
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 78

        1993.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Resistance evolution to organophosphate-based pesticides in apple and pear inhabiting arthropods of western North America extends to many classes of pest and some beneficial species. Resistance management programs to minimize resistance in pests while exploiting it in natural enemies have met with mixed success. Among beneficials, resistances have been exploited mostly among predators of pest mites. Evolution of resistant mites, leafminers, leafhopper, aphids, leafrollers and some internal fruit feeders have led to development of new monitoring methods and means to delay or avoid resistance. But it is resistance to azinphosmethyl in codling moth (Cydia pomonella) that is changing the pest control system and moving it from chemical to biologically-based means. Newly merging IPM system will depend more on use of biological, cultural, behavior and genetic controls. But more selective pesticides also will be needed to augment pheromones, resistant host plants and genetically altered organisms. These more biologically-based tactics will be prone to resistance evolution in pests as well, if used too unilaterally and/or too extensively.
        1992.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, the author gave a brief review on the meaning and background involving the growth of chemical ecology. Semichemicals which might be developed as insect control techniques incorporating in IPM program were described. The relevant semichemicals were grouped under separate topics including intraspecific semiochemicals, or pheromones (sex pheromones, alarm pheromones, and epidiectic pheromones), and interspecific semiochemicals, or allelochemics (allomones of Plant origin, and kairomones favoring natural enemies). Here, the author dealt with those of practical aspects only. The prospects of chemical ecology in insect pest management were also proposed.
        1992.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In reality, it is a green revolution of the entire agricultural matrix in Korea that integrated pest control plays an important role in the possible breakthrough in rice self-sufficiency. In paddy agroecosystem as man-modified environment, rice is newly established every year by transplantation under diverse water regimes which affect a microclimate. Standing water benefits rice by regulating the microclimate, but it favors the multiplication of certain pets through the amelioration of the microclimate. Further, the introduction of high yielding varieties with the changing of cultural practices results in changing occurrence pattern of certain pests. In general, japonica type varieties lack genes resistant to most of the important pests and insect-borne virus diseases, whereas indica type possesses more genes conferring varietal resistance. Thus, this differences among indica type, form the background of different approaches to pest management. The changes in rice cultivation such as double cropping, growing high-yielding varieties requiring heavy fertilization, earlier transplanting, intensvie-spacing transplanting, and intensive pesticide use as a consequence of the adoption of improves rice production technology, have intensified the pest problems rather than reduced them. The cultivation of resistant varieties are highly effective to the pest, their long term stability is threathened because of the development of new biotypes which can detroy these varieties. So far, three biotypes of N. lugens are reported in Korea. Since each resistant variety is expected to maintain several years the sequential release of another new variety with a different gene at intervals is practised as a gene rotation program. Another approach, breeding multilines that have more than two genes for resistance in a variety are successfully demonstrated. The average annual rice losses during the last 15 years of 1977-’91 are 9.3% due to insect pests without chemical control undertaken, wehreas there is a average 2.4% despite farmers’insecticide application at the same period. In other words, the average annual losses are prvented by 6.9% when chemical control is properly employed. However, the continuous use of a same group of insecticides is followed by the development of pest resistance. Resistant development of C. suppressalis, L. striatellus and N. cincticeps is observed to organophosphorous insecticides by the mid-1960s, and to carbamates by the early 1970s in various parts of the country. Thus, it is apparent that a scheduled chemical control for rice production systems becomes uneconomical and that a reduction in energy input without impairing the rice yield, is necessarily improved through the implementation of integrated pest management systems. Nationwide pest forecasting system conducted by the government organization is a unique network of investigation for purpose of making pest control timely in terms of economic thresholds. A wise plant protection is expected to establish pest management systems in appropriate integration of resistant varieties, biological agents, cultural practices and other measures in harmony with minimizing use of chemical applications as a last weapon relying on economic thresholds.
        1982.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해충관리에 있어서 광범위한 지역에서 수집된 자료를 쉽게 요약하고 지도상에 나타내어 줄 수 있는 Computer Mapping System인 "MAPSYS"를 개발하였다. 개발된 Software System의 타당성을 검토해 본 결과 해충집단의 발생 및 예찰의 연구에 응용할 수 있음은 물론 작물과 이에 관련된 병해충의 분포 및 기상요소를 비롯한 각종 환경요소의 전국적인 분포를 나타내는데 사용하게 쓰일 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 국내 단감 유기재배 선도농가의 병해충 방제 실태조사, 주요 병해충에 대한 친환경 방제자재 선발, 수립한 방제시스템의 현장실증시험을 2013년부터 2015년까지 3년 동안 수행하였다. 유기재배 선도농가의 주 재배품종은 부유였으며, 병해충 방제를 연간 9~17회 유기농업 자재를 살포하였다. 피해가 가장 심한 병해충은 탄저병, 노린재, 감꼭지나방, 깍지벌레 등 이었으며, 사용한 방제자재는 결정석회황합제, 황토유황, 유화제, 보르도액 그리고 마늘, 은 행, 소나무를 이용한 자가제조 식물추출물제를 이용하였다. 탄저병 방제에 효율적인 자재 는 결정석회황, 황토유황이었고, 마늘유+ 시트로넬라유제, 고삼종자 추출물+차추출물제가 톱다리개미허리노린재와 독나방에 효과적이었다. 감꼭지나방 교미교란트랩을 60개/10a 설 치하면 감 착과율을 30% 향상시켰다. 유기재배 단감에 연간 10회 방제하는 방제시스템의 현장실증시험 결과 70.7%의 과일을 수확할 수 있었다. 그러나, 수확기 즈음인 9월, 10월에는 약제를 살포할 수 없기 때문에 이 때 가해하는 노린재류의 피해는 감소하지 않았으며, 추가적인 연구가 필요하다.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Recently, with the growth of traditional medicine industry, management of the quality of herbal medications as a raw material for functional food and medicine becomes more important. One of the most difficult problems of quality control of medicinal plants is management in storage insects. The problem of storage insects is a matter that must be resolved in order to safely obtain raw materials in herbal sector. But the basic prevention measures as well as grasp of the exact situation in the field are not yet. In this study, we investigated to see the problems and solutions through a review of storage pest management system of medicinal plants and the relevant provisions in herbal sector. Methods and Results : For this study, we examined the Status of domestic distribution, storage pest control techniques, news, domestic and import regulations. Storage pests that occur in herbal medications have dropped commercial value and it leads to consumer mistrust. A report said that consumers who had found at least once a pest and microbial contamination when they buy a herbal medications is more than 50% (2004, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety). In the past, those who want to solve these problems had tried through the sulfur fumigation. However, due to concerns about the risk to humans nowadays it was banned in many countries. According to the latest editions of Korean Pharmacopoeia (KP), it is allowed to use a suitable fumigant. but the domestic and imported medicinal plants during distribution can not be used it. Because currently registered fumigant (aluminium phosphide) is allowed only imported medicinal plants in the quarantine process. Chemical fumigation is inappropriate for use in foods and pharmaceuticals so the introduction of eco-friendly control methods is urgent. Eco-friendly methods of pest control that is currently being developed include a cold storage, packaging, high temperature and frozen method etc. Conclusion : These methods should be considered potential cost and Feasibility and it should meet the condition that stated “"Do not change the therapeutic effects of the herbal medications.” in the KP. Also supporting policy for expanding low temperature storage facilities in distribution area will raise possibility of success.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        배 유기재배 과수원에서 최근 문제되는 병해충 종류와 재배농가의 병해충 관리수준을 설문조사하고 조류, 양서류, 파충류, 설치류 등 척추동물의 생물다양성을 일반 화학농약 방제농가와 비교하고자 2010년에 포장조사를 수행하였다. 유기재배 과수원 총 22개소에서 설문조사와 포장조사를 한 결과, 유기재배 농가는 유기재배 병해충 관리자재로 석회황합제, 식물추출물 및 미생물 혼합물, 오일류 등을 선호하였으며, 주요 문제 병해충은 검은별무늬병, 붉은별무늬병, 깍지벌레류, 배나무면충, 배굴나방 등이었다. 유기자재 살포횟수는 병해 방제를 위해 9~10회, 해충 방제를 위해 5~6회 수준이었다. 유기재배 과수원이 관행재배에 비해 검은별무늬병 이병율과 이병도는 높았으나, 깍지벌레류 피해는 차이가 없었고 과중은 감소하였다. 양서류, 뱀, 설치류, 꿩 등은 관행재배와 유기재배 과수원 간에 차이를 확인할 수 없었으나, 멧비둘기의 경우 유기재배 과수원에서 개체수가 유의하게 많은 섭식활동을 하였다.
        1982.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The effects of climatic factors on organisms lire variable and complex, and it, however, can be interpreted in terms of those on the distribution and those on the population densities. The distribution of an organism may largely be determined by the temperatures, except some temporal organisms which are depended on the air mass movements. Population density of an organism is determined by various climatic factors, such as previous winter temperature, temperature of growing season and rainfall. The start of growing season of the rice plants has been shifted to earlier since last decade in Korea. This may mean that the overall climatic condition during the growing season might be considerably different from those in past years, and such a difference in climatic conditions might have close relation with the recent status of the diseases and insect pests through direct effects on the physiology and population dynamics of the organisms, as well as through on the biotic associations of the pest organisms. The white back planthopper and brown planthopper have become the key insect pests in Korea in recent years. They are migratory and have high reproductive pontentials and more generations than average residential insects. The synchronization of the migrants and physiological condition of the rice plants seems to be the important factors in relation to the recent outbreaks of these insects; the high reproductive rate can be obtained with the growth stage of rice being 30-50 days after transplanting. The modication of the microclimate associated with high plant density and some other introduced new cultural techniques also have some relation with the outbreak. The key diseases of the rice are the blast disease, sheath blight and the bacterial leaf blight. For the rice blast, the seedling blast and leaf blast during the early growing season and the neck blast, have become more serious, the former may be related to hotbed nursery and the later may be related to the high humidity in early August, and synchronization of the heading time which has been shifted to early part from middle or late part of August. In general, for the rice diseases, the development of the new races have been the most serious which are largely resulted from the introduction of the new varieties, but it also seems to be related with the prolonged periods of the favorable condition associated with the shifted growing seasons. In general, the diseases and insect pest problems have become much more variable and complex, and control measures should be based on the thorough knowledge of the ecology of the pest organisms, that is, effects of various environmental factors on the disease cycle; spore release, spore deposition, infection, colonization and sporulation of the disease organisms, and those on the development, reproductive potentials, dispersal, age specific responses of the insects. The well organized real-time pest management systems, such as alfalfa weevil management system developed at the Purdue University in U.S., is the prime importance for the implementation of the pest management principles.
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