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        검색결과 768

        2008.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tetragonal-Ni1-xPdxSi/Si (001) structure was studied by using density functional theory (DFT). An epitaxial interface between 2×2×4 (001) tetragonal-NiSi supercell and 1×1×2 (001) Si supercell was first constructed by adjusting the lattice parameters of B2-NiSi structure to match those of the Si structure. We chose Ni atoms as a terminating layer of the B2-NiSi; the equilibrium gap between the tetragonal-NiSi and Si was calculated to be 1.1 Å. The Ni atoms in the structure moved away from the original positions along the z-direction in a systematic way during the energy minimization. Two different Ni sites were identified at the interface and the bulk, respectively. The two Ni sites at the interface have 6 and 7 coordination numbers. The Ni sites with coordination number 6 at the interface were located farther away from the interface, and were more favorable for Pd substitution.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 구성주의 학습이론은 교육패러다임의 변화를 이론적으로 대변해 주고 실천적 대안을 제시해 줄 수 있는 교육에 있어서의 포스트모더니즘이라고도 불리며 객관주의에 상대되는 의미로 사용되기도 한다. 정보화 사회의 교육적 패러다임은 학습자 중심이다. 구성주의는 그러한 패러다임과 맥을 같이 함으로써 현재는 컴퓨터이용학습, 게임 기반학습, 교육용게임설계 등에 이론적 배경과 그 실천적 방안을 제시해주는 학습이론으로써 각광을 받고 있어 재미와 함께 교육성을 강조하는 교육용게임디자인연구에서도 연구가 필요하다. 이러한 구성주의 학습 이론을 고찰하고 사례를 살펴 결론적으로 시사점을 정리하여 체계적이고 교육성 있는 교육용 게임 디자인 연구 및 기획에 참고가 되고자 한다.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          The purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of union commitment and union participation intention based on the social exchange perspective and apply implications to union setting to improve union management. The results are as follows:First
        2008.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Because performance assessment such as a composition test introduces a range of factors that may influence the chances of success for a candidate on the test, those in charge of monitoring quality control for performance assessment programs need to gather information that will help them determine whether all aspects of the programs are working as intended. In the present study, generalizability theory (Brennan, 1992) was employed to examine the relative effects of various sources of variability on students" performance on an essay writing test and also to investigate the reliability of the assigned scores. The results showed that due to the largest effect associated with the students" writing ability and negligible effects associated with facets of measurement such as scoring criteria and ratings, the generalizability coefficient estimated for the writing test was high, suggesting that the test is a reliable measure of what it purports to measure, the students" writing ability.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nowadays, circulation industry is taking charge of important role in improvement of competitive power on the manufacturing industry and public welfare increase of consumer, price stabilization, employment creation and so on. A lot of research have been progressing for formation of total circulation complex, but decision making for selection of location on some facility is only calculated the optimum value when correct data values are inserted. However, a lot of decision making is accomplished in situation that have little knowledge of objective and constraints and as real world is also evaluated inclusive of analyst's subjectivity about variable, indefinite and fuzzy part, so it is decreasing a reliability on evaluation result and complicating objective evaluation on various effect and negative impact. Accordingly, from under like this situation, this study is to develop location decision model of circulation complex using fuzzy theory from the intention for the most reasonable decision making in fuzzy situation based on decision making problem on conventional location and size decision that did to be satisfactory constraints necessarily.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 퍼지이론을 이용하여 색채공간의 사용자가 원하는 분위기에 해당하는 언어 입력에 따라 조화로운 색채공간을 설계해가는 의사결정 보조 시스템을 개발하였다. 개발된 시스템에서 형용사 이미지 스케일의 언어적인 입력이 주어지면 형용사와 색채와의 관계를 퍼지관계로 가정하고 색채공간의 전체적인 분위기에 맞는 색채가 선택되며 퍼지화된 Moon-Spencer등의 색채조화에 관한 지식은 어울리는 조화색 결정의 탐색 영역을 제한하는 역할을 담당하고 이에 따라 조화색이 결정된다.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Colin Rowe was an important historian, theorist and critic in Modern architecture. His significance in Modern architectural history lies in not only historiography which has changed our view of Modernism but deep theoretical involvement in practice. This study is a critical review and analysis on his formalist approach in Architecture. With a view that his position of formalist has indispensible relationship with liberalism from K. Popper's critical rationalism, this study try to show how his philosophical background has an influence upon his way of seeing architecture, history, form, urbanism, and meaning, etc. And this study also try to explain why the principle of architecture as an autonomous discipline which is the main point of view in Rowe's criticism has been so successful and influential. This study also explain what is the possibility and limitation of Rowe's formalist approach and way of reading buildings. His intelligent way of formal analysis can give us new understandings of how the form generates and the process of design goes on. Furthermore it guide us a new horizon of architecture as a language game. Since his early writings showed both side of formalist approach in architecture and it didn't changed a lot. We can understand his 'Collage City' was a his final answer to his formalist way of making architecture and urbanism. we can estemate it as a utopia without utopianism and an ideology without ideological color.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2007.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The total energy and strength of Mg alloy doped with Al, Ca and Zn, were calculated using thedensity functional theory. The calculations was performed by two programs; the discrete variational Xα (DV-Xα) method, which is a sort of molecular orbital full potential method; Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package(VASP), which is a sort of pseudo potential method. The fundamental mixed orbital structure in each energylevel near the Fermi level was investigated with simple model using DV-Xα. The optimized crystal structurescalculated by VASP were compared to the measured structure. The density of state and the energy levels ofdopant elements was discussed in association with properties. When the lattice parameter obtained from thisstudy was compared, it was slightly different from the theoretical value but it was similar to Mk, and weobtained the reliability of data. A parameter Mk obtained by the DV-Xα method was proportional toelectronegativity and inversely proportional to ionic radii. We can predict the mechanical properties becauseis proportional to hardness.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study is to achieve a better theoretical comprehension of the 16th century music. The "modal theory" is a problematic term of Renaissance discourse about music. The 16th-century modal theory drew upon and was synthesized with diverse theoretical traditions. The aspects of modal theory that are most directly concerned with a tonal structure are discussions of modes and counterpoint. In this vein, a mode is not only a music-theoretical construct, an inherited category in a fixed set of categories, but also a tonal type in 16th century music that forms a music-analytical construct. Many changes in modal thought resulted in tensions that are reflected in 16th century theoretical writing, musical composition, and editorial practice. A general trend in 16th-century printed collections was from less tonal ordering to more, and the organization of cyclic sets became more and more common according to modal schemes as the century went on. It is important that major composers of the second half of the century adopted the old system of 8 modes. It centers round the compositions and theoretical writings of Gioseffo Zarlino (1517-90), the most famous theorist of the 16th century. Zarlino adopted Glarean`s nomenclature, including the aeolian and ionian modes. Thus, motet, "Ego veni in hortum meum"-which Zarlino had composed a representation of mode 5 in Canticum Canticorum (1540), labeled as ionian in his 1549 motet print, and mode 11 in the 1558 edition of Le istitutioni harmoniche, and mode 1 in the Dimonstrationi harmoniche (1571). This is a fair representation of multi-faceted situation that held away from the 1570s well into the 17th century. A particular 16th century tonal type has evolved into a particular 17th- century and 18th-century tonality.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PASKYULA was formed in September, 1923 through the union of artists involved in two art groups: Kim Ki-Jin, Kim Bok-Jin, Yeon Hak-Nyeon who had previously participated in the ToWolHoi, and Park Young-Hi, Lee Sang-Hwa, An Seok-Ju, former members of the BaeckJo. After its founding, the PASKYULA artists had been searching for the social function of art to reform the harsh reality of Minjung and the nation with criticism toward society as well as art world. Their art theory for MinJung could grow relatively ease in relation to changing social and political conditions in the early 1920s. In August, 1925, PASKYULA organized the Korea Artista Proletaria Federatio with the YeomGunSa, and laid the groundwork for Proletariat art movement which was regularized in the late 1920s. From PASKYULA up to the early state of KAPF, the theory of art advocated by Kim Bok-Jin and An Seok-Ju could be summarized as "art for MinJung". At that time, widely ranging discourses on MinJung, however, was spawned in art theory, because many intellectuals`─`including artists and writers`─`begun to pay more attention to MinJung, who emerged as one of the social forces after the Samil Independent Movement. Sometimes, MinJung was construed as the target of enlightenment from a negative viewpoint. On the other hand, several intellectuals under the influence of individualism asserted that the discussion itself on MinJung exerted an evil influence on art. In contrast of these cases, the PASKYULA artists including Kim Bok-Jin, An Seok-Ju perceived that MinJung had the potential to change society, and regarded them as "a creator of genuine civilization and art". In the PASKYULA artist's writings, the concept of MinJung was often overlapped with the meaning of the Choson nation suffering under colony. Although their concept of MinJung was transformed gradually into the proletariat as they were under the strong influence of socialism, it did not change that they grasped the realities of the whole Choson Peninsula through the proletarian consciousness. In the early state of PASKYULA, the methodology for social function of art was presented in a twofold manner. First of all, Kim Bok-Jin emphasized on the necessity of education to improve MinJung's way of life through art, and it was embodied by the organization of ToWol Art Workshop and public lecture. Also, he championed "the popularization of art", which was one of methods to distribute art to MinJung. According to the PASKYULA artists, art should be not art for art's sake but art for MinJung. That was why they advocated the convergence of art and MinJung's life. Especially Kim Bok-Jin affirmed a link between art and industry because he considered industry the field inextricably linked with MinJung's life. In this context, his idea could be read as the generalization and equalization within the framework of possession. Kim Bok-Jin thought that the social ramifications of capitalism deprived MinJung of their right to enjoy art, and emphasized the artist's social role to return the right to them. That is, the even distribution of art was mainly discussed than the contents of art in the half of 1920s. By 1925, the contents of art itself became an issue in the PASKYULA art theory, and it was based in realism. Kim Bok-Jin and An Seok-Ju insisted that art should be reflection of real life. At that time, realism acquired the representation of MinJung and the nation's realities not realistic style. In fact, the various Western art styles including Futurism, Constructivism, Cubism etc. were exploited in the PASKYULA's visual images. Western art, target of criticism on theory, was selectively adopted in the works which were produced by Kim Bok-Jin and An Seok-Ju. Kim Bok-Jin's MoonYeUnDong cover design was conceived of as the example in which Western art was adopted with it's ideology under the influence of MAVO, while Western art shown in An Seok-Ju's illustrations served as a decorative function in many cases. Especially, An Seok-Ju attempted the various styles of Western art simultaneously, which may be seen as representing that PASKYULA did not have a firm ideology for their style. Also, it can be read as showing his hasty zeal to overcome Western art rapidly. The wish to establish "art for MinJung" as soon as possible was accompanied with the will to jump over the all steps of Western art though it was superficial. This aspiration of PASKYULA was expressed through the mass media, which had the potential for communicating to MinJung. At this point, there was a significant disparity between PASKYULA and another art groups in the first half of 1920s. However, the PASKYULA's method on the basis of the mass media could not but have a certain limitation because of the medium's properties. Nevertheless, PASKYULA?attempts may be considered to be valuable in sense that they expended the boundaries of Korean modern art into the commercial art questioning the matter of the distribution for art.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The subject is connected with a structure named "The Symbolic" to Lacan, but he denied that the subject is explained simply as a fruit of language and "Other" From his point of view, passing through Subject, De-formation and Crack over it is designated as foundation of generation and creation rather than our destined defect. It should not be understood that subject of "The Real" is a concept of the subject free itself from restraint of "The Symbolic" However, this does not mean he asserts "Subject" is something incapable of being controlled by the unknown power. The problem is that this autonomous existence meets inside of it with something "More than one's own self" by "circulating around itself" like a permanent star. This is the indication of a "stranger in the middle of my privacy", or "extimite", a coined-word by Lacan. Perhaps "Subject" is nothing more than the name of distance of object which is "too hot" to come close, and of this circulating movement. It's because of this object that the real subject stands against generalization and the subject can't be restored to any place in symbolic order-even though it is empty. The part which is told from Lacan's structural theory, that is to say, an importance to Lacan is that his Subject theory is not suggested or denied as a manual structure. On the contrary, it is a study of the relationship between the settled symbol that included in "real subject which is a unconscious one" and the symbolic subject hold- that is a metaphysical subject in general meaning. In Lacan's enlarged concept of subject beyond symbolic reality, it is noticeable that it gives justifiability to the union of a medium of different nature in artistic expression. We can recognize that the unconscious world is a living space which enables it to be a "condition of human being" not something dark under the surface of water through Magritte's(Rene Magritte, 1898~1967) surrealistic works. In other words, Magritte's art secures a core dimension of human nature through a mysterious gap of conscious and settled space. Magritte's drawings often evokes strange and unsettling feelings in people who view his paintings. This is because routine objects are found in "unsuitable" places from which we usually find them in our everyday lives. "Reality" in Magritte's paintings makes it aware that it is a strained field of concealment and disclosure basically between truths, and we can learn that his behavior to overturn to paint in-visible things is finally an effort to restore the "real subject" to the viewer's reality. In other words, such reversion arouses a nostalgic desire for the objects existing in their original appearance as they are - natural condition that our gaze had not been distorted yet by anamorphic stains. - and the state when we are conscious of them normally. Such desire offers an opportunity for us to get out of mental depression rather than operates to us as an abnormal crack. It's successive process of effort to search for lost subject and Paradise Lost facing up to reality of subject human that is to be a subject of world and life are ousted from their place by structure and authority of culture.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          Future war needs a lot of changes for military organization. Specially, concept of the “Speed” is raised importantly after Iraq war of U.S. Armed Forces. So, He is a lot of studying supply chain for logistical support speed improvement. Korea Marine Cor
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        성대의 ≪六書尋源≫도 한자의 형성화 추세에 주목하여 형성자, 특히 형성자 성부의 표의기능에 대해서 깊게 연구하였다. 성대가 이처럼 형성자의 중요성을 인식하고 연구하게 된 데 ≪익징≫의 연구 성과가 직접적으로 영향을 주었다는 기록은 없다. 하지만 한자의 성부에 연구의 초점을 맞추었다는 공통점이 존재한다. 향후 ≪익징≫과 ≪六書尋源≫사이의 전승 관계 연구를 통하여 한국 문자학 연구의 양상과 그것이 중국과 차별되는 특징을 살펴보는 연구도 필요하리라 생각된다.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Using data from 132 telephone interviewees, we examined the role of affective-cognitive ambivalence in forming overall attitude and behavior toward toxic chemical and radioactive waste issues in Marion, Ohio in the U.S. In order to compare attitudinal preference, participants were divided into four A-C groups: action-group (Affective+/Cognitive+), detached-group (A-/C+), concerned-group (A+/C-), and inaction-group (A-/C-). Affective and cognitive components interacted, producing redundant influences on overall attitudes and judgments as frequently observed and postulated in previous attitude studies. The results showed that the action-group who were feeling unsafe and believed that environmental accidents had happened or are happening in Marion were less willing to move to the area than other three groups who were feeling safe and/or doubted reports of contamination and its relation with leukemia. Affective and cognitive components were found to have redundant influences on overall attitude. It was also observed that affective-cognitive ambivalence theory has a great potential for explaining the mechanism by which people form attitudes, especially when people have moderate or positive feelings (e.g. sympathy or eagerness for resources) toward the objects and/or when uncertainty is a major feature of environmental issue under consideration (e.g. global climate change).
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Despite many innovative changes such as CLT and task-based teaching, ELT still continues to transmit linguistic skills mostly to prepare learners for future job market (Canagarajah, 1999; Kim, 2002; Norton & Toohey, 2004; Pennycook, 2001; Sung, 2006). Accordingly, in a way to challenge the status quo of decontextualized practices in EFL in Korea, this paper exemplifies the researcher's emic experiences of realigning ELT to critical theory(CT) and pedagogy(CP) for an MA English program over the years. More specifically, after presenting existing literature on the history of ELT in Korea and CT and CP, this study utilized a research method of bricolage (Denzin & Lincoln, 2005) in which the teacher and student interviews, the student survey, and other relevant curricular and instructional materials were cross-compared and analyzed in the manner of triangulation. In doing so, this paper explains a few principles of developing an EFL graduate program for both domestic and international students. The results showed that exposing students to English-only environments and external faculty from abroad played key roles in the program. However, the lack of coherent administrative support and the high faculty turn-over rate posed constant threats to the enhancement of the program. Lastly, the paper calls for the urgent need of glocalizing curricular and instructional elements in TEFL for ‘critically conscious and conscientious’ practices by mobilizing the concept of 'criticality' in EFL contexts.