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        검색결과 157

        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the advent of the 4.0 era of logistics due to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, infrastructures have been built to receive the same services online and offline. Logistics services affected by logistics 4.0 and IT technology are rapidly changing. Logistics services are developing using technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, Internet of things, and augmented reality. The convergence of logistics services and various IT new technologies is accelerating, and the development of data management solution technology has led to the emergence of electronic cargo waybill to replace paper cargo waybill. The electronic waybill was developed to supplement paper waybill that lack economical and safety. However, the electronic waybill that appeared to complement the paper waybill are also in need of complementation in terms of efficiency and reliability. New research is needed to ensure that electronic cargo waybill gain the trust of users and are actively utilized. To solve this problem, electronic cargo waybill that combine blockchain technology are being developed. This study aims to improve the reliability, operational efficiency and safety of blockchain electronic cargo waybill. The purpose of this study is to analyze the blockchain-based electronic cargo waybill system and to derive evaluation indicators for system supplementation.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Up to date cosmetic OEM/ODM (original equipment manufacturing/original development manufacturing) industry receives attention as a future growth engine due to steady growth. However, because of limited research and development capability, many companies have employed commercial management platforms specialized for large-sized companies; thus, overall system effectiveness and efficiency is low. Especially, MRP (material requirement planning) system introduced originally in 1970s is employed to calculate the requirement of the parts. However, dynamic nature of production lead time usually results in incorrect requirements. In addition, its algorithm does not consider the capability of the production resources. Also, because the commercial MRP system calculates all subcomponent for fixed period, the more goods have subcomponent, the slower calculation is. Therefore, conventional MRP system cannot respond complicated situation in time. In this study, we will suggest a new method that can respond to complicated situations resulting from short lead time and urgent production order in Korean cosmetic market. In particular, a distributed MRP system is proposed, that consists of multi-functional and operational modules, based on the characteristic of the BOM (bill of material). The distributed MRP system divides components (i.e. products and parts) into several fields and decrease the problem size; thus, we can respond to dynamically changed data any time. Through this solution, we can order components quickly, adjust schedules and planned quantity, and manage stocks reasonably. In addition, a prototype of the distributed MRP system is presented in this paper, in which ERP (enterprise resource planning) sever data is associated with an excel spreadsheet via MSsql. System user interface is implemented by a VBA (visual basic for applications) tool. According to a case study, response rate for delivery and planning achievement rate were enhanced about 20%, and inventory turnover was also decreased. Consequently, the proposed system improves overall profit.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 세월호 사고와 같은 대규모 인명사고의 예방을 위하여 반드시 추진되어야 할 과제로서 우수한 해기능력을 갖춘 선장 등 선원이 연안여객선에 승무하기를 희망할 수 있도록 하는 방안 등 연안여객선의 안전운항을 위한 안 전임금 지원제도의 도입방안을 검토·제시하는 것을 목적으로 연구되었다. 이 연구 결과 도출된 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 세월호 사고로 인한 여객 등 인명사고의 주원인은 ‘세월호의 감항능력 부족’이라기 보다 선장 등 선원의 과실로 분석하였다. 따라서 연안여객선 안전 운항을 확보하기 위해서는 책임감이 투철하고 보다 우수한 선원이 연안여객선 에 승무를 희망할 수 있는 여건을 마련하여야 한다. 이를 위하여 연안여객선 선원의 임금수준을 외항여객선 선원의 85% 정도로 상향할 수 있도록 정부가 안전임금을 지원할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 세월호 사고 후 도입된 여객안전관리요원의 추가 승선인원은 여객정원 500명당 1인인데, 이것만으로는 위기시 여객에 대한 적절한 구호조치가 담보되 기는 어렵다고 보고 정원 250명당 1인으로 강화할 것을 제안하였으며, 정부가 연안여객선의 안전운항을 위한 안전임금을 지원하는 법적 근거를 마련할 필요 가 있으며, 그에 따라 정부는 지원예산을 마련할 필요가 있다. 이러한 여객선 안전운임 지원제도는 단기적 제안이며, 중·장기적으로 연안여 객선 준공영제를 도입할 때 이를 적절히 흡수하여 운영될 수 있을 것이다. 연안여객선 안전운항을 위한 안전임금 지원제도의 도입과 시행을 통하여 연간 1,500만 명의 연안여객의 안전한 해상수송이 이루어지기를 기대한다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the transitional situation that can be seen from the palace operation in early Joseon Dynasty. The first decades of Joseon after the nation was founded differ from the Joseon Dynasty as a whole, but rather similar with the Goryeo Dynasty. By examining “The History of Goryeo(高麗史),” it showed that palace operation during the Goryeo Dynasy was marked by the fact that a separate palace was built and resided in despite the existence of the Bongweol(本闕, main palace) as the central palace. The separation of the parent’s generation and the children’s generation was shown through the establishment of one’s own palace. Such trait of Goryeo affected palace construction directly after the founding of Joseon. This can be shown from the characteristic of palace operation by generation. The construction of the Changdeokgung Palace(昌德宮) of King Taejong, as his own palace, is an example. Afterwards, the palace system of Joseon was established, and the space of the king and the crown prince was merged through ritual reform during the reign of King Sejong. However, the space for the parents of the king were considered separate, and this influence continued to the reign of King Seongjong. The construction of Changgyeonggung Palace(昌慶宮) during the reign of King Seongjong is an event where the king proclaimed the separation with his mother and grandmother.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        형벌에 있어 자유형의 목적이 수형자의 교화・개선을 통한 사회복귀(rehabilitation) 에 있는 이상 이미 개전(改悛)하여 사회적 위험성이 없는 자를 계속 구금한다는 것은 교정을 통한 재사회화라는 교정의 목적에도 합치하지 않으며, 수형시설의 과밀화를 초래하는 원인이 되는 등 교정행정에 있어 여러 현실적인 문제도 발생시킬 수 있다. 가석 방제도는 불필요한 형집행기간을 단축함으로써 수형자의 사회복귀를 앞당기는 동시에 형집행에서 수형자의 자발적인 사회복귀동기를 부여하는 기능을 한다는 점에서, 교정을 넘어 범죄예방이라는 형사정책의 이념달성에 매우 효과적인 제도라는 점을 전세계적으로 인정하고 있다. 따라서 우리나라도 특히 1990년대 이후 가석방에 관련된 선행 연구들의 대부분은 형사정책적으로 가석방제도가 갖고 있는 다양한 긍정적 기능을 인정하고, 보다 적극적으로 가석방제도를 활성화해야 한다고 주장하고 있다. 그러나 그 동안 가석방제도 활성화에 대한 학계 및 실무의 요구에도 불구하고, 우리나라의 가석방 비율은 미국, 일본의 절반수준인 30%이하에 머물고 있다. 가석방제도가 활성화되지 못하는 여러 이유가 있으나 현실적으로는 범죄자에 대한 부정적인 ‘국민감정’이다. 최근 가석방제도를 활성화하기 위한 논의과정에서 교정분야에 회복적사법을 적용하여 범죄자와 피해자 모두에게 이익이 될 수 있는 방안을 찾아보자는 견해가 새롭게 대두되기 시작하였다. 대립관계인 응보적사법과 달리 가해자・피해자가 형사절차의 마지막 교정단계에서 만남의 자리를 통해 사죄・용서・화합의 과정을 통해 피해자에 대한 피해회복, 범죄자의 진정한 뉘우침을 통한 재사회화, 나아가 범죄로 인해 파괴되었던 우리사회의 갈등을 회복함으로써 ‘화해’를 통한 진정한 의미의 교정 이념(목표)을 달성할 수 있다고 보는 것이다. 이러한 회복적 사법개념의 도입은 가석방을 포함한 교정단계에서 수형자 재사회화를 위해 이루어지는 모든 처우에 대해 일반국민들의 이해와 긍정적 지지를 이끌어 냄 으로써 수형자 처우에 대한 ‘인식전환’의 계기라 될 것이라 본다. 즉 교정에 있어 회복 적 사법의 도입은 피해자의 피해회복이라는 측면과 실질적으로 수형자에 대한 사회복 귀처우 강화라는 양면을 모두 충족시키면서, 우리사회의 범죄로 인한 갈등과 상처를 치유하고 회복하게 할 수 있다는 점에서 그 의미가 매우 크다고 본다.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study would present a risk analysis method to evaluate stable tap water supply in a multi-regional water supply system and propose a measure for the evaluation of the effect of the conjunctive operation of the multi-regional water supply system using this. Judging from the vulnerability for the crisis response of the entire N. multi-regional water supply system, as compared to the result of Scenario 1 in which no conjunctive pipes were operated, it was found that in Scenario 2, in which conjunctive pipes were partially operated, the vulnerability of crisis response decreased by about 30.6%, and as compared to Scenario 3, the vulnerability of crisis response decreased by 86.2%. In setting a plan for stable tap water supply in N multi-regional water supply system, using the estimated value and the method for the evaluation of the vulnerability of crisis response by pipe, by interval and by line, it is judged that this can be utilized as a basis for the judgment of the evaluation of the operation or the additional installation of conjunctive pipes.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the condition of the hazardous materials in the bus was monitored according to the ventilation mode of the air conditioning system during bus service. The bus was surveyed using the indoor air quality measurement method of public transportation vehicles within one year of delivery. We evaluate the CO2 and PM10, which are the controlled parameters in buses by the Ministry of Environment, and VOCs and HCHO, the non-controlled parameters. The PM10 concentration increased due to outdoor air intake; however the CO2 concentration was found to decrease. In addition, the concentration of VOCs and HCHO was found to decrease due to the forced ventilation system and the outdoor air intake. These results show that the concentration of the other materials except PM10 can be changed due to the outside air concentration and forced ventilation system. Therefore, through indoor air quality characteristics of the bus according to air condition system are intended to be used as the basis of an operation manual.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The objective of this study is to propose amendments to the Act on Financial Support to introduce and operate intercity buses with wheelchair lift. METHODS : The existing Act concerning required item(Vehicle modification, Terminal modification, Operating Losses) for the introduction and operation of intercity buses with wheelchair lift is reviewed, a revision of the Act is prepared for the insufficient part. RESULTS : In order to introduce intercity buses with wheelchair lifts, vehicle modifications and terminal modifications are required. If a wheelchair user rides an intercity bus equipped with a wheelchair lift, seat losses are also generated. (The space occupied by one wheelchair is equivalent to six regular intercity bus seats or three superior bus seats.) Under the existing Act, financial support for vehicle modification is possible but financial support for terminal modification and operating losses is impossible. When proposing an intercity bus with wheelchair lift, there is evidence of financial support but there is no representation of the central and local government share ratio. Therefore, this study proposes a share ratio for the central and local government with regard to the cost of vehicle modifications. It also proposes a legal basis for financial support for terminal modifications and operating losses.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This Study is carried out to stabilize the system according to the change of superheat and subcooling in binary refrigeration system by applying cascade system. When the system on 1 st stage was started and the system on the other side was operated, a temperature reversal phenomenon occurred in which the temperature of the 1 st cascade outlet was temporarily lowered. This means that the condensate heat exchange on the 2 nd is not good, which can cause the compressor to overheated. In order to maintain stable system operation, the opening degree of the expansion valve is controlled to increase the refrigerant circulation amount, thereby facilitating the condensation heat exchange on the 2 nd stage system. We have found that the most suitable refrigerant circulation amount is found by stabilizing the operation of the system while lowerning the super low temperature from -65℃ to -70℃ and increasing again to -60℃.
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