The purpose of this study is to develop a pH measurement system capable of measuring the acidity of saliva to check the change in pH level in saliva during driving and to detect whether fatigue is affected. When the pH level is checked at rest and operation, and oxygen concentration is supplied additionally, it will be verified whether the fatigue is reduced. It is reported that the pH level in saliva is divided into stages from 0 to 14, and the lower the value based on step 7, the higher the fatigue, and the lower the fatigue. In particular, in enclosed vehicles, drowsiness and fatigue due to increased carbon dioxide have increased, leading to a major cause of traffic accidents. Therefore, fatigue may be detected in advance by analyzing fatigue through a change in pH level by supplying oxygen during operation. The electromotive force generated by the existing itself is a level of several mV to develop a pH measurement system, so it is developed by expanding it to a range that can be measured using a readout circuit. In the experiment, 13 male experimenters in their 20s measured pH levels in resting and driving conditions. After 20 minutes of rest, the process of inhaling oxygen for 20 minutes was repeated three times. The oxygen concentration used in the experiment was 21% oxygen and 30% oxygen concentration in the atmospheric state, and in the oxygen supply method, a triangular flask was directly connected to the subject’s nose and then oxygen was supplied. As a result of collecting and analyzing saliva after rest and operation, it was confirmed that the pH level tended to decrease in the operating state. In addition, as a result of increasing the pH level when the oxygen concentration is 30% more than 21%, it is confirmed that fatigue tends to decrease as the oxygen concentration increases. Therefore, it was possible to confirm a significant change in fatigue by analyzing the pH level of saliva through this pH measurement system. This study can be used as a fatigue test in various environments through simple pH measurement.
식품 소비에 있어 어류가 주요한 단백질의 공급원으로서 역할이 증대됨에 따라 기존 육류 중심으로 이루어졌던 수요분석 연구가 어류를 포함한 수산물까지 확대되어 다양한 연구결과가 발표되고 있다. 그럼에도 불구 어류 수요분석에 대한 기존 연구들은 소비량 및 가격데이터 등 데이터 확보의 어려움으로 도매 혹은 소매 단계의 시장수요를 추정하여 소비자 개인의 수요함수를 추정하지 못한 한계를 가지고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 주요 어종의 1인당 소비량과 소비자가격 데이터로 DAIDS (Dynamic Almost Ideal Demand System) 모형을 활용하여 개별 소비자의 수요함수를 추정함으로써 기존 연구와 차별성을 두었다. 실증 분석 결과, 소득탄력성의 경우 멸치가 가장 크고 오징어, 고등어, 갈치, 명태 순으로 멸치를 제외하고는 소득변화에 비탄력적이었다. 자체가격탄력성은 품목 간 다소 차이가 있지만 5개 품목 모두 자체가격에 대해 비탄력적이었으며, 어종 간 교차가격탄력성은 고등어와 갈치, 갈치와 멸치를 제외하고는 상호보완 관계가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 이는 우리나라에서 주요 소비되는 어종이 서로 대체하기 보다는 상호 보완적인 관계로 수산물 소비가 단일 품목으로 이루어지기 보다는 다양한 수산물과 함께 이루어지기 때문인 것으로 판단된다.
n Korea, the decommissioning of nuclear power plants is being prepared, and a large amount of radioactive waste is expected to be generated. In particular, clearance level waste, which accounts for more than 90%, requires prevention of cross-contamination and prompt classification. In this study, the possible exposure route and the derivation of exposure dose for worker exposure management in a movable analysis system that can be analyzed onsite were studied. The movable radionuclide analysis system is divided into a preparatory room, a sample storage room, a radioanalysis room, a laboratory, and a waste storage room. It consists of one radioanalysis worker and one pre-treatment worker, and the main radiation exposure is expected to occur in the movement path in the sample storage room, radioanalysis room, and laboratory. The source term for the exposure evaluation, the annual usage dose presented in the radiation safety report in the movable radionuclide analysis system was used. The input data for the evaluation of the external exposure dose under normal circumstances (exposure situation, working hours, distance, etc.) is referenced at facility specifications. The internal exposure dose evaluation was assumed to be acute exposure (1 hour) assumed as internal pollution due to the drop in liquid sample during the pretreatment work. As an evaluation method, a method using a calculation formula and a method using an evaluation code was performed. For the evaluation of exposure dose using the calculation formula, a preliminary evaluation was performed using the point source method, the point kernel method, and intake and dose conversion factors. In addition, VISIPLAN and IMBA codes were used to evaluate exposure dose using the evaluation code, and the input data were supplemented for evaluation. As a result of the evaluation, the annual exposure dose limit of 20 mSv was satisfied for both normal and non-normal situations. In future research, it is planned to derive the evaluation results by particular scenarios for the detailed movement route and evaluation time according to the work process in the mobile radionuclide analysis.
This study is to investigate fuel cladding temperature in a transport system for the purpose of developing a methodology for evaluating the thermal performance of spent fuel. Detailed temperature analysis in the transport system is important because the degradation mechanism of the fuel cladding is generally sensitive to temperature and temperature history. In such a system, the magnitude of the temperature change is determined by examining the temperature sensitivity of fuel assemblies and system components including fuel cladding temperature, considering the material properties, component specifications, component aging mechanism, and heat transfer mechanism. The sensitivity analysis is performed using heat transfer models by computational fluid dynamics for the horizontal transport system. The heat transfer within the system by convection, conduction and thermal radiation is calculated by thermal-hydraulic analysis code FLUENT. The calculation region is divided into a basket cell and a transport cask. The thermal analysis of the basket cell is for predicting the fuel cladding temperature. And the reason for analyzing the transport cask is to provide the boundary condition for the basket cell by reflecting the external environmental conditions. Here, the basket cell containing the spent fuel assembly is modeled on the homogeneous effective thermal conductivity. The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate fuel cladding temperatures for the following four main items. That is the effect of surface emissivity changes in basket due to the oxide layer of the fuel cladding, the effect of degradation of the canister backfill helium gas, the effect of fuel assembly position in basket cell on fuel cladding and basket temperatures in canister, and the effect of using the homogeneous effective thermal conductivity model instead of the fuel assembly in basket cell. As a result of the analysis, the maximum temperatures in basket cells are evaluated for the above four items. Thermal margins for each item are investigated for thermal performance requirements (e.g., peak clad temperature below 400oC).
The bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement provides the basis for technical and economic exchanges and research and development cooperation in the nuclear industry, while also having an important role in the peaceful use of nuclear power. The government of Republic of Korea has signed the supplementary and additional arrangements with the United States, Canada, and Australia to specify detailed procedures necessary for the implementation of the agreement. Currently, items under the bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement (i.e., obligated items) are managed through official documents and e-mails, and it is difficult for the government to systemically track item inventory and identify the person in charge. Another issue is the discrepancy of information between the annual report on obligated items and the report under the import and export procedure. In order to solve these problems, the government is establishing an import and export management system for obligated items to enhance transparency and national reliability in Korea. The ultimate purpose of this project is to not only faithfully fulfill the obligations under the bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement, but also to increase the efficiency of implementation work through systematization of databases and management of obligated items. In this paper, an improved management procedures are suggested by analyzing the required functions and problems. Also, this paper provides a conceptual design that can be applied to the management system for it obligated items by identifying and analyzing practical problems in the import and export management of mandatory items. As a result, key considerations and the conceptual design proposal for the ‘export and import management system for items subject to the nuclear bilateral cooperation agreement’ are derived. The result will be supplemented through continuous discussions with facility operators and the government to be utilized for detailed system design.
By Foreign Trade Act and the relevant laws, any organization which intends to export strategic items shall be classified whether the products, S/W, or technology are strategic items and obtain an export license from the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC) in case those are nuclearrelated strategic items. The NSSC and KINAC conduct outreach activities to enhance the recognition and implementation of nuclear export and import control. However, ensuring that all target organizations identify and comply with relevant legislation and laws is difficult. Therefore, the government and regulators should continuously make efforts to reduce blind spots for nuclear export and import control. KINAC established the National Nuclear Technology Information Collection and Analysis System (NNTICAS) to find nuclear-related companies through online website information of various companies and to list organizations that handle nuclear-related strategic items. Based on the NICE corporate information website, NNTICAS finds related companies using dynamic collection methods through interactions such as search word input, search button input, check box click, and collected text from each company website using static collection methods through URL address access and HTML source code extraction. After that, the text contained on the company website is analyzed to check whether the predefined normalized word is included, and if the normalized word appears at a certain number or higher, it is judged as a potential target company dealing with nuclearrelated strategic items. Information on the potential target company is compared with the export controlled item list and finally classified as a target company dealing with nuclear-related strategic items. According to the comparison a manually analyzed result of potential target companies and finally selected target companies NNTICAS, it is confirmed that predefined normalized words need to be more detailed, and a controlled item list such as axes (0B001.b.2) needs to be additionally processed. In addition, if the collection is repeated without completing the previous classification of the collected corporate information, it is also possible to collect companies in cosmetics, semiconductors, and displays. Although it was confirmed that some supplementation is needed to use this system to select target companies for the outreach activity, it is also confirmed that target companies for outreach activity can be expanded through this system and is expected to increase the implementation rate and reduce the blind spot for nuclear export and import control.
For countering nuclear proliferation, satellite imagery is being used to monitor suspicious nuclear activities in inaccessible countries or regions. Monitoring such activities involves detecting changes over time in nuclear facilities and their surroundings, and interpreting them based on prior knowledge in terms of nuclear proliferation or weaponisation. Therefore, analysts need to acquire and analyze satellite images periodically and have an understanding of nuclear fuel cycle as well as expertise in remote sensing. Meanwhile, as accessibility of satellite information has been increasing and accordingly a large amount of high-resolution satellite images is available, a lack of experts with expertise in both fields to perform satellite imagery analysis is being concerned. In this regard, the Institute of Korea Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC) has developed a prototype of semi-automatic satellite imagery analysis system that can support monitoring of potential nuclear activities to overcome the limitations of professionals and increase analysis efficiency. The system provides a satellite imagery database that can manage acquired images, and the users can load images from the database and analyze them in stages. The system includes a preprocessing module capable of resizing, correcting and matching images, a change detection module equipped with a pixel-object-based change detection algorithm for multi-temporal images, and a module that automatically generates reports with relevant information. In particular, this system continuously updates open-source information database related to potential nuclear activities and provides users with an integrated analytics platform that can support their interpretation by linking related images and textual information together. As such, the system could save time and cost in processing and interpreting satellite images by providing semi-automated analytic workflows for monitoring potential nuclear activities.
본 연구는 지역의 환경·사회·풍습 등에 적응하면서 오랫동안 형성시켜온 유형·무형의 농업자원을 보전하기 위해 시행되고 있는 국가중요농업유산(KIAHS)에 대한 방문객의 인식을 파악함으로써 농업유산지역의 자원과 행태 등의 이용 특성을 도출하고 지속가능한 발전 방향을 제시하는 것에 연구의 목적이 있다. 이에 KIAHS제도 도입 시점부터 현재까지의 블로그 및 카페 데이터 수집과 분석을 토대로 특성을 고찰한 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 상위 키워드 분석을 통해 농업유산지역이 무형의 특성을 보유한 공간이라는 것을 방문객이 인지하고 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 여행의 목적이 역사문화적 가치로 인해 발생되고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 키워드 연결망 분석 결과 농업유산지역과 대표자원이 연결되고 있어, 지역의 대표자원이 방문객 인식에 영향을 미치는 중요한 요소임을 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 시계열적 관점에서 살펴본 결과 농업 유산제도 시행목적에 정합한 키워드가 다수 도출되었으나, 세계중요농업유산(GIAHS) 등재 이후에 집중적으로 등장하여 KIAHS 인식 확대 방안이 요구됨을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한, 감성분석을 통해 제도에 대한 이해와 인식 확대 등을 위한 홍보가 필요한 것을 알 수 있었다. KIAHS는 역사성과 대표성을 보유한 곳으로 지식, 문화, 경관 등 다양한 관점에서 접근할 필요가 있으며, 추가적으로 세부적인 지역별 특성에 대한 고찰을 진행한다면 지역의 대표자원 인식을 근거로 지역 활력화 방안을 마련할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
Failure to comply with the performance test requirements for the centrifugal pumps at power plants often results in performance dissatisfaction as a result of field tests. This study proposed a method of reducing the uncertainty of the field test results by evaluating the systematic error in the measurement system caused by failure to follow the test requirements using the computational fluid dynamics(CFD) technique. As a result of the evaluation of the systematic error and reflecting it in the performance test data, it was confirmed that the error occurred at a constant rate with respect to the flowrate and that the pump, which showed a difference in performance actually had the same performance.
In this paper, cycle performance analysis of two-stage compression two-stage expansion refrigeration system using eco-friendly refrigerants is presented to offer the basic design data for the operating parameters of the system. Eco-friendly refrigerant R600a(Isobutane) for freon refrigerant R22 were used working fluids in this study. The coefficient of performance(COP) of R600a is about 5% greater than that of R22 two-stage compression refrigeration system in the range of evaporation temperature –30℃∼-60℃. The coefficient of performance of two-stage compression and two-stage expansion refrigeration system decreases with the increasing condensation temperature and superheating degree but increases with the increasing evaporation temperature, subcooling degree and mass flow rate ration of intercooler.
Recently, the medical industry’s use of biomaterial has taken an important place. A biomaterial is a semi-permanent material that can be used instead of a specific part of the body when there is a disability. Among them, Nitinol alloy has used in the human body, the material surface quality is very important, and research on processing methods is important to improve the surface quality. Therefore, in this study, a study was conducted to obtain high-quality surface quality using the MR polishing process. As a result, high-quality surface roughness was obtained at a wheel rotation speed of 400rpm(Ra=3.5nm).
Structural characteristics have been analyzed for gear system in a commercial iron bending machine which is widely used at many building construction sites. This complicated gear system in the bending machine is fundamental power transfer unit from electrical motors, and it is composed of various configuration structure including various spur and helical gear assembly. Main structural characteristics of the gear system such as stress and deformation distributions are predicted with numerical simulation of FEM method for various operating conditions of torque and rotation speed. Results show that there is large deformation in lower region of driving gear, and high stress near those contact area which is greatly affected by motor torque. These results can be applied for the design improvement of efficient gear system in the iron bar bending machine.
Recently, due to the rapid increase in vehicle accidents, research on improving seat belts and restraint system are being actively on going to solve the problems in vehicle for passengers. The characteristics of lap belt load and pelvic displacement were simulated through MADYMO program using Hybrid III 50th percentile male dummy to analyze the submarining by changing the collision speed and seat back angle by applying the forward collision pulse form accident scenario. As a result, the submarining occurred when the seat-back angle was 60° or higher at the collision speed of 50km/h or higher. Lastly, using the characteristics of the lap belt load and pelvic displacement when the anti-submarining belt (ANSB) system adapted, the pelvic displacement was reduced as well as submarining.
본 연구는 호주-중국 무역분쟁을 국제정치의 상호역학관계 관점에서 분 석하였다. 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 시스템사고 이론에 기반하여 인과지 도분석을 실시하였다. 연구를 통해 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 경제 적 영역에서 시작된 무역분쟁은 다양한 영역으로 확산되면서 복잡한 국제 정치시스템으로 진화하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 다양한 변수들이 작동하 는 국제관계 현실에서 절대적 가치만을 선호하는 중국의 보호된 가치(중화 사상, 하나의 중국, 중국식 인권주의)는 정책결과의 확증편향을 유발하면서 국제관계에서 다양한 변수들의 동태적 변화를 인식하지 못하게 하는 원인 으로 작용하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 한국과 호주는 중국과의 외교관계에 서 상당히 유사한 조건을 가지고 있다는 점에서 호주-중국의 무역분쟁에서 호주가 사용한 전략은 한국의 정책결정에 교훈을 주고 있다는 점을 발견할 수 있었다.