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        검색결과 956

        2022.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study attempted to reinterpret the meaning of the Roh MooHyun Jeju-Declaration in accordance with the age of artificial intelligence based on the liberal theory. In the era of artificial intelligence, a new aspect of the U.S.-China hegemonic competition was considered. The Roh MooHyun Declaration, which declared Jeju Island a peaceful island, was reinterpreted from three points of view of liberal theory. This study presented the necessity and orientation of the World Peace Island Network International Organization.
        2022.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research analyzed the environmental, social, and economic value of Jeju Island BR. The findings from this research enable us to draw the following as conclusions in relation to the value of Jeju Island BR as an internationally protected area. First: The value of BR humans can receive through conservation as an indirect use depends on two factors. One is what sectors of BR are covered in examining its value. The other is the default factor which is substituted in the estimation of an economic value by sector of the BR. Second: Sustainable use of BR refers to its direct use. It is of course true that the direct use provides humans with many benefits in terms of improving material affluence and convenience in life. Third: Sustainable use does not mean there is no impact on the conservation of BR, but it means minimal impact on the entire BR or within the resilience of natural circulating ecosystem. Fourth: In the context of the above third conclusion, it would be necessary to conduct an empirical research on whether the current land-use in BR is within its carrying capacity. Fifth: In order to achieve the land-use within the carrying capacity of BR, there must be an explicit consideration of ecological implications of the existing social and economic decision as a cultural ethos in a way to environmentalism from consumerism. Sixth: Change in human perspective on the relation between humans and nature from anthropocentrism to ecocentrism is a necessary condition to establish environmentalism as a cultural ethos. Seventh: Nonetheless, nature and human activities toward nature have been in a conflicting relationship throughout the history of human civilization. The conflicting relationship may be termed a dialectic process through historical stages.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study assessed the levels of water qualities and microbials contamination of inland olive flounder farms in Jeju in the summers from 2015 to 2017. Three farms (A-C) located in a concentrated area using mixing coastal seawater and underground seawater and one farm (D) located in an independent area using only coastal seawater were selected. Total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) reached a maximum of 0.898 ± 1.024 mg/L as N in the coastal seawater of A-C, which was close to the limit of the water quality management goal of the fish farm. TAN in the influent from A-C was up to three times higher than that of D, so that the discharged water did not spread to a wide range area along the coast and continued to affect the influent. TAN of the effluent in A-C increased by 2.7-4.6 times compared to the influent, resulting in serious self-pollution in the flounder farm. Heterotrophic marine bacteria in the influent of A-C was about 600 times higher than D, and the discharge of A-C was increased by about 30 times compared to the influent.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In September and October 2020, combined acoustic and trawl surveys were conducted in the northwestern sea of Jeju Island. In the survey area, a region, so called Jeju region, was designated to esimate the biomass of chub mackerel and jack mackerel using a trawl survey method and frequency difference method. In the September survey, the weight ratios of jack mackerel and chub mackerel to the total catch were 24.6% and 2.8%, respectively, and in the October survey, those ratios were 24.9% and 20.7%, which were used to calculate their biomass (trawl survey). Using the frequency difference range (–8 to –3dB) corresponding to two species in 120 and 200 kHz, their biomass was estimated (frequency difference method). As a result, the biomass of two species from the trawl method was 3252.3 tons in September and 5777.0 tons in October. The estimated biomass by the frequency difference method was 4926.6 tons in September and 7521.5 tons in October. It was the first trial to estimate the biomass of two species using the trawl and frequency differencing methods in South Korea although there were some differences between two methods. In addition, horizontal distributions of acoustic backscattering strength over the entire survey area were mapped.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Using environmental DNA (eDNA) in the fisheries and oceanography fields, research on the diversity of biological species, the presence or absence of specific species and quantitative evaluation of species has considerably been performed. Up to date, no study on eDNA has been tried in the area of fisheries acoustics in Korea. In this study, the biomass of a dominant species in the northwestern waters of Jeju Island was examined using 1) the catch ratio of the species from trawl survey results and 2) the ranking ratio of the species from the eDNA results. The dominant species was Zoarces gillii, and its trawl catch ratio was 68.2% and its eDNA ratio was 81.3%. The Zoarces gillii biomass from the two methods was 7199.4 tons (trawl) and 8584.6 tons (eDNA), respectively. The mean and standard deviation of the acoustic backscattering strength values (120 kHz) from the entire survey area were 135.5 and 157.7 m 2 /nm 2 , respectively. The strongest echo signal occurred at latitude 34° and longitude 126°15’ (northwest of Jeju Island). High echo signals were observed in a specific oceanographic feature (salinity range of 32-33 psu and the water temperature range of 19-20℃). This study was a pilot study on evaluating quantitatively aquatic resources by applying the eDNA technique into acoustic-trawl survey method. Points to be considered for high-quality quantitative estimation using the eDNA to fisheries acosutics were discussed.
        2021.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Post-disturbance recovery pattern of subtidal soft corals-macroalgae mixed community and the role of water depth were investigated. The experiment was conducted in a subtidal rock wall of Munseom, Jeju Island, Korea for 2.5 years. Artificial disturbance was done at established treatment plots at depths of 10, 15 and 20 m and were then compared with undisturbed control plots. After disturbance, recovery of soft corals was very slow, whereas macroalgae quickly occupied the plots and reached a similar level as the control in 6 months, and this pattern was consistent at all water depths. This unbalanced speed of recovery caused higher macroalgae establishment than soft corals in treatment compared to control plots, indicating a possible phase shift in the community structure. This study provides an important implication for the necessity of monitoring the influence of disturbance at a larger scale, from a conservation perspective of soft corals in Jeju coast.
        2021.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Culturally, it is wonderful that they try to integrated their ordinary life on the earth into heavenly spiritual life through their funeral rituals and song so called Yeong-Jang-Sori as same context as in the Pacific. During life, they eat traditional bread ( Bing-Teok) and drink traditional liquor (O-Me-Gi Ssol) and wear persimmon-dyeing Gal-ot healthily and they meet each other in the heaven eternally through happy dying. We are evidently sensitive to the unique cultural heritage of the island. UNESCO’s mission is the promotion of peace amongst peoples and its cultural heritage is also dedicated to working with indigenous peoples’ on their eco-friendlly knowledge of a sustainable planet. As Jeju Island is inscribed in part as both a World Heritage Site and a UNESCO Biosphere, it is important to give due consideration to the natural and cultural heritage of the island, as seen and experienced by the islanders. As such, if there is something useful we can discuss, for example the recognition of the special relationship between Jeju islanders and sacred natural sites on the island.
        2021.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study conducted a survey and evaluation on ‘The 2021 Jeju World Natural Heritage Festival’ with a framework of various stakeholders related to festivals. While aiming for the essential context of the celebration, we tried to find suggestions to ensure the continuity of the celebration and the designation of the World Natural Heritage. As a methodology, surveys and interview surveys were conducted in parallel with the framework of multifaceted evaluation. To summarize the important contents presented as policy suggestions, first, it is necessary to expand the concept of ' encounter with hidden nature' from the positivity of the concept of 'encounter with hidden nature' to have fellowship with mankind about natural heritage. For reference to this, efforts should be made to secure the continuity of the designation of World Natural Heritage through a contextual approach using the frame of 'encounter'. Second, since the participation of experts can help in many ways, it is necessary to encourage many experts to participate as a staff or activist. Third, it is necessary to sublimate Jeju's natural heritage into a public celebration without damaging it. Finally, it should be a festival centered on local communities and local residents. It is necessary to actively seek a system in which the World Natural Heritage Village Preservation Association, which will be created (tentative name), will be centered and promoted by the villagers.
        2021.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Jeju 4 3 Incident, which occurred on Jeju Island during the US military rule, was the second most tragic event in modern Korean history after the Korean War(Jeju 4 3 Incident Investigation Report Planning Team 2003). It is an unprecedented historical event in which even the basic human rights that everyone should have were violated under historical reasons. However, in order not to repeat this kind of history, we need the courage to think about what we must do, find the answers, and put the found solution into action. To do this, we need to know what human rights have been violated, and what kind of pain those who have been violated and their descendants have suffered. Just knowing is not enough. Knowing with your head and empathizing with your heart makes a difference in behavior. Because I react differently to what happens to me and what happens to others. I wonder why they would react differently. The thought that I could not empathize was the beginning of this article. The social healing of 4.3 cannot be completely healed without forming a consensus.
        2021.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ms. Hee Choon Oh was a Jeju Haenyeo(woman diver) and one of the few surviving victims of the Jeju 4.3 (1948). As a Haenyeo: Jeju society was very poor at the time during the Japanese colonial period and the division of the two Korea, especially after the Korean War, so she had to work regardless of gender. It was hard to go into the sea, but it was the only thing to support my family. In retrospect, Going out to work in the sea was like a life-threatening adventure every day. While there were many emergency moments, She becomes one with the sea and forgot all the pain. After having spent a lot of time together with the sea, I had to stop working as a Haenyeo because it was hard to take care of nine children after having heart surgery. I was able to receive Honorary Haenyeo through continuous exchanges and dedication to the society. As a victim of the Jeju 4.3: I had no choice but to explain it why I had to do work as a Haenyeo and to understand my life. I am a woman who chose the job of Haenyeo, but I have lived through the pain of the dark modern and contemporary history of Korea. The unfair one-year prison life that I wanted to hide even from my children hurt me all my life. Over the past 70 years, sharing pain with the sea, neighbors, and family, serving the region, and hopefully waiting for a better society and justice to come. and finally It was not until 2019, 70 years after 1948, that I was officially acquitted by a Korean court. I regained my honor as a Haenyeo and was able to get rid of my deep sadness.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        귤굴나방은 제주도 감귤원에서 경제적으로 중요한 해충이지만, 상대적으로 월동생태와 관련된 연구는 부족하다. 본 연구에서는 귤굴나방이 월동과 관련하여 다음 해 초기개체군 발생과 어떻게 연결되는지 발육단계별 저온 실내실험과 야외실험 및 노지 감귤원 포장조사를 통하여 구명하였다. 연구 결과, 동일한 저온 조건에서 귤굴나방의 발육단계에 따라 생존기간의 유의한 차이가 있었으며 성충이 번데기보다 더 오래 생존하는 것으로 나타났다. 귤굴 나방 성충과 번데기를 야외 감귤원에 접종한 후 생존기간을 평가한 결과, 서귀포지역에서 성충은 다음 해 3월 24일까지 생존하였다. 이는 일반적으로 서귀포지역의 봄순 발아가 3월 중순에 시작된다는 사실을 고려했을 때 성충태로 월동한 귤굴나방이 다음 해 초기개체군을 형성할 가능성이 높다는 것을 의미한다. 반면에 번데기의 경우 제주시와 서귀포에서 1월을 넘기지 못하고 모두 사망하였다. 또한, 노지 감귤원 내 귤굴나방 발육단계별 밀도조사에서 다음 해 봄까지 노지 감귤원에서 생존한 번데기는 없었던 반면 성충은 모든 과원에서 지속적으로 발견되었다. 따라서 결과를 종합하여 판단해 볼 때, 제주도의 노지 감귤원에서 귤굴나방은 성충태로 월동하는 것으로 판단되며, 번데기의 경우 신초에 형성된 용방에서만 생존할 수 있다는 제약이 있기 때문에 겨울철 동해 피해를 받기 쉬운 신초에서 월동 후 다음 해 초기개체군 형성에 기여하는 것은 쉽지 않을 것으로 판단된다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 전자 센서를 이용하여 다양한 추출방법에 따른 무 추출물들의 향미 특성을 조사하였다. 무의 신맛은 무 흰색 부위의 열수 추출물이 6.9의 센서 값을 나타내어 가장 높았다. 신맛은 8.0의 센서 값을 나타내어 무 초록색 부위의 콜드 브루 추출물이 가장 높았다. 감칠맛은 무 흰색 부위의 열수 추출물이 8.3의 센서 값을 나타내어 가장 높았다. 단맛은 무 초록색 부위의 콜드 브루 추출물이 6.8 의 센서 값으로 가장 높은 값을 나타내었고, 쓴맛은 무 초록색 부위의 고온 가압 추출물이 7.5의 센서 값으로 가장 높은 값을 나타내었다. 전자코를 이용하여 무 추출물들에서 총 16개의 휘발성 향기성분을 확인하였다. 무 추출물 속 휘발성 향기성분들 중 methanethiol이 주요한 향기성분으로 확인되었다. 본 연구에서 확인된 결과들은 무 추출 물의 향미 특성에 대한 기초 연구 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper investigates the current status of Jeju special self-governing province (JSSGP)’s water infrastructure and recommends directions for improvement. JSSGP relies on groundwater for most of its water resources. Recently, water usage has been steadily increasing due to the increase of residents and tourists while the quality of groundwater has been steadily worsening. Deterioration in water quality of groundwater can be seen through the increase in concentration of nitrate nitrogen and microorganisms. To overcome such problems, water consumption must be reduced by water demand management in all fields including residential and agricultural water use. The quality of water resources should be preserved through the management of pollutants. For efficient management of water resources, great efforts should be made to reduce the leakage rates in household and agricultural water, which is currently at the highest level in the country. Furthermore, diversification of water intake sources other than groundwater is needed, especially for agricultural water supply. For water and sewerage facilities, compliance with drinking water quality standards and discharge water quality standards must be achieved through the optimization of operation management. This process requires recruiting professionals, improving existing workers' expertise, and improving facilities.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to evaluate an asphalt mixture via field application to utilize basalt aggregates produced on Jeju Island for a warm mix asphalt (WMA). METHODS : Using commercially available WMA additives, an indoor experiment is conducted on low- and high-void aggregates among basalt aggregates on Jeju Island. The physical properties of the WMA mixture are evaluated using one solid type and two liquid types of WMA additive. To evaluate the applicability of the WMA additives, air void, saturation, aggregate void, Marshall stability, flow number, indirect tensile strength, and toughness tests are performed. For the field application of WMA using basalt aggregates, three types of pavements (HMA, WMA-Solid, and WMA-liquid) are constructed. When applying the pavements in the field, an anti-stripping agent is incorporated to improve the water resistance while considering the characteristics of the basalt aggregate. Samples are acquired via plant and field coring to evaluate the properties of the materials applied in the field. RESULTS : In the indoor test for analyzing the applicability of the commercialized WMA additives to basalt aggregates, all tests except the indirect tensile strength test show results that satisfy the standards. All test results, including that from the indirect tensile strength test, satisfy the standard values in the test that uses the sample material obtained from the plant. Similarly, in the test with field cores, all test results satisfy the standard values. Therefore, the experimental value in the field application is generally higher than the test value in the indoor experiment. It is inferred that this is due to the difference between the basalt aggregates used in the indoor and field experiments, as well as the addition of the anti-stripping agent. CONCLUSIONS : Basalt aggregates produced on Jeju Island can be used for WMA pavements, as demonstrated via indoor experiments and field applications. However, owing to the characteristics of basalt aggregates, a method for improving water resistance should be considered, and tests to determine the indirect tensile strength should be performed using various basalt aggregates. In addition, because various basalt aggregates exist owing to the diverse geology characteristics of Jeju Island, they should be evaluated via more experiments and field applications.
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