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        검색결과 4,016

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중국의 고건축물(古建築物)은 인류문명중의 걸작으로 고대인 의 출중한 지혜와 정밀한 기예 및 장인정신의 결정체이다. 이 들 건축물의 기세는 성대하며 건축양식의 풍채 또한 독특하며 정교하고 섬세하였다. 특히 중국 강남 지역의 고건축물은 원림 (園林), 수곽(水廓, 水鄕) 등과 청와(靑瓦)와 백벽(白壁)으로 이 루어진 독특한 풍경을 지니고 있다. 또한 그 청와와 백벽으로 이루어진 고건축물 중에서도 강남지역의 독특한 예술매력을 보 여주는 휘파(徽派) 건축이 가장 대표적이다. 오늘날 현대 장신구 디자인에서는 전통문화에 대한 전수와 계승, 그리고 정감 및 예술에 대한 사상의 구현을 더욱 중요시 하고 있다. 이에 본고에서는 강남지역의 청와와 백벽 건축물의 요소를 현대 장신구의 디자인에 유입함을 연구하였다. 휘파(徽 派)건축의 수묵(水墨)양식 건축은 청신하고 아담하며 고풍스러 운 느낌이다. 이는 현대 장신구의 수수하고 진중하며 개성적인 모습으로 전개되어 전통적인 장신구와의 귀족적적이며 화려하 고 고루함 등과 상대적으로 차별이 되었다. 이들 휘파(徽派) 건 축물과 현대 디자인은 예술형식의 융합이며 전통에 대한 추억 이다. 그러므로 본고는 현대 예술 디자인의 창조적인 탐색이다. 이를 바탕으로 장신구 디자인을 탐구하는 동학들에게 새로운 디자인의 창의와 폭넓은 사고에 도움이 되길 바란다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to understand the current status of exemptions for traffic accidents during the return of emergency vehicles and to provide suggestions for improvement. A survey was conducted on 3,500 firefighters to investigate the perception of traffic accidents during the return of emergency vehicles, and responses from 505 participants were analyzed. Based On the demographic characteristics and perception of the participants, frequency analysis and variance analysis were used as research methods to analyze basic statistics and the current situation. The results showed that firefighters have concerns and anxieties about traffic accidents during the return of emergency vehicles, and the need for applying exemptions and enacting explicit legal provisions was statistically confirmed. Based on these results, we suggest a policy for exemptions to improve the preparation for re-deployment and to alleviate the concerns and anxieties of firefighters.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문의 목적은 입시에 내몰리는 청소년기 학생들에게 건전하고 올 바른 자아정체성을 확립하는 데 도움이 되는 방안을 탐색하기 위한 것이 다. 인간의 역사 속에서 위기는 늘 내포되어 왔고, 청소년기 시기는 위기 와 기회가 동시에 존재하는 시기이기도 하다. 이러한 청소년기에 신체적, 정서적, 인지적 발달이 원활히 이루어져야 함에도 불구하고 한국의 청소 년들은 과도한 입시경쟁으로 인간관계나 자신의 정체성에 대한 갈등조차 시간낭비라는 인식하에 입시경쟁에 매달리고 있는 실정이다. 이와 같은 현실에서 붓다의 핵심사상인 “고정된 불변의 진리는 없다”라는 무아사상 과 칼 로저스의 인간중심상담 기법을 통해 청소년들이 처해 있는 어려움 을 극복할 수 있는 상담적 대안을 제시하고자 하였다. 따라서 본 연구에 서는 청소년기에 형성되어야 할 자아정체성과 학업스트레스와의 관계, 불 교의 무아와 칼 로저스의 인간중심상담 기법을 기반으로 한 불교 상담의 가능성을 탐구하였다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 현탁중합을 통해 이온교환입자를 합성하였다. 또한 음이온 교환막을 제조하기 위해 brominated poly(phenylene oxide) (Br-PPO)로 교환막 합성을 진행하였으며, 합성한 이온교환입자를 Br-PPO에 첨가하여 음이온 교환막 에 성능을 향상시키고자 하였고, 이를 적용하여 음이온 교환막 연료전지 시스템의 성능 평가를 진행했다. 이온교환입자는 FT-IR, TGA 및 UTM을 통해 구조 분석, 열적 기계적 특성을 평가하였다. Br-PPO는 NMR을 통해 화학적 구조 분석 및 합성 여부를 확인하였고, 음이온 교환막 연료 전지 셀 테스트를 진행하기 전 이온전도도와 이온교환용량, 팽윤도 및 수분함수율을 측정해 연구되고 있는 다른 음이온 교환막들과 비교를 통해 성능을 평가했다. 최종적으로 가장 성능이 우수했던 이온교환입 자를 0.7 wt%를 첨가한 Br-PPO-TMA- SDV 음이온 교환막을 연료전지 시스템에 도입하여 상용 막인 FAA-3-50과 성능을 비 교했다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2017년 지진에서 다수의 필로티형 건물에 손상이 발생함에 따라 필로티형 건물의 내진성능 평가의 중요성이 대두되 었다. BST면의 활용과 검증은 여러 연구자들에 의해 이미 수행되었다. BST면을 활용하여 필로티형 건물의 횡저항성능을 파악 할 수 있다면, 필로티형 건물의 초기 계획 또는 내진보강 계획 시 횡력저항 시스템을 배치하는데 도움이 될 것이다. 이에 본 연 구에서는 필로티형 건물에 BST면의 적용가능성을 파악한 후, 실제 지진피해를 입은 필로티형 건물의 보강 전과 후의 BST면을 비교하여 횡저항성능을 파악하였다. 그 결과 손상된 필로티형 건물을 보강함에 있어 보강된 평면의 BST면과 밑면 전단력에 대 한 비틀림 모멘트의 비를 기울기로 하는 거동 분석을 통해 필로티형 건물의 횡저항성능을 파악함으로써 보다 효과적인 보강방 안을 제시할 수 있었다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Severe Disaster Punishment Act had recently been established in order to promote safety and health (OSH) management system for severe accident prevention. OSH management system is primarily designed based on risk assessments; however, companies in industries have been experiencing difficulties in hazard identification and selecting proper measures for risk assessments and accident prevention. This study intended to introduce an accident analysis method based on epidemiological model in finding hazard and preventive measures. The accident analysis method employed in this study was proposed by the U.S. Department of Energy. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the accident analysis method, this study applied it to two accident cases occurred in construction and manufacturing industries. The application process and results of this study can be utilized in improving OSH management system and preventing severe accidents.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Korean innovative SMR has been implemented developing with improved safety/economy and i- SMR technology development project to secure a competitive edge in SMR. For nuclear power plants, according to the revision of the Nuclear Safety Act (2013.6), it is mandatory to be reflected in the aging management program of nuclear power plants, and the aging management and regulation of major nuclear power plants are being strengthened. For i-SMR, chemistry environment and management strategy is essential to mitigate corrosion and radiation fields, since it has compacted and integrated module designs. Since 1994, zinc injection into the reactor coolant system (RCS) has been applied more than 100 PWRs in the world to mitigate primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) and to reduce outof- core radiation fields. In domestic NPPs, 7 have been applying zinc injection and had up to 90% radiation field reductions. For this reason, SMR needs to apply zinc injection for chemistry strategy. Zinc target concentration will be 5~40 ppb at i-SMR, based on Ni-Fe-Cr materials as same as PWRs. Zinc injection location is in volume and purification control system between the volume control tank and charging P/P where the pressure is moderate. Zinc injection skid can consist of two micro-controllable pump (one for operation and one for stand-by) and one injection tank (batching tank for zinc solution). Zn, Ni, Si, Fe, and activated corrosion products should be monitored to identify zinc injection controls and trends. Flux mapping for core performance monitoring should be evaluated. The application of zinc will be essential and effective and bring sustainable reliability for corrosion control and mitigation strategy to meet the risk-free i-SMR development.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Various cutting technologies such as thermal and mechanical are being researched and developed to dismantle shutdown nuclear power plants. Each technology has the following advantages and disadvantages. The thermal cutting method has low reaction force and fast cutting speed, but secondary waste such as fume, dross, and fine dust is generated. The mechanical cutting method has the advantage of low generation of secondary waste such as fume, dross, and fine dust, but has the disadvantage of increasing the size of the device due to its large reaction force. In this study, the performance of plasma milling robot cutting technology for nuclear power plant materials was evaluated. First, before applying plasma auxiliary milling to the robot, tests were conducted on SUS 316 L and Alloy 600 to secure processing conditions such as plasma torch output and transfer speed. The test have shown that the mechanical strength was decreased of each material at the output power of the plasma torch of 4.4 and 8.4 kW, the transfer speed of 200 and 100 mm/min. Based on the test results, a plasma milling was attached to the robot and tested, and it was confirmed that even a small robot with a load of 140 kg can cut without any major problems.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        IAEA safety standards document and international programs (such as BIOMASS) related to the assessment of the biosphere around High Level Radioactive Waste (including Spent Nuclear Fuel) repositories require the assessment of the biosphere to use the assumption that the current natural environment and human society will be maintained, and at the same time, the evolution of the distant future changes also need to be taken into account. In Korea, which has not designated candidate disposal sites, it is necessary to investigate and predict the current state and future changes of the natural environment throughout Korea and apply it practically to Biosphere assessment (for BDCF derivation) for candidate disposal sites suitability assessment and Safety Case (for performance assessment) preparation for design, construction, operation, and post-closure management. To this end, the natural environment in the fields of Topography, Geology, Soil, Ecology, Weather and Climate, Animals and Plants, Hydrology, Ocean, Land-use, etc. and human society in the fields of Population Distribution, Spatial-Planning, Urban Form, Industrial-Structure, Lifestyle etc. are being investigated in the context of current status, past change records, and future change potential in the Korean Peninsula. This paper summarizes those investigations to date. This study referred Biomass-6 [IAEA] and National Atlas I (2019)/II (2020)/III (2021) [National Geographic Information Institute of the Korea Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport].
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Spent Fuel Pool Island (SFPI) is a spent nuclear fuel storage pool that operates independently of existing nuclear facilities to safely manage SNF and minimize maintenance costs during the nuclear decommissioning process. Since the radiation controlled area can be dismantled before transporting SNF to a dry storage facility, the overall decommissioning period can be shortened, and the risk of occupational exposure during dismantling is reduced. In the US, various nuclear power plants have introduced SFPI for this reason. In this paper, to analyze the economic feasibility of application of SFPI to nuclear power plants to be decommissioned, several scenarios are established in consideration of the decommissioning plan and schedule, SFPI and dry storage facility application schedule. Cost and benefit list (SFPI application cost, SNF management cost, SNF dry storage cask cost, etc.) for each alternative were derived, and economic analysis was conducted by applying the Net Present Value (NPV). As a result of the analysis, it is found that the application of SFPI during decommissioning is economically effective as the NPV showed a positive number even when uncertainty was taken into account.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pyroprocessing is a promising technique for the treatment of damaged fuel debris (corium) generated by severe nuclear accidents. The debris typically consists of (U, Zr)O2 originating from the UO2 fuel and Zr alloy-based cladding. By converting the corium to a metallic form, the principal components of the fuel can be recovered through subsequent electrorefining, allowing for long-term storage or final disposal. A study investigated the reduction of zirconium oxide compounds by Li metal as a reductant in molten LiCl salt. This research explored the feasibility of treating damaged nuclear fuel debris, which mainly consists of (U, Zr)O2. The results showed that ZrO2 was successfully reduced to Zr metal by Li metal in LiCl salt at 650C without the formation of Li2ZrO3. In particular, Zr metal was produced without the formation of Li2ZrO3 when LiCl salt containing a high concentration of Li metal was used. However, Zr metal was produced with Li2ZrO3 when LiCl salt containing both Li metal and Li2O was added. This suggests that the concentration of Li metal in the LiCl salt is an important factor in determining the formation of Li2ZrO3. The study also demonstrated that Li2ZrO3 was partially reduced to Zr metal by Li metal in LiCl salt. This finding suggests that Li metal may be effective in reducing other oxide compounds in molten LiCl salt, which could be useful in the treatment of corium. Overall, the research provides valuable insights into the feasibility of using pyroprocessing for the treatment of corium. The ability to recover and store the principal components of the fuel through electrorefining could have important implications for the long-term management of nuclear waste.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As the use of nuclear energy has been expanded, issues in a spent nuclear fuel management are raised. Several methods have been proposed and developed to manage spent fuels safely and efficiently. One method is to reduce environmental burden in disposal of spent fuels by decreasing volume of high-level waste. A nuclides management process (NMP) is one example. Through this novel process, it is able to separate highly mobile nuclides (ex. iodine, krypton), high thermal emission nuclides (ex. strontium, barium), and optionally, uranium from spent fuels. Since the NMP is a back-end fuel cycle technology, a reliable safeguards system should be employed in the facility. As international atomic energy agency (IAEA) recommends safeguards-by-design (SBD), it is desirable to investigate an appropriate safeguards approach at a step of technology development. Process monitoring (PM) is a complemental safeguards technology for traditional safeguards technologies which based on mass balance. PM traces nuclear materials indirectly but consecutively by using process parameters such as temperature, pressure, and flow of fluid. These parameters are obtainable by installing appropriate sensors. In a respect of SBD, PM is a promising approach to achieve the safeguards goal, the timely detection of diversion of a nuclear material. However, it is necessary to classify useful process parameters from all available signals which provided from PM in order to properly utilize PM. In this study, we investigated application methods of the PM approach to NMP. NMP consists of several unit processes in series. Firstly, we inspected a principle and a feature of each unit process. Based on the results, we evaluated applicability of the PM approach to each unit process according to effectiveness in enhancing safeguardability. Several unit processes were expected that their safeguards are able to be enhanced by using certain process parameters from PM.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since the National R&D Innovation Act was enacted in 2022, it became a crucial issue how to qualify or improve R&D activities and disseminate their outcomes. Many organizations have referred to various quality management standards such as the American National Standards Institute/American Society for Quality (ANSI/ASQ) Z1.13, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Nuclear Quality Assurance-1 (ASME NQA-1), as a means to set up their own quality system. ISO is the international standard for implementing a quality management system (QMS), which provides a framework and principles for managing an organization’s QMS, with the aim of ensuring that the organization consistently provide products or services that meet regulatory requirements. ISO 9001 can cover all aspects of an organization’s operations, and it can also be expanded to include R&D areas. The introduction of ISO 9001 to R&D aims to improve R&D practices and establish a standardized process framework for conducting R&D. ANSI/ASQ Z1.13 provides quality guidelines for research and consists of 10 sections covering various aspects of research quality, emphasizing ethical conduct, clear objectives, reliable data collection, and analysis. ASME NQA-1 is one of quality assurance standards for nuclear facility applications, but it has been extended and applied to R&D activities in the nuclear fields. It just focuses on planning, procedures, documentation, competence, equipment, and material control. KINAC has conducted extensive research on verifying and regulating nuclear activities while providing support for national nonproliferation technologies and policies. In addition to the quantitative growth achieved so far, efforts are being made to establish a qualitative and integrated management system. As a first step to achieve this goal, this study reviewed international standards and methodologies for research quality and derived the key components for R&D quality management. Moreover, the appropriate outline of quality management system framework was proposed for R&D as a regulatory support process, based on the ISO 9001. The implementation of quality management standards and procedures for R&D in KINAC, which could lead to improved research practices, more reliable data collection and analysis and increased efficiency in conducting R&D activities.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Internal Compliance Program (ICP) is a framework for promoting compliance with laws and regulations and minimizing violations. It aims to prevent law breaches, by raising awareness of the compliance within the organization, which leads to enhance the credibility of the organization, and to prepare for audits. From the perspective of nuclear export control, ICP can be used to verify the company’s credibility by following NSG Guidelines and is expected to contribute to preventing the vertical and horizontal proliferation of nuclear weapons in the international community. However, ICP system is not globally established, and the NSG does not provide official guidelines for ICP. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the “Good Practices for Internal Compliance Programs for Nuclear and Nuclear-Related Exports” provided by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to find ways to apply and activate ICPs for domestic exporters. The form of ICP could vary depending on company’s size and internal environments, but it should be organized as follows. First, an internal department should be established so as to implement the ICP, and an executive who has export control knowledge should be assigned as the Chief Export Control Officer (CECO). The CECO, establish and revise ICP operating procedures and manual, organize contact point to communicate internally and externally. Second, measures should be established minimize risks in the export process, including business development transaction screening, supply chain, research and development, human resource, and intangible technology transfer risks. Third, internal control system should be established for export control compliance. The CECO should conduct regular assessments to ensure compliance and strengthen the organization’s internal export compliance processes. Fourth, an export-related training program should be periodically conducted for employees. In addition, as soon as the CECO becomes aware of, CECO should review the matter, take corrective action, and report to the relevant national authorities, when a violation of domestic export control laws or suspicious circumstances are captured. Nuclear export control plays an important role in ensuring nuclear nonproliferation. Republic of Korea has been implementing the ICP system for Dual-Use Items under the Foreign Trade Act, but not for Trigger List Items. Therefore, introduction of ICP for Trigger List Items is expected significantly contribute to nuclear nonproliferation. The subjects of ICP will be initially targeted to major nuclear enterprises, then gradually expanded to all nuclear enterprises. Further researches are needed to introduce on ICP for Trigger List Items.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        An administrative agreement (AA) was signed between NSSC and UAE FANR in January 2023 under Article 5 of the ROK-UAE Nuclear Cooperation Agreement. The AA aims to enhance regulatory efficiency in safeguards and export control. This study reviewed the export control measures for the items subject to the agreement (ISA) and implementation procedures under ROK-UAE AA by comparing them with other countries cases. First of all, the ROK-UAE AA distinguishes between ISA and the inventory management target items. Technology is divided into two categories, one requiring consent for retransfer and the other, considering the characteristics of technology that is free to be copied and deleted, and thus less useful for inventory management. Only the former is included in the annual report, which differs from the ROK-Canada or ROK-Japan NCA, which includes all technologies subject to the agreements in the annual report. When ROK notifies export information, it is mandatory to specify whether the technology requires consent for retransfer. Furthermore, some technologies should be controlled as strategic information, even if excluded from the annual report, so efforts to prevent confusion are required. Secondly, the ROK-UAE AA covers all items in INFCIRC/254/rev.9/part1, unlike the ROK-U.S. and ROK-Canada NCA, which listed equipment subject to them. This is significant because it clarifies the criteria for regulation by increasing the consistency between the trigger list items in the domestic law and the ISA. However, the expanded ISA scope could result in some changes in export control procedures. For example, when importing nuclear material (NM) from the US, only uranium was controlled as ISA, and the packages were not considered. In contrast, when exporting fuel assemblies (FA) for UAE, both uranium and zirconium cladding should be treated as ISA. To this end, NEPS was improved to implement the features of the ROK-UAE AA. Consideration of the criteria and methods for imposing obligations under the agreement is essential because this is the first case of Korea concluded AA under exporting NPP and as a supplier of FA. Generally, the obligations for NM are imposed by the country of origin, conversion, and enrichment countries. Canada and EU recognize the fuel fabrication process as a substantial transformation and impose customs origin where the process takes place. Hence, NM fabricated from Canadian equipment is also subject to the same obligations as NM of Canadian origin. From this perspective, it would be appropriate to ensure ROK acts as a supplier and controls when exporting domestically manufactured FA. Moreover, a proper national obligation code system will be required to specify Korea’s control rights.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: While efforts have been made to differentiate fall risk in older adults using wearable devices and clinical methodologies, technologies are still infancy. We applied a decision tree (DT) algorithm using inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor data and clinical measurements to generate high performance classification models of fall risk of older adults. Objects: This study aims to develop a classification model of fall risk using IMU data and clinical measurements in older adults. Methods: Twenty-six older adults were assessed and categorized into high and low fall risk groups. IMU sensor data were obtained while walking from each group, and features were extracted to be used for a DT algorithm with the Gini index (DT1) and the Entropy index (DT2), which generated classification models to differentiate high and low fall risk groups. Model’s performance was compared and presented with accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. Results: Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity were 77.8%, 80.0%, and 66.7%, respectively, for DT1; and 72.2%, 91.7%, and 33.3%, respectively, for DT2. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the fall risk classification using IMU sensor data obtained during gait has potentials to be developed for practical use. Different machine learning techniques involving larger data set should be warranted for future research and development.