
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 452

        1971.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1968.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2022.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the weather conditions, fine particle concentration, and ion components in PM2.5 when two cold fronts passed through Busan in succession on February 1 and 2, 2021. A analysis of the surface weather chart, AWS, and backward trajectory revealed that the first cold front passed through the Busan at 0900 LST on February 1, 2021, with the second cold front arriving at 0100 LST on February 2, 2021. According to the PM10 concentration of the KMA, the timing of the cold front passage had a close relationship with the occurrence of the highest concentration of fine particles. The transport time of the cold front from Baengnyeongdo to Mt. Gudeok was approximately 11 hours . The PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations in Busan started to increase after the first cold front had passed, and the maximum concentration occurred two hours after the second cold front passed. The SO4 2-, NO3 -, and NH4 + concentration in PM2.5 started to increase from 1100 to 1200 LST on February 1, after the first cold front passed, and peaked at 0100 LST to 0300 LST on February 2. However, the highest Ca2+ concentration was recorded 2-3 hours after the second cold front had passed.
        2022.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 OECD 국가 대 중국, 한국, 아세안 5개국의 해외직접투자 입지선택에 미친 영향을 분석하였 다. 2003년부터 2020년까지의 연도별 데이터를 사용하여 단순고정효과와 이원고정효과 분석 방법으 로 실증분석을 실시하였다. 분석 결과는 현지국의 경제 수준이 해외직접투자에 긍정적인 영향을 미친 다는 것으로 나타났다. 새 천년 이후 중국 시장이 개방되면서 선진국과 자본 풍부한 국가들은 해외직 접투자에 대한 선택이 많아졌다. 국가 간의 무역량이 증가하면서 싱가포르의 지리적 우세를 점차 나타 내고 있다. 또한 아세안 5개국을 대상으로 단순고정효과와 이원고정효과에 대한 분석 방법을 이용하였 다. 아세안 5개국의 경제 수준은 해외직접투자 입지선택에 대한 투자 가능성을 평가하는 중요한 지표 라는 분석 결과가 나타났다.
        2022.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Today’s cities require deeper understanding of the thermal environment and PM10 as their management becomes more critical. Based on these circumstances, this study investigated the Granger causality between the thermal environment and PM10 of the 25 districts of Seoul, the most populous and urbanized city in Korea. The results of the Granger causality test on the thermal environment and PM10 were classified into 12 types. Except for type 12, the temperature and urban island heat intensity of the other 11 types operated as a Granger-cause to each other in both directions. Temperature operates as a Granger-cause of urban island heat intensity in type 12. The PM10 level and urban pollution island intensity operated as a Granger-cause to each other in all districts. For types 1 and 2, thermal environment operated as a Granger-cause to PM10 in one direction, and type 3–type 12 confirmed that thermal environment and PM10 operated as a Granger-cause in both directions. Findings reveal the intricate c
        2021.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, water resource topics, infrastructure, water supply, users, and economic indicators based on statistical annual standards for evaluating water welfare were selected by examining domestic and foreign water resource-related indicators. The level of water welfare was evaluated relative to 23 cities and counties in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do using data from the Statistical yearbook, and places with high value of indicators urbanization and large populations were excellent in the infrastructure field, but overall analysis showed that small and medium-sized cities had higher levels. It is judged that it is necessary to develop continuous research and indicators that can evaluate and quantify the level of physical welfare that the people can feel by utilizing the results of this study. In future studies, it is necessary to systematically evaluate the level of water welfare by local governments in Korea through more diverse evaluation items and detailed indicators for each item so that it can be used as basic data for realizing water welfare.
        2021.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본고는 문물보호국, 수도국 등 부서를 방문하고 관련 시골에 대한 현지 조사를 함으로써 한단(邯鄲) 시 부양하(滏陽河) 연선 현존 고교의 현황을 정리하고 자세히 분석하여 고교 보호 제안을 냈다. 이를 통해 사회 전반의 고교 보호 의식을 제고하였다. 또한, 과학적인 고교 보호 계획을 세움으로써 앞으로 고교 보호 자금의 전면적인 조달과 고교 자원의 종합적인 개발에 도움이 될 예정이다. 뿐만 아니라 도시 건설에서 고교 보호 의식을 향상시키며 도시문화 건설에 고교 문화의 힘도 강화시키면 좋겠다.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 국내 콩 유전체의 변이밀집영역(dVB)에서 유 래한 27개 InDel 마커를 신품종 20개에 적용하여 품종판별용 마커로서 범용성을 검증하고 신품종의 구별성과 국내 품종의 유전적 다양성을 확인하였다. 20개 신품종과 MyCrops에 포함된 기존 149개 품종과의 유사도는 평균 61.3%이고, 최저 25.9%에서 최대 96.3%의 유사도로 완전 일치(100%)되는 바코드는 없어 20개 신품종의 유전적 구별성을 모두 확인할 수 있었다. 유연관계를 분석한 결과에서는 신품종을 포함한 국내 169품종이 4개의 유전집단으로 구분되었으며 풋콩 및 단기성 콩의 80%가 I-2 소그룹, 나물콩의 65.9%가 II-2 소그룹에 주로 속한 반면, 장류 및 두부콩은 I-1 (44.4%), I-2 (26.4%), II-2 (23.6%) 소그룹에 고르게 분포하였다. 20개 신품종에 대한 계보도는 나물콩 주요 계보와 장류 및 두부콩으로 크게 두 그룹으로 나누어지며 유연 관계분석을 뒷받침하였다. 품종판별을 위한 최소 마커를 선발 하기 위해 PIC가 높은 공통마커와 품종별 특이마커를 선발하는 2단계 과정을 통해 품종에 따라 7~9개의 최소 마커로 신품종의 진위를 판별할 수 있었다. 이처럼 콩 변이밀집영역에서 유래된 27개 InDel 마커와 이를 이용한 신품종 바코드 정보의 지속적인 업데이트는 수입산에 대한 국산 품종의 보호와 육성가의 권리 증진에 기여하며, 더불어 육종과정 중 신규 유전변이를 도입하고 목표형질을 선발하는 등 육종 효율을 개선하는데도 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 우리나라에 자생하고 있는 팥배나무 11개 집단으로부터 잎의 형태적 특성과 변이를 조사하여 조경수로서의 팥배나무 선발 및 육종에 대한 기초자료를 제공하고자 수행하였다. 잎의 형태적 특성 12개를 조사하고 집단 간 차이를 비교한 결과 11개 특성에서 유의적인 차이가 인정되었다. 특히 잎의 길이와 너비, 엽면적 등 잎 크기와 관련된 인자들은 마니산 집단이 모두 상위그룹에 속하여 비교적 큰 경향을 나타냈으나, 백운산과 두륜산은 하위 그룹으로 분류되어 비교적 작은 경향을 나타냈다. 주성분 분석을 실시한 결과 제1 주성분은 29.9%의 설명력이 있으며 엽면적, 잎의 너비, 잎의 길이 순으로 높은 상관을 나타내어 잎의 형태적 차이를 설명하는 주요 요인으로 나타났고, 제5 주성분까지 72.9%의 누적 설명력을 나타냈다. 제5 주성분까지의 득점치를 새로운 변량으로 하여 유집분석을 실시한 결과 Ⅰ그룹인 광교산과 안면도 집단, Ⅱ그룹인 덕유산 등 3집단, Ⅲ그룹인 발왕산 등 3집단, Ⅳ그룹인 가지산과 축령산 집단, Ⅴ그룹인 마니산 집단 등 5개 그룹으로 분류되었고, 지리적으로 인접 집단 간의 구분은 명확하게 이루어지지 않았다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 2015 개정 교육과정의 도입에 맞추어 최근 강조되고 있는 수행평가를 과정중심평가의 측면에서 문제점을 분석해 보고 이를 해결하기 위한 방안으로 내러티브를 활용하는 방식에 주목하며 진정한 과정중심평가를 위해 내러티브의 적용 가능성을 탐색해 보는데 목적이 있다. 이와 같은 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위해 D광역시 각 지역 4개 초등학교의 1학년 2학기 평가문항을 분석하였다. 연구의 결과, 학교 현장의 과정중심평가는 기존의 평가유형을 그대로 유지하고 있었고 이는 새로운 평가관에 따른 과정중심평가의 본래의 취지를 잘 반영하지 못하고 있었다. 이러한 평가의 문제점을 해결하기 위해서는 학습의 과제가 곧 평가과제가 될 때 진정한 과정중심평가가 이루어질 수 있는 토대를 마련할 수 있을 것이다. 또한 평가과제는 학생들이 수행의 과정을 통해 내러티브를 형성하며 그 속에서 배움이 일어날 수 있도록 스토리 구조의 형태로 개발하는 방안을 제안하였다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        It is important for radish to have late flowering characteristics especially in the case of spring and winter cultivars. To understand late flowering characteristics of radish at the molecular level the flowering time genes of two radish lines (NH-JS1 and NH-JS2) with different flowering time were compared by re-sequencing their genomes. There were a total of 872,587 SNPs and 194,637 INDELs between the two lines. The SNP density of each chromosome was relatively uniform throughout, but the region with low SNP density was found at the end of R3 and the middle of R9. To compare the flowering time genes of the two lines, we first looked for the flowering time genes in radish using Arabidopsis thaliana flowering time genes. As a result, homologs of radish were found for most flowering time genes, but FRIGIDA was not found. Among 224 radish flowering time gene-homologs found, 97 genes showed more than one sequence difference (SNP or INDEL) between the two lines, and 127 genes had no difference. In particular, no sequence differences were found in FT, CO, and FLC, core flowering time control genes. Rs350520 (FVE), Rs193800 (CURLY LEAF) and Rs255320 (ATX1) with more than 100 sequence variations were expected to have a significant effect on flowering time difference between the two lines. These results will be of great help in understanding the flowering timing difference between the two lines at the molecular level.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Knowledge of the chromosomal constitution of the ancestors of modern soybean will complement plant breeding efforts to improve agronomic and economic characteristics of soybean. Variation block (VB)-based comparison using genome-wide insertion/deletion (InDel) markers was used on a diverse panel of 147 soybean cultivars to assess the impact of chromosomal changes during modern breeding. There were identical variation patterns of the examined InDels consistently appearing in the genome parts arising from parental varieties, indicating that soybean chromosomes in descendants should be all determined by genetic reshuffling of VBs inherited from parental chromosomes. Structure analysis of the accessions through the 202 InDels separated the accessions into four subgroups. Gene introgression revealed by the structure analysis agreed with the fact that a limited number of landraces and elite varieties were introduced and used as donors for breeding soybean cultivars in pedigree analysis. Especially, VBs became more reshuffled over time as a result of the breeding process, which resulted in using breeding parents with new VB-types for improving the end-use value of soybean. Therefore, their clustering using the 202 VB-specific InDels is strongly influenced by the difference in breeding ancestors among the subgroups. This indicates that the 202 InDel markers are very useful for genetic study by analyzing the reshuffling patterns of the parental genomes in the descendant.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to present operating directions of school food service center (SFSC) for development of environment-friendly agricultural producers (EFAP) and regional agriculture. Of eight SFSCs being operated in Chungcheongnam- do, this study analyzed situations of three cases, Cheonan, Asan and Hongseong. The analysis on operation situations revealed that all the three cases had positive economic effects on EFAP in the aspect of low commission and fixed supply price for a given period. The survey showed that social and economic changes since participating in the SFSC were largest in Asan. The awareness of the economic effects was largest among the producers in Cheonan.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed to investigate the geochemical and benthic environment of three shellfish farms in Suncheon Bay during the period of September 2014 ~ April 2015. Three sampling stations were selected; St.1 is the shellfish farm of razor clam near Jangsan area. St.2 is the shellfish farm of small ark shell near Hwapo area and St.3 is the shellfish farm of razor clam near Yongdu area. Razor clam was the dominant species at St.1, small ark shell and granulated ark shell were dominant at St.2 and St.3, respectively. Granulated ark shell inhabited St.3, although it is not cultured at that station. This station’s exposure to air during the ebb tide and sediment composition likely provides the appropriate habitat for granulated ark shell species. Analysis of the number of different species showed that 8 benthos species were found to be distributed at St.1, 18 species at St.2, and 13 species at St.3. Among three stations, the highest Ignition Loss (IL), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Acid Volatile Sulfide (AVS) values were obtained from the sediment at St.2. The analysis of pore water from St.2 also showed the highest values of Total Organic Carbon (TOC), ammonia (NH4 +), Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN) and phosphate (PO4 3-). These results are related to the fact that species dominance and richness is the highest in St.2.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer is a perennial herb belongs to the family Araliaceae. Wild-cultivated ginseng (WCG) is a specific type of ginseng in Korea which cultivated on artificial forest cultivation method. To obtain a WCG which is similar to wild ginseng (WG), this method usually performed in a mountain using seeds or seedlings of cultivated ginseng (CG) and WG. WCG is very expensive because it is difficult to cultivate. However, systematic cultivation method have not yet been developed compared to high added value. Furthermore, very high price of WCG caused the problem that Panax notoginseng or Panax quinquefolium are sold as WCG in Korean market. In this study, we analyzed the genetic diversity of WCG collected from five areas in Korea using SSR markers. Methods and Results : WCG samples were collected from five areas in Korea (Bucheon, Cheongju, Hoengseong, Judeok and Ulsan). DNA extraction was performed using CTAB method. SSR markers were collected from the published papers. After test PCR using the markers, one of the primer pair was labeled with fluorescence dye (FAM, NED, PET, or VIC) and GeneScan analysis were performed. DNA amplification was conducted using T-100 Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad). PCR products were separated by capillary electrophoresis on the ABI 3730 DNA analyzer (Applied Biosystems). Conclusion : Eight SSR markers were collected from the published literature and used for the analysis. From the 8 tested SSR markers, 7 SSR markers showed polymorphism between varieties. GenScan analysis were performed using the selected SSR markers to analyze the phylogenetic relationship of WCG. From the results, WCG cultivated in Korea showed that they have a very diverse genetic background.