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        검색결과 899

        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study has investigated on the obstacles to the production of social network games. It also tried to find their production tools in order to remove existing obstacles, which will guide to design and create new production tools. The new production tool is designed to make it easy for Terrain, UI, and Object tools to be used for essential functions, game linkage, and testing. The detailed explanation about the structure design and functions of the new production tool is also written and added for better understanding. To test its functions, texture of the animation application was printed on top of the production tool. The test result showed stable processing speed. I also made a 􋺵Farming􋺶 trial-game to test how easily social network games can be developed. As a result, more stable framework, which could not be made without production tools, was able to be designed and even the time spent on developing it became shortened.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        연구성과를 향상시키는 데 중요한 요인은 연구자의 역량, 연구비 등의 자원 투 입 등이 지적되었다. 하지만 최근에는 공동연구가 활성화되면서 연구자 사이의 구조적 특성 을 통해 지속적 상호관계를 형성하여 과학적 지식을 생산하고 있기 때문이다. 하지만 이러한 연구비 지원이 지원 자체에 그치는 것이 아니라 연구비 지원으로 인해 다수의 기관이 협력하 여 연구를 수행할 수 있는 발판이 된다는 점에서 연구성과에 영향을 미치는 것으로 볼 수 있 다. 즉 연구비 지원이 공동연구의 연결구조에 차이를 발생시켜 연구성과에 영향을 미치기 때 문으로 추정할 수 있다. SCIE DB에서 2009년부터 2013년까지 5년간 문화기술(CT) 분야의 공동연구 논문을 대상으로 연구비 지원 여부에 따른 네트워크 구조와 연구성과의 관계를 분 석한 결과 다수의 연구기관이 연결되어 있을수록 논문 편수가 증가하고 사이 중심성이 증가할수록 논문 편수는 감소하는 것으로 분석되었다. 또한 연구비 지원 여부가 네트워크 구조, 연구성과에 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다.
        2015.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        CIS nations are recognized as a emerging market recently because there are abundant natural resources and a lots of investment demand. Furthermore, they are located in the middle of Europe and Asia and that make them have more strategic importance as a logistics hub. So many global companies including domestic ones began to advance into the on-site. and henceforth this tendency will be strong. On the contrary, a research in logistics environment of CIS has rarely been done. This paper provides a way of systematic approach to design logistics network in CIS with real business case and shows the analyzed result of optimization simulation that includes factors have a huge influence on the overall logistics cost.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present our efforts for extending the simultaneous multi-frequency receiver system of the Korean Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) Network (KVN) to global baselines in order to measure the frequency-dependent position shifts in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) jets, the so called core shift effect, with an unprecedented accuracy (a few micro-arcseconds). Millimeter VLBI observations with simultaneous multi-frequency receiver systems, like those of the KVN, enable us to explore the innermost regions of AGN and high precision astrometry. Such a system is capable of locating the frequency dependent opacity changes accurately. We have conducted the feasibility test-observations with the interested partners by implementing the KVN-compatible systems. Here we describe the science case for measuring the core shift effect in the AGN jet and report progress and future plans on extending the simultaneous multi-frequency system to global baselines.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We report results of investigation of amplitude calibration for very long baseline interferome- try (VLBI) observations with Korean VLBI Network (KVN). Amplitude correction factors are estimated based on comparison of KVN observations at 22 GHz correlated by Daejeon hardware correlator and DiFX software correlator in Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) with Very Long Base- line Array (VLBA) observations at 22 GHz by DiFX software correlator in National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). We used the observations for compact radio sources, 3C 454.3, NRAO 512, OJ 287, BL Lac, 3C 279, 1633+382, and 1510−089, which are almost unresolved for baselines in a range of 350-477 km. Visibility data of the sources obtained with similar baselines at KVN and VLBA are se- lected, fringe-fitted, calibrated, and compared for their amplitudes. We find that visibility amplitudes of KVN observations should be corrected by factors of 1.10 and 1.35 when correlated by DiFX and Daejeon correlators, respectively. These correction factors are attributed to the combination of two steps of 2-bit quantization in KVN observing systems and characteristics of Daejeon correlator.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We have been performing daily VLBI monitoring of the ux density of Sagittarius (Sgr) A* at 22 GHz from February 2013 to August 2014 using a sub-array of the Japanese VLBI Network (JVN). The purpose of this monitoring is to explore the ux density variability at daily time resolution for a period longer than one year with the G2 cloud approaching. The ux density of Sgr A* is basically stable during the observational period, though there are some small variations. The average and scattering range are consistent with the previously observed values. We have observed no strong are of Sgr A* although it is near the expected peri-center passing.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Open source "Boost Lib" in this paper is to propose a distributed processing architecture of the game server, and the server models the whole vertical extension of the load generated by a specific process, the load on the game server for both the horizontal scale model of a typical distributed system, Dispersing the processing game process, and corresponds to the load.Multi-server architecture is distributed into the game world to the local level. Since the distributed server to process by integrating the entire process of the game server divided area, when only a specific process, the throughput increases a load to cause the load itself is transferred, the entire game server the local server is slow. If the load is generated in the specific process in the multi-server architecture must scale the game server or the game server cluster. However, while the load of a particular server extensions are uneconomic to process less meaningless. Therefore, the conventional method of dispersing uniformly without separate operations for all the processes are dispersed to the more process unit will be more and better ways to game services in general reliable service throughout is possible. for all the processes are dispersed to the more process unit will be more and better ways to game services in general reliable service throughout is possible.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The competition between companies for prior occupation of the market is becoming fierce. In this highly competitive situation, it is important for companies to differentiate themselves if they are going to have a chance at success. And the competition to create the best solution method possible is higher than ever. Increased competition is forcing companies to lower costs and improve efficiency. A supply chain management(SCM) has become one of the most important solution methods of competitive advantage. This study has developed a simulator for the supply chain network problem. The simulator is designed to simulate the conditions of an actual supply chain network considering uncertainties. The simulator developed using commercial simulation tool ARENA and the results of computational experiments for a simple example were given and discussed to validate the developed simulator. Further research is needed, but using the simulator could become a useful tool for decision making in the supply chain network area.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Enforced environmental regulations call for extending the domain of manufacturers’ responsibility to the entire product life cycle. To comply with the environmental regulations, manufacturers have constructed reverse logistics networks to re-collect their leftover waste for recycling consumed resources. However, the operational activities associated with storage, loading and transportation processes within the networks inevitably impose environmental burdens. Particularly, the transportation process largely influences environmental performance due to perpetual uses of transportation vehicles. Therefore, there is a need to develop an environmentally- conscious transportation model that can efficiently manage the uses of transportation vehicles. Additionally, it is vital to analyze its significances of environmental performance to compare quantitatively it with existing models. This paper proposes a transportation model for improving environmental performance in a reverse logistics network. This paper also presents a case study to perform its comparative analysis using Life Cycle Assessment that evaluates potential environmental impacts of a product system.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        기술 표준은 기술적 특성과 사양에 대한 일종의 사회적 합의로서 기술의 발달 과 함께 모든 산업에 걸쳐 존속되어 왔으며 최근에는 정보통신 기술의 발달과 함께 기술의 상호호환성을 제공하고 시장의 우위를 선점할 수 있는 전략적인 요소로 각광받고 있다. 이에 기술 표준 연구(표준화 연구)는 기술 표준의 채택 과정과 이로 인한 경제적 효과를 분석하여 이론적 및 정책적 함의를 도출하는데 그 의의가 있다. 그러나 기존의 연구에서는 기술 고유 의 가치와 상호호환성에 대한 고려가 부족하다는 점에서 기술 중심의 분석 결과를 도출하는 데 있어 구조적 한계를 드러낸다. 본 연구는 기술 네트워크 분석을 통해 도출한 기술 차별화 정도와 기업별 기술 선호도 함 수를 두 단계 게임 이론 분석 방법에 반영하여 새로운 기술 중심 표준 연구 방법론을 제공하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 그 실증 사례로 사물인터넷의 무선 팬 기술을 선정하였으며, 본 연구 방법론을 통해 해당 시장의 기술 구조 및 표준 관련 함의를 도출하였다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2년마다 실시되는 UN의 전자정부시스템 평가에서 한국의 전자정부 시스템은 2010, 2012, 2014년 3차례 걸쳐 1위로 평가되었다. 1978년 시작되어 이제는 해외로 수출까지 되는 한국 전자정부 시스템의 진화에 있어서 표준의 역할에 대해서는 그다지 알려진 바가 없 다. 한국의 전자정부 시스템 발전에 어떠한 표준들이 어떠한 역할을 수행했으며, 이러한 표 준이 제대로 기능하기 위하여 어떠한 제반 환경이 필요하고, 어떠한 노력이 경주되었는지 사 례 연구를 수행하여 밝히고자 한다. 행위자 연결망 이론(Actor Network Theory)과 구조화 이론(Structuration theory)을 이론적 기반으로 하여, 표준이 행위자 연결망 이론 관점에서 어떠한 역할을 수행해 왔는지를 전자정부 시스템 발전에 직접 관여되었던 행정자치부 전자 정부담당 현/전직 관리자급 공무원, 표준담당관, NIA 표준 담당관, 민간 SI 업체 등 관련 전 문가(관리자급)분들과의 인터뷰와 문헌 연구를 바탕으로 사례 분석을 실시하고자 한다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 사회적 자본이론을 적용하여 SNS(Social network service, 이하 SNS) 사용자들이 온라인을 통해 형성한 소셜 네트워크의 특성이 이들의 제품에 대한 관여도에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 분석한다. 본 연구의 연구목적은 크게 두 가지이다. 첫 번째로는 SNS의 참여를 양적 참여(quantity)와 질적 참여(quality)로 나누었을 때 이들 각각이 사회자본의 형성에 어떤 영향을 주는지 알아보고자 한다. 또한, SNS의 사용이 전 세계적으로 보편화 되면서 소비자 행동으로 이어지는 SNS사용과 SNS에서 형성된 사회자본이 마케터들의 큰 관심을 받고 있다. 그래서 본 연구의 두 번째 연구목적은 SNS에서 형성된 사회자본의 형태(연결적 사회자본, 결속적 사회자본)에 따라 어떤 유형의 제품(실용적, 상징적)에 대한 관여도가 영향을 받는지를 밝히고, 또 이 두 가지 형태의 사회자본이 소비자 관여도에 있어서 상호작용이 존재하는지를 규명하는 것이다. 이를 위해 SNS 주 이용 층인 대학교 재학생(중국, 한국, 미국) 521명을 설문 조사하여 본 연구의 연구표본으로 사용하였다. 연구결과 SNS 참여와 사회자본의 형성 사이 관계를 보았을 때, SNS 양적 참여와 질적 참여 모두 연결적 사회자본의 형성에 긍정적 영향을 미쳤고 결속적 사회자본의 형성에 있어서는 질적 참여만이 유의미한 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 검증 되었다. 그 다음으로 SNS에서 형성된 사회자본이 소비자 구매 행동으로 이어질 때 연결적 사회자본은 실용적 제품의 관여도에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤고 결속적 사회자본은 실용적 제품의 관여도에 직접적 영향은 미치지 않았지만 연결적 사회자본과 실용적 제품 관여도 사이의 정의 관계를 강화하는 조절효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 결속적 사회자본은 상징적 제품 관여도에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤고 연결적 사회자본은 상징적 제품 관여도에 직접적인 영향은 없지만 결속적 사회자본이 상징적 제품 관여도에 주는 긍정적인 영향을 강화하는 조절효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study considered network quotient (NQ) of deluxe hotel employees and schematized characteristic attributes of being selected by employees with image through correspondence analysis in terms of cognition degree. Self-administrated questionnaires were completed by employees (292 samples) and data were analysed by frequency, t-test, one-way ANOVA, reliability and correspondence analysis. First, the hotel employees indicated the high average value in “participating in special education or seminar for improving ability (3.85±0.76). Second, as a result of analyzing difference according to gender, the average value in men was higher than in women. It was indicated that the higher age and career lead to a rise even in the average value of relationship index. Third, in consequence of carrying out correspondence analysis in order to prepare image map according to cognition level on relationship index in hotel employees, the measurement item that is placed in the closest distance to the response as saying of not so very was the response as saying of “having a lunch (dinner) engagement twice or three times a week.” On the other hand, the response as saying of “tending to have many acquaintances compared to coworkers” was schematized in the close distance to the response as saying of very so.
        2015.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        디아스포라가 선교적 이슈로 떠오르며 선교학계에는 이주민 선교와 함께 디아스포라 선교의 필요와 선교학적 중요성들에 관하여 많은 연구들이 이루어지고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 지금까지의 이주민선교는 국내에 들어와 있는 외국인 혹은 외국인 근로자들에 대한 선교를 의미하였고, 선교 전략에 있어서는 특수선교분야로 다루어져 왔다.하지만 이제는 세계 디아스포라의 흐름에 따라 이주민에 대한 선교적인시각을 새롭게 하는 것이 필요하다, 이에 본 논문에서는 오늘날 대두되어 논의되고 있는 ‘디아스포라 선교’에 대한 이해를 글로벌 디아스포라 네트워크 (Global Diaspora Network, GDN)가 발간한 『마지막 추수 를 위한 흩어짐: 세계적 흐름인 디아스포라 이해와 적용』에서 제시한 성경적, 신학적, 선교학적 토대를 바탕으로 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 위해 먼저 디아스포라의 성경적 이해와 이동하는 사람들이 보편화된세계에서 선교과제로 떠오른 디아스포라 현상을 살펴보고, GDN을 중심으로 하는 선교이해와 전략을 중심으로 서술하고자 한다. 신구약 성경의 디아스포라 용어와 성경 역사 속 디아스포라의삶을 살았던 유대인들을 통해 디아스포라는 ‘나그네,’ ‘이방인,’ ‘타국인,’ ‘외국인’ 등으로 이주민을 나타내는 용어로 사용되었음을 알 수있다. 성경에서 이주민은 다른 곳으로 옮겨가서 사는 사람이나 다른 지역에서 옮겨와서 사는 사람들을 지칭하는 것으로, 바벨론 포로 이후 는 “약속의 땅을 떠나 흩어져 살아온 유대인”을 지칭하는 말로(행8:1) 팔레스타인 밖에서 흩어져 살아가는 유대인들을 의미하게 됐다.성경에 나타난 디아스포라는 전적인 하나님의 주권가운데 발생하였으며 하나님은 그 분의 목적을 이루기 위해 디아스포라를 사용하시고이들을 통해 열방을 축복하셨음을 볼 수 있다. 신자유주의적 경제 질서의 발달로 인해 일어난 경제의 불평등구조는 상대적으로 빈곤의 세계현상을 유발했고 이는 IT 발달과 세계화 추세와 더불어 이주민들의 이동이 세계적인 비율로 증가했다. 이 영향 은 한국에도 늘어나는 이주민 인구와 함께 ‘이주민,’ ‘디아스포라’ 두용어가 사용되기 시작했다. ‘이주민’은 한국에 들어온 외국인 근로자 외에 결혼 이민자 등을 지칭하고 이와 비교하여 ‘디아스포라’는 자국을 나 세계 여러 지역으로 이주하여 살아가는 사람들을 말하며 ‘코리안 디아스포라’가 일반적으로 세계 여러 곳으로 이주하여 사는 한민족 분산을 이르는 용어로 사용되고 있는 것을 볼 수 있다. 그러나 이제는 한국의 이주민 선교와 세계 디아스포라 선교 이 두 가지가 동전의 양면처럼 하나로써 이해되어져야 한다. 케이프타운의 헌신, GDN, 그리고 급증하는 한국의 이주민 현황은 우리에게 전 세계에 흩어져있는 디아스포라들에게 복음을 전하는 선교적 과제의 긴박성에 대하여 이들에게 복음을 전하는 선교적 과제의 긴급성을 제언하고 있다. 끝으로 본 논문은 GDN의 2009년 11월 ‘디아스포라 선교학의서울선언’은 세 가지 선언에서 디아스포라 선교는 전적으로 삼위일체하나님이 선교의 주체이고, 교회는 선교 활동의 수단인 하나님의 선교이며, 복음전파 뿐만 아니라 그들의 필요를 만나주는 통전적선교의 이해를 보여준다. GDN의 디아스포라 선교는 21세기의 기독교 선교를 오늘날 일어나고 있는 글로벌화, 도시화, 노동력의 지리적 이동과이민 같은 사회문화적인 변화에 따라 ‘디아스포라를 향한 선교’(Mission to Diaspora), 디아스포라를 통한 선교’(Mission through Diaspora), ‘디아스포라를 넘어선 선교’(Mission beyondDiaspora)를 대위임령을 성취하기 위해 적용하는 선교전략으로 나타났다. 이에 우리는 디아스포라 선교가 이 시대적 요청임을 간과하지말고 이에 참여하여 세계 선교 자원화와 복음화에 힘써야 할 것이다.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In recent years, utilization of social network sites (SNS) such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for text, image, and video sharing in Jakarta, Indonesia, is becoming very popular. Many fashionistas - artist, singer, designer, and fashion blogger - take advantage of SNS to share what they are doing, what they are wearing, and even their personal life. Apparently, their glamorous life style has been attracting million of followers. High appreciation toward their posts in SNS is given by clicking ‘likes’ symbol as well as positive comments from the followers. This paper provides an overview of social network activity in Jakarta for promoting fashion brand. A netnographic approach was conducted to observe and analyze SNS’ content, which consists of photos, texts and hashtags, and followers’ comments. Since SNS’ account owner could have dual roles, i.e. as consumer and supplier, we categorize two types of account owner. First, fashionistas who launch personal account and, at the same time, have collaboration with fashion brand or have their own clothing line; and second, apparel companies who promote their product through SNS. We noted that apparel companies utilize SNS to launch new fashion products and to give detail information, which include photos, products size, and how to purchase, which is simply a business as usual. In the other hand, fashionista’s shared their personal style, favorite brand and designer, and fashion tips for the followers, such as mix and match fashion and where to purchase. Personal style is presented by wearing an outfit for a commercial events, e.g. product launching, gala show, etc.; and for daily use, e.g. fashion shopping, hang out with friend, and travelling. Fashionistas usually mention the brand or the designer of clothing, shoes, and bag that they wear in the photo with good recommendation, thus a positive electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) is conveyed to the followers instantaneously. Even though fashionistas’ activity is actually part of marketing practice that promote fashion brand, personal approach through their shared life style is obviously more appealing rather than direct promotion activity by apparel companies. It is proven by number of followers, likes, and comment from fashionistas’ followers which is greater than apparel companies. As the similarity, both apparel companies and fashionistas give knowledge sharing about fashion to the followers, and utilize commenting section to interact with them. In turn, e-WOM is also exchanged through discussion among followers on the commenting section; and the ability of followers to share content with other users. Then, mentioning hashtags – a number sign character (#) followed by a word or phrase related to the topic - is strengthen e-WOM because hashtags is clickable and searchable for SNS users.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Austrian scene differs greatly from the one in the Anglo-American region. Even the difference to the neighboring country Germany is a significant: the scene in Austria is dominated above all by fashion bloggers and to a lesser extent there are lifestyle and food bloggers; Austrians are considerably less oriented towards technical and political blogs. The most prominent and popular example probably is "Stylekingdom": this has been the most famous Austrian fashion site for quite some time and has been maintained since 2007. This page presents information about jewelry and fashion collections regularly. In addition, selected advertisements might be placed there which is of interest to companies because of the considerable reach of this site. "Mangoblüte" is one of the most popular luxury fashion blogs in Austria. Backed up with beautiful photos, the blog offers insight into a luxurious life by also displaying travelling in luxury resorts, eating in the best restaurants in the world and a private room that serves as a closet. Given the ubiquitous nature of the internet, American sites are also easily accessible to Austrians. One famous example is the site "The Style Rookie" which is mainly devoted to fashion. In the presentation additional examples will be presented and some comparisons will be undertaken
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Network analysis of keywords relevant to three fashion trading areas, Garosu-gil, Dongdaemun, and Itaewon in Seoul, Korea, revealed that ‘associated industry’ is an important factor along with ‘design’ and ‘brand’. Additionally, distinct attributes of each commercial district can serve as differentials to attract consumers; thus, they are necessary factors in order to develop as fashion trading areas.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Why should we study marketing management processes in social network platforms? Today’s rapidly growing creative companies must adopt social network platforms. Indeed, the “twenty-first century’s wealth comes from platforms” Thus “those who possess platforms dominate the wealth of the future” (Hirano & Hagiu, 2010). After the Lehman Brothers-initiated financial crisis, companies began developing platform strategies as a cutting-edge management method for assuring consistent and stable growth. Platform strategies call for gathering relevant groups of people together in a network that then creates new business. (Hirano & Hagiu, 2010) In this study, we study a social network platform to show how marketing management processes can be applied to social network platforms. Literature Review Social Network Platforms In recent years, social network platform sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and KakaoTalk have evolved to bring people together online. Social network services (SNS) are rapidly infiltrating daily lives and facilitating communications among people by means of computers (Correa et al., 2010; Powell, 2009). Users reside at the center of social platforms where they can socialize and express a wide range of behaviors. As a force for change, social platforms are influencing marketing strategies as well. Advertising has been traditionally one-way communication from company to customers through public media and portal sites. Recently, the paradigm has changed (Yeo, 2014): companies establish relationship with customers through social platforms that allow them to talk with customers directly, exchange opinions, and share ideas. As a result, large-scale corporations, mid-sized/small companies, and one-owner companies have turned their attention to social platforms (Jhun, 2013). Moreover, the revolutionary wave has affected such diverse areas as politics, economics, society, culture, and environmental causes. Researchers have responded to social platform developments with studies that deal with concept, construction, policy, development, spatial information, social platforms, and governmental roles (Choi et al., 2012), and that deal with social platform’s social influences and future directions (Lee & Jung, 2011). Researchers have studied functions and utilization of social platform using web services and policies to support collaborative research (Pignotti & Edwards, 2012), sharing shopping information (Der Ho et al., 2010), customer engagement (Cheung, Lee, & Jin, 2011), and senior social platforms (Farkas, 2010). Social platforms emerged so recently that academic studies have failed to keep up with the urgent need to study the phenomena realistically (Yeo, 2013). Method In this study, we analyze phase 1 secretary platform by Cybermoon Co., Ltd., which has four main functions: Product name: On-Secretary PlatformCore Services ● Phase 1. Assistant Service ● Phase 2. Vision Maker Service ● Phase 3. Collaboration and Sharing Service ● Phase 4. Social Sales Service ● Phase 5 Assistant Call Center Service Objective On-Secretary Platform aims to yield optimized productivity by offering secretary functions to experts working for one person-companies, small-scale companies, or small traders. - Next generation SNS-based social secretary management service uses Twitter and Facebook. - Online and offline secretary management service grows with users and assists them with every aspect of their lives. - Service dispatches 90,000 online secretaries and 10,000 offline secretaries to assist clients. Target Market - General customers: individuals who want to establish businesses. - Businesspersons: presidents of one-person or small companies, and the self-employed - Experts: consultants, coaching specialists, lawyers, and professors - Public organizations such as job-search organizations, business creation support organizations, infrastructure-expansion organizations, education centers for the unemployed, social education centers, education for retired people, and lifelong learning centers. Customer Value Proposition - Survey and analysis on the services needed by single entrepreneurs. - Survey and analysis of services needed by potential entrepreneurs. - Survey and analysis of services needed by experts. - Survey and analysis of services needed by public organizations. Assets and competition - 20-years of developing IT business services and operational systems - Patents for core techniques and experts with development abilities Functional strategies and programs - Secretary function: selection of AI (artificial intelligence)-type character and growth by consistent learning - Chatting function: task reporting via letters, voices, and holograms - Program: cloud-based social platform service - Service method: online service and offline call-center service. Marketing Mix(Richard & Colin, 1992) Figure 1. Managing Marketing Strategies and the Marketing Mix SWOT Analysis Figure 2. SWOT Analysis Contribution of this research ● Academic contributions This study could contribute to understanding diverse applications and developing theory regarding platforms to help to consolidate theoretical fundamentals regarding marketing management processes for using platforms. Finding various marketing methods and studying their relationship would contribute to future platform-based management strategy. ● Practical contribution This study could help companies, governments, society, and individuals efficiently utilize marketing management processes when using platforms for continuous growth and progress.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Developing two process models to simulate wastewater treatment process is needed to draw a comparison between measured BOD data and estimated process model data: a mathematical model based on the process mass-balance and an ANN (artificial neural network) model. Those two types of simulator can fit well in terms of effluent BOD data, which models are formulated based on the distinctive five parameters: influent flow rate, effluent flow rate, influent BOD concentration, biomass concentration, and returned sludge percentage. The structuralized mass-balance model and ANN modeI with seasonal periods can estimate data set more precisely, and changing optimization algorithm for the penalty could be a useful option to tune up the process behavior estimations. An complex model such as ANN model coupled with mass-balance equation will be required to simulate process dynamics more accurately.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research carried out an analysis on input cost and leakage reduction effect by leakage reduction method, focusing on the project for establishing an optimal water pipe network management system in the Taebaek region, which has been executed annually since 2009. Based on the result, optimal cost-benefit analysis models for water distribution network rehabilitation project were developed using DEA(data envelopment analysis) and multiple regression analysis, which have been widely utilized for efficiency analysis in public and other projects. DEA and multiple regression analysis were carried out by applying 4 analytical methods involving different ratios and costs. The result showed that the models involving the analytical methods 2 and 4 were of low significance (which therefore were excluded), and only the models involving the analytical methods 1 and 3 were suitable. From the result it was judged that the leakage management method to be executed with the highest priority for the improvement of revenue water ratio was installation of pressure reduction valve, followed by replacement of water distribution pipe, replacement of water supply pipe, and then leakage detection and repair; and that the execution of leakage management methods in this order would be most economical. In addition, replacement of water meter was also shown to be necessary in case there were a large number of defective water meters.