
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 10

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate changes in the productivity of Italian ryegrass seeds according to the timing of harvest after heading in the southern region. The Italian ryegrass variety ‘Greencall’ was sown in Jinju, Gyeongsangnam-do, in the fall of 2022. Four harvest timings were tested (30, 40, 50, and 60 days after heading), with a randomized complete block design and three replicates. Sowing in the test plots took place on October 10, 2022, and harvesting was carried out from 30 days after heading on May 18 to 60 days. The plant height was the longest (99.1 cm) in the plot harvested 30 days after heading and decreased as the harvest was delayed. No significant differences were observed among treatments in terms of lodging resistance, disease resistance, and cold resistance. However, lodging severity increased over time after heading (7∼9). Disease incidence was also higher in plots harvested 50 and 60 days after heading. The length of the spike was shortest (38.76 cm) in the plot harvested 50 days after heading, and the number of seeds per spike was the lowest (42 seeds/spike) in the plot harvested 60 days after heading. The dry matter content of seeds increased with the delay in harvest, while dry matter yield decreased, with the lowest yield observed in the plot harvested 40 days after heading (3,031 kg/ha, p<0.05). The dry matter content of seed straw was highest at 75.73% in the plot harvested 50 days after heading and dropped to 34.99% 60 days after heading due to rainfall. The dry matter productivity of the seed straw was the lowest in the plot harvested 40 days after heading. The feed value of the seed straw also decreased with delayed harvest, with an average RFV (Relative Feed Value) of 91. In conclusion, the optimal harvest timing for fall-sown Italian ryegrass intended for seed production in the southern region appears to be 30 days after heading.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The experiment was conducted to determine the changes in seed productivity of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) according to nitrogen fertilization levels in the southern region of Korea. Italian ryegrass (IRG) variety 'Green Call' was sown in the fall of 2021 in Jinju, Gyeongsangnam-do. The experiment consisted of three nitrogen fertilizer levels (100, 120, and 140 N kg/ha) with three replications using a randomized complete block design. Harvesting was done approximately 30 days after heading on May 18th. There was no difference in heading date among treatments, which occurred on April 18th. The longest IRG was observed in the 140 N kg/ha treatment, but there was no significant difference. No significant differences were observed in lodging, disease resistance, and cold tolerance among treatments, but lodging was severe in all treatments. The length of the spike averaged 44.95 cm, with no difference among treatments, and the number of seeds per spike was highest in the 120 N kg/ha treatment. Seed yield increased with increasing nitrogen fertilizer levels, averaging 3,707 kg/ha (as-fed basis). DM content of seed and straw averaged 76.95% and 62.19%, respectively, with no significant differences among treatments. The remaining straw after harvesting averaged 6,525 kg/ha on a dry matter basis, with the highest value observed in the 140 N kg/ha treatment. Overall, considering the results, the optimal nitrogen fertilizer application rate for seed production of Italian ryegrass in the southern region when sown in autumn was found to be 120 N kg/ha.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was conducted to confirm the possibility of preparing Sorghum×sudangrass hybrid artificial hay using far-infrared rays in Korea. The machine used in this experiment is a drying device based on far-infrared rays, and is designed to control temperature, air flow rate, far-infrared radiation amount, and air flow speed. The Sorghum×sudangrass hybrids harvested in late September were wilted in the field for one day, and a drying test was performed on them. Conditions for drying were performed by selecting a total of 7 conditions, and each condition induced a change in radiation amount in a single condition (42%) and two steps (4 treatments) and three steps (2 treatments). The speed of the air flow in the device was fixed at 60 m/s, and the run time was changed to 30, 60, and 90 minutes. The average dry matter (DM) content was 82.84%. The DM content was 59.94 and 76.91%, respectively, in drying conditions 1 and 3, which were not suitable for hay. In terms of drying rate, it was significantly higher than 80% in the 5, 6 and 7 treatment, and power consumption was slightly high with an average of 5.7 kw/h. As for the feed value according to each drying condition, the crude protein (CP) content increased as the drying time increased, and there was no significant difference between treatments in ADF, NDF, IVDMD and TDN content. In terms of RFV, treatment 1, which is a single condition, was significantly lower than the complex condition. Through the above results, it was determined that the drying conditions 4 and 5 were the most advantageous when considering the drying speed, power consumption, and quality.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 시험은 우리나라에서 원적외선을 이용한 이탈리안 라이그 라스 인공건초 조제 가능성을 확인하기 위해 수행되었다. 본 시험 에 사용된 기계는 온도, 송풍량, 원적외선 방사량을 조절할 수 있 는 원적외선 건조기로 5월에 수확한 이탈리안 라이그라스를 대상 으로 실시하였다. 건조를 위한 조건은 전체 9개의 조건을 선택하 여 수행하였으며 각각의 조건은 방사율 42∼45 %로 설정을 하였 으며 내부 온도는 65℃로 설정하였다. 기기내의 기류의 속도는 40 ∼60m/s로 하였으며, 전체적인 건조시간은 방사량 42%는 30분, 43%는 25분 그리고 45%는 20분으로 하여 수행하였다. 각각의 건조조건에 따른 최종 건물함량은 평균 88.5%로 나타났으며 전 처리에서 건초에 적합한 건물함량을 나타내었다. 건조 조건에 따 른 전력 소비량을 보면 45% 방사량에서 20분간을 건조한 처리구 에서 가장 낮게 나타났다. 건조율에 있어서는 1∼5번 건조 조건에 서는 차이가 없었으나 6∼7조건에서는 유의적으로 낮은 경향을 보였다. 사료가치에 있어서는 대부분의 건조조건에서 원물보다 CP, IVDMD는 높았고 ADF, NDF 함량은 낮게 나타났으며 대체 적으로 4, 7 및 8번 건조 조건에서 높은 경향을 보였다. 이상의 결과를 통하여 건조속도, 전력량, 품질 등을 고려할 때 7 및 8번 건조조건이 가장 유리한 것으로 판단되었다.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was conducted to investigate the change in the productivity of Italian ryegrass seeds according to the inter-row spacing in the southern region of the Korean Peninsula. Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) ‘Green Call’ variety was sown in Jinju, Gyeongnam in the fall of 2020 with three inter-row spacings (20, 30 and 40 cm). The experiment was arranged a randomized block design with three replications. The ryegrass was sown on October 17, 2020, and the harvest was on May 31, about 60 days from the first heading stage. There was no difference among treatments with an average of April 27th in heading stage. Plant height was significantly longer at 30 cm seeding interval and the shortest in 20 cm treatment. The length of the spike was the longest in the 40 cm seeding interval, and the number of seeds per spike was the highest in the 20cm seeding interval, but there was no significant difference among treatments. The seed yield was the highest at the 20 cm sowing interval (2,180 kg/ha), and decreased as the spacing increased. The dry matter content of seeds and straw was found to be 44.90% and 45.51% on average, and there was no significant difference among treatments. The amount of remaining straw after harvesting was found to be 7,506 kg/ha on average on DM basis, and was high at the 20 cm seeding interval. In view of the above results, it was found that it is most advantageous to sow at intervals of 20 cm when producing Italian ryegrass seeds through autumn sowing in the southern region.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Numerical analysis has been carried out to investigate the structural characteristics of auxiliary shaft system in a compact special vehicle. Stress and deformation distributions with safe factor in the auxiliary axle system are compared. It can be seen that maximum stress happens near the local axle position and deformation at the air spring is also predicted. The results from this study could be applicable for optimal design of variable shaft system in the compact special vehicle.
        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To find out the reference data of the school food service system, I serveyed four primary schools in Seoul, Korea and Nara, Japan respectively. The school children and their parents of whom arbitrary selected two classes among each primary school, were taken the questionaire about the present school food service system and their favorate food. The results were as follows; 1) 74.8% of Korean and Japanese children, and 92.5% of their parents were in favor of school food service. 2) Korean childrin wanted more amount of food and less salty taste. 3) Korean and Japanese children and their parents believed that the school food service system correct children's unbalanced diet. 4) Korean children wished more kinds of foods, western-styled cooking and that the food would be served in warm state. 5) Korean parents wanted that school food service system should be natural and better quality food material, and teacher should educate good eating habit. 6) Korean school children prefer yogurt, cuttle-fish, chicken, bean-curd, tomato, orange, dried laver, sweet potato, pine-mushroom in each food group. In conclusion, school food service system should be enough to meet children's good nutrition status, and the menu would be selected with consideration of children's preference and Korean traditional diet habit. Good table manner and eating all kinds of foods should be targht by school food service system as well as preparing good quality of food.
        1995.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The school food service system has been an important national policy in Korea. To find out the reference data of the school food service system, we surveyed four primary schools, one middle school, and one food service center in Nara, Japan. The results are as follows; 1. The school food service was carried out in 99.4% of primary school children and in 82.5% of middle school students. 2. The central commissary school food service system was utilized at 49.0% of primary schools and 68.5% of middle schools. 3. The expense of the system is supported partially by the student's parents and partially by the government, of which the support rate was noticed by the law of school food service. 4. The dietary content of school food service was laid down by 'The rule of the operation basis of school food service'. The menu was chosen by the 7 kinds of stepwise meetings. 5. The teachers emphasized on the food etiquette, the appreciation to the food and the personal relationship during meal, as well as on the nutritional balance. 6. We found other problems in Japanese food service system, such as the sanitary problems, the problems of the new tableware, and whether the central kitchen had less advantage than the individual school kitchen. We can conclude that the school food service system is becoming the essential part in school education, and hope to design not only economical but also educational system in Korea, with the consideration of Japanese system.
        1995.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted for the purpose of practice of nutrition education and dietary intake for college students. This survey was carried out through a variety of questionnaires by the subjects which consist of 249 male and 208 female college students in Seoul area. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. 75% of the subjects lived in their own houses; the monthly personal expenses were 110~200 thousand wons. The appetite of the students who answered was normal in general. The pattern of dietary life shows that they take richer food at dinner than lunch and breakfast. 2. At school, 75% of students ate at the school cafeteria. Among several main dishes, rice was the most favorite food. Most of the subjects ate their lunch between 12 and 1 o'clock, and they spend approximately 11 to 15 minutes. Most of the students did not have lunch on time. The students ate lunch irregularly, because of the class schedule and poor appetite. 3. On weekends and vacations, 56% of the students ate lunch prepared by their mother at home. The two main reasons for skipping lunch during weekends and vacations were late breakfast and poor appetite. The frequency of eating out were 3~4 times per week, because of social life and convenience of meal. 4. The majority of college students asked for the improvement of meal quality and the choice of menu in school cafeteria.