
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 159

        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, through appreciating one of W. B. Yeats’s later poems, I try to find how the poet’s creative self gets to have its creative power and in what mechanism it expands its poetic circumference. “Among School Children” is the very poem his poetic self and creative imagination are well wrought into. In the poem, the poet suggests that power and knowledge cannot exist together, speaking of the powerful theories of Plato and simultaneously of the philosopher’s powerless being before Nature. He praises Aristotle as a king of kings, and Pythagoras as world-famous golden-thighed, but he mocks them of being old clothes upon an old stick to scare a bird. In the same way, he asserts that “the body is not bruised to pleasure soul.” In the sense of deconstructionists, all the binary oppositions have their hierarchies; however, Yeats puts the two antithetical elements on the identical level, as they are not subordinated to each other, and tries to bridge the abyss or space between. Such an attempt to unite the opposite worlds is manifested in his A Vision. Concerning his “gyre” theory, the figure is frequently drawn as a double cone. The one is called primary gyre, representing space, intellect, mask and fortune; the other antithetical one to represent time, emotion, creativity and will. The narrow end of each cone is in the centre of the broad end of the other. Seen at the narrow end of each cone through the centre of each broad end, appears a circle having a dot at the center. This is the poet’s world of imagination whose centre is his “self” and whose circumference is the limit of the self’s perception. The poet’s life-long activities are related with his efforts to expand the circumference. “Among School Children” is a trace of such activities. The centre is the place where the self of the poet is located; the circumference is where the self “perceives its limitation,” or where arises the feeling of awe, terror, or ecstasy, which means a kind of tension geared between the binary opposite worlds: the finite and the infinite; the mortal and the immortal; life and death; the real and the ideal; youth and age; the body and soul; pleasure and despair. The perception network of the poet connects the centre and circumference. The power to widen the circle originates from the poet’s paradoxical sense of life, of deprivation, and of renunciation through an attainable love with Maud Gonne, tensions between religious struggles, civil revolutions, and so on. The sharp confrontation of these tensions takes place rise to in the circumference and stimulates the poet’s creative imagination. This power of self strengthened by these tensions starts its quest-journey to explore the mysteries beyond the limit of its circle: the mysteries of the opposite worlds separated here and there. The ultimate purpose of the journey, finally, is to reach the united condition of the two worlds, which means what Greg Johnson calls “the highest imaginative enhancement of human identity” or immortality. This united world is the place where “we cannot know the dancer from the dance” and where Yeats’s “unity of being” is synthesized.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예이츠의 학교 어린이들 사이에서 (1927)와 파운드의 빌라네레: 심리적인 시간 (1916) 은 모두 장소의 개념을 시의 주제와 연결시키고 있다는 점에서 공통점을 발견할 수 있다. 이는 두 시인이 모두 외부경치의 묘사로 서두를 장식하는 낭만주의 명상시의 영향 아래 있었다는 것을 보여주고 있다. 그러나 두 시인이 사용한 장소의 개념과 각 시의 주제를 연결시켜 보면 두 시인의 다른 성향을 알 수 있다. 먼저, 학교 어린이들 사이에서 에서 예이츠가 사용한 교실은 생로병사 같은 인간의 한계를 상징적으로 표현하며 그 새장 혹은 감옥의 좁은 방과 같은 한계성을 어떻게 극복하느냐가 이 시의 주된 관심사라고 할 수 있다. 이 시의 마지막 시구 (“춤과 춤추는 이를 어떻게 구별할 수 있을 것인가?”)는 비록 학자마다 그 해석을 달리하여 아직도 논란이 있는 게 사실이지만 나의 소견은 예이츠가 추구해온 합일의 신비적인 힘을 결정적으로 표현한 것이라고 해석하고 싶다. 즉, 처음에 설정된 인간의 한계를 극복하는 길은 합일의 힘 뿐이라는 것이다. 다시 말하면 인간의 주관적인 힘에 더욱 더 무게를 두는 낭만주의의 전통을 그대로 간직하고 있음을 알수 있다. 한편, 파운드의 빌라네레: 심리적인 시간 은 집의 묘사로 그 서두를 장식하고 있는데 우리는 그 집이 화자의 시각 (주관적인 관점)을 제한하는 역할을 하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 이러한 장소의 선택으로 인간이 필연적으로 경험하게 되는 주관의 한계(집의 내부에서 밖을 보는데는 분명한 한계가 있음으로)를 극복하게 하려는 파운드의 치밀한 계산이 깔려있는 것이다. 파운드의 방법은 객관적인 시각을 받아들이는 것이다. 그래서 보다 다양한 관점을 유지하여 주관의 한계를 극복하려는 것이 다. 그러나 이 시에서는 파운드가 기다리고 기다리던 객관적인 관점은 이루어지지 않고 주관적인 관점의 한계만 드러낸 채 끝을 맺는다. 이는 예이츠와는 달리 파운드는 주관적인 힘 그리고 인간의 상상력의 힘에 대한 한계를 인정하고 있다는 의미이다. 예이츠의 상상력에 대한 동경으로 시를 쓰고 그에게 인정받으려고 노력했던 파운드가 이제는 예이츠의 시적 노선에 대해 조금씩 거부반응을 보이기 시작했다고 할 수 있을 것이다. 예이츠가 그 자신을 마지막 낭만파 시인이라고 말하고 있는 것과는 대조적으로 파운드는 이 시를 기점으로 이후에 보다 주관이 배제된 형식으로 객관적이고 사회적, 그리고 정치적인 시들을 발표했음을 알 수 있다. 이는 시가 시인의 내적세계라는 좁은 울타리를 나와 보다 이 사회의 발전에 적극적으로 참여해야 한다는 파운드의 시학으로 해석할 수 있을 것이다.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In “Among School Children” Yeats meditated on lover’s passion, nun’s piety, and mother’s affection in the tradition of Plato’s dualistic philosophy. Plato’s philosophy is an idealistic system resting on a sharply defined dualism between mind and matter, God and the world, body and soul. Soul is always superior to body. Soul is the ideal world; body is the present world. Therefore, those who worship images like lover, nun and mother can not fulfill their dreams in the present world. There is a conflict in the dualistic world. But in the last stanza of the poem, the poet showed us the unified world of soul and body as in Hawom thought. The main features of the Hawom thought belong to Tushun and Chihyum, and Bobchang in China. Great Monk Euisang studied under Chihyum and later held the title of National Teacher in Shilla Era of Korea. His thought was given a pictorial form: a meander design made up of a poem consisting of 210 Chinese characters entitled the Hwaom Iisung Bubgyedo: the cosmology of dharma in the One-yana of Avatamsaka philosophy. In this paper I interpret the last stanza of the poem in the light of Euisang’s Hawom vision. The Hawom vision of the world can contribute to solving the problem of dualistic conflict. The Hawom vision of the world is based on the Mahayana ontology of Emptiness(sunyata) or nonsubstantiality. In Euisang’s Bobsungge, soul and body are not different from each other because both have nonsubstantiality. Yeats also said “Labour is blossoming or dancing where/ The body is not bruised to pleasure soul” in the first and second lines of the last stanza. He continued his song, “O Chestnut-tree, great-rooted blossomer,/ Are you the leaf, the blossom or the bole?” Euisang sang “One is in all, all is in one: one is all, all is one.” A Chestnut-tree consists of the leaf, the blossom, and the bole. The relationship between a part and the whole is in “organic” unity: a part is in the whole, the whole is in a part: a part is the whole, the whole is a part. Yeats argued “How can we know the dancer from the dance,” Euisang suggested ie is not differ from sa. For example, in a golden statue of lion, gold is ie, the statue is sa. ie is represented by sa. The dance is represented by the dancer. Nothing is self-sufficient and all things are interdependent. The Hawom philosophy views the world as a harmonious whole without any dualistic conflict of its fundamental nature. Euisang and Yeats showed us a beautiful vision of the universal reconciliation and harmony of all beings in the world. Euisang called it Buddha’s world whereas Yeats called it “Unity of Being.”
        1997.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예이츠의 “Among School Children”을 분석해 보면 이 시가 시적 구조와 예이츠의 “Among School Children” 에 내재한 성서의 세계, 이미저리, 그리고 이 시의 궁극적 메시지가 성서를 그 모델로 하여 지어졌음을 알 수 있다. 이 논문의 목적은 이 시의 삼단계 시적 구조가 기본적으로 성서의 삼단계 구조를 모방했음을 주장하는 것이다. 즉 이 시가 내포하고 있는 각 파트의 주요 이미지 즉 학교 교실, 노령화에 대한 시인의 무기력함, 그리고 댄서의 이미지가 결국 성서에 나오는 이미지 즉 성서 처음의 한 장소에서 다른 장소로 이동하는 모습, 그 이후 끊임없이 되풀이되는 인간의 나약함, 그리고 성서 마지막의 요한 계시록에 나오는 신비의 결혼을 변형한 것이다. 이 시의 주제 중의 하나인 Unity of Being의 실현이 인간의 한계를 해결할 수 있다는 것도 신과 인간의 결혼으로 천국을 이룩할 수 있다는 성서의 종교적 비전을 연상시킨다. “Among School Children”의 내면에는 바이블의 세계가 존재하고 있는 것이다.
        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main purpose of this study was to observe the effect of school lunch program on dietary habits of elementary school children and their food preferences. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 785 children and their mother in ele-mentary school with and without school lunch program. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. 91.1% of subjects were eating rice for breakfast menu and 12.2% of subjects were skipping breakfast every morning. 2. Most of the children preferred fruits, ddugboggi, ice cream, fritter, cookie, bread, beverage and hot dog for snacks. 3. Despite of its restrictive practice, the school lunch program proved to be contributory to the improvement of children's food intake habits, table manners, keeping social order, sanitary consiousness, gratitude for their parents. 4. Children preferred kimbap, bokumbap and hamburger for main dish, fish jelly soup, brown seaweed soup and bean-sprout soup for soup, animal food for side dish and frying saute for cooking methods. 5. Most of the children disliked crown daisy, green pepper, mushroom, green onion, onion, dropwort, soybean and carrot for their food materials.
        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To find out the reference data of the school food service system, I serveyed four primary schools in Seoul, Korea and Nara, Japan respectively. The school children and their parents of whom arbitrary selected two classes among each primary school, were taken the questionaire about the present school food service system and their favorate food. The results were as follows; 1) 74.8% of Korean and Japanese children, and 92.5% of their parents were in favor of school food service. 2) Korean childrin wanted more amount of food and less salty taste. 3) Korean and Japanese children and their parents believed that the school food service system correct children's unbalanced diet. 4) Korean children wished more kinds of foods, western-styled cooking and that the food would be served in warm state. 5) Korean parents wanted that school food service system should be natural and better quality food material, and teacher should educate good eating habit. 6) Korean school children prefer yogurt, cuttle-fish, chicken, bean-curd, tomato, orange, dried laver, sweet potato, pine-mushroom in each food group. In conclusion, school food service system should be enough to meet children's good nutrition status, and the menu would be selected with consideration of children's preference and Korean traditional diet habit. Good table manner and eating all kinds of foods should be targht by school food service system as well as preparing good quality of food.
        1995.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken to investigate the dietary behavior and sugar intake of korean school children. The subject were 131 school lunch program children and 149 non school lunch program children lived in Soung Nam city. Sugar intake, food intake, dietary behavior and anthropometric measurement were studied through personal interview using 24-hour recall dietary data and records. Total daily energy and nutrient intake of children were higher than RDAs except for intake of Calcium and vitamin A. The nutrients intake of school lunch program children were significantly higher than that of non school lunch program children (p〈0.05). The range of daily sugar intake was 10 g to 220 g and the total daily sugar intake was 63.0±37.4 g. Sugar intake of school lunch program children (51.4±25.7 g) was significantly lower than non school lunch program children (73.1±42.9 g) (p〈0.0001). The more sugar intake increase more intake of Energy, Fat and Carbohydrate. The result of stepwise multiple regression analysis using the sugar intake of children as dependent variable, energy, vitamin B2, protein, niacin, calcium school lunch program, education of fathers are significant explanatory variables, explaining 44.8% of variation. Result of this study suggest that school lunch program is desirable for good dietary behavior and decreation of sugar intake of school children.
        1995.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The relationship of obesity and related behaviors was analyzed among 361 primary school children, 4th and 5th grade, in one of private school in Seoul in July 1994. Compared to 1985 Korean Children's Growth Standard, the surveyed children have shown remarkable growth, which is the secular trend in growth of Korean children accompanied with rapid economic growth. But the relative incremental weight was far larger than that of height and this trend was more evident among children over 50th percentile, which shows a wide prevalence of obesity of the surveyed children. By WLI index, 15% of the children was overweight and 13% was obese. The higher the WLI, the more frequent and stronger stress they had. The nutrition knowledge score of obese children was higher compared to others. They were especially sensitive to their physical fitness but many normal or underweight-children also experienced stress due to their body weight and have tried to lose weight by incorrect methods. On the other hand many obese children thought they were optimal or underweight. These results reasserts the importance of nutrition education focused on children aheading puberty. They need to know the correct degree of obesity and to get appropriate education through teachers, dietitians, parents and doctors. The findings of this study could be applied to a nutrition implementation policy to ensure better physical fitness of children aheading puberty in the future.
        1994.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1993.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An ecological survey of food and nutrition was conducted in April and May, among 278 children, 6 to 12 years old, of the Youido elementary school, which offers no school lunch program, and is situated in Youido delta of Han River side of Seoul, known as the location of one of the socioeconomically high groups; Eighteen percent and 18.3% of subjects were proven to be overweight and obese, respectively. With regard to frequency of skipping breakfast, 28.4% of the subjects skipped breakfast often and 2.5% of subjects skipped breakfast every morning. Obese children showed good appetite and the time consumed for eating was shorter than those of normal or overweight children. Most serious anxiety among the mothers for those children was food habit of `eating rapidly' and `overeating'. Another striking observation was that 14.4% of the subjects ate only one side-dish with boiled rice, and such a pattern was more often found in the normal or slim group. Most of the subjects had their snacks after being back in home from school. Thirty-one percent of the children had snacks when they felt hungry, 69% had snacks for various reasons such as `habitually', `for unwinding', and `mother gives me snacks'. Thirty-eight percent of the boys and 19% of the girls had physical exercise everyday and overweight and obese children got exercise more frequently. But the time consumed for exercise was much more shorter than that of normal subjects. Most of the children liked fruits, meats, and biscuit, in contrast, lowest preferency was for vegetables, fermented fish products, and boiled rice mixed with other grains. Obese children experienced more kinds of food than normal or slim group. The study found that habits of overeating due to good appetite and eating rapidly were recognized as one of dominant reasons causing obesity among children. On the other hand, serious dietary problem of children of normal or slim group was eating less variety of food. Active nutrition education for both children and mothers will be recommended with joint participation of teachers.
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