The black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel, 1766) is a cosmopolitan pest that poses an economic threat to many crops such as pepper, corn, perilla, etc. A. ipsilon can be mass reared by providing Chinese cabbage, Brassica rapa under 60~70%, 16L:8D and 25±1℃ in laboratory. This study presents the mass rearing methods and the morphological characteristics of the immature stages of A. ipsilon including descriptions of the each immature stages.
The turnip sawfly, Athalia rosae is one of the main pests that damage the leaves of cabbage, radish and other cruciferous crops. The developmental biology and morphological characteristics of the immature stages of Athalia rosae were studied in the laboratory using host plant, Chinese cabbage, Brassica rapa var. glabra. A. rosae can be mass reared in laboratory throughout the year under RH 60~70%, 16L:8D and 25±1℃. This species has six larval stages in the female and five larval stages in the male. The developmental period is about 28~29 days. Ovipositional periods and larval developmental periods were 6, 9 days, respectively. The pupal period was about 14 days. Illustrations and descriptions of the various immature stages and their behaviors are provided.
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of gait training using functional electrical stimulation on the improvement of hemiplegic patients' functions for balance and gait velocity. The subjects of the experiment were determined to be 10 each hemiplegic patients who had been diagnosed with stroke or brain damage six months or longer earlier assigned to an experimental group and a control group respectively. The subjects were evaluated before the experiment using Tetrax and 10M gait tests, received gait training five times a week for four weeks using functional electrical stimulation and were evaluated after the experiment in the same method as used in the evaluation before the experiment. In order to examine differences between the experimental group that received gait training using functional electrical stimulation and the control group that was treated by functional electrical stimulation and received gait training thereafter, differences between before and after the experiment were analyzed using paired sample t-tests and differences in changes after the experiment between the experimental group and the control group were analyzed using independent sample t-tests in order to compare the two groups with each other. Experimental results showed significant differences in weight bearing, balance and gait velocity between before and after the experiment in the experimental group(p<.05). In the control group, whereas weight bearing and gait velocity did not show any significant difference between before and after the experiment(p>.05), balance showed significant differences(p<.05). Weight bearing, balance and gait velocity change rates showed significant differences between the experimental group and the control group(p<.05). In conclusion, it was indicated that gait training using functional electrical stimulation is effective for enhancing stroke patients' weight bearing rates, balance abilities and gait velocity.
The purpose of this study is to examine the changes in bone mineral density in long-stay patients of a geriatric hospital in relation to physical therapy, thereby providing basic data for preventing the onset or deterioration of osteoporosis in inpatients of geriatric hospitals or relevant facilities. The subjects of this study were 133 elderly patients who had been in H geriatric hospital in Yongin-si for more than four years. Their bone mineral density T-scores at admission and those after four years were measured to compare and analyze the changes in bone mineral density in relation to physical therapy. According to the results, the decrease in T-score for the group without physical therapy was greater by .40 than that for the group with physical therapy, indicating a statistically significant difference between the two groups(p<.01). Accordingly, physical therapy proved to be effective in preventing bone mineral density loss and maintaining the current density.
Immuno-MemBlot is a technique for detecting, analyzing, and identifying proteins, similar to the Western blot technique but differing in that protein samples are not separated electrophoretically but are spotted through circular or slot templates directly onto the membrane. Recently we developed a new Immuno-MemBlot (IMB) method applying immunoreactions and coloring procedures directly in the wells of MemBlot apparatus, which were connected by canals to perform drainage for reagent application and buffer irrigation. This IMB method was designed to get theimmunoblot results more rapidly and clearly than the previous immunoblot ones. This study is aimed to evaluate the analytical accuracy of IMB using different biological assay. In the sensitivity test of IMB the monoclonal antibody can clearly detect the 30 ng (about 12 pM) of Mucocidin peptide (35 mer), and is also available to detect at least 10 ng (about 4 pM) of Mucocidin peptide (35 mer). The IMB was effective in the quantitative analysis of methothrexate (MTX) assay for cellular apoptosis. And more, this IMB is useful to screen large number of specific samples with ease and accuracy in a short time. In the screenings for the presence of Mucocidin in saliva the quantitative comparison is conspicuous among 48 persons depend on the different conditions ofgender, drinking and smoking habits, and oral diseases. Therefore, it is presumed that, even though the target proteins were partly degraded, a specific epitope can be detected if a monoclonal antibody was still reactive. Conclusively, these data suggest that the IMB can be useful in the primary qualitativeand quantitative analysis of proteins in various fluids, i.e., blood, saliva, tear, urine, etc.
Sookhee Lee. 2000. On the Semi-Lexical Status of Korean `come` and `go`. Studies in Modern Grammar 21, 1-20. In this paper, I argue that Korean motion verbs such as o-`come` and ka-`go`, when they come in serializing constructions, are neither truly lexical nor purely functional, but rather SEMI-LEXICAL. First of all, I discuss the functional behavior of `come` and `go` in monoclausal serial structure, based on sentential adverb position, argument projection, mode of composition with the full verb, and other criteria. I then argue that semantic bleaching or semantic weakening found in these verbs entails diachronic change. Syntactic and semantic investigation on these verbs reveals that they are in the process of syntactic-lexical transition, say grammaticalization. It is supported by cross-linguistic observations on other verb-serializing languages such as Yoruba and Chinese. My account for the grammaticalization of `come` and `go` makes a prediction about the occurrence of a different type of semi-lexical category in non-serializing languages; for instance, a certain group of prepositions or particles. This kind of prepositional particles are also not purely grammatical, in that they contribute an additional semantic information of their own to the meaning specified by their lexical head verb. This fact is related to a categorial parametric variation found among languages.