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        검색결과 308

        2015.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, hydrological safety vulnerability assessment on dam facilities was estimated using dams' hydrological safety evaluation result and in-depth inspection assessment score and grade. Multi Criteria Decision Making was used for vulnerability ranking decision on dams', and assessment scores and weights of hydrological safety evaluation were applied as payoff matrix and weight coefficient. It can be available for calculating dam’s vulnerability ranking considered dams' hydrological safety.
        2015.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, Korea Bridge Design Code(limit state design method) was introduced in 2012.However, Korea Infrastructure’s Safety Inspection Guideline are still following the bridge safety assessment. The assessment methods are classified according to material and bridge superstructure. Steel box girder bridge safety assessment was carried out by the A.S.D. In this study, introduce of steel box girder bridge safety assessment in accordance with the standards change.
        2015.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Pumping Station is amended ('15.1.6) a special law (hereinafter siteukbeop) on the safety management of the facility has been incorporated into kinds of facilities. This study aims to introduce siteukbeop drainage pumping stations as part of condition assessment techniques detailed guidelines established for drainage pumping stations being incorporated into the new facility as amended.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the clinical safety and toxicology of oral ingestion of supplement capsules containing ginsengradix was investigated in healthy young volunteers. This study was a pilot randomized, double blinded, placebo controlledtrial. The healthy volunteers were divided into 6 groups of 20 each (10males and 10 females). They took the ginseng powderfor 35 days (3g/day) for safety evaluation. There were measured general healthy levels such as hematological, biochemical andelectrocardiographic parameters. After the first week, besides Korean white ginseng the other treatments led to an significantincrease of white blood cells. Korean red ginseng increased UREA (blood urea nitrogen) in healthy volunteers, but it didn’texceed the range of normal values, and in the subsequent process of treatment there is no effect of elevating UREA. After thethree weeks, Korean white ginseng showed relatively low the content of blood glucose and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.After the five weeks, compared with the other treatments, Korean red ginseng increased white blood cells, platelet distributionwidth and average volume of platelet. Korean white ginseng decreased low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. American ginsengdecreased blood creatinine in healthy volunteers. In conclusion, through test the blood routine, urine routine, liver function,renal function, blood glucose, blood lipid and electrocardiogram, the healthy volunteers continuous taking ginsengfor 35 days (3g/day) is safe and reliable, and have no obvious adverse reactions and side effects.
        2015.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, Korea Bridge Design Code(KBDC) adapts to the Limit State Design method(L.S.D) in 2012 according to the liberalization of construction market and the flow of international standardization of the design criteria. However, Korea Infrastructure’s Safety Inspection Guideline(KISIG) are still following the bridge safety evaluation applying the A.S.D and U.S.D methods. In this study, introduction of PSC bridge safety evaluation with L.S.D considered the traditional safety evaluation compared to the ASD and USD methods.
        2015.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to evaluate the seismic safety of weir structure subjected to seismic ground motions, simple linear elastic 2D plane strain Finite Model (FE) was developed in ABAQUS platform. Also, the 1994 Northridge earthquake as a ground motion uncertainty was selected. The numerical results showed that the compressive stress was significantly increased in comparison to the results from the design spectrum analysis but the horizontal displacement was reduced about 28%.
        2015.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study presents the seismic safety evaluation of weir structures subjected to earthquakes. In order to conduct the numerical analysis using KBC 2009 design spectrum, simple linear elastic 2D plane strain Finite Element (FE) model was modeled in ABAQUS. the results obtained from numerical analysis noted that the weir structure was more sensitive to tensile stress than compressive stress.
        2015.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this paper, the strategy of the research project was introduced to develop the safety evaluation factors and the monitering system of underground lifelines against the ground subsidence. This study will be carried out in three steps of concept design, critical technique development and technique verification.
        2015.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A RSM-based reliability analysis approach is applied to evaluate the safety of floating structures considering uncertainties associated with various design variables. Uncertainties in both load and resistance related variables are explicitly considered in the analysis. It is expected to be practically applied in the reliability-based design of real structures including floating structures.
        2014.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is about an earthquake disaster response system and an application technology for post-earthquake safety evaluation. The mobile application supports field survey on earthquake damage buildings and shortens the surveying time. The results from the mobile are transmitted to a data managing program. And it displays a surveyed-place, result and suggests statics. This system is expected to support local governments to effectively respond to earthquake disasters.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As a sense of practical field, most researchers emphasize the importance of safety management to prevent marine accidents. The purpose of this paper is to develope a new safety evaluation method using Safety Index (SI) which is to measure the emotional feeling of navigation officer by traffic situations. In this study, the questionnaires with SI are used to investigate the degree of sensing levels of navigation officers according to the navigation situations. In addition, the traffic data obtained from AIS (Automatic Identification System) data are used to give actual situations in the questionnaire investigation. As results of questionaries investigations based upon the AIS data, it is shown that the Safety Index can be used as a criterion to determine the safety levels of ship navigating in a coastal areas.
        2014.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Based on the study of chloride migration coefficient and hydration heat evolution, it was found that the use of ternary blended cement was effective to achieve desired service life and minimum crack index. On the other hand, a high level of compressive strength is required for marine concrete mix design.
        2014.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        3D-analysis by SAP2000 software is required for designing of sea pools in order to settle the problems regarding the degradation of the concrete durability. Sea pools are faced with sea water including salts so it is used high strength concrete, reinforced high strength and urethane for its construction. The purpose of this paper is to establish specifications and data for the construction of the sea pools.
        2014.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        최근 전 세계적으로 지진의 발생빈도가 증가하는 경향을 보이며 일부는 지진해일을 동반한 대규모 피해가 발생하고 있다. 2004년 12월 26일 인도네시아 수마트라 지진해일은 약 30만명의 인명피해와 100억 달러 이상의 재산피해가 발생하였으며, 2011년 3월 11일 일본 동북지방 태평양 연안 지진해일은 15,800여명의 인명피해와 25조엔 이상의 재산피해가 발생했다. 또한 국내에서도 일본의 서해 해역에서 발생한 아키타지진(1983년 5월, M7.7)과 오쿠시리지진(1993년 7월, M7.8)의 영향으로 국내 동해안 일대에 피해가 발생한 사례가 있다. 이러한 추세에도 불구하고 국내에서는 지진해일에 대한 국내 건축물의 대비책은 전무한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 국내 건축물에 80%이상을 차지하고 있는 연안가 조적조 건축물에 대한 안전성을 예상 침수심 깊이에 따라 평가하였다.
        2013.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Prediction method for the long-term chemical leaching amount from by-product/recycled materials such as waste concrete and steel slag and so on is necessary to widely promote their effective utilization and evaluate their environmental safety. Although there are the batch leaching tests and the column leaching test as the testing methods for evaluating the long-term leaching behavior, the leaching mechanism and the testing result compatibility in both tests has insufficiently been clarified yet. Thus, the prediction of the leaching behavior from the by-product/recycled materials used in actual civil works and their environmental safety evaluation are by no means certain. This paper shows the difference between the batch leaching tests and the column leaching tests in the chemical leaching behavior of Cu-slag. The batch leaching tests were conducted under liquid/solid ratio = 10, liquid = distilled water, stirring strength = 0, 30, or 120 rpm. After a certain elapsed time, the leaching solution was exchanged with the pure distilled water and then the stirring was restarted. The elapsed time was set at 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 days. The column leaching tests were also conducted under the same conditions as those of the batch leaching tests in order to evaluate the effects of the pore distribution and the pore flow velocity in the Cu-slag column on the leaching behavior. In the column leaching tests, the effluent passing through the column was circulated as the influent (Fig. 1). The leaching duration in the column tests can be equivalent as that in the batch tests, so that the difference in the leaching behavior between the batch leaching tests and the column leaching tests may be dependent on the pore-scale heterogeneous flow and path generated in porous materials. Figure 2 shows the leaching rate evaluated from the batch leaching tests and the column leaching tests. In the same fluid velocity levels, the leaching rate in the column tests was larger than that in the batch tests. The leaching rate has been considered large with the fluid velocity. Although the fluid velocity generated by the stirring was the same as the flushing velocity on the surface of the Cu-slag in the batch tests, the fluid velocity in the column tests was enhanced because the permeant liquid was concentrated into the limited pore space in the Cu-slag column. Thus, the pore-scale heterogeneous flow and path generated in porous materials should be evaluated in order to clarify the compatibility between the batch leaching tests and the column leaching tests.
        2013.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As the interest in leisure sports is recently increasing domestically and internationally, the number of descending experience in the air facilities is increasing. Study on the cable and wire installed on a bridge has been actively preceded from the past to the present, but for descending experience in the air facilities for leisure sports, an accident occurs frequently and examination the structural safety of these facilities is still insufficient. Therefore, structural safety by dynamic impact is evaluated through 3-dimensional infinite element modeling and analysis of the steel cable for leisure sports previously installed. It is judged that more systematical safety than before could be secured based on this.
        2013.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently remodeling has been preferred to reconstruction. Remodeling the existing building structure by recycling has great advantages compared with reconstruction in terms of environmentally contributions and reduced use of national resourses. However the story increase during remodelling cause serious problems of structure. This paper intoduces a way to analyze remodelled building using MIDAS GEN
        2012.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this paper, structural analysis and causual analysis of superstructure horizontal displacement by retaining wall displacement is realized, as a result, it is considered that retaining wall displacement by soft soil and lateral flow pressure occurred in the soft soil affect superstructure horizontal displacement. Although resistance force is slightly larger than the action force when reviewing superstructure safety, it is considered that repair and reinforce are necessary when considering safety factor with respect to the difficulty of estimating accurate load, and the uncertainty of soil condition.