지부를 만들었다. 월드비전은 초기에는 기존 선교단체를 돕는 것이 주 사역이었으나 점점 아동후원 프로그램을 발전시켜, 오늘 날에는 전 세계에서 가장 큰 아동후원 프로그램을 운영하는 단체가 되었다. 월드비전은 전통적인 기독교 신앙을 지키면서도 동시에 변화하는 세계에 적응하기 위해서 노력하였다.
Background : During 2016 to 2017, Bacterial Rot symptom has been observed on Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. in Yeongju-si, Mungyeong-si, Jecheon-si and Eumseong-gun. This experiment was carried out to identify pathogenic bacteria that has not been reported up to now from A. macrocephala and to test pathogenicity of isolated bacteria against A. macrocephala.
Methods and Results : Nine types of representative bacteria strains depending on colony size and color were isolated from surface disinfested symptomatic tissue that was macerated and streaked onto lysogeny broth (LB) medium with agar. Fungi were not recovered from any tissue that was surface disinfested and placed into acidified potato dextrose agar. Only one strain cause dark brown leaf rot symptom on A. macrocephala leaves soaked in bacterial suspensions. Potted A. macrocephala plants were used to test for pathogenicity. Inoculum was prepared by suspending the bacteria in sterile distilled water (SDW) for a final concentration of approximately 105 CFU/㎖. Suspensions were sprayed until runoff onto three replicate plants. Control plants were sprayed with SDW until runoff. Plants maintained in a dew chamber with 100% relative humidity at 30℃. After 3 days, leaf rot lesions developed on all inoculated plants; lesions later turned dark brown and appeared similar to symptoms observed in the field. Plants treated with water developed no symptoms. Same bacteria re-isolated onto LB from symptomatic tissues.
Conclusion : On the basis of 16S rRNA sequence analysis, the strain isolated from A. macrocephala was identified as Pseudomonas viridiflava. Biological assay method using Potted plants confirmed the pathogenicity of Pseudomonas viridiflava. This is the first report of bacterial rot caused by Pseudomonas viridiflava on A. macrocephala.
A major history textbook for high schools, A Modern History of Korea for High School (Seoul: Kumsung Publishing House, 2007) described that Protestantism in Korea supported Japanese invasion to Korea. The text book has been used for many years by more than 50% high schools in South Korea. The argument of this book is very important because it might influence over high school students who think that the text book should always be correct. However, Protestantism in Korea was not the supporter of the Japan Empire in the turn-of-twentieth century Asia. In reality, Korea Protestantism had been appeared by Korean people as defender of Korean people against Japanese power. At that time Korea protestantism had been closely related to America which send their missionaries to Korea and helped its modernization. When Japan tried to put Korea in her power, King KoJong sent his envoy to the president Roosevelt of USA for help to maintain his independence. In reality, Japan government had considered Korean Protestantism as big obstacle for its rule over Korea. Japan had always be afraid of Korean Christianity and spied over it. Japanese army in 1911 arrested 105 important Christian leaders to destroy Korean churches. Also, in the last years of Japan imperialism, Japan governor-general of Korea expelled American missionaries from Korean peninsular to disconnect Korean Christian relationship with America. Finally, missionaries tried to maintain the principle of separation between church and state in Korea. They did not involve in political matter either on Korean nationalism or Japanese imperialism. This attitude of missionaries could not be satisfied with Japanese as well as Korean. However, they thought that their original mission in Korea is evangelization, but not independent movement of Korea.
Nitrogen (N) fertilization is essential for alleviating nutrient deficiencies of the world’s population by increasing rice production, one of the most important food crops of our time. Here we established an in vivo hydroponics rice seedling culture system to investigate the physio-biochemical and molecular responses of various rice genotypes to low nitrogen application. Yoshida’s nutrient solution (YS) was used to grow rice seedlings, and at three-week-old the seedlings manifested highly stable and reproducible symptoms, such as reduced shoot growth and length. Out of 12 genetically selected or tested genotypes, almost all (11 genotypes) showed varied degrees of growth reduction response to applied nitrogen (4 and 40 ppm N for treatment and control, respectively), but SR19663-B-B-34-3-3-3-1 showed similar growth as the control though its leaf width was smaller than the control. The leaves of a 11 representative low nitrogen-responsive genotype as BG90-2 were sampled for revealing the protein profiles between low and normal (control) nitrogen application by using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DGE) followed by staining of separated proteins with silver. Fifty differentially expressed silver stained protein spots were excised from 2-D gels and 41 proteins identified using high-throughput mass spectrometry (MS) using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-MS and nano electrospray ionization liquid chromatography tandem MS. These proteins could be assigned as major (energy metabolism, photosynthesis and oxidative stress) and minor functional categories, revealing many novel low N-responsive proteins, including those having energy/photosynthesis, and defense/stress, and iron homeostasis-related functions.