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        검색결과 872

        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        담체가 투여된 침지형 막결합 연속회분식 반응기(SMSBR)를 사용한 하수의 고도처리에서 담체가 여과성능과 제 거효율에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 담체는 반응기 부피 기준으로 10% 투여하였고, 담체와 분말활성탄을 첨가하지 않은 반 응기, 분말활성탄(10 g/L)만을 첨가한 반응기 및 담체와 분말활성탄을 모두 첨가한 반응기를 대조군으로 하였다. COD, T-N 및 T-P에 대한 제거효율은 담체 및 분말활성탄 첨가 유무에 따라 큰 차이가 없었다. 그러나 담체를 첨가하지 않은 경우 막간 차압(TMP)은 급격히 증가하였으나, 담체를 첨가한 경우에 막간차압은 매우 서서히 증가하였다. 담체를 투여한 SMSBR를 사 용하여 하수를 고도처리 할 때, 91일 이상의 운전기간 동안 막 세정 없이 운전이 가능하였다. 담체만을 투여한 경우, 운전 80 일 경과 이후의 COD, T-N 및 T-P 평균 제거율은 각각 95.0, 69.3% 및 51.4%이었다.
        2016.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Sawdust bag cultivation was performed to understand the effect of different sawdust substrate (Quercus mongolica, Q. acutissima, Q. serrata, Q. aliena, and Q. variabilis) on the eight variety of shiitake (Poongnyunko, SANJO 701, Mori 436ho, Sanlim 10ho, Chilha 6ho, Yoogiro, Baekwhahyang, Charmaram). After inoculation, sawdust substrate block (2 kg) was cultivated at 22°C for 120 days. During the production period, the temperature was adjusted to 18°C and the relative humidity at 90%. The yield was calculated based on the fruit bodies from the first, second and third flush. As results, Poongnyunko yielded 455 g on the substrate, Q. serrata, 378 g on Q. aliena, and 333 g on Q. variabilis. Chilha 6ho yielded 304 g on Q. mongolica and Charmaram yielded 245 g on Q. acutissima. The average weight of mushrooms from Charmaram was 40-45 g on all five substrates and Q. variabilis was the best among them. In terms of phenotypic characteristics, Chilha 6ho was generally better than the others. Charmaram, Poongnyunko, Sanlim 10ho also had good characteristics. Mori 436ho, Yoogiro, Baekwhahyang developed for log cultivation showed lower yield compared to the varieties for sawdust bag cultivation. Keywords : Lentinula edodes (Shiitake), Querqus spp., Saw-dust bag culture, Yield
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 배지에 따른 국화 두 품종의 발근과 정식 후 생 육에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 미스트가 5분마다 200초씩 분무되고 차광된 유리온실 벤치에서 국화 ‘Gaya Wine’과 ‘Gaya Yellow’ 삽수를 암면큐브, phenolic foam LC, phenolic foam RC, 토실이상토에 삽목하였다. 삽목 21일 후 재배실험 을 위해 발근된 삽목묘의 절반을 상업용 배지가 채워진 화분 에 정식하였다. 발근율은 두 품종 모두 모든 배지에서 100%였다. 최대근장은 ‘Gaya Wine’이 토실이상토에서 6.0cm였으며 ‘Gaya Yellow’는 phenolic foam RC에서 6.3cm였다. 발근수는 두 품종 모두 다른 처리에 비해 토실이상토에서 가장 많았다. 발근단계에서는 ‘Gaya Wine’의 경우 토실이상토에서 가장 생 육이 좋았으나, ‘Gaya Yellow’는 처리에 따라 차이가 없었다. 재배단계에서 두 품종 모두 phenolic foam 배지에서 토실이 상토에 비해 초장이 감소하거나 비슷하였고 생장량이 다소 감 소하였다. 또한 재배단계에서 화수는 두 품종 모두 토실이상 토에서 가장 많았으나, 암면과 phenolic foam RC에서는 유사 하였다. 따라서 새로 개발된 phenolic foam RC배지는 국화의 번식에 사용 가능할 뿐만 아니라 암면큐브를 대체할 수 있을 것이라 판단된다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examines the effects of student-centered collaborative project programs using digital media for the EFL university students. To compare the effectiveness of a digital storytelling project program (127 students) and a topic-research presentation program (126 students) we used pre- and post-TOEIC English speaking tests. We also administrated a survey on students’ attitude towards their learning, interviewed students and observed the programs. The results showed that there was a significant improvement of the students’ English speaking ability in the two programs. The score of the topic-research presentation program improved more than that of the digital storytelling program. However, the students in the digital storytelling program were more motivated to engage in the collaborative project than those of topic-research presentation program in terms of interest and participation. Based on the results of the two programs, this paper suggests the educational implications for those who want to develop and implement collaborative projects using digital media for the EFL university students.
        2016.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        영상매체가 등장하기 전까지 실재를 관객에게 전달하는 유일한 매체였던 연극은 라디오, 영 화, TV 등 미디어 기술이 발달하면서 새로운 매체와의 상호작용 속에서 공존하게 되었으며, 여 러 층위의 상호매체적 관계를 통해 매체 생산⋅수용의 양식과 관습, 콘텐츠를 지속적으로 공유 해왔다. 이렇듯 매체의 양식과 문법이 혼재된 미디어 환경 속에서 매체성 개념은 매체 간 관계, 텍스트의 생산과 수용의 양식, 새로운 미디어의 매체성을 이해하는 데 있어 유용한 이론적 기반 을 제공한다. 따라서 연구자는 그 동안 논의되어온 다양한 매체성 개념의 층위와 내용을 정리하 여 매체조합, 매체전이, 매체참조라는 세 가지 상호매체적 관계의 유형을 분류함으로써 공연과 영화, TV의 상호관계를 이해하는 이론적 기틀을 제안한다. 그리고 이러한 맥락 안에서 관찰되는 세 미디어의 상호매체적 발전의 양상과 미디어 산물의 양식을 분석함으로써 공연과 영상매체의 상호작용과 매체성의 구성을 심층적으로 연구하였다. 본 연구는 미디어의 경계가 점차 모호해지 는 매체 환경에서 공연을 미디어의 영역으로 포함하여 공연과 영상매체의 상호관계를 통시적으 로 조망함으로써 미디어 연구의 이론적 외연을 확장한다. 이러한 접근은 향후 더욱 다양한 양상 으로 전개될 미디어의 상호매체적 발전을 탐구하는 데 있어 중요한 이론적 초석을 제공할 것이 다.
        2016.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국제사회에 대한 의존도가 높고 강대국의 틈바구니에서 생존을 모색해야 하는 한국 입장에서 객관적이고 냉정한 현실 인식은 필수다. 이에 이 연구는 G2로 부상하고 있는 중국에 대한 한국 사회의 재현을 분석했다. 연구를 위해 중국의 전승절 행사, 북한의 4차 핵실험, 개성공단 폐쇄 및 사드 논란 등 4가지 현안을 분석사례로 선정했다. 중국 재현의 실체를 파악하기 위해 이들 주제와 관련한 국내언론의 보도와 중국 정부, 언론의 주장을 비교했다. 연구문제로는 한중 양국 의 인식 차이, 인용되는 권위자의 차이 및 국내 언론이 동원하는 설득방법 등으로 구분했다. 분 석결과, 국내 언론에서 재현된 중국은 실체와 거리가 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 중국을 대변하기 위해 동원된 권위자 역시 특정한 정치적 목적과 자의적 선택에서 자유롭지 않았다. 또한 특정한 방식의 이해와 정서적 공감을 위해 일부 사실을 축소 또는 확대하고, 권위를 만드는 것도 확인했 다. 중국을 비롯한 국제사회를 제대로 재현함으로써 보다 건전하고 합리적인 판단이 가능할 수 있는 방안을 모색하는 계기가 되었으면 한다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tin is one of the most promising anode materials for next-generation lithium-ion batteries with a high energy density. However, the commercialization of tin-based anodes is still hindered due to the large volume change (over 260%) upon lithiation/delithiation cycling. To solve the problem, many efforts have been focused on enhancing structural stability of tin particles in electrodes. In this work, we synthesize tin nano-powders with an amorphous carbon layer on the surface and surroundings of the powder by electrical wire explosion in alcohol-based liquid media at room temperature. The morphology and microstructures of the powders are characterized by scanning electron microscopy, Xray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The electrochemical properties of the powder for use as an anode material for lithium-ion battery are evaluated by cyclic voltammetry and a galvanometric dischargecharge method. It is shown that the carbon-coated tin nano-powders prepared in hexanol media exhibit a high initial charge specific capacity of 902 mAh/g and a high capacity retention of 89% after 50 cycles.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Social networking sites (SNS) are defined as web-based services that enable consumers to create a public profile and a list of contacts with whom they share a social network (Kang et al., 2014). On SNS sites, consumers can find the right product, obtain advice from people, make purchases, post product recommendations, reviews and photos, and create SNS communities (Shen, 2008). The shopping motive acts as an important trigger to browse for products on social media websites. Product browsing over social media sites could influence the intention of future purchase and sharing information of product and brand with friend and acquaintances. For companies related to social media business, both intention to purchase and information sharing are crucial elements. However, few efforts have been made to identify the factors driving consumer intentions to purchase and word-of-mouth of fashion products on social media sites. The objectives of this study were to determine the factor to facilitate product browsing and to find out the causative relationship among influential factors and consumer intentions to purchase and word-of-mouth of fashion products on social media sites. The instrument was developed based on the previous literatures (Brien, 2010; Park, et al., 2012; To, 2007; Woo & Hwang, 2013) and each item was measured by five-point Liker type scales. A total of 269 data were collected during a regularly scheduled class in universities, who have experienced to purchase fashion products or make a product review on social media sites. Mean age of the respondents was 22.3 years old. Nearly 75.3 percent of the subjects were women, and more than half of the respondents (61.6%) have purchased the products (e.g., apparel, shoes, etc.) on social commerce sites over three years. The structure equation model analysis was conducted by AMOS 23.0 using a correlation matrix with maximum likelihood approach. The structural equation model was relatively acceptable (chi-square value = 136.30, df = 66, p = .000; GFI = .94, AGFI = .91, RMR = .05). Cronbach's alphas were ranged between .83 and .87. This result suggests that utilitarian shopping motives have influenced directly product browsing, purchase intention, and word-of-mouth intentions of fashion products on social media sites. The more product browsing on social media sites, the more intended to purchase and word-of-mouth of fashion products with friend and acquaintances. It implies that consumer with utilitarian shopping motives are likely to more browse, and then to more purchase and write the review of fashion products on social media sites. However, consumers with hedonic shopping motives are prone to more write the review of fashion products to their friends and acquaintances without product browsing or purchase intention on social media sites.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Firms acquire customers using myriad forms of marketing media (Neslin & Shankar 2009), and different media strategies yield different results to the firms. Therefore, allocating media strategy given a firm’s spending raises important questions for managers. This is especially the case since the media landscape has changed dramatically, with new media channels incorporating online, mobile, and social media now being considered the mainstream. It is crucial to understand how each form of media influences consumers and how it operates alongside traditional media. Based on Stephen and Galak (2012), marketers distinguish earned media from paid media. Earned media is defined as media activity that a company does not directly generate, such as press mentions on the internet and online community posts in consumer-generated social media. On the other hand, paid media refers to the media activity which a company generates (for example, television, radio, print, and direct mail). It is common for firms to consider using earned media and paid media at the same time when developing marketing communication strategies. Despite the coexistence of paid and earned media channels, previous empirical findings focus either on paid media or earned media and suggest that these individually will increase a firm’s marketing outcomes. However, there is a lack of research that examines the question of whether the use of paid media and earned media at the same time is synergistic. The effects of a cross media synergy only focuses on the resource allocation within paid media (for example, TV–Radio (Edell & Keller 1989), TV–Magazine (Confer & McGlathery 1991), TV–Print (Dijkstra, Buijtels, & Van Raaij 2005), and TV, Radio, Print and Outdoor (Briggs, Krishnan, & Sheeran 2003)). Thus, by considering paid media and earned media concurrently, this study investigates whether the synergies between paid and earned media have a stronger effect on a firm’s long term profitability than the isolated effects of TV or word of mouth (WOM) alone. In addition, the research on earned media has focused on short-term outcomes such as customer actions (for example, website sign-ups) and sales growth, sales rank, cross-product sales, and ratings (Trusov, Bucklin, & Pauwels 2009; Li & Hitt 2008; Moe & Trusov 2011). Moreover, in the limited research on the relationship between earned media and long-term outcomes, the outcomes are restricted to those related to soft metrics of communication effectiveness (for example, attitude and brand awareness). Therefore, we use customer equity, which is regarded as a forward looking firm outcome variable, thereby enabling marketers to monitor and measure the long-term financial impact of marketing spending (Kumar & Shah 2015). Moreover, cross-media synergy can be accurately measured by customer equity, which incorporates both customer acquisition and retention. Based on Villanueva, Yoo, and Hassens (2008), customers acquired through paid media focus more on trials, whereas customers acquired through earned media provide the firm with more repeats. In other words, paid media plays a key role in the acquisition of customers, while, on the other hand, earned media increase the retention of customers. Thus, it is appropriate to measure the cross-media synergy with the customer equity (long term profitability) that can capture the customer acquisition and retention simultaneously. Regarding the long term impact of the firm’s media strategy, previous research has used the economic impact of traditional marketing channel (for example, television, radio, magazine or newspaper, advertisement, e-mail links, and direct mail) versus that of WOM (for example, links from Web sites, magazine, or newspaper articles, referrals from friends or colleagues, referrals from professional organizations or associations, and referrals from search engines) on customer equity. Traditional marketing had a stronger effect than WOM in the short term, while WOM is a quiet, gradual-impact, long lasting driver (Villanueva, Yoo, & Hassens 2008). This result can be attributed to the different characteristics of each media channel. Although earned media, including WOM, is not entirely controlled by the firm, earned media may be more likely to last longer for various reasons. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is that earned media has greater credibility than conventional marketing activities that are implemented by the firms, and is therefore more persuasive than conventional advertising (Brown & Reingen 1987, Villanueva, Yoo, & Hassens 2008). In other words, considering the impact of each type of media in itself, earned media is more effective in increasing long-term profitability. However, the interaction effect of earned and paid media has not been empirically tested yet. Thus, it is conceivable that a cross-media synergy (incorporating the implementation of earned media and paid media at the same time) will last longer than the implementation of each isolated media. As Armelini and Villanueva (2010) pointed out, earned media and paid media have complementary effects. For example, offline advertising increases website visitation by influencing consumer awareness, while online advertising directly leads to website traffic (Ilfeld & Winer 2002). The consumer buying process involves distinct stages such as awareness, consideration, and purchase (Lavidge & Stener 2000) and each media influences customer buying behavior in a different way. Hence, it enhances the effectiveness in terms of long-term profitability to utilize the cross-media effect properly. For example, in the car industry, 64 % new car buyers become aware of the features and benefits of a car by obtaining information online, even though they purchase their cars from an offline dealership (J.D. Power and Associates 2004). This finding implies that a firm’s implementation of both paid and earned media properly will maximize the customers’ arousal of the target brands. Furthermore, converging paid media and earned media is expected to proliferate the growth of a firm’s profitability, such as sales, revenue, and customer’s equity, at an exponential rate. For example, the effects of TV advertising execution can be enhanced by press mentions that a company does not directly generate; this is because press mentions support the credence of TV advertising. Inversely, since paid media activities reach the audience relatively more than WOM (due to the high audience penetration share), the online share of press mention can proliferate rapidly with the execution of paid media activities. Therefore, the interaction between earned media and paid media has a greater effect on customer equity than isolated media implementation. The impact of a media synergy has more positive effect and last longer than isolated media implementation (and our model is displayed in Fig. 1). We collect data on marketing efforts, word-of-mouth circumstance, and performance of a telecommunication company. Based on customer equity models and quarterly marketing and performance data, we first estimate the lifetime value of the newly acquired and existing customers. Thereafter, we determine the customer equity of the company over each period. We develop and employ a time-series model for examining the relationship between cross media efforts (paid media vs. earned media) and the estimated firm’s customer equity. Finally, we examine the synergistic effect of cross media on the firm’s long-term profitability.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        According to industry reports, a CEO’s strong social presence has a tremendous impact on the company’s reputation and their own image. However, despite being considered as digital influencers, most C-suite leaders fail to establish their own personal brand online. This under-development leads to the following questions: What are CEOs currently doing with their social media and why are CEOs (not) using social media? Interviewing 16 Dutch CEOs, this study explores the impact of the leadership style (transactional or transformational) and leaders' perception of narcissism in online impression management on CEOs’ social media activities. By investigating these relationships, the research further clarifies CEOs’ leadership communication strategies on social media and establishes the drivers and barriers for social media engagement to pave the ways for interested social CEOs. The results suggest that leadership styles may detect the content strategies and motivations of social media usage. The activity level, however, is determined by the perceptions of self-image and degree of a narcissistic impression on using social media. With this finding, we propose CEO social media activities can be typified into four categories: thought leader, storyteller, professional networker and selective performer. Transformational leaders tend to emphasize on being accessible and transparent to their audience. When they are positive about being narcissistic on social media, they are more likely to be a storyteller where they strive for charismatic and authentic content building. Conversely, a more reserved transformational leader would be a selective performer where they only publicize their stories in front of a selected group of audience, mostly through internal platforms. On the other hand, transactional leaders tend to focus on professionalism and efficiency in using social media. The ones who see the benefits of social media and are confident in sharing their own ideas tend to be thought leaders among their professional networks. On the contrary, the reserved transactional leaders rather using social media to connect with their professional network to obtain information than broadcasting their own voices. The study provides insights in how CEOs formulate their leadership communication online; further research should continue exploring the impact of various strategies on corporate performance and stakeholder engagement.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As digital media empowers consumers to initiate and participate in the marketing communication process more than ever, the current study aimed to investigate whether consumer motivations to use media are associated with the concept of psychological distance. Using a general population sample (N = 291) in U.S., psychological distances of four media platforms (i.e., television, mobile, laptop, newspaper) are compared and the relationship between media usage motivations (perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, usage frequency, emotional attachment, and compatibility) and psychological distance are examined. Results indicate that psychological distance varies across media types and the relationship between psychological distance and media usage motivations is mostly positive.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Social media as an online channel for sharing and participating can play an important role for many marketing activities. Social media can be especially influential in word of mouth (WOM) communication as the focus of it is the sharing of information regarding consumers’ product experiences. To use social media as a marketing tool, identifying the relationship between message sender and receiver (the strength of social tie) is important in the viral marketing campaign context. Also, the effects can be influenced by message type, and consumers’ situational context. Therefore, the study examines the consumers’ intention to share advertising message with others in social media focusing on the strength of social ties (strong vs. weak tie) between message receivers and senders. The authors hypothesize that participants’ intention for sharing will be higher for the message recipients of strong tie than of weak tie. Especially, the sharing intention, for strong tie than for weak tie, will be higher when there is a match between message type (visual vs. text) and consumers’ purchasing context (close vs. far distance). The study used 2(temporal distance: close vs. distant) x 2(message type: text vs. picture) x 2 (close friends, vs. general public) design with the first two factors as between –subject factors and the last factor as a within-subject factor. A total of 107 student subjects participated in an experiment. They were recruited from a private university, in Seoul, in exchange for extra credit. The participants’ average age was 22 (SD=2.72) and 58 percent of them were males.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recent evidence suggests a dramatic increase of use on the social media environment in the tourism and hospitality industry. This study aims to develop a measurement scale for the social media environment also called “social media scape”. The study will offer insights regarding the consequences of social media scape as well. Empirical data will be collected from 3 different countries and 3 studies will be conducted. In addition, the findings of this study will suggest how social media scape shapes key consumer behavior outcomes. Finally, this study will discuss the managerial implications for marketing and positioning strategy in the social media environment. In particular, the results of the study will indicate how the social media scape should be developed thus helping brands to better position themselves in this social media world and what consumers’ needs can satisfy such as functional, hedonic, social, and psychological. In addition, for global marketers who want to develop international networks, ethnicities are a significant impact factor on users’ behaviors. As such, this information will be useful since our study will include 3 different countries
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Luxury brand marketers have recently turned their attention to luxury brand consumers and their social brand communities devoted to the brands. Luxury brands appeal to customers by enhancing their images regarding heritage, quality, and artistic value. Luxury fashion brands also establish social media communities to communicate their images more effectively. This study uses the key concepts of integration and interactivity to provide theoretical foundations to investigate luxury brand communities (LBCs) in the social media context. A survey was given to 252 members of Facebook fan pages for luxury brands from South Korea. This study examines effects of interaction as a process on perceived interactivity of LBCs in social media, and consequences, attitude, purchase intentions, and brand loyalties, hence offering implications for luxury brand management academics and practitioners
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study is intended to provide marketing practitioners with an overview of web analytics to explore the issue of how to define and measure the effectiveness of social media through analyzing the various activities of current/potential consumers as well as provide a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of digital content marketing using social media. These analytics answer broad questions about which types of social media metrics are best at referring traffic, about conversations at the organization’s website, and about comparing different social media channels, such as Facebook and Twitter in this study. The major goal of this study is to demonstrate the value of businesses’ efforts and to optimize their digital/social marketing strategy using web analytics. Based on this goal three research questions were identified: (1) can the model identify social media performance variables that are related to audience response which can be represented by website traffic?; (2) which social media sties are driving traffic to a firm’s website, specifically in B2B environment?; and (3) can the model provide insight into the importance of those variables? These analytics employ time series analysis to specifically address activities in SNSs that effectively drive traffic to a website and accomplish business goals. This study is one of the first empirical investigations in the marketing communication field related to measuring social media’s effectiveness.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The online media streaming industry is relatively new and is becoming increasing popular. It is projected to worth more than the US Box Office by 2017 with a revenue of $14 billion according to a PricewaterCooper report (2014). With online streaming, users typically pay a monthly subscription and get ``all you can eat" content (TV series, movies, music, etc.). Major players in this market include Netflix, HBO, Hulu and Amazon. Password sharing is a concern that has arisen in the industry, this involves a single subscription being shared with multiple others, meaning multiple people have access to the streaming content on just one purchase. Nevertheless, sharing is not without costs, as most firms have restrictions such that only one person can have access to contents at any given time. This means that if Bob and Charles are two friends sharing a subscription, if Bob is streaming the content, Charles cannot stream the content at the same time.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper aims to explain how storytelling becomes interlinked with social media and the conceptual consequences this development implies. In recent years the interest in storytelling has increased within the marketing discipline. Parallel to this development, the traditional media landscape has been subjected to change as a result of digitization and particularly the expansion of social media. Even though the social nature of these media and its associated electronic word of mouth seem to be well aligned with storytelling, extant literature exhibits few attempts to review the storytelling concept in relation to social media. Based on such a review, the contribution of this paper is condensed into six theoretical propositions that point out how storytelling is expected to become increasingly common and dynamic in social media. Therefore, storytelling is suggested to represent a managerial challenge with regard to professional organizations’ marketing approaches but simultaneously allow for increased customer intimacy for those actors who develop successful ways of attracting the interest and engagement of social media users.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we review the influence of crisis response strategies in social media on attitude recovery in relation to customer brand commitment. We extend the situational crisis communication theory and the social-mediated crisis communication model to include the role of audience characteristics (i.e., customer brand commitment). The effects of crisis response strategies (i.e., defensive, accommodative) and electronic word of mouth antecedents are discussed because source factors, message factors, and audience factors lead to attitude recovery. We also introduce a framework of the impacts of brand crisis response strategies on customer attitude recovery after exposure to negative word of mouth and response strategies in social media.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The rise of technology has brought innovations in the field of marketing. The most modern trend of marketing is termed as social media marketing. Social media is not only reducing the communication distance in the world but the discovery of social media provided opportunities for business to increase their exposure. However, it has been observed that regardless of the advantages of new technology some time users’ are reluctant to accept and use that technology. Considering these facts, the investigation of the factors affecting consumers’ intention for the acceptance and use of social media marketing (SMM) has been the greatest concern of the researcher. Other facet of this study is to understand the nature of consumers’ behavior across culture. This research is an empirical study for testing the underlying factors that influence the users’ intention for the acceptance and use of SMM. Current research proposes SMM acceptance model by integrating unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) and technology acceptance model along with personal constructs. As the focus of this study was on UTAUT, hence majority of factors were selected from this theory. The survey was conducted with sample of 612 participants from South Korea and Pakistan. Findings by using structural equation modeling revealed that attitude towards online advertisement and electronic word of mouth significantly affect users’ intention for acceptance of SMM. Moreover, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, social influence, perceived usefulness, and perceived risk significantly influence users’ attitude towards advertisement. It has been found that the effect of social influence, perceived usefulness, and involvement is significant on attitude towards electronic word of mouth (eWOM). Moderating effects of nationality, gender, and use frequency are also tested on integrated model. The findings are helpful to understand consumer behavior and advantageous for marketing strategies. This research will contribute to the literature within the domain of social media marketing. The findings along with implications and recommendations for future research were also discussed at the end.