
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,033

        2004.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of this study are to find out, the fact-analysis of environmental friendly farm households around the Chuam Dam through the sample survey, 2) the developing strategies to improve the EPA on the assumption that is the conservation of Chuam Dam’s water quality. The data used in this study comes from 75 sample farm households. The developing strategies to improve the EPA around Chuam Dam was found out that the efficiency measure of land utilization around Chuam Dam, producing of high quality and safety agricultural products, promoting of the EPA connected with tourist agriculture, improving of the EPA products and supporting of price and income. In conclusion, there must be strategic measures to increase the income of environmental friendly farmers and to conserve the Chuam Dam’s water quality.
        2004.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 교잡종 옥수수의 품종개발 및 옥수수의 생산능력 방법을 개선하기 위한 기초연구로 미국에서 도입된 유망자식계통들을 이용한 5개의 교배조합들 그리고 이들의 F1 및 F2 세대에서 6개의 농업형 질들에 대한 유전양상을 구명하였다. 공시된 5개의 교배조합들과 조사된 6개의 농업형질들에서의 잡종강세효과는 교배조합 및 농업형질들에 따라 다소 차이는 있었지만 교배조합들 중에서는 Mo17/B14A, Va85/B73조합들이 조사된 대부분의 형질들에서 가장 뚜렷한 잡종강세 효과를 나타내었으며 , 그리고 조사된 6개의 농업형질들 중에서는 종자생산량이 교배조합들 사이에서 가장 큰 잡종강세 효과를 나타내었다. 조사된 6개의 농업형질들 중에서 종자생산량은 5개의 교배 조합들 중에서 C103/ND203과 FR35/Oh43 조합을 제외한 나머지 조합들에서 자식약세 현상이 다른 형질들보다 가장 크게 나타났고, 그리고 이들 수량관련 형질들은 일부 교배조합들에서의 예외적 경우를 제외하면 모두 정의 방향으로 자식 약세 현상이 나타나는 것으로 관찰되었다. 공시된 5개의 교배조합들 중에서 Mo17/B14A, C103/ND203 조합들은 조사된 6개의 농업형질들 모두에서 50%이상의 비교적 높은 유전성을 나타내었고, 반면에 Va85/B73 조합은 100립 중을 제외한 모든 형질들에서, 그리고 FR35/Oh43 조합은 간장과 착수고를 제외한 모든 형질들에서 50% 이하의 낮은 유전력을 나타내었다. 그리고 조사된 6개의 농업형질들 중에서 이삭길이를 제외한 모든 형질들은 5개의 교배조합들 모두에서 평균 유전력이 50% 이상을 나타내었으므로 이러한 형질들은 옥수수의 교잡육종을 위한 중요한 선발형질들임을 나타내었다 이상의 결과에 의하면, 본 연구에 이용된 5개의 교배 조합들 중에서 대비 조합으로 쓰인 Mo17/B14A(수원19호)조합은 조사된 대부분의 형질들에서 비교적 높은 생육 및 수량특성을 나타내었으므로 옥수수의 계통선발에 의한 품종육성에 유용한 품종 및 자원인 것으로 확인되었다.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Organic farming in the UK has been greatly grown for the last decade. Two policies for supporting organic farming introduced in 1994 and 1999 played a crucial role in expanding organic farming area and increase in the number of farmers taken up organic farming methods. Comparing the two policies, this paper identifies that the significant increase in financial aid to organic farming in 1999 not only was a key factor to succeed in the scheme but also provided environmental base for further development of rural areas. However, such a national aid scheme should be improved in order to reflect regional specific characteristics in terms of environmental protection and local social and economic development. The experience of the UK suggests that the role of organic farming in rural economies should be defined before enhancing financial support to farmers.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is analyze Development policies on environmentalfriendly agriculture(EA) and find out some implications. As consumption of environmental- friendly agriculture products increasing, administrative policies on EA began 1997s and it has been generally expanded in Korea. The strategies for EA aim to promote among human beings and between humanity and nature require. In addition, support to develop horizontal and vertical productions-organization, regionalization, and political support must be further developed. The necessary investments for such concepts can clearly be reduced through cooperation.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        물이 부족한 우리나라는 최근 수자원의 효율적인 이용에 대한 중요성이 강조되고 있으며 특히 지금까지 개발된 저류시설을 통한 수자원의 효율적인 관리가 절대적으로 필요한 실정이다 효율적이고 합리적인 수자원관리와 그 이용 효과를 극대화하기 위해 경북지방의 농업용 저수지에 대한 저류용량과 퇴사량의 현황을 분석한 결과 농업용 저수지의 준설을 통하여 10% 이상에 이르는 저류용량을 추가적으로 확보할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 GIS와 각종 토사발생량 예측기법을 활
        2004.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        U.S. organic farming has grown rapidly-20 percent or more annually-throughout the 1990s, which kept pace with consumer demand for organically produced food. Thus certified organic acreage is the total to 2.35 million acres in 48 state in 2001, and so the U.S. ranked fourth in land area managed under organic farming systems. And according to several surveys, consumer’s reasons for purchasing organic food are health and nutrition, taste and environmental concerns. California and North Dakota were the top two states in 2001 for certified organic cropland; the former with mostly fruits and vegetables, and the latter with wheat, soybeans, and other crops. And the top two states for certified organic pasture were Colorado and Texas. And then several states such as Iowa and Minnesota have begun subsidizing conversion to organic farming systems as a way to capture the environmental benefits of these systems. The price of organic produce fluctuates rather broadly because of being traded by market economy principle and of demandsupply disequilibrium. Nevertheless, average price premiums for organic produce are higher than the prices for the produce under conventional farming. Future prospects for U.S. organic farming are as follows; Demand for organically grown foods is expected to continue growing at a rapid pace, as more growers convert to organic production and more processors and distributors expand organic selections in their product lines. And new processed products and new types of healthy foods are likely to appear on the market, and some new organic products will be aimed at mainstream markets.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Crop inputs in excess of the yield potential of the soil type reduce profitability and increase pollution problems from leaching and runoff. Inaccurate fertilizer and pesticide application can also result in profit loss. Current farming practices plan only for the dominate soil in the field. A government-supported program titled “Pilot village project for the environment-friendly agriculture” was proceeded from 1999 to 2001 to tackle the problems with which our agriculture is faced by introducing IPM, INM and others. The objective of this study is to consider the potential input savings of agricultural chemicals and economic feasibility of the project compared with the conventional farming. The results of the analysis indicate the followings: (1) organic or no-pesticide farming size was increased from 9% in 1999 to 20% in 2001; (2) crop yield was a little bit lower than that of the conventional farming, but the sale price, gross income and income of the pilot village were 6%, 10% and 9% higher than that of the conventional farming, respectively ; and (3) fertilizer and pesticide use also showed decreasing trend gradually.
        2004.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        농업용 저수지의 유효저수량은 물수지 분석을 근거고 한 저수지 모의 운영을 통하여 결정하고 있다. 유역은 유출량에 관하여 고유한 특성을 갖고 있으므로 저수지에서 유효저수량의 결정은 유역으로부터의 유출량을 근거로 하는 것이 타당하다. 본 연구에서는 유역의 유출량을 근거로 한 추계학적 선형계획모형을 정립하고 저수지의 유효저수량을 분석하였다. 선형계획모형을 이용한 저수지 분석에 있어서 선형결정법칙은 Chance-constrained model과 함께 된 석년수
        2004.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        농업용수 회귀율을 조사하기 위하여 2003년 관개기 동안 많은 실측을 수행하였다. 본 연구지역은 경상남도 창녕군에 위치한 대암양수장 유역일원이다. 관개용수를 공급하기위하여 건설된 대암 양수장 유역 내 논에 대하여 물수지분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구지역에서의 일 강우량 자료를 수집하였으며, 또한 관개율, 배수율, 침투 및 증발산을 실측하였다. 관개량과 배수량은 기록형수위계(GTDL-L10)를 설치하여 관계기 동안 지속적으로 관측하였다 침투 및 증발산은 직경
        2004.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study focus on the revitalization of green tourism by the agricultural landscape conservation policy. Today, agricultural landuse for food production is restricted by agricultural products import. In this context, agricultural land use policy should be paradigm shift to the consumers needs which accelerates the green tourism in the rural areas. This research screen the agricultural landscape conservation policy of Japan' system and construct the new policy implementation for agricultural landscape conservation in Korea. For this purpose, agricultural landscape guideline and support system should be established in line with the revitalization of green tourism and agricultural income diversification in the rural areas.
        2004.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 농업용 저수지에서 저수량 예측모형과 함께 저수지의 목표저수량 및 한계저수량을 유지하기 위한 저수지 운영방안을 제시하였다. 대상저수지인 금강저수지에서 1990년부터 200l년까지의 저수량 자료를 이용하여 갈수빈도해석을 적용하고, 2년빈도 한발저수량을 목표저수량(target storage)으로, 10년빈도 한발저수량을 한계저수량(critical storage)으로 설정하였다. 농업용 저수지의 운영의 효율화를 위해서는 우선 합리적인 방법을 통하
        2003.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        So far, we have pursued only convenient and efficient growth of economy, as a result, environment surrounding us has been destroyed and the rights of our existence gotten to be even threatened. We need to ensure our lives and at the same time, need a power with which agriculture undertakes global circulation structure and a power that is able to preserve our environment we live per se. Therefore, in the near future, the final objectives of agriculture structure for 21st century would be to increase productivity of highly developed agricultural products in accordance with the ecosystem and a recycling agriculture. What is a recycling agriculture? In the narrow sense, it means provisions-producing- system related to interactive recycle of material among forestry, livestock husbandry and seeding agriculture. In the broad sense, it means to produce credible agricultural product by keeping balanced resources via conversion to complete degradable material of organic wastes produced within rural village. Based on this concept, finally, our goal is to construct the resources recycling community. Environment friendly agriculture ⇒ organic agriculture ⇒ recycling (circulation) agriculture ⇒ construction of community with resources recycling. Therefore, in order to construct recycling agriculture, most of all, it is considered that the following, it should be established reasonable standard amounts for fertilizer, manure and liquid fertilizer based on results of soil test by each region, nature-recycling form of crops production and livestock production systems by maximizing utilization of different recycling byproducts occurring in the crop producing process by each region.
        2003.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to analyze policies on environmental-friendly agriculture(EFA) and find out some implications. As we know well, EFA contributes environmental substantiality by using organic production methods and provides consumers with a secure, safe nutritious food supply. As consumption of environmental-friendly agricultural products increasing, policies on EFA began in the 1990s and it has been generally expanded in Korea. The strategies for sustainable EFA aim to promote harmony among human beings and between humanity and nature require. In addition, support to develop marketing activities, regionalization, and political support must be further developed.