
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 111

        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        SNS (Social network service) characteristics are perceived to simplify use. We carried out empirical studies on these parameters to observe the impact on the image of catering SNS online by word-of-mouth. The subjects of the study were as follows: 32.3% (392 persons) 19 years old, 67.7% (821 persons) over 19 years, 51.0% (619 persons) in their 20s, 22.1% (268 persons) in their 30s, 17.6% in their 50s, and 9.3% (112 persons) over 50 years. After verifying the hypothesis proposed that SNS characteristics perceived the ease of use, the significant factor identified in usability were connectivity Speed (β=0.213), playfulness (β=0.246), information (β=0.115), and reciprocity (β=0.357). Dual reciprocity had the most impact. It was observed that a longer impact of these significant factors improved the feel and fun of use. If SNS companies cater to, quick and easy, diverse, reliable and latest information, they can increase the ease of use, and availability, depending on the goals. Also, significant factors in the SNS features and online word of mouth was playfulness (β=0.312), information (β=0.207), reciprocity (β=0.066) and perceived ease of use, and usefulness (β=0.293), double playfulness had the maximum impact. These features provided more fun, reliable information, and could quickly deliver the latest information. The more the perceived usefulness, and ease of use, higher was the online word-of-mouth effect. SNS usage characteristics of connectivity Speed did not show any statistical significance in online word-of-mouth. Thus, catering businesses need to find ways to increase the ease of use, make the usefulness multifaceted, constantly checking the catering information on the SNS and ensuring to get the latest information is from diverse and reliable sources. This would increase the fun for the customer making the SNS to actively be utilized as a marketing tool.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 국내 위치기반소셜 네트워크(LBSN)의 공간분포 특징을 분석하였다. LBSN에서 발생하는 정보의 특징은 사용자들이 작성한 콘텐츠가 지역과 밀접한 관계를 갖는 내용이기에 해당 지역이 갖는 특징들을 반영하고 있다는 점이다. 본 연구에서는 가장 대표적인 서비스인 포스퀘어를 사례로 베뉴와 팁에 관한 정보를 수집하여 데이터의 지역 간의 특징 및 차이를 분석하였다. LBSN자료의 정량적인 특징인 베뉴 및 팁의 수와 함께 정성적인 특징인 베뉴의 범주, 팁의 콘텐츠에 대한 정성적인 분석을 통해 지역별로 나타나는 콘텐츠의 특징을 분석하였다. 분석결과 도시지역을 대표하는 서울특별시와 관광지역인 제주도에 있어, 베뉴의 범주와 팁 텍스트의 질적인 특징들을 확인할 수 있었다.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Substantial knowledge about how electronic word of mouth (eWOM) relates to influentials, or, individuals who either intentionally or unintentionally have a great impact on the network, is lacking because influence patterns are hardly quantifiable when human and societal components are not deeply understood. The eWOM networks in social media platforms drive the theoretical and practical progress of the social structure of eWOM and the social role of influentials. The purpose of this study is to explore the diffusion of eWOM in a Twitter network by drawing from the Diffusion of Innovation theory in conjunction with Social Network Analysis (SNA) approach. Through a large amount of data collected from Twitter regarding the terrorist attack in Paris on November 13, 2015, this study examined the social structure of eWOM network groups and identifies the social role of influential users in the network of #prayforparis. To identify influentials of eWOM in Twitter networks, SNA was conducted with NodeXL, which is an Excel add-in network analysis software. The Twitter data set was uploaded at 11 am, on November 17, 2015 by applying hashtag prayforparis through Twitter Search Network feature of NodeXL. A total of 19,592 tweets (vertices) were downloaded with a total of 20,297 edges (relations between vertices). “Justin Bieber” was identified as the most influential and dominant user in the network of #prayforparis because he has the highest in-degree (4,196) and highest betweenness centrality (51,772,745.861). Justin Bieber lost one of his friends in the terrorist attack, and his tweet about the sadness from the loss was retweeted more than 50,000 times and received 77,000 likes. Throughout the network, top word pairs respectively repeated more than 4,000 times were “thomas, prayforparis,” “rt, justinebieber,” “rip, thomas,” and “justinbiber, rip.” “Ally Brook” and “Louis Tomlin” ranked 3rd and 5th respectively with the highest betweenness centrality also demonstrated the celebrity power in the eWOM network of #prayforparis. While the three celebrities as dominant influentials were prominent in the Twitter network of #prayforparis, the social roles of fans were also acknowledged. The celebrities’ fans and fan sites have constantly diffused the celebrities’ posts by retweeting and by mentioning every tweet posted by the celebrities that they support. Without the celebrities and their fans, the #prayforparis network would have depicted a completely different style of diffusion of eWOM. The study confirmed social role of fans that constantly presented idiosyncratic manners by identifying and by linking to the public figure. The distinctive characteristics of the fans also enabled identifying the social role of the celebrity while spreading the new ideas with hashtag. The celebrity played a key role as an information hub even in a network of socio-political events such as the #prayforparis Twitter network. Thus, identified overwhelming influence of the celebrities in the eWOM network extends the areas of marketing choices and applicable strategies with celebrities.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 사례는 기술융합의 구조를 네트워크 기법을 이용하여 분석한 것이다. 좀 더 구체적으로 설명하면, 제품군을 매개로 투입기술들 간의 융합구조를 네트워크 분석 기법을 적용하여 분석하였으며, 제품군과 투입기술을 동시에 고려하기 위해서 2-mode 네트워크 분 석을 적용하였다. 제품군은 개발목표에서 파악하여 표준산업분류에 따라 정의하고 기술은 개발에 투입된 기술들로 파악하여 국가과학기술표준분류에 따라 정의하였다. 본 연구의 대 상은 중소기술정보진흥원의 융복합기술개발 사업에 신청한 401개 과제이다. 분석결과, IT분야는 특정기술이 다양한 제품군에 연결되는 구조이지만 BT분야에서는 특 정 제품군을 중심으로 일부 기술은 공통적으로 적용되지만 상당수의 기술이 각기 제품군에 투입되고 있는 형태이다. 따라서 융합분야 마다 기술융합의 구조가 다른 것을 파악할 수 있 었다. 투입기술의 연결중심성과 제품군을 매개로한 투입기술의 연결 중심성도 약시 차이가 있다. IT분야에서는 임베디드S/W가 2가지 경우에 모두 연결중심성이 가장 높았다. BT에서 발효공학과 기능성화장품기술이 투입기술의 연결중심성은 가장 높았지만 기능성화장품기술 만 제품군을 매개로 투입기술의 연결중심성은 가장 높다. 즉, 특정제품군에 투입빈도가 높은 기술이다. 본 사례는 실제 기술개발과제에서 기술융합을 정의하고 그 구조를 분석하였다는 것이다. 본 사례의 의미는 융합기술개발과제를 관리하고 기획하는 데 유용한 분석 툴을 제시했다는 것이다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study has investigated on the obstacles to the production of social network games. It also tried to find their production tools in order to remove existing obstacles, which will guide to design and create new production tools. The new production tool is designed to make it easy for Terrain, UI, and Object tools to be used for essential functions, game linkage, and testing. The detailed explanation about the structure design and functions of the new production tool is also written and added for better understanding. To test its functions, texture of the animation application was printed on top of the production tool. The test result showed stable processing speed. I also made a 􋺵Farming􋺶 trial-game to test how easily social network games can be developed. As a result, more stable framework, which could not be made without production tools, was able to be designed and even the time spent on developing it became shortened.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 사회적 자본이론을 적용하여 SNS(Social network service, 이하 SNS) 사용자들이 온라인을 통해 형성한 소셜 네트워크의 특성이 이들의 제품에 대한 관여도에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 분석한다. 본 연구의 연구목적은 크게 두 가지이다. 첫 번째로는 SNS의 참여를 양적 참여(quantity)와 질적 참여(quality)로 나누었을 때 이들 각각이 사회자본의 형성에 어떤 영향을 주는지 알아보고자 한다. 또한, SNS의 사용이 전 세계적으로 보편화 되면서 소비자 행동으로 이어지는 SNS사용과 SNS에서 형성된 사회자본이 마케터들의 큰 관심을 받고 있다. 그래서 본 연구의 두 번째 연구목적은 SNS에서 형성된 사회자본의 형태(연결적 사회자본, 결속적 사회자본)에 따라 어떤 유형의 제품(실용적, 상징적)에 대한 관여도가 영향을 받는지를 밝히고, 또 이 두 가지 형태의 사회자본이 소비자 관여도에 있어서 상호작용이 존재하는지를 규명하는 것이다. 이를 위해 SNS 주 이용 층인 대학교 재학생(중국, 한국, 미국) 521명을 설문 조사하여 본 연구의 연구표본으로 사용하였다. 연구결과 SNS 참여와 사회자본의 형성 사이 관계를 보았을 때, SNS 양적 참여와 질적 참여 모두 연결적 사회자본의 형성에 긍정적 영향을 미쳤고 결속적 사회자본의 형성에 있어서는 질적 참여만이 유의미한 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 검증 되었다. 그 다음으로 SNS에서 형성된 사회자본이 소비자 구매 행동으로 이어질 때 연결적 사회자본은 실용적 제품의 관여도에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤고 결속적 사회자본은 실용적 제품의 관여도에 직접적 영향은 미치지 않았지만 연결적 사회자본과 실용적 제품 관여도 사이의 정의 관계를 강화하는 조절효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 결속적 사회자본은 상징적 제품 관여도에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤고 연결적 사회자본은 상징적 제품 관여도에 직접적인 영향은 없지만 결속적 사회자본이 상징적 제품 관여도에 주는 긍정적인 영향을 강화하는 조절효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In recent years, utilization of social network sites (SNS) such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for text, image, and video sharing in Jakarta, Indonesia, is becoming very popular. Many fashionistas - artist, singer, designer, and fashion blogger - take advantage of SNS to share what they are doing, what they are wearing, and even their personal life. Apparently, their glamorous life style has been attracting million of followers. High appreciation toward their posts in SNS is given by clicking ‘likes’ symbol as well as positive comments from the followers. This paper provides an overview of social network activity in Jakarta for promoting fashion brand. A netnographic approach was conducted to observe and analyze SNS’ content, which consists of photos, texts and hashtags, and followers’ comments. Since SNS’ account owner could have dual roles, i.e. as consumer and supplier, we categorize two types of account owner. First, fashionistas who launch personal account and, at the same time, have collaboration with fashion brand or have their own clothing line; and second, apparel companies who promote their product through SNS. We noted that apparel companies utilize SNS to launch new fashion products and to give detail information, which include photos, products size, and how to purchase, which is simply a business as usual. In the other hand, fashionista’s shared their personal style, favorite brand and designer, and fashion tips for the followers, such as mix and match fashion and where to purchase. Personal style is presented by wearing an outfit for a commercial events, e.g. product launching, gala show, etc.; and for daily use, e.g. fashion shopping, hang out with friend, and travelling. Fashionistas usually mention the brand or the designer of clothing, shoes, and bag that they wear in the photo with good recommendation, thus a positive electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) is conveyed to the followers instantaneously. Even though fashionistas’ activity is actually part of marketing practice that promote fashion brand, personal approach through their shared life style is obviously more appealing rather than direct promotion activity by apparel companies. It is proven by number of followers, likes, and comment from fashionistas’ followers which is greater than apparel companies. As the similarity, both apparel companies and fashionistas give knowledge sharing about fashion to the followers, and utilize commenting section to interact with them. In turn, e-WOM is also exchanged through discussion among followers on the commenting section; and the ability of followers to share content with other users. Then, mentioning hashtags – a number sign character (#) followed by a word or phrase related to the topic - is strengthen e-WOM because hashtags is clickable and searchable for SNS users.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Austrian scene differs greatly from the one in the Anglo-American region. Even the difference to the neighboring country Germany is a significant: the scene in Austria is dominated above all by fashion bloggers and to a lesser extent there are lifestyle and food bloggers; Austrians are considerably less oriented towards technical and political blogs. The most prominent and popular example probably is "Stylekingdom": this has been the most famous Austrian fashion site for quite some time and has been maintained since 2007. This page presents information about jewelry and fashion collections regularly. In addition, selected advertisements might be placed there which is of interest to companies because of the considerable reach of this site. "Mangoblüte" is one of the most popular luxury fashion blogs in Austria. Backed up with beautiful photos, the blog offers insight into a luxurious life by also displaying travelling in luxury resorts, eating in the best restaurants in the world and a private room that serves as a closet. Given the ubiquitous nature of the internet, American sites are also easily accessible to Austrians. One famous example is the site "The Style Rookie" which is mainly devoted to fashion. In the presentation additional examples will be presented and some comparisons will be undertaken
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Why should we study marketing management processes in social network platforms? Today’s rapidly growing creative companies must adopt social network platforms. Indeed, the “twenty-first century’s wealth comes from platforms” Thus “those who possess platforms dominate the wealth of the future” (Hirano & Hagiu, 2010). After the Lehman Brothers-initiated financial crisis, companies began developing platform strategies as a cutting-edge management method for assuring consistent and stable growth. Platform strategies call for gathering relevant groups of people together in a network that then creates new business. (Hirano & Hagiu, 2010) In this study, we study a social network platform to show how marketing management processes can be applied to social network platforms. Literature Review Social Network Platforms In recent years, social network platform sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and KakaoTalk have evolved to bring people together online. Social network services (SNS) are rapidly infiltrating daily lives and facilitating communications among people by means of computers (Correa et al., 2010; Powell, 2009). Users reside at the center of social platforms where they can socialize and express a wide range of behaviors. As a force for change, social platforms are influencing marketing strategies as well. Advertising has been traditionally one-way communication from company to customers through public media and portal sites. Recently, the paradigm has changed (Yeo, 2014): companies establish relationship with customers through social platforms that allow them to talk with customers directly, exchange opinions, and share ideas. As a result, large-scale corporations, mid-sized/small companies, and one-owner companies have turned their attention to social platforms (Jhun, 2013). Moreover, the revolutionary wave has affected such diverse areas as politics, economics, society, culture, and environmental causes. Researchers have responded to social platform developments with studies that deal with concept, construction, policy, development, spatial information, social platforms, and governmental roles (Choi et al., 2012), and that deal with social platform’s social influences and future directions (Lee & Jung, 2011). Researchers have studied functions and utilization of social platform using web services and policies to support collaborative research (Pignotti & Edwards, 2012), sharing shopping information (Der Ho et al., 2010), customer engagement (Cheung, Lee, & Jin, 2011), and senior social platforms (Farkas, 2010). Social platforms emerged so recently that academic studies have failed to keep up with the urgent need to study the phenomena realistically (Yeo, 2013). Method In this study, we analyze phase 1 secretary platform by Cybermoon Co., Ltd., which has four main functions: Product name: On-Secretary PlatformCore Services ● Phase 1. Assistant Service ● Phase 2. Vision Maker Service ● Phase 3. Collaboration and Sharing Service ● Phase 4. Social Sales Service ● Phase 5 Assistant Call Center Service Objective On-Secretary Platform aims to yield optimized productivity by offering secretary functions to experts working for one person-companies, small-scale companies, or small traders. - Next generation SNS-based social secretary management service uses Twitter and Facebook. - Online and offline secretary management service grows with users and assists them with every aspect of their lives. - Service dispatches 90,000 online secretaries and 10,000 offline secretaries to assist clients. Target Market - General customers: individuals who want to establish businesses. - Businesspersons: presidents of one-person or small companies, and the self-employed - Experts: consultants, coaching specialists, lawyers, and professors - Public organizations such as job-search organizations, business creation support organizations, infrastructure-expansion organizations, education centers for the unemployed, social education centers, education for retired people, and lifelong learning centers. Customer Value Proposition - Survey and analysis on the services needed by single entrepreneurs. - Survey and analysis of services needed by potential entrepreneurs. - Survey and analysis of services needed by experts. - Survey and analysis of services needed by public organizations. Assets and competition - 20-years of developing IT business services and operational systems - Patents for core techniques and experts with development abilities Functional strategies and programs - Secretary function: selection of AI (artificial intelligence)-type character and growth by consistent learning - Chatting function: task reporting via letters, voices, and holograms - Program: cloud-based social platform service - Service method: online service and offline call-center service. Marketing Mix(Richard & Colin, 1992) Figure 1. Managing Marketing Strategies and the Marketing Mix SWOT Analysis Figure 2. SWOT Analysis Contribution of this research ● Academic contributions This study could contribute to understanding diverse applications and developing theory regarding platforms to help to consolidate theoretical fundamentals regarding marketing management processes for using platforms. Finding various marketing methods and studying their relationship would contribute to future platform-based management strategy. ● Practical contribution This study could help companies, governments, society, and individuals efficiently utilize marketing management processes when using platforms for continuous growth and progress.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to examine what factors affect the use of promotion advertisement of Social Network Game(SNG). The results show that the user's age has significant impact on privacy concern. The user's sex and SNG time don't make a difference to privacy concern. Privacy concern has an influence on the advertising attitude of SNG user's. As user had more privacy concern, user has lower attention and credibility, higher annoyingness. User's perception for usefulness, credibility of mobile game advertising and SNG time are proved to be effective factors on the use of SNG promotion advertisement.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, mobile Social Netwrok Game(SNGs) including characters have emerged in the game market. Basically, it is based on not only the mobile environment and technology but also the form and concept of SNG. Most characters of mobile SNG take characters which have the role of avatar or non-player character. This kind of characters allows own their characteristic to create and design them based on the mobile and SNG system. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to analyze character design with the elements of mobile graphic such as visual, sound, motion and so on. Then we would discuss the features of character design for mobile SNG and comment the limits and consideration for effective design. For this research, the first of all we would discuss the concept and theory of mobile SNG and the design elements for the game characters by the publications, including thesis, articles, and books. Seondly, this paper will be focused on character examples in 20 mobile SNGs which are selected in top selling and analyze them. Finally, we would discuss the characteristics of mobile SNG character and the methods of possibilities and considerations for effective design.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The interaction between brand managers and his/her social networks in any firms constitute a complex social system. This study posited that the quality of the relationship between a brand manager and his/her networks is imperative in fostering the quality of internal brand management which in turns increase the employee based brand equity. The participants for the study were 124 brand managers from Dubai firms specializing in consumer goods. The quantitative data was analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). Network size and cost was found to affect information generation and knowledge dissemination.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper is conducted to support Korean game development companies to enter the MSNG market in China. According to preceding researches, the life-cycle of MSNG is under 3 months. Short-term of the MSNG's life-cycle raises the problems of low profits or deficit of companies managed to enter the Chinese market. Therefore, it needs to lead MSNG users to continuos use to extend the life-cycle. The plan to extend the life-cycle is likely to be a critical factor to be survived in Chinese market. The commitment is considered as the factor to make usage of MSNG longer by researchers. This paper also infers that the plan to keep MSNG user's commitment continuos develops their perceived functional value, emotional value and social value, with the reasonal, emotional and psychological point of view. We make a effort to reveal the relationships among factors through 318 data from Chinese MSNG users. Futhermore we would like to suggest that the companies consider continuos usage intention of MSNG users as the critical factor which makes a profit based on the result of this survey and propose the direction of future researches from the limit of this paper.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        These days, thanks to lots of smart devices and advanced communication technologies, consumer’s recognition and relations have been changed. They, beyond relying on information and services which are produced by experts, produce information and knowledge by themselves via SNS or web that they want to know. As consumer’s recognition is changing like this, SNS is evolving into social platform. Therefore, this paper is intended to clarify overall relationship between network characteristics in social platform, knowledge sharing, social capital, social innovation and customer’s value. This paper has clarified influences between variables related to consumer’s behaviors in social platform and the results are summarized as following: First, network characteristics in social platform are found to positively affect knowledge sharing efforts of social platform. Second, knowledge sharing has been found to positively affect social capital and innovation in social platform. However, enjoyment in helping others i.e a sub variable is found to positively affect social capital and innovation through anticipated reciprocal relationships. Third, social capital and innovation in social platform have affected customer value in social platform positively. Consequently, this paper is intended to solve various problems found from overall societies and industries through social innovation and also to advance them. For these purposes, social platform is believed to prompt sharing idea and knowledge based on interactions between users and social relationship. These actions become social capitals resulting in social innovation. Moreover, these would create new businesses and marketing opportunities across various areas in the processes that innovative activities form customer values.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examines the situational, individual and social network determinants of negative online word-of-mouth on social network sites. The findings of the empirical study indicate that feeling of injustice, firm attribution, perceived service image, face concern, emotion regulation, SNS use intensity and tie strength significantly affects negative word-of-mouth.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        On July 30, 2012, Kakao Talk of Kakao Co., Ltd has pioneered a mobile platform SNG market for the first time in the country along with the launch of ‘Kakao Game Center’. While Kakao Talk has released a puzzle game called ‘Anipang’ at the time of launching the Kakao Game Center, it has recorded a DAU value exceeding 8 million at the most by dominating the domestic mobile game market for smart phones right after being released. However, a sudden decrease of DAU was shown starting September 4th which is not even two month after being released and the defection of DAU continues to occur. This is a condition which is different from the Facebook SNG which is a computer platform based SNG where the DAU is steadily maintained until now. This study attempts to analyze the cause of such conditions through the comparison between Facebook SNG and Kakao Talk SNG representing each of computer platform based SNG and mobile platform based SNG to present an important reference point for the game creators who are preparing for the participation of mobile platform based SNG industry in the future through this analysis.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Users of smrtphone based mobile social network games are rapidly increasing. However, there are few researches for smartphone based mobile social network games. In this paper, we conducted a qualitative study in order to understand the continual usage intention of mobile social network game from indepth interview. As a result, passing time, hedonic valuem social value, challenge/competition, perceived enjoyment, and social interaction were found to have positive effects on continuous usage intention of smartphone based mobile social network game. And network quality, difficulties of game, and social interaction were found to have negative effects on continuous usage intention of smartphone based mobile social network game. This study provides practical suggestions for developers of social network game to invigorate the smart-phone based social network game market, such as improved additional investment for simple game interface, easy game rule, additional interactive services.
        2013.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study focuses developing an effective mission strategy in a Social Network Service culture to reach the net generation in Korea. It asks these important questions: “What are the barrier for the Korean churches in evangelism to the net generation?” “How can Korean churches change their SNS culture in mission for the unchurched net generation?” In order to answer these questions, data was collected through questionnaires and interviews with members of the net generation in Korea. Both the characteristics of the net generation, and those of the emerging SNS culture in Korea, were analyzed.The effective strategies of Korea church mission was an important issues in this study of how best to reach for Christ the net generation in SNS culture. I think that experience of mission in the Korean context led N-generation to the strategy that the Korean churches need a mission approach using SNS culture. This evangelism is a challenge for Korean churches seeking to reach the net generation. Korean churches need to be develop the mission strategies using SNS appropriate for the Internet culture of the net generation. Such SNS must be part of an effective mission toward the net generation who embrace a SNS culture.
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