
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 530

        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The goals of this research project are to identify the genes controlling plant architecture through the establishment of foundation for molecular breeding and to develop new rice varieties with useful characters associated with high yield leading to its commercialization. The research subjects of this project are as follows: improvement of plant architecture including tiller angle and number associated to harvest-index, construction of genetic and QTL map related to plant architecture and isolation of target genes, development of molecular markers with high efficiency, and further study for the mechanisms of recombination event and reproductive barrier occurring from cross between subspecies, development of new elite rice varieties with high yield and its commercialization. The isolated genes and products of this research project will be patented and molecular markers for those genes will be applied to breeding procedure. The breeding materials produced as outcomes will be provided to other breeders for further breeding programs. The developed varieties will be patented and registered to the national list of varieties, and will be distributed to our agricultural industries for the increase of its competitiveness and farmer’s income. The patents for genes, molecular markers, and varieties will be licensed out to uphold the agricultural biotechnology industries.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The immediate early gene c-fos has long been known as a molecular marker of neural activity. The neuron's activity is transformed into intracellular calcium influx through NMDA receptors and L-type voltage sensitive calcium channels. For the transcription of c-fos, neural activity should be strong enough to activate mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway which shows low calcium sensitivity. Upon translation, the auto-inhibition by Fos protein regulates basal Fos expression. The pattern of external stimuli and the valence of the stimulus to the animal change Fos signal, thus the signal reflects learning and memory aspects. Understanding the features of multiple components regulating Fos signaling is necessary for the optimal generation and interpretation of Fos signal.
        2015.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, the use of eco-friendly deicer is recommended for solving problem of chloride deicing salts. The laboratory tests are often used to evaluate deicer performance, but they have been shown to correlate poorly to actual field performance. Thus, we would like to introduce the field test method for improving the performance qualification of anti-icing materials.
        2015.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research project is to be carried out to propose the methodologies for improving the structural maintenance system by performance concepts consideration. The main contents of this project are performance(Safety, Durability, Serviceability etc) based management methodology. If this project is performed successfully, it is expected that the infrastructures can be effectively managed in Korea.
        2015.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The Science and Technology process focuses on a number of areas where science and technology development provides a major opportunity to innovate water resources management. A number of areas have been carefully selected and are described below. Main focus 1: Efficient water management Today’s water management continues to be highly inefficient in many respects, seriously hampering the sustainable management of water resources, delivery of services and the protection of human health and the environment. In the years to come, major efforts will need to be made to improve water efficiency as a means to secure water resources, adapt to climate change, or operate water services systems at lower costs. Sub Focus: Urban water efficiency, Agricultural water efficiency, Industrial water efficiency, Energy efficiency in water and waste water systems Main focus 2: Resource recovery from water and waste-water systems Increasingly, water and waste-water systems are recognized as potential sources of recovering water, energy, nutrients and other materials. At the same time, the re-use of waste water in agricultural, industrial and urban applications is gaining momentum. The development of re-use and recycling within the water and waste-water sectors provides major opportunities for improving environmental performance, creating climate benefits and reducing costs. Sub Focus: Water re-use and recycling technologies, Energy recovery and production from water and waste water cycles, Nutrients recovery from waste water Main focus 3: Water and Natural disasters As the devastating impact of recent natural disasters such as the flood occurred in Thailand in 2011, indicates, mankind is vulnerable to extreme weather events in developing and even in developed countries. Clearly, such extreme events have always been part of our life and may be caused by climate change. This makes water related problems, especially, such as floods and droughts, more difficult to analyze and predict. Climate change is predicted to have a range of serious consequences, some of which will have impact over the longer term, like droughts, while some have immediate and obvious impacts, such as intense rain and flooding. Floods and droughts are major natural disasters involving loss of life and the destruction of property. So, we may need advanced technologies and measures in order to cope with natural disasters. Sub Focus: Climate change : impact assessment and adaptation, Drought analysis and management, Urban floods and damage reduction studies, RS and GIS applications for natural hazards Main focus 4: Smart technology for Water Water management is increasingly influenced by developments in Smart Technology(ST). Better use of this ST in measuring, monitoring and distributing water can lead to a significant contribution in overcoming water management challenges in the 21st century. Bridging the ‘divide’ between the water and ST sectors will be important in the development and (wide-scale) application of new smart technologies in the water sector. Sub Focus: Urban and Irrigation water management and ST, Integrated and intelligent river basin water management and ST, Design and implementation of smart water grid, Water resources management and Big Data Main focus 5: Understanding and managing ecosystem services for water Ecosystems provide valuable services underpinning water security and the sustainable management of water resources. In recent years, major advances have been made in understanding the role of ecosystems in, for example, reducing floods, recharging aquifers, or protecting and improving water quality. Sub Focus: The science and technology of natural and green infrastructure management, The economic valuation of ecosystem services for water, The payment for ecosystem services for water quality and delivery
        2015.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 Google Map과 연동하여 원하는 곳의 위성사진을 이용하거나 사전에 미리 획득한 위성사진을 이용하여 해안선을 추출하고 이를 활용하여 해안으로 들어오는 주파향각을 자동으로 계산하는 프로그램을 개발하였다. 본 프로그램은 Matlab GUI(Graphical User Interface)로 개발하여 사용자의 접근성이 편리하고 프로그램 활용이 직관적이다. 해안선은 해안으로 들어오는 파봉선의 모양과 유사하게 형성되며 일정 시간이 지난 후 안정화된다. 최근 전국 연안에 잠재나 이안제 등 인공구조물의 건설로 인해 해안으로 들어오는 파봉선에 변화가 생기면서 이로 인하여 평형상태를 이룬 해안선이 새로이 변화하는 파봉선에 안정화되면서 퇴적 및 침식이 가속화되는 등 심각한 문제를 야기하고 있다. 본 프로그램을 통해 위성사진에서 해안선을 추출하고 해안에 입사하는 주파향각을 산정할 수 있으며, 이를 통해 해당 지역에 인공 구조물 등이 건설된 이후의 해안선의 변화를 예측할 수 있다. 본 프로그램을 활용하여 인공구조물 건설 후 해안선의 변화를 예측하여 구조물의 위치나 크기 등을 결정하는데 도움이 되는 툴로써 활용 할 수 있으리라 기대된다.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        독특한 잎의 형태, 색상과 질감은 높은 관상가치를 나타내는 특 징들이다. 일반적인 녹색 관엽식물에 비해 잎에 두 가지 이상의 색 이 혼입된 무늬 관엽식물은 원예적으로 관상가치가 높다. 관엽 베 고니아인 B. rex ‘Harmony’s Red Robin’은 긴 엽병과 반짝이는 적색 무늬, 그리고 거친 질감의 잎을 가진 동인도 원산의 근경성 품 종이다. 그러나 자연채광이 불량한 실내에서는 낮은 광도로 인해 무늬 식물 고유의 색상이 퇴색되는 경향이 있어 관상가치가 감소된 다. 식물은 적정 광도에서 가장 잘 자란다. 따라서 관상가치를 유지 하기 위해서는 불충분한 실내 광조건이 개선되어야 한다. 따라서 본 연구는 실내에서 무늬 베고니아 ‘Harmony’s Red Robin’의 생 육 적정 광도를 조사하기 위해 실시되었다. 광원은 보편적 실내 광 원인 형광등(fluorescent lamp)을 이용하였고, 광도에 따른 생육 특성과 무늬발현특성, 색소함량을 처리 전 초기값을 기준으로 분석 하였다. 그 결과, 무늬 베고니아 ‘Harmony’s Red Robin’은 60μ mol·m-2·s-1 광도에서 가장 생육이 양호하였으나 적색발현을 나타 내는 적색도와 안토시아닌 함량은 모든 처리에서 초기값보다 감소 했다. 결론적으로, B. rex ‘Harmony’s Red Robin’의 실내에서 적 정광도는 60μmol·m-2·s-1이었다. 그러나, B. rex ‘Harmony’s Red Robin’의 잎 무늬에 있어서 적색발현을 향상시키기 위한 추가적인 연구가 필요하다.
        2014.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, it is established to Limit State Design(LSD) method such as Eurocode, AASHTO LRFD, KBDC(LSD)2012 which is a design criteria of reliability-based according to the international standards. But it requires sufficient reviews of the bridge assessment method applied to this LSD method because current assessment methods are ASD and USD. In this study, in order to be compared with a previous diagnosis data and utilize to assessment methods studies based on the LSD, we have proposed the introduction of the way to improve the existing evaluation procedures.
        2014.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research project is to be carried out to propose the methodologies for improving the structural maintenance system by performance concepts consideration. The main contents of this project are performance based management methodology, report card for infrastructures etc. If this project is performed successfully, it is determined that the infrastructures can be effectively managed in Korea.
        2014.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        대학이 성과 창출 조직으로 변화되면서 대학 행정조직의 인적자원관리는 경쟁력 강화의 새로운 축으로 떠오르고 있다. 최근 대학에서는 직원 역량의 중요성을 인식하고 역량모델을 인사관리에 도입하는 사례가 증가하고 있다. 이 연구는 대학 행정조직의 역량모델 개발 및 활용 실태 분석을 목적으로 한다. 이 연구는 역량모델을 활용하고 있는 3개 국립대학의 사례를 분석했다. 분석 자료로 공문서, 발표 자료, 인사담당자의 인터뷰가 활용되었다. 연구결과, 역량모델 도입 배경으로 총장의 인적자원개발에 대한 관심과 지지가 중요한 역할을 하였다. 교육부 권고사항 이행이나 Best HRD 인증을 위한 수단적 목적도 있었다. 또한, 역량모델의 개발 절차상 타당성 확보가 되지 않은 대학의 사례도 있었다. 역량도출 방법으로는 행동사건기법, 역량 사전 활용방법 등이 활용되었다. 역량군은 공통역량, 직무역량, 리더십역량으로 유사하게 구성되었으나, 직무와 직위 고려 여부는 대학마다 차이가 있었다. 역량 항목 중 전문가 의식, 의사소통, 기획력, 팀워크, IT/PC 능력이 많았다. 역량모델의 활용 범위가 가장 넓은 분야는 교육훈련이며 승진, 경력개발, 인센티브 등에는 부분적으로 적용되고 있었다. 역량모델 도입 후 가장 큰 구성원의 변화는 역량개발에 대한 필요성 인식과 관심이 제고되었다는 것이었다.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        NABIC(National Agricultural Biotechnology Information Center) established integrated management system of agricultural omics information to achieve and analyze a agricultural bio-information resources in Korea. The amount of bio-information is enormously increasing due to emergence of NGS(Next Generation Sequencing) technology. We are building, maintaining and providing agricultural bio-information databases and information services. Various data type for submission is available such as genome, proteome, transcriptome, metabolome, molecular marker, etc. We issue the submission confirmation which is available for research achievement. Currently, the amount of data submitted on our system is 30Tb. We are also providing various analysis pipelines such as NGS analysis(denovo, rna-seq, reference assembly), Gene annotation, GWAS, marker analysis for breeding ,Microbial community analysis and differential expression profiling analysis using submitted data through web. We have a plan to provide bioinformatics education portal in this year.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Maize breeding is mainly divided by two steps; line development and hybrid selection. Line development is very important procedure to make good hybrids and this line development in Korea is fully depend upon conventional methods like pedigree selection, back-cross, etc. For development of pure line, we have to do self-pollination for at least seven cycles. This line development system is tedious, labor-intensive, and time-consuming procedure. Doubled Haploid technology for maize is a new system to develop inbred lines within short period and many maize research institutes in foreign advanced countries have been actively using this technology. Using Doubled Haploid technology, we can greatly reduce the period of line development and strengthen maize research ability in Korea. Key requisite for Doubled Haploid breeding is possession of inducer lines which can produce haploid when source population is crossed with them. Maize Research Institute in Gangwon Province secures the right of using inducer lines and is trying to introduce Doubled Haploid breeding in Korea. Doubled Haploid breeding system is as follows; crossing between population and inducer, separation haploid seeds from F1 seeds, chromosome doubling, doubled plant management, self-pollination, seed multiplication, and assessment. We expect our breeding capacity will be progressed by introduction of Doubled Haploid technology. When this technology comes to combine with marker assisted selection, we can increase competitiveness against global institutes.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We are now currently facing serious climate changes such as super typhoon, flood, intense heat, severe cold, super hurricane, drought, desertification, destruction of ecosystem, marine pollution, reduction of food production, destruction of tropical forests, exhaustion of water resources, climate refugees, etc. All of the above mainly derive from greenhouse gas exhaustion. Such harmful consequence might directly affect mankind’s sustainable development. If we keep using resources that emits greenhouse gases, the global temperature will rise about 3.2℃ by year 2050. In case of 3℃ rise in temperature, it will result in abnormal climate which will bring about severe property damage. Moreover, 20~50% of the ecosystem will become extinct. As Korea’s economy increasingly expands, so do our energy consumption rises. And because of the consequences that can be driven by increasing rate of resource use, not just Korea itself, but also the whole world should seriously concern about greenhouse gases. Although agricultural division only takes up about 3.2% of total greenhouse gas emission, the ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs are taking voluntary actions to gradually reduce CO2 and so does each and every related organizations. In order to reduce CO2, introduction of new and renewable energy in farm house warming is crucial. In other words, implementing wood-pellet boiler and geothermal heat boiler can largly reduce CO2 emission compared to diesel boiler. More importantly, not only wood-pellet and geothermal heat is pollution-free but they also have economic advantages somewhat. In this thesis, the economic advantage and sustainablity will be introduced and proved through comparing practical analysis of surveyed farm house under structure employing wood-pellet boiler and geothermal heat boiler with Agriculture-Economic Statistic of 2012 who uses diesel boiler.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        e-Navigation은 선박의 안전과 보안 및 해양환경 보호를 목적으로 선박의 출항에서 입항까지 전 과정에 있어 선박과 육상 간 필요 정보를 수집, 통합, 교환, 표현 및 분석하는 체계를 구축하는 정책이다. 북유럽에서는 이 정책의 수행과제들 중 하나로 선박 대 선박 그리고 선 박 대 육상 사이에 선박 경로정보를 교환하는 방식을 고안하였다. 현재는 주변 선박 간 경로정보를 교환하여 항행정보로 활용하는 방안부터 항 해계획상의 전 경로에 대해 육상과 선박 간 다양한 정보를 공유하는 방안까지 다양한 연구를 진행 중이며, 향후 경로교환시스템이 선박통합항 행시스템의 주요 기능으로 구현될 때에는 현재의 해상교통관제 방식에도 커다란 변화를 가져올 것으로 예상된다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 북유럽 에서 시작한 경로교환 선행연구를 소개하고 실제 선박충돌사고 사례에 가상 적용하여 그 실효성을 확인하였다. 더불어 관제해역 내 적용 시 문 제점을 분석하고 개선방안으로 선박 주도가 아닌 VTS 중심의 경로교환 방안을 도출하였으며, 관련 관제장비의 기능 개선안과 연안 해상교통 관제에 해상교통조정 기능의 필요성과 방향성을 검토하여 우리나라 연안에 적합한 경로공유 방안을 제시하였다.