
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 73

        2011.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 신간척지에서 적정 완전낙수시기를 구명함으로써 안정적인 수량확보 및 미질향상을 하기 위하여 완전낙수시기를 출수 후 25일부터 50일까지 5일 간격으로 처리하여 신간척지인 새만금 계화포장에서 수행한 내용을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 2010년 출수 후 적산온도는 평년대비 수확기를 기준으로 100℃ 정도 높았고 강수량은 약간 적었다. 2. 평균 주당수수는 16.5개 이었고, 수당입수는 88개 이었다. 3. 출수 후 40~50일 낙수처리가 출수 후 25~35 일 낙수처리보다 등숙비율은 3% 정도 높았고 현미천립중은 0.6 g정도 무거웠다. 4. 쌀수량은 출수 후 25일 낙수 대비 30~35 일 낙수에서는 유의차가 없었고, 40~50일 낙수에서는 7~8% 증수하였다. 5. 완전립비율은 출수 후 35 일 낙수에서 높았고, 단백질 함량은 조기 낙수할수록 낮았다. 6. 토양수분과 토양경도는 고도의 부의상관이 있었고, 완전낙수후 시간이 경과할수록 토양중 EC는 높아졌다. 이상의 결과로 볼 때, 신간척지에서 안정적인 쌀 수량 확보를 위한 적정 완전낙수시기는 출수 후 40~50 일이라고 판단된다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 등(2009b)의 보고에서는 등숙기 기온과 일사량이 종실중 및 종실질소함량에 미치는 영향과 이들 관계를 분석하였고, 이 등(2009a)의 보고에서는 등숙기 생육형질이 종실중 및 종실질소함량에 미치는 영향과 이들 관계를 분석하였다. 본 연구는 종실중 및 종실질소함량과 등숙기 기상(온도, 일사량) 및 등숙기 생육형질과의 관계를 이용하여 등숙기간 중 종실중 및 종실질소함량의 형성과정을 추정하는 모형을 구축하고자 하였다. 1. 출수후 등숙 진전에 따른 유효적산온도(AET, 임계온도 7℃ )와 적산일사량(AR)의 상승적에 따른 종실중과 종실질소함량의 변화를 나타내었을 때 통일한 AET × AR에서도 종실 종 및 종실질소함량의 상당한 변이가 존재하였다. 2. Logistic 함수를 이용하여 AET × AR에 따른 종실중과 종실질소함량의 최대경계선을 추정하였으며, 이를 각각 최대 종실중(GWmax)과 최대 종실질소함량(GNmax) 추정식으로 이용하였다. 3. 등숙기 생육형질 종 엽면적지수, 지상부 총건물중, 영화수 및 지상부 총질소함량이 등숙기간 중 종실중과 종실질소함량의 변이에 관여하였으며, 이들 등숙기 생육형질과 GWmax 및 GNmax를 이용하여 다음과 같은 종실중과 종실질소함량 추정식을 설정하였다. GWE=6.557~cdotGWmax~cdotTDW0.5223~cdotGNO0.5582 GNE=150.20~cdotGNmax~cdotTNU0.5203~cdotGNO0.6205 4. 설정된 종실중 및 종실질소함량 추정 모델식을 이용하여 실제 종실중 및 종실질소함량을 추정하는 모형을 구축하였는데, 종실중 및 종실질소함량을 일부 과대 또는 과소 추정하였으나 대체적으로 실측값과 일치하는 경향이었으며, 등숙기 생육형질에 의하여 발생한 다양한 종실중 및 종실질소함량 변이를 비교적 잘 추정하였다.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A total of 40 Korean rice cultivars were exposed to high temperature during grain filling stage in the greenhouse condition and changes in head rice ratio of brown rice, whiteness of milled rice, amylose and protein contents were investigated in comparison with field-grown plants. Testing cultivars were categorized into four groups according to maturation period and accumulated temperature was 1216.4~1775.8oC in the field condition and 1275.8~ 1893.7oC in the greenhouse condition during grain filling stage. Reduction ratio of head rice and whiteness under high temperature in the four groups were 23.6, 17.7, 13.0, 8.7% and 12.7, 12.3, 9.5, 6.0%, respectively, in which early-maturing group showed more severe deterioration due to the early exposure to high temperature. Rice cultivar Dongan and Daeya were the most tolerant to high temperature among the tested cultivars showing 0.5 and 6.6% of the head rice reduction ratio and 0 and 1.2% of whiteness reduction ratio under high temperature, respectively. Amylose contents of the four groups were reduced by 11.7, 11.3, 8.8, 8.5% under high temperature in group Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, respectively, whereas protein contents were increased by 14.2, 6.3, 4.4, 4.4% in the four groups, respectively.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To obtain some information on the change of antioxidant components of seeds during grain filling stage as affected by the sowing dates, lignan compounds were investigated according to days of flowering under different sowing dates. Sesamin and sesamolin contents showed significantly different by days of flowering and varieties. Both of sesamin and sesamolin content increased after flowering and reached highest at 40 days of flowering, but they started to decrease thereafter. Sesamin and sesamolin contents of sesame seeds changed with sowing dates. Generally, late sowing date of May 30 showed relatively higher accumulation rate of sesamin and sesamolin contents rather than other sowing dates, but overall patterns were a little different by varieties and lignan compounds. In case of variety Yangbaek, sesamin and sesamolin contents showed relatively higher at sowing date of May 30, but variety Yanghuck showed higher sesamin and sesamolin contents till 20 days of flowering when sowing date of May 30, but it showed to change that both lignan contents were relatively higher under sowing date of May 10.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Amylogram properties such as peak viscosity, hot viscosity, cool viscosity, breakdown, pasting consistency and setback were investigated by the Rapid Visco Analyzer and interpreted by the relationship among amylogram properties according to the varietal groups classified by the rapidity of grain filling (RGF) which was calculated by the percentage of grain weight at 15 days after heading to 40 days after heading. The 164 rice recombinant inbred lines from the cross of Milyang23 and Gihobyeo were used to get the basic information regarding the amylogram properties. The used recombinant inbred lines could be grouped into 4 varietal groups such as slow maturing (less than 40% of RGF), mid-slow maturing (41-60% of RGF),mid-fast maturing (61-80% of RGF), and fast maturing (more than 81% of RGF) groups based on the RGF. The peak viscosity and setback showed regular tendency according to the varietal groups classified by the RGF. Positive significant correlations were found between pasting consistency and setback, however negative significant correlations were found between breakdown and setback in all varietal groups.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To obtain some information on the change of antioxidant components of seeds during grain filling stage as affected by the sowing dates, lignan compounds were investigated according to days of flowering under different sowing dates. Sesamin and sesamolin contents showed significantly different by days of flowering and varieties. Both of sesamin and sesamolin content increased after flowering and reached highest at 40 days of flowering, but they started to decrease thereafter, Sesamin and sesamolin contents of sesame seeds changed with sowing dates. Generally, late sowing date of May 30 showed relatively higher accumulation rate of sesamin and sesamolin contents rather than other sowing dates, but overall patterns were a little different by varieties and lignan compounds. In Yangbaekkae, sesamin and sesamolin contents showed relatively higher at sowing date of May 30, but Yanghuckkae showed higher sesamin and sesamolin contents till 20 days of flowering when sowing date of May 30, but it showed to change that both lignan contents were relatively higher under sowing date of May 10.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 시험은 찰벼의 수량제한요인을 알아내기 위하여 찰. 메근동질유전자 계통인 화청찰벼와 와청벼를 공시하여 공급부위(잎)와 수용부위(영화)의 조절이 등숙에 미치는 영향을 구명함으로써 찰벼의 수량증대를 위한 기초자료를 얻고자 수행하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 이삭당 총립중과 편균립중의 감소경향은 두 품종 모두 차엽처리구 < 지엽처리구 < 상위 1, 3엽처리구 < 상위 1,2엽처리구 < 상위 1, 2, 3엽처리구 순이었다. 상위 1, 2, 3엽 제거에 의한 총립중과 평균립중의 감소율은 화청찰벼에 비하여 화청벼에서 컸다. 2. 화청벼와 화청찰벼 모두 전엽처리에 의한 고밀도립비율과 등숙율이 2차지경보다 1차지경에서 높았다. 3. 화청벼와 화청찰벼 모두 영화의 절제처리에 의하여 이삭당 총립수와 총립중이 대조구에 비하여 감소한 반면 평균입중과 등숙율은 증가되었다. 대조구와 비교한 평균입중의 증가율은 1, 2차지경립 및 상. 하위지경립의 절제구 모두에서 화청찰벼가 화청벼보다 높았다. 4. 영화의 조절의 의하여 두 품종 모두 고밀도립비율과 등숙립비율이 증가되었으며 고밀도립비율은 화청찰벼가 화청벼에 비하여 높았던 반면에, 등숙립비율은 화청벼에서 높은 결과를 보였다.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        벼 M/G RIL 162 계통에 대한 초기급속등숙율에 대한 이화학적특성 및 색차색도특성 변이에 대한 주성분분석 및 유전력분석의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 초기급속등숙율이 41% 이하인 계통군은 164계통중 74계통이었으며, 41∼60%의 계통군에는 32계통이 있었다. 또한, 초기급속등숙율이 빠른 계통군에 속하는 61∼80%사이에는 24계통이 있었으며, 초기급속등숙율이 매우 빠른 계통군으로 분류되는 81% 이상인 계통은 32계통이 있었다. 2. 벼 M/G RIL 164계통에 대한 품종군별 이화학적특성을 보면, 초기급속등숙을이 40% 이하인 계통군이 단백질 함량이 9.1%로 가장 높았으며, 지방산함량은 초기급속등숙율이 61∼80%의 계통군에서 26.5KOHmg/100g으로 가장 높게 나타났다. 또한, 곡립형태에 있어서 현미길이는 41∼60%사이의 초기급속등숙율을 보인 계통군이 5.40mm로 가장 짧았으며, 81% 이상인 계통군이 1.80mm로 현미두께가 가장 두꺼웠으며, 현미의 형태를 나타내는 현미 길이/넓이 비에 있어서는 41∼60%사이의 계통군이 2.18로 나타났다. 3. 호화온도와 깊은 관련이 있는 알카리붕괴도에 있어서는 초기급속등숙율이 61∼80%사이가 3.40으로 가장 붕괴가 되지않는 계통군으로 나봤으며, 81%이상인 계통군은 4.31로서 붕괴가 가장 잘 되는 것으로 나타나 81%의 계통군이 호화온도가 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 4. 화학적특성, 색차색도특성 및 알카리붕괴도를 이용한 벼M/G RIL 164 계통에 대한 주성분분석의 결과 제 1주성분은 약 3.6개의 형질을 포함하고 있었으며, 제 2주성분은 약 2.1개의 형질을 포함하고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 또한, 제 1주성분은 전체 변동에 대한 기여율은 약 36%이었으며, 제 4주성분까지의 전체 변동에 대한 누적 기여율은 86.4%로서 설명이 가능함을 알 수 있었다. 5. 벼 M/G RIL 164 계통의 품질평가치, 단백질함량, 아밀로오스함량, 지방산함량, 명도, a-value, b-value, 채도, 색상 및 알카리붕괴도 등의 형질에 대한 유전력 검정의 결과, 품질평가치의 유전력은 87.89%로 가장 높은 유전력을 나타내었으며, 단백질함량 > 알카리붕괴도 > 지방산함량 > 아밀로오스함량 > 색상 > 명도 > a-value > b-value의 순으로 나타났으며, 채도의 유전력은 30.62%로 가장 낮음을 알 수 있었다.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment was conducted to know the characteristics of kernel growth as affected by various temperature regimes during grain filling using the varieties Hwaseongbyeo, Ilpumbyeo and Chucheongbyeo. The rice plants tested were grown in the natural condition at 1/5000a Wagner pots until flowering. After flowering, the rice plants were moved to controlled temperature conditions in a phytotron. The minimum/maximum daily temperature in the phytotron was controlled by 12/18, 15/21, 18/24, 21/27, and 24/30~circC , respectively. The grain weights were measured every three days after treatment. The mean daily kernel growth rate during active grain filling period showed different responses among varieties under various temperature regimes. The kernel growth rate of Chucheongbyeo was seriously reduced as temperature regimes were decreased. However, that of Ilpumbyeo was not influenced so critically. Ilpumbyeo showed some advantages in grain filling under low temperature regimes compared to Chucheongbyeo. The lag phase in grain filling of Chucheongbyeo was the longest among tested varieties, followed by Hwaseongbyeo under daily mean temperature regime of 15~circC . Kernel weight of Ilpumbyeo increased fast in early grain filling phase under low temperature. This characteristic may be favorable for grain filling in temperate zone where the daily mean temperature is drastically dropped during grain filling period. Regression analysis with kernel growth rate and temperature showed the estimated critical low temperature for grain filling among varieties were 9~circC , 12~circC , 13~circC in Ilpumbyeo, Hwaseongbyeo and Chucheongbyeo, respectively. Under moderate temperature the duration of grain filling of Ilpumbyeo was longer than that of Chucheongbyeo. However, Under low temperature that of Ilpumbyeo was more favorable than Chucheongbyeo.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to investigate the varietal differences in leaf senescence during ripening stage and its relation to grain yield of rice. During grain filling period leaf senescence was evaluated by SPAD readings (an indirect indicator of chlorophyll content) for 74 varieties including local, improved domestic, and introduced varieties in the field condition. Leaf senescence was varied greatly among 74 varieties. Jodongji and Dadajo known as local rice varieties had significantly lower SPAD value than the other varieties and became senescent rapidly. However, SPAD value of the flag leaf and 2nd leaf of SNU-SG1 were much higher than the other varieties and leaves of SNU-SG1 also showed a tendency of delayed senescence compared to the other varieties. There were significantly positive correlation between cumulated SPAD value of upper leaf(flag leaf and 2nd leaf) during 35 days after heading and grain yield divided by sunshine hour during 40 days of grain filling and compensated for temperature effect, and cumulated SPAD value of the 4th leaf showed negative correlation with the yield. That is, the delayed senescence of the upper leaves and the rapid senescence of lower leaves were positively associated with grain yield increase.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to investigate the varietal differences in leaf senescence and the relationship between leaf senescence and photosynthesis during ripening stage of rice. During grain filling period, leaf senescence was evaluated by SPAD readings (an indirect indicator of chlorophyll content) for 3 rice varieties (SNU-SG1, Hwaseongbyeo, Nampungbyeo). SPAD value of flag leaf and 2nd leaf of SNU-SG1 were much higher than the other varieties and the leaves of SNU-SG1 also showed a tendency of delayed senescence as compared to the other varieties. Photosynthesis at light saturation (Pmax) of flag, 2nd and 3rd leaf in SNU-SG1 during grain filling period were much higher than Hwaseongbyeo and Nampungbyeo. The Pmax of the flag leaf in SNU-SG1 was especially higher over 20% than the other varieties. It was due to its higher mesophyll conductance and stomatal conductance as compared to the other varieties. Pmax, stomatal conductance and mesophyll conductance had positive correlation with SPAD value and nitrogen concentration of leaves. In conclusion, the stay green characteristics of SNU-SG1 would contribute to increasing the grain yield through the improved photosynthesis during grain filling.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In vitro culture of panicle has been the method to accumulate starch and protein in immature grains by providing nutrients after florets crossed between remote genotypes artificially. Grain filling means embryo development and sucrose translocation from photosynthetic source, and starch manufacture in endosperm. The concentrations of sucrose used to culture immature rice panicle were 5, 10, 15, 20% and glutamine was 20 mM. When immature rice panicles at 5 days after flowering were cultured in distilled water with different concentrations of sucrose, glutamine 20 mM and MS medium with different concentrations of sucrose, glutamine 20 mM for 30 days the later was effective on grain filling. The optimal concentration of sucrose on grain filling in vitro culture of rice panicle was 10% and the weight of grain cultured was 10.14 mg that was corresponded to 57% of intact plant. In the method of treating plant growth regulators, the culture of immature rice panicle adding in MS medium with Kinetin, IAA, ~textrmGA3 were effective on grain filling than the culturing of immature rice panicle after submerging in solutions of Kinetin, IAA, ~textrmGA3 for 1day. When immature rice panicle was cultured in MS medium with sucrose 10% and Kinetin 46.47 ~mu M it was effective on grain filling, respectively. The weight of grain cultured was 13.1mg that was corresponded to 75% of intact and germination rate was 51 %. When immature rice panicles were cultured in medium with different concentrations combined with Kinetin 4.65, 46.47, 464.7 ~mu~textrmM , IAA 5.71, 57.08, 570.80 ~mu~textrmM for 30 days and in medium with IAA 5.71, 57.08, 570.80 ~mu~textrmM for 15 days after culturing in medium with Kinetin 4.65, 46.47, 464.70 ~mu~textrmM for 15 days the effect on grain filling was similar.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Chalok 1/Cooktail 51' corns, supersweet corn gene controlled by either brittle-l (bt l) or shrunken-2(sh2) gene introduced into waxy corn, showed agronomic characteristics between supersweet corn and waxy corn. The ears were harvested at different development stages from 15 to 35 days after silking (DAS). Ear diameter of Cocktail 51 and 'Cocktail 51'/Chalok 1 increased from 15 DAS to 30 DAS and little increased thereafter, but that of Chalok 1/Cocktail 51 and 'Chalok l' increased until 35 DAS. Diameter of ear extension increased more in Cocktail 51 and Chalok 1/Cocktail 51 corn than Chalok 1. Ear fresh weight of Cocktail 51 decreased later 30 DAS but those of the other hybrids were vice versa. Rate of super-sweet kernels per ear of Chalok 1/Cocktail 51 corns was about 38 %. Development, and elongation of kernel were much more prominent in supersweet kernel than in waxy kernel, but fresh weight increased higher in waxy kernel than supersweet kernel. Moisture content in kernel decreased from 15 DAS to 35 DAS. Total sugar content of the kernel increased until 25 DAS, and that of Cocktail 51 kernel showed the highest among of them. After cooked by steam, flavor and mastication feeling rate cooked by steam of Cocktail 51 and Chalok 1/Cocktail 51 were increased from 15 DAS to 25 DAS and markedly decreased thereafter. But those of Chalok l/Cocktail 51 and, Chalok 1 were decreased after 30 DAS. These results suggested that the optimum harvest date for fresh supersweet corn (Cocktail 51), Cocktail 51/Chalok 1 seems to be about 20 DAS and Chalok 1/Cocktail 51 and waxy com (Chalok 1) was about 25 DAS.
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