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        검색결과 654

        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The detrimental effect of high salinity on crop production is a serious problem. However, the number of genes with known functions relating to salinity tolerance is very limited in rice. To effectively address this limitation, selection of useful candidate genes and identification of major regulatory factors through global approaches are necessary. To this end, we used three data series of affymetrix array data produced with salt-treated samples from NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/) and identified 653 rice genes commonly differentially expressed under three salt-stress conditions. While evaluating the quality of selected candidate genes for salt-stress responses, Gene ontology enrichment analysis revealed that responses to salt and water stresses of biological process category are highly overrepresented in salt-stress conditions. In addition, the major salt stress-responsive metabolism process and regulatory gene modules are classified through MapMan analysis, and detailed elements for further studies are suggested. Based on this, we proposed a salt stress-responsive signaling pathway in rice. The functional analysis of the main signal transduction and transcription regulation factors identified in this pathway will shed light on a novel regulatory metabolism process that can be manipulated to develop crops with enhanced salinity tolerance.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To understand molecular mechanisms underlying adaptation of plant cells to saline stress and stress memory, we developed Arabidopsis callus suspension-cultured cells adapted to high salt. Adapted cells to high salt exhibited enhanced tolerance compared to control cells. Moreover, the salt tolerance of adapted cells was stably maintained even after the stress is relieved, indicating that the salt tolerance of adapted cells was memorized. Salt-adapted and stress memorized cells were densely aggregated and formed multi-layered cell lump. Cell morphology analysis using transmission electron microscopy indicated that cell wall thickness of salt-adapted cells was significantly induced compared to control cells. In order to characterize metabolic responses of plant cells during adaptation to high salt stress as well as stress memory, we compared metabolic profiles of salt-adapted and stress-memorized cells with control cells by using NMR spectroscopy. A principle component analysis showed clear metabolic discrimination among control, salt-adapted and stress-memorized cells. Compared with control cells, metabolites related to shikimate metabolism such as tyrosine, and flavonol glycosides, which are related to protective mechanism of plant against stresses were largely up-regulated in adapted cell lines. Moreover, coniferin, a precursor of lignin, was more abundant in salt-adapted cells than control cells. The results provide new insight into metabolic level mechanisms of plant adaptation to saline stress as well as stress memory.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Salt and drought stresses affect virtually every aspect of plant physiology and metabolism and thus limiting the productivity of crop plants worldwide. Salt and drought tolerance and adaptation in rice has been improved by engineering various genes related to transcription, signaling, accumulation of antioxidants and compatible solutes etc. Previously, we have produced 2,000 non-GM mutants induced by Tos17 in rice. We analyzed >2,000 flanking sequences of newly transposed Tos17 copies by the adaptor-ligation PCR method. We also identified significantly up- or down-regulated genes under drought, salt, or ABA stress in rice based on expression microarray data, which previously were performed from leaf at different developmental stages and conditions. For screening and characterizing the salt or drought tolerance mutations by extensive phenotypic analysis as well as the functional analysis of genes, we selected 133 mutant lines. To evaluate rice phenotypic traits under abiotic stress condition, we plan to investigate phenomics, which integrates technologies such as photonics, biology, computers, and robotics.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is a major agricultural crop widely used for providing human and animal food owing to its high protein and oil content. For this reason, they have been consumed in Asia and world greatly and demand is ever increasing. Soybean is classified as a moderately salt-sensitive crop and its production is greatly affected due to increasing salinity stress. About 8 % of the world’s total land is salt-affected. In Korea, around 9 % of total agricultural land (approximately 130,000ha) was reclaimed since 1960's. In order to meet the demand for soybean and to solve arable land shortage problem, it is unavoidable to cultivate soybean in salt-affected soils. Fortunately, soybean germplasm has been shown to have salt-tolerant phenotypes, which have been used to identify the salt-tolerant genes. GmCHX1, a novel ion transporter, is one of the genes known to confer salt tolerance in soybeans. Present study was conducted to understand the effects of sequence variations of GmCHX1, on salt tolerance in wild and cultivated soybeans. A total of 1026 (301 lines of G. max and 725 lines of G. soja) lines were phenotyped for salt tolerance in greenhouse conditions. At the V1-V2 growth stage, the plants were treated with 100mM NaCl solution for two weeks and thereafter the response was measured depending on leaf scorch score (1-health, 3-mid, 5-dead). About 20 lines found to show tolerance to saline conditions and were selected for sequence analysis of GmCHX1. Most of the haplotypes detected in this study corresponded with the haplotype patterns in previous studies. However, several lines showed different patterns of polymorphism in the coding region, suggesting that sequencing of more lines and analysis for the polymorphism in GmCHX1 is needed in order to identify new haplotypes that could confer greater salt tolerance.
        2015.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As the usage of supplementary additives such as blast furnace slag and fly ash for concrete was increased, the carbonation of concrete has been a problem. Hence, in this research, as a solution of carbonation of the high-volume supplementary additive concrete, the effect of waste oil based liniment on carbonation and chloride resistivity was analyzed when it applied on the surface of the concrete.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        소금은 우리가 살아가기 위해서 반드시 섭취해야하는 성분이지만 많이 섭취했을 경우 각종 성인병을 일으키는 양날의 칼을 가진 존재이다. 따라서 우리는 천일염을 많이 선호한다. 그러나 천일염도 만드는 과정이 매우 중요하다. 염전에 보통 빗물과 바닷물이 고이게 되면 이끼가 끼는데 이것을 쉽게 제거하기 위해 염산을 뿌리는 경우가 있다. 그것이 고스란히 소금에 묻어나는 것이다. 또 소금을 생산할 때는 염전 바닥에 황토를 깔아 토판염을 만들어 이용하는데 이렇게 하면 미네랄이 더욱 풍부해진다. 그래서 토판염은 보통의 소금보다 가격이 5배 이상 비싸다. 소금을 만들 때 중국산 소금을 염전에 뿌리고 다시 거둬들여서 원산지를 국내산으로 표기하는 경우도 많다. 화학적으로 만든 공업용 소금을 들여와 국내산 천일염으로 둔갑시키는 경우도 많다. 그러므로 생산과정과 유통경로가 확실히 보장되는 제품을 선택하는 것이 가장 좋은 방법이다. 소금은 고혈압의 원인을 제공하는 것이 아니라 오히려 혈압을 낮추는 역할을 한다고 할 수 있다. 이미지 맵을 통한 디자인 요소별 분석방법을 제시하고 국내외의 소금패키지디자인을 비교 평가한 결과 새롭게 디자인하여 제시된 천사의 섬 신안천일염 패키지가 종합평가에서 가장 우수한 디자인으로 평가 결과가 나옴으로서 향후 소금패키지 디자인 시 평가 요소별 가중치를 고려하여 디자인함으로서 수용자와 공감이 되어 구매 시 선택의 폭을 최소화할 수 있다는 결론을 얻을 수 있었다.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 천일염, 정제염, 해양심층수염을 사용하여 제조한 절임배추의 냉장저장(0˚C) 중 품질변화 및 시판제품과의 품질특성을 비교 조사하였다. pH의 경우 저장기간 전반적으로 S, R, D 구가 CS, CR, CD 구에 비해 높았고, 적정산도는 저장기간 전반적으로 CS, CR, CD 구가 S, R, D 구에 비해 높았다. 수분함량은 저장기간이 경과할수록 삼투압 작용에 의하여 모든 실험군에서 감소하였고, 염도는 S, R, D 구가 2.0~2.6%로 CS, CR, CD 구(0.9~1.8%)에 비해 저장기간 동안 유의적으로 높았다. 총균수 및 유산균수는 CS, CR, CD 구가 저장 1주 이후부터 급격히 증가하여 저장기간 동안 S, R, D 구에 비해 유의적으로 높게 나타나 pH 및 적정산도의 변화에 영향을 주었다. 경도와 씸힘성의 경우 모든 실험군에서 저장기간이 경과함에 따라 감소하였고 저장기간 동안 해양심층수염으로 제조한 절임배추(D)의 경도가 다른 실험군에 비해 유의적으로 높게 나타났다. 유리아미노산 총량은 CD 구가 가장 높았고 D 구가 가장 낮았으며, 필수아미노산의 비율은 소금의 종류에 따른 큰 차이를 보이지 않았지만, 비필수아미노산의 비율은 해양심층수염으로 제조 된 시판제품이 가장 높았다. 유기산 총량은 CD 구가 가장 높았고 해양심층수염으로 제조한 D와 정제염으로 제조한 R 구가 가장 낮았다. 무기질 총함량의 경우에도 CD 구가 실험군 중 가장 높았고, D, S, R, CR, CS 순으로 낮게 나타났다. K와 Mg 함량은 해양심층수염으로 제조한 D 구가 실험군 중 가장 높았고, Na 함량은 CD구가 가장 높았다. 관능적 외관, 산미 및 전체적 기호도는 모든 실험군에서 저장기간이 경과함에 따라 감소하였으나 해양심층수염으로 제조한 절임배추(D)의 외관, 산미 및 전체적 기호도는 저장기간 동안 다른 실험군에 비해 유의적으로 높은 평가를 받았다. 즉, 해양심층수염으로 절임배추를 제조할 경우 천일염이나 정제염으로 절임한 배추에 비해 관능적으로 우수하고 무기질, 유기산 함량이 높은 양질의 절임배추를 제조할 수 있을 것으로 사료되었다.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Salt stress is one of the major abiotic stresses affecting the yield of ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer). The objective of this study was to identify bio-marker, which is early responsive in salt stress in ginseng, using proteomics approach. Ginseng plants were exposed to 5 ds/m salt concentration and samples were harvested at 0, 6, 12 and 18 hours after exposure. Total proteins were extracted from ginseng leaves treated with salt stress using Mg/NP-40 buffer and were separated on high resolution 2-DE. Approximately 1003±240 (0 h), 992±166 (6 h), 1051±51 (12 h) and 990±160 (18 h) spots were detected in colloidal CBB stained 2D maps. Among these, 8 spots were differentially expressed and were identified by using MALDI-TOF/TOF MS or/and LC-MS/MS. Ethylene response sensor-1 (spot GL 1), nucleotide binding protein (spot GL 2), carbonic anhydrase-1 (spot GL 3), thylakoid lumenal 17.9 kDa protein (spot GL 4) and Chlorophyll a/b binding protein (spot GL 5, GL 6) were up-regulated at the 12 and 18 hour, while RuBisCO activase B (spot GL 7) and DNA helicase (spot GL 8) were down-regulated. Thus, we suggest that these proteins might participate in the early response to salt stress in ginseng leaves.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 국내 천일염 생산 대표지역의 갯벌천일염 15종과 외국산 소금 38종에 대한 이화학적 품질 특성, 중금속 함량 및 phthalate 화합물의 오염 수준을 평가하였다. MSS에서 DEHP는 9.00~669.89 ppb 수준으로 검출되었으나 인체 안전성을 우려할만한 수준은 아니었다. 그러나 FS는 FSS 5종(3,440.64, 3,266.56, 2,189.65, 4,010.69, 4,554.20 ppb)과 FLSS 1종(1,983.27 ppb)에서 DEHP 용출규격 1.5 ppm이하를 초과하는 높은 수준이 검출되었으며, FSS 2종(930.15, 1,310.07 ppb), FLSS 1종(924.92 ppb)에서도 비교적 높은 수준이 검출되었다. 그 외의 phthalate 화합물에서는 MSS와 FS 모두에서 인체 안전성을 우려할만한 수준은 검출되지 않았다. Na 이온은 MSS(363,633.98 ppm)에 비해 FS(407,345.87~426,612.14 ppm)에서 높은 수준(p<0.05)이었으며, Mg(p<0.01), K(p<0.05), Ca 이온(p<0.05)은 FRS에서 가장 낮은 함량을, FSS에서 가장 높은 함량을 나타내었다. Cl 이온의 경우 MSS(532,727.07 ppm)에서 가장 낮은 함량(p<0.001)을 나타낸 반면, Br 이온(625.07 ppm)은 가장 높은 함량(p<0.001)을 나타내었으며 SO4 이온에서 유의한 차이는 없었다. MSS에서 Mn 함량이 높았으며, Al과 Fe의 함량은 FLSS에서 높은 수준이었다. MSS와 FS의 중금속에서 유의한 차이는 없었으며, 식용소금에 대한 중금속기준을 초과하지는 않아 소금을 통한 중금속은 안전한 수준으로 판단된다.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We investigated whether sound waves could improve salt tolerance in rice seedling. The rice seedlings were sound treated with 800 Hz for 1hr, and then treated with 0, 75, 150, and 225mM NaCl for 3 days to observe changes in physiological and morphological aspects. Sound treatment seedlings resulted in enhanced salt stress tolerance, mainly demonstrated by the sound treated seedlings exhibiting of increased root relative water contents (RWC), root length and weight, photochemical efficiency (ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence, Fv/Fm), and germination rate under salt stress condition. This demonstrates that a specific sound wave might be used, not only to alter gene expression in plant, but also to improve salt stress tolerance. In order to test the sound’s effect on plant and its contribution in drought tolerance, plants were subjected to various sound frequencies for an hrs. After 24-hrs sound treatment, plants were exposed to drought for next five days. During the experiment it was observed that sound initiated physiological changes showing tolerance in plant. Sound frequency with ≥ 0.8 kHz enhanced relative water content, stomatal conductance and quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm ratio) in drought stress environment. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production in sound treated plantwasdeclinedcomparedtocontrol. ThermaCAM (Infra-red camera) a software which was used to analyze the plant images temperature showed that sound treated plant and leaf had less temperature (heat) compared to control. The physiological mechanism of sound frequencies induce tolerance in rice plants are discussed.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to isolate a salt tolerant gene and to develop salt tolerant rice for reclaimed-saline areas through genetic transformation. A rice c/DRE binding factor 4(OsCBF4) cDNA was isolated from rice using RT-PCR. The full-length cDNA of the CBF4 gene consists of 1,429 nucleotides and 274 amino acid residues. In order to develop salt tolerant rice, transgenic rice plants containing the OsCBF4 gene were obtained via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The stable incorporation of the OsCBF4 gene into rice genome was confirmed by PCR and Southern analysis. The stable expression of introduced gene was also validated by RT-PCR analysis in T2 plants. Biological assay of T3 progeny of the transgenic plants in Yoshida solution containing 120mM Nacl for 2weeks, confirmed that the OsCBF4 confers salt tolerance to transgenic rice plants. OsCBF4 transgene in the transgenic line CBF4-10 was markedly expressed up to over three-fold in the leaf by 120 mM NaCl treatment. Real-time PCR analysis revealed that the levels of the transgene expression were markedly increased under salt treatment. The transgenic line CBF4-10 which showed highest ability to recover from the saline stress could be used as a potential source for salt tolerance in rice breeding programs
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Transgenic potatoes expressing glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD), isolated from the oyster mushroom, Pleurotus sajor-caju, had increased tolerance to salt stress (Jeong et al. 2001). To examine the physiological mechanisms enhancing salt tolerance in GPD transgenic rice plants, the salt tolerance of five GPD transgenic rice lines (T1–T5) derived from Dongjin rice cultivar was tested in a fixed 150-mM saline environment in comparison to two known wild-type rice cultivars, Dongjin (salt sensitive) and Pokali (salt tolerant). Transgenic lines T2, T3, and T5 showed a substantial increase in biomass and relative water content compared to Dongjin. Stomatal conductance and osmotic potential were higher in the GPD transgenic lines and were similar to those in Pokali. The results are discussed based on the comparative physiological response of GPD transgenic lines with those of the salt-sensitive and salt-tolerant rice cultivars.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Rice is a staple food for over one-half of the world population, especially in Asian countries. Recently, the growth and yield of crop plants was affected by various abiotic stresses, such as salt, drought, and high temperature due to change of climate environment. To study molecular functions of Oryza sativa nuclear-targeted RING Finger Proteins (OsNRFPs) in response to abiotic stresses, we selected 44 OsNRFPs genes, whose subcelluar localizations are predicted to the nucluear, on the basis of expression patterns of a microarray dataset. A total of 44 OsNRFPs were grouped into two types such as RING-HC and RING-H2 via phylogeneitc analysis of their RING domains structures. Subsequently, we surveyed the expression patterns of 44 genes in response to salt stress via qRT-PCR in roots. We found 10 salt stress-induced OsNRFPs and then examined their subcellular localizations. These genes were clearly localized to the nucleus (OsNRFPHC-10), cytoplasm (OsNRFPHC-17 and OsNRFPH2-16) and microtuble (OsNRFPHC-23, OsNRFPH2-17 and OsNRFPH2-05), respectively. These results might provide a key clue for understanding moleuclar functions of the OsNRFP genes associated with salt stress-related signaling pathway
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Crops are exposed to various environmental stresses. These have been affecting the growth of crops, resulting in the severe loss of agronomic production in many countries. Therefore, development of new varieties of resistant crops is required to assure the desired productivity of crops in stress conditions. In this study, a putatively stress-related gene BrTSR53 was isolated from Brassica rapa. The BrTSR53 is 481 bp long and contains ORF region of 234 bp. The expression of BrTSR53 was determined by quantitative real-time PCR analysis. After 3 hr, the highest quantities of mRNA were revealed in cold and salt stress treatments. In drought stress treatments, there was the highest expression after 36 hr. Therefore, it was confirmed that the ORF in BrTSR53 should be a gene that confer increased resistance to B. rapa growing in different stress conditions. The ORF region of BrTSR53 gene was cloned into an expression vector, pYES-DEST52, and a new protein with molecular weight of 13 kDa was detected by western blot analysis. Also, stress tolerance tests showed that BrTSR53-ORF transgenic yeast exhibited increased resistance to the salt stresses compared with the control. In conclusion, the present data predicts that novel ORF in BrTSR53 can serve as an important genetic resource for abiotic stress resistance.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to establish a system for plant fluorescence image acquisition and to verify the possibility of plant fluorescence image analysis as a non-destructive method to screen the salt tolerance of soybean (Glycine max). Two-weeks-old seedlings of soybean at the V1 growth stage were treated with 0, 50, and 100 mM of NaCl for salt stress and plant fluorescence images were taken by CCD camera (EOS-600D, Canon, Japan) equipped with band pass filter (XNiteBPB, LPD LLC, USA) at 0, 15, 30, 60, 120 and 240 second after blue light exposure at 1 day after treatment. Red color intensity was extracted using MatLab 8.1 (The MathWorks Inc., USA) for estimation of plant fluorescence intensity. Red color intensity of soybean image decreased 0 (F0-10) to 240 (F240-250) second after blue light exposure irrespective of NaCl concentration, while F0-10/F240-250 decreased with NaCl concentration, resulting in significant relationship with plant fluorescence (Fv/Fm) and salt stress intensity. Therefore, our results suggest that our plant fluorescence image acquisition and analysis methods can be a part of high-throughput screening system for salt tolerance of soybean varieties
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A total area of reclaimed land in Korea is about 135,100 ha, which occupies 9 % of total arable land. Soybean is one of the most important crop in Korea and demand for the crop is increasing, while the country’s self-sufficiency is very low, around 9 %. If it’s possible to cultivate soybean in reclaimed land, it would increase self-sufficiency of the soybean. However, there are difficulties to cultivate soybean in reclaimed land because of excessive level of salinity in the soil, to prevent this barrier in saline soils, it is necessary to develop salt tolerant soybean cultivar. This research was conducted to select salt tolerant lines derived from PI 483463 (salt tolerant wild soybean accession). The F1 (Hutcheson × PI 483463) was backcrossed with Hutcheson and Wooram (salt sensitive soybean cultivar). For marker assisted selection and salt reaction phenotyping, randomly selected BC1F1 seeds from two backcross populations were planted in 11 cm tall tray. At the V1 growth stage, DNA was sampled with FTA card. The genomic DNA and SSR marker, BARCSOYSSR_03_1348, were used for PCR amplification and the result was checked through electrophoresis. The trays with BC1F1 plants were immersed in 100 mM NaCl solution up to the bottom third of the trays directly after the DNA extraction. After two weeks, phenotype was measured depending on leaf scorch degree. Through this research, 25 dominant homozygote lines and 22 heterozygote lines from Hutcheson backcross population and 28 dominant homozygote lines and 37 heterozygote lines from Wooram backcross population were selected. These lines will be used for developing soybean with salt tolerance
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soil salinity limits crop productivity in many regions. This problem would be more serious as the global climate changes and worldwide water shortages would accelerate soil salinization. This study is fulfilled with aim on resolve crop cultivation in dry/saline land as an international joint research project with Tunisia. Total 48 lines of wheat cultivars including 32 common wheat (16 Korean wheat, 16 Tunisian common wheat) and 16 Tunisian durum wheat were incorporated in this study. Salt stress was applied for 2 weeks by submerging the pots into 500 mM NaCl at 3-leaf stage followed by re-watering for restoration in greenhouse. Numerous agronomic/growth parameters were scored for tolerence. SSR primers that have been known to be related to salt tolerance were applied to explain selected population. The correlation between PCR-based length polymorphism of selected lines and their resistance were evaluated. The obtained information will aid selection for salt tolerance hexa/tetraploid wheats. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MEST) (No. 2012K1A3A1A09028123) and carried out with the support of “Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project title: Development of high yielding wheat with stress tolerance via molecular breeding strategies, Project No. PJ008031)”, Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 한국 서남해안지역에 분포하고 있는 갯개미자리의 염농도에 따른 발아와 생장반응을 구명하고자 수행하였으며 결과는 아래와 같다. 1.갯개미자리의 염농도 및 온도별 발아율을 조사한 결과, NaCl 0~1.0%에서는 15℃에서 발아율이 90% 이상으로 높았고, NaCl 2.0%에서는 모든 온도에서 발아가 되지 않았다. NaCl 0%에서 발아율은 10℃에서 20℃까지는 90% 이상을 보였지만, 25℃에서는 51.7%로 급격히 낮아졌다. 또한 15℃에서 NaCl 농도별 발아율이 80% 이상 되는 시기는 NaCl 0%와 0.3%에서는 5일, NaCl 0.5%에서는 7일, NaCl 1%에서는 9일이었고, NaCl 2%에서는 발아하지 못하였다.2.염농도별로 8주 동안 양액재배한 결과, 염농도가 NaCl 0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 mM에서는 NaCl 50 mM 처리구가 초장 12.5 cm, 건물중 0.73 g로 생장이 가장 좋았다. 또한 해수 0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100%에서는 해수 12.5% 처리구가 초장 20.9 cm, 건물중 0.72 g으로 생장이 가장 좋았으며, 이들 염농도는 모두 NaCl 0.3% 수준이었다.3.염농도에 따른 무기성분 함량은 NaCl 농도가 높을수록 Na+ 함량은 높아졌지만, K+과 Ca+, Mg+은 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 특히 Na+ 함량과 K+ 함량이 대조적으로 변화하였으며, 이들은 NaCl 50 mM에서 함량이 급격히 변화한 다음 NaCl 400 mM까지 완만한 함량 변화를 보였다. 4.이상의 결과로 볼 때, 갯개미자리는 안정적인 발아를 위해 NaCl 1.0% 이하에서 15℃ 유지가 필요하고 재배에서는 NaCl 0.3% 수준이 적정 염농도로 생각 된다.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        내염성과 관련 있는 벼의 CBF4 유전자(OsCBF4)를 벼에서 과발현 시켜 염 스트레스 조건에서 저항성이 증진된 내염성 유전자원을 개발하였다. RT-PCR을 수행하여 분리한 OsCBF4 유전자는 1,429 bp 크기의 뉴클레오티드로 274개의 아미노산으로 구성되었고, 벼의 다른 CBF 유전자와 33~49% 상동성을 나타내었다. 형질전환 식물체는 PCR과 Southern분석으로 OsCBF4 유전자의 벼 게놈 내 도입을 확인하였다. 전이 유전자는 벼 게놈 내에 1~4사본이 도입되었고, 선발된 형질전환 계통 모두에서 전이 유전자가 강하게 발현되었다. 염 스트레스 조건에서 형질전환 식물체는 비 형질전환 벼 보다 생육 정도가 양호하였으며, 특히 CBF4-10 계통은 염 처리 후 많은 식물체가 살아남았다. Real-time PCR 분석 결과 CBF4-10 계통은 120 mM NaCl 처리 시 전이 유전자 OsCBF4 전사체 발현이 잎에서 무처리 대비 약 3배 이상 증가하였다. 결론적으로 일반 벼에 도입된 OsCBF4 전이 유전자는 내염성 증진 기능이 있으며, OsCBF4 전이 유전자의 발현이 높은 형질전환 벼 계통은 내염성 벼 육종 소재로 이용할 수 있을 것으로 평가된다.