
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 56

        2001.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2019.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The existential verb HABER and the locative verb ESTAR can be used to indicate the presence of a person or thing. But they are seldom interchangeable in Spanish. The subtle differences between these two words can completely change the meaning of a sentence. In concrete, the difference mentioned is that the verb HABER is used to indicate the mere existence of the person or thing. On the other hand, ESTAR is introduced to indicate the location of the person or thing. As a general rule, the locative verb ESTAR is permitted when a specific person or thing is referred to, however the existential verb HABER is used with nouns that can’t have a location. As a result, a noun preceded by a definite article, a demonstrative adjective or a possessive adjective normally would be introduced with the verb ESTAR. The locative verb ESTAR y the existential verb HABER can be used in situations where “to be” is used in English. So they’re usually confusing for students. In this paper, we have argued that the existential verb HABER is derived from the copulative structure. In this point of view, the locative verb ESTAR is defined by the spell-out of the event feature.
        2014.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        필리핀에서 기독교는 스페인의 식민지배와 함께 시작되었다. 교황청이 하사한 ‘선교보호권’ 아래 남미를 정복한 스페인은 1565년에 필리핀의 일부 지역에서 통치권을 행사하기 시작하였고 어거스틴 수도회를 비롯한 수도회 소속의 선교사들은 일찍이 17세기가 시작될 때까지는 산간 및 남부 지역을 제외한 지역에서 대부분의 필리핀인들을 개종시키기에 이른다. 스페인이 필리핀을 지배한 300년이 훨씬 넘는 기간 동안에 교회와 국가의 관계는 양편이 가지고 있는 목표 즉 기독교선교와 식민통치의 확장을 위하여 서로 유착관계를 추구한 것으로 드러난다. 식민지배 초기에 스페인은 식민통치에 대한 정당성을 확보하기 위해 ‘토착민의 자발적 동의’를 추구하였으나, 통치의 현장에서 수행된 수도회 선교사들의 관찰은 스페인 식민세력에 의한 강제적인 통치를 입증할 뿐이었다. 마닐라 종교회의 (1582)는 스페인이 필리핀에서 정치적 권리를 본질적으로 소유하지 않은 한편, 기독교 선교의 환경을 확보하기 위하여 수단적으로 그 권리를 소유하고 있다고 보아, 식민통치를 용인하고 ‘교회의 도구로서의 국가’ 개념을 표방하였다. 한편 스페인 식민당국은 수도회 선교사들을 중앙과 지방에서의 식민통치에 적극적으로 활용하였는데 특별히 지방에서 그들의 공무대행은 식민통치에 필수불가결한 것이었으며, ‘국가의 도구로서의 교회’의 모습을 여실히 드러내주는 현상이었다. 나아가, 식민당국과 교회는 큰 맥락의 인종-정치적 차별주의로부터 필리핀 토착 사제들에 대하여 차별정책을 시행하였는데 이는 식민통치를 영구화하려는 수단이었다. 결국, 스페인 통치시기 가톨릭 교회, 특히 수도회 선교사들은 부동산 축적, 소작농의 억압, 인종차별 등의 심각한 문제를 드러내며 사회로부터 신망을 크게 잃게 되었으며, 19세기 후반에 봇물처럼 터진 필리핀 독립운동의 과정에서 성직자의 식민통치에의 참여를 비판하는 ‘반교권주의’ (Anti-clericalism)는 가장 강력한 투쟁의 목표 가운데 하나로 등장하게 된다.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper discusses the depictive secondary predicate's movement in Spanish secondary predication construction. In Spanish, depictive secondary predicates can move to the position in between the main verb and the direct object. Moreover, the depictive secondary predicate's wh-movement and the subextraction from a secondary predicate phrase are also possible. To explain this phenomenon, I suggest a parallel merge in the course of derivation of depictive secondary predicate. I propose that the secondary predicate is not analyzed any more as an adjunct in the structure in which two syntactic objects that represent primary predication and secondary predication are merged in parallel. Based on this derivational structure, I argue that a phase can be extended by means of V-to-T movement and a secondary predicate can move to the edge of an extended phase escaping PrP category. However, English secondary predicate's focus movement and its wh-movement are not acceptable. I claim that the parametric variation captured in two languages is due to phase head's movement and a phase extension.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to analyze Spanish mirativity construction. Mirativity refers to the linguistic marking of an utterance that represents an information which is new or unexpected to the speaker. Therefore, mirative constructions show the speaker's emotional state, that is to say, surprise. There are many means that could express speaker's surprise, such as exclamatory expressions, admirative tone, etc. However, in this paper I attempt to investigate the existence in Spanish of a mirative form that could be recognized as a grammatical category. In Korean, there is a modal suffix, for example, ‘-ne’, ‘-gun(a)’, which expresses surprise and new information. In Spanish, the verbal past tense and perfect aspect, such as imperfect, present perfect, pluperfect, could be used to represent mirativity in the present. I argue that Spanish tense and aspect should be recognized as a grammatical category that express mirativity. Furthermore, I attempt to analyze a derivational process of the mirative constructions comparing with the exclamative constructions.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper aims at revisiting the information structure of sentences in languages such as Korean, English, Spanish and Russian. For this purpose, we refered to three types of focus structure, suggested by Lambrecht (1994), which include predicate-focus, argument-focus and sentence-focus structures. The information structure can be represented by the categorical statement and the thetic statement. The first is divided into two information segments- and , which typically corresponds to predicate-focus structure, while the second can not be divided but constitutes only one unit , which represents the sentence-focus structure. Given that the existence of `topic` is the factor of determining categorical/thetic statements, there`ll be possibility of interpreting certain argument-focus structures as secondary thetic sentences and of considering some of Lambrecht`s thetic structures as categorical sentences. On the other hand, the linguistic ways to realize the information division vary across languages, even if they are commonly available in affirming or negating the existence of `topic`.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Kyung-Hee Kim. 2003. Lexical Contact between Spanish and Catalan. Studies in Modern Grammar 31, 173-187. The primary purpose of this paper is to show how Spanish and Catalan exchange their lexical influences. Through the history, Spanish has always dominated Catalan. We intend to take lexical evidences to prove the their historial relation and to predict their future. Recently Catalan is supported by political and economical powers, but what we observe in linguistic aspects is that the natural trend is destined for the simplification of Catalan lexical system, adopting it to that of Spanish. We also show the bilingual speakers` attitude in selecting lexical forms.
        2001.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Kyung-Suk Suh. 2001. La formacio´n y la caracteristica del espan~ol de Ame´rica Sobre la extensio´n gradual de los cambios fonolo´gicos. Studies in Modern Grammar 23, 189-202. En este estudio tratamos a buscar unas caracteristicas en la formacio´n del espan~ol de Ame´rica desde el punto de vista fonolo´gica. Empezamos desde el origen del espan~ol de Ame´rica y lo comparamos con el andaluz. Por las observaciones de los cambios fonolo´gicos en el castellano (espan~ol) de los siglos XV-XVII podemos explicar los feno´menos que aparecen en el espan~ol de Ame´rica y Espan~a, sobre todo en Andalucia, al mismo tiempo. El cambio de la lengua espan~ola medieval empieza en las provincias centrales y setentrionales de Espana y despue´s se extiende al sur, a Andalucia. La extensio´n no acaba aqui sino llega hasta Ame´rica del Sur, por lo que los mismos feno´menos fono´logicos aparecen alli como en Andalucia. Pero lo importante es el tiempo en que se experimenta estos cambios. En este trabajo, podemos ver que estos cambios traspasan gradualmente, desde el norte de Espan~a al sur, y luego al Nuevo Mundo. Los sibilantes serian los ejemplos claros de este traspaso gradual.
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