
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 707

        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the causal relations among brand personality, brand identification, and brand equity of Korean SPA brands that target Chinese consumers. Data were collected from 600 Chinese consumers residing in Beijing and Shanghai from August 15th to August 30th of 2015 by using convenience sampling; 561 of the questionnaires were used in the statistical analyses. Structural equation models were employed using AMOS 22.0. The results were as follows. First, the factors of Korean SPA brand personality, such as sophistication, competence, tenacity, and interest, exerted significant influences on the brand identification, while honesty had no significant influence on brand identification. Second, brand identification had significant influence on brand awareness, brand image, and brand loyalty. Third, brand awareness showed significant influence on brand image and brand loyalty. Fourth, brand image had significant influence on brand loyalty. These results indicated that brand equity can be strengthened by enhancing brand identification with the proper brand personality. This demonstrates that if Chinese consumers can associate Korean SPA brands with a sophisticated, attractive image, brand identification may be improved and brand equity may be strengthened in the long run, providing basic data for establishing efficient marketing strategies for Korean SPA brands in the Chinese market.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국제적으로 신품종과 품종 육성자의 권리가 지적 재산권으로 보호됨에 따라 화훼작물의 경우 국내 민간종묘에서 품종 개발이 거의 이루어지지 않아 농촌진흥청 원예시험장(구 국립 원예특작과학원) 화훼과에서 1992년부터 본격적으로 품종육성 연구가 시작되었다. 2017년 재배면적 44ha, 판매액 93.6억원 인 주요 난류의 하나인 심비디움은 다른 화종에 비해 육종년 한이 길어 2002년에 ‘뷰티프린세스’ 등 4품종이 육성된 후 2017년까지 51품종이 육성되었고, 농촌진흥청 연구비 지원으로 지산영농조합법인에서도 ‘핑크레이스’ 등 26품종이 육성된 바 있다. 이렇게 개발된 품종은 농가에 보급되어 분화나 절화 로 유통되고 있어 최근에는 국산 품종에 대한 재배농가의 인지도가 높아지고 있다. 2009년부터 2017년까지 aT화훼공판장 에서 거래되고 있는 국산 심비디움 품종들의 분화 거래내역을 조사한 결과, 농촌진흥청 개발 51품종 중 21품종이 지산영농 조합 개발 26품종 중 7품종이 1년에서 5년동안 거래된 것을 확인하였다. 국산 품종 거래 수는 2010년과 2015년을 제외하고는 2,568~5,693분으로 총 심비디움 판매량의 1.5~2.1%를 차지하였다. 심비디움 거래량의 65.2~97.6%를 차지하는 꽃대 2, 3, 4대 가격을 비교한 결과, 국산 품종이 외국산 품종에 비하 여 최고가는 낮았지만 평균가는 높았고, 최저가는 훨씬 높았다. 결론적으로 aT화훼공판장 거래가를 기준으로 국산 품종이 외국산 품종과 비교할 때 품질이 양호하였음을 알 수 있었다.
        2019.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The uniqueness of labour as a factor of production is that labour services cannot be separated from the employee. However, since the object of sale is only the services of the employee, not an employee himself, the labour conditions, determined by the labour and collective agreements or other agreements concluded at other levels and within the current legislation, are equally important. Speaking as a subject of labour, a person can realize his or her labour potential by the way of self-employment, that means to act as an independent producer seller of their products. Another way of labour potential realization is hiring, that means offering of the services as a hired employee to the employer, who is the subject of ownership. In this case there is an exchange under the principle: qualification and working time of the worker - for wages and profits. Each enterprise is confronted with a set of goals, among them – economic and social leadership. For their achievement the company uses all the available arsenal of resources - material, land, financial, labour. This indicates the equivalence of all types of resources in achieving the goal. But this is not quite true, because every resource can be included in production only through the activity of labour and people. And this activity depends on the attitude of the company to its employees, the degree of their motivation and stimulation.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Network externalities are essentially dynamic in that the value consumers feel about a product is affected by the size of the existing customer base that uses that product. However, existing studies on network externalities analyzed the effects of network externalities in a static way, not dynamic. In this study, unlike previous studies, the impact of network externalities on price competition in a vertically differentiated market is dynamically analyzed. To this end, a two-period duopoly game model was used to reflect the dynamic aspects of network externalities. Based on the game model, the Nash equilibria for price, sales volume, and revenue were derived and numerically analyzed. The results can be summarized as follows. First, if high-end product has strong market power, the high-end product vendor takes almost all benefits of the network externality. Second, when high-end product has strong market power, the low-end product will take over most of the initial sales volume increase. Third, when market power of high-end product is not strong, it can be seen that the effects of network externalities on the high and low-end products are generally proportional to the difference in quality. Lastly, if there exists a strong network externality, it is shown that the presence of low-end product can be more profitable for high-end product vendor. In other words, high-end product vendor has incentive to disclose some technologies for the market entrance of low-end product, even if it has exclusive rights to the technologies. In that case, however, it is shown that the difference in quality should be maintained significantly.
        2019.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, hardness, which is one of the most important texture properties of meat products, was investigated in order to evaluate the potential of using crushed meat products as food for seniors. The hardness of crushed meat products in the Korean market, such as hamburg steak (12 products), meatball (8 products), ddeokgalbi (rib patties, 13 products), and wanja (meat dumplings, 10 products) were analyzed through a texture analyzer. Also, the hardness of UDF 1st grade hamburg steak (Japanese care food) was assessed in comparison with the texture characteristics of crushed meat products. The mean value of hardness of 43 crushed meat products purchased in the Korean market was 64,733±12,319 N/m2 (23,650-102,780 N/m2) while the hardness of UDF 1st grade product was 50,910±4,990 N/m2. The hardness of 16 crushed meat products was not significantly different from that of UDF 1st grade products (p<0.05). On the other hand, crushed meat products had higher relative standard deviation (RSD, %) values of hardness (mean: 19.6%, from 7.8 to 43.1%) than the RSD of UDF 1st grade products (9.8%) except for three products. Therefore, crushed meat products could be a developable “food for seniors” if deviations of texture are minimized. These findings on texture properties could be an effective data base for the development and quality control of “food for seniors” using meat materials.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to suggest an export strategy of seaweed products from Korea to Vietnam by analyzing the seaweed products consumption in Vietnam. This research surveyed 217 people in Hanoi and Ho chi minh, Vietnam. The result of the research revealed that consumers in Vietnam perceived seasoned kim as a healthy and easy-to-eat Korean food with snacks and side dishes, and it was recognized as a nutritious snack especially suitable for children to 20s. Kimbap is recognized as simple and healthy Korean food that is consumed as a substitute for meals at home, on the streets, and at restaurants. Sea mustard was the healthiest among seaweeds and are consumed in the form of sea mustard soup as good food for women, children, and the elderly. Summarizing the Vietnam seaweed market, it is a market that is similar to Korean seaweed consumer culture. In conclusion, we suggested a seaweed promotion strategy targeting women in their teens to twenties, communication on seaweed production process, experiential marketing strategy and seaweed food culture strategy.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 국산 농기계의 내수 및 수출 경쟁력 제고방안을 도출하고자, 최근 5년간 한국과 일본산의 핵심 농기계에 대한 가격과 시장점유율을 분석하고, 양국 종합형업체의 매출액, 연구개발비 및 특허출원 현황을 분석하고, 높은 시장점유율을 보인 양국 핵심 농기계 대표모델의 성능, 품질 및 가격을 분석하였다. 2016년 우리나라의 4대 농기계 제조사의 연 매출 규모는 1,984-5,249억 원으로, 일본 주요 제조사의 2.7-15.7% 수준이다. 내수시장에서 일본산 농기계의 시장점유율은 트랙터 14.5%, 콤바인 31.1%, 이앙기 35.8%로 확대일로에 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 트랙터의 규격별 가격과 시장점유율을 분석한 결과, 국산 트랙터는 80 ps급 이상 대형일수록 가격경쟁력이 떨어질 뿐만 아니라 시장점유률도 감소하였다. 국산 콤바인의 시장점유율은 자탈형 4조식과 6조식에서 증가하였으나, 가장 많이 공급된 5조식 콤바인(전체의 49.0%를 차지)은 지난 5년간 85.0%에서 60.7%로 감소 하였다. 이는 국산 5조식 콤바인 가격이 일본산의 90.7-108.6%로 가격경쟁력 약화에 기인한 것으로 판단된다. 6조식 이앙기(전체의 88.7%를 차지)중에서 국산이 62.6-68.0%를 유지하는 것으로 분석 되었다. 국산 6조식 가격은 일본산의 83.1-85.5% 수준으로 가격경쟁력이 있지만, 가격 차이가 3,690-4,420천원에 불과하여 시장점유율이 확대되지 못한 것으로 판단된다. 국내 종합형업체의 농기계부문 매출액은 일본 종합형업체의 2.7-15.7%로 크게 낮고, 종업원 1인당 매출액은 일본의 43.9-81.5%에 불과하여 낮은 생산성을 보이고 있다. 연구원 수는 일본의 13.2-28.1%로 낮았으나, 종업원수 대비 연구원수 비율은 145-176.5%로 오히려 더 높았다. 또한 매출액 대비 연구개발비의 비중은 일본 구보다사 보다 123.1-153.8%로 높게 나타났다. 또한, 국내 농기계 산업과 내수시장을 위협하고 있는 일본 제조사의 국내 특허등록은 2010년 이후 급속한 증가세로, 2016년 기준으로 트랙터의 58.5%, 콤바인의 79.9%, 이앙기의 69.8%를 차지하고 있어 기술권리성 확보가 심각한 상태이다. 특히 핵심 농기계에 대해 일본의 국내 특허등록은 주요 핵심기술에 집중되었는데, 트랙터는 본체·변속장치에 37%, 콤바인은 본체·탈곡장치에 54%, 이앙기는 본체에 57%가 집중된 것으로 분석되었다. 따라서 기술권리성 확보 및 내수시장 방어를 위해 제조사의 자체 연구개발비를 증액과 더불어 정부지원 R&D와 특허의 정량적인 출원·등록을 연계하는 제도적 보완 및 지원확대가 필요하다. 국내에서 높은 시장점유율을 보인 양국 핵심 농기계 대표모델의 성능, 품질 및 가격, 가격차이(국산-수입산)/농가소득, 시장점유율을 분석한 결과, 일본산 트랙터의 가격은 국산 대비 130.8-136.3% 고가이고, 농가소득 대비 가격차이율은 37.6%, 시장점유율은 0.1-0.2%를 보였다. 콤바인은 가격 92.0-110.2%에서 가격차이율 –14.2-18.3%와 시장점유율 6.2-8.1%를, 이앙기는 각각 117.0-120.4%, 9.9-11.9%, 5.5-16.1%를 보여, 시장점유율은 농기계의 가격과 농가소득 대비 가격차이 비율에 높은 영향을 받는것으로 나타났다. 농기계의 경쟁력 강화를 위해서는 단기적으로 고장이 적어야 한다. 내수시장에서 국산 농기계는 가격대비 품질이 낮고 고장빈도가 높아 농가로부터 신뢰성과 시장점유율이 크게 감소하였다. 따라서 고장빈도가 높은 부품의 내구성 향상과 고품질 부품 개발, 부품 표준화 등을 담당하는 전문연구기관의 설립이 필요하다. 또한 중장기적으로 현재까지의 선진기술 추격과 응용기술 개발에서 탈피하여 핵심 요소기술개발에 역점을 두어야한다. 이를 위한 기술 로드맵 수립, 산학연 협력 확대와 정부의 연구개발비 증액, 산업체의 구조조정과 기술혁신이 필요하다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The industrial structure of Chuja Island is mainly occupied by fisheries. Since the fisheries resources have been depleted and the marine environment has been changed, the fishery industry has been hard to survive. It is the time when residents are looking for a breakthrough in the tourism industry. Market segmentation is a valuable tool in the establishment of marketing strategies. Segmentation of tourists by the same desire and motivation is an essential factor in identifying the characteristics of tourists. The research on market segmentation of tourism sector focuses mainly on demographic subdivision, psychological subdivision, and behavioral subdivision, so it is urgent to study geographical market segmentation. The purpose of this study is to present data that can be used to establish a marketing strategy for tourism promotion in Chuja Island by analyzing the tourism activities via subdivision market according to demographic characteristics, tourism behavior characteristics, and tourism motivation after grasping the geographical segment of tourists through empirical analysis. In this study, 285 valid samples were analyzed by frequency analysis, χ 2 test, cluster analysis and ANOVA test.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2006년에 설립된 DJI는 10년만에 세계 민간용 드론시장을 석권하였고, 그 기간 중 드론시장은 폭발 적인 성장을 하였다. DJI는 군사용에 머물던 드론시장이 민간용 드론시장으로 확대되는 시기에 시장을 주도하며 성장하였다. DJI의 성공은 결코 우연이 아니며 성공에는 필연적인 요인이 작용하였다. 첫째, DJI는 소비자에게 친숙한 제품을 개발하는 데 부단한 노력과 열정을 보였으며, 그 결과 드론시장의 강자로 지배력을 확대할 수 있었다. 또한 효율적인 마케팅 기법을 사용하고 기업 이미지를 제고하여 제품을 적극적으로 홍보하고 시장상황에 대응해 왔다. 둘째, DJI는 세계 최대시장인 미국에서 먼저 성공을 거두고, 자국 및 여타 국가들을 공략하였다. 이는 중국의 많은 기업들과 상반된 전략이라고 할 수 있다. 보통 상당수의 중국 기업들은 먼저 내수시장을 공략하고, 그 다음 내수시장의 성공을 바탕으로 해외시장을 공략하는 전략을 써왔다. 그런데 DJI는 역발상의 전략을 채택하여 시장의 선도자가 되었다. 셋째, DJI는 규모의 경제를 실현할 수 있는 션젼 지역에서 창업하였는데, 션젼이 제조업 중심의 역동적인 혁신도시라는 점에서 DJI의 성공에 기여하였다. 특히, 션젼에는 혁신적인 엔지니어 인력풀이 갖추어져 있어서 인재의 확보에서도 규모의 경제를 달성할 수 있었다. 넷째, 민간용 드론시장을 개척하고 선도한 DJI는 소비자들로 하여금 자신들의 상품과 시스템에 익숙하도록 만들어서 시장 지배력을 창출하였다. DJI에 적응한 소비자들이 다른 방식의 드론에 적응하기 어렵게 만든 것이다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        농업사회는 지속적인 농지면적 및 농촌인구 감소, 빠른 고령화로 인하여 일손이 매우 부족한 상황에서 하우스 시설면적의 증가와 새로운 외래해충의 발생증가 등으로 인하여 작물보호제의 의존도가 점점 높아지고 있다. 작물보호제 시장은 1980년도에는 성분량으로 16,132톤 1,348억원 출하 판매되었으며, 2017년에는 20,043톤 1조 5,048억원 시장으로 발전하였다. 작물보호시장 중 살충제 시장은 1980년 6,407톤 572억원 출하 판매되었으며, 2017년에는 6,282톤 5,707억원 시장으로 성장하였다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is to compare and evaluate the estimating method of WTP(willingness to pay) for the valuation of oceans and fisheries resources with non-market goods characteristics using contingent valuation method. In general, when estimating parameters of the WTP function, we should take into account the assumption of probability distribution, inclusion of covariates, method of inducement of payment, and the treatment of 0 payment intention and resistance responses. This study utilizes survey data that was used to estimate the value of fisheries resource protection zones, with a total of 1,200 samples. The main results of this study are summarized as follows: First, the final willness to pay amount is estimated at a statistical significance of less than 1 percent, and the distribution of the final willness to pay amount is from ₩6,926 of the double bounded dichotomous model to ₩10,721 of the spike model. Second, the willness to pay amount based on assumptions about the normal and logistic probability distributions are estimated to be ₩9,429 and ₩9,370 respectively, so there was no significant difference. Third, the willness to pay amount of the single bounded dichotomous model and the double bounded dichotomous model are estimated to be ₩8,951 and ₩6,926 respectively, making a relatively large difference. Fourth, the willness to pay amount of the model without covariates and the model with covariates are estimated to be ₩9,429 and ₩8,951, respectively, so the willness to pay amount is underestimated when the covariates are included. Fifth, the Spike model that considers zero payment intention and resistance response estimates ₩10,405 as the highest payment in this study. Finally, the CVM analysis guidelines proposed by the Korea Development Institute (KDI) are estimated to be ₩9,749 and ₩10,405 respectively, depending on including no covariates and with covariates. Compared to other models, the final willness to pay amount is not estimated underestimated. Therefore this study suggests the use of KDI's guidance under government public policy projects. In view of these results, the estimating model for willness to pay amount model will be selected by considering the sample size, the suitability of the model, the sign of the estimated coefficient, the statistical significance, the ratio of the zero payment intention and the payment rejection. And, for CVMs on government public policy projects, it is desirable to estimate by the method proposed by the KDI.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study categorized Korean seafood diners according to their lifestyle attributes of seafood consumption. This categorization facilitated to set more detailed marketing strategies to each consumer groups so it can lead to promote seafood dining industry in Korea. For this study, a survey was conducted from September 10 to October 9, 2017 in the form of self-completed surveys from seafood restaurant diners living in Busan, Korea. A total of 251 questionnaires were collected and used for data analysis. The results were as follows. There were eight attributes of lifestyle which Korean seafood diners have had such as ‘rationality’, ‘freshness’, ‘taste’, ‘health’, ‘ambiance’, ‘the latest trend of seafood dining’, ‘scarcity’ and ‘familiarity’. The largest number of respondents(154 out of 251, 61.4%) responded that they considered ‘rationality’ important when choosing their seafood restaurants among the eight attributes. ‘freshness(135 out of 251, 53.8%)’ was followed. ‘the latest trend of seafood dining’ and ‘familiarity’ were the ones that the smallest number of respondents(61.4, 10.8%) considered those as significant attributes for their seafood restaurants selection.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 국내 유통 중인 농산물 9품목(n = 578)에 대한 납과 카드뮴 함량을 조사하고 이들의 섭취로 인한 위해성을 평가하고자 하였다. 납과 카드뮴의 함량은 마이크로웨이브 분해 후 ICP-MS로 분석하였다. 조사대상 농산물의 납 평균 함량은 각각 보리 0.014 mg/kg, 완두콩 0.010 mg/kg, 강낭콩 0.008 mg/kg, 녹두 0.006 mg/kg, 파인애플 0.008 mg/kg, 살구 0.016 mg/kg, 매실 0.015 mg/kg, 자두 0.021 mg/kg, 대추 0.019 mg/kg이었고, 카드뮴 평균함량은 보리 0.017 mg/kg, 완두콩 0.004 mg/kg, 강낭콩 0.007 mg/kg, 녹두 0.005 mg/kg, 파인애플 0.001 mg/kg, 살구 0.002 mg/kg, 매실 0.002 mg/kg, 자두 0.002 mg/kg, 대추 0.003 mg/kg이었다. 모든 시료의 납, 카드뮴 함량은 EU, CODEX 및 국내 기준보다 낮은 수준이었다. 조사 대상 농산물에 대한 납, 카드뮴의 인체노출량을 산출한 결과, 납은 잠정주간섭취허용량(PTWI, 25 μg/kg b.w./week)의 0.067%, 카드뮴은 월간잠정섭취허용량(PTMI, 25 μg/kg b.w./month)의 0.28%이었다. 이상의 결과는 조사 대상 농산물의 납, 카드뮴 오염도와 이들의 섭취에 의한 위해성이 모두 낮은 수준이라는 것을 보여준다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Japanese convenience-store (CVS) chain retailers have grown by establishing store networks. In fact, Seven-Eleven, Lawson and Family Mart continuingly have opened about 1000 new stores per year. The reason for the rapid growth of their store-networks is that a key aspect of a chain retailer’s marketing strategy is the number of stores its needs to reach its customers (Srinivasan et al. 2013). In particular, CVS chain retailers seek to open new stores and obtain spatial dominance in a particular geographical area, which is called “area-dominance strategy,” so they can save on logistical costs, increase consumer proximity and loyalty, and prevent rival from opening new stores in the area (Ogawa 2004, Tamura 2014, Nishida 2014). Thus, a retailer’s decision of how to expand store-network in a given regional market is important to improve its sales. However, little attention has been paid to this problem in Japanese academic research. This study attempts to explain the influence of entry of rivals on a focal retailer’s store-network in regional markets of Japanese CVS industry. Especially, the author focuses on the regional competition between a focal retailer who is the first entrant and rivals who are late entrants in the region. First, we review prior research, and then propose hypotheses about the influence of entry of rivals, the degree of dominance of a focal retailer, and entry of rivals in multiple regions, on the number of the focal retailer stores. This is followed by an empirical analysis with panel data. Last, we discuss some implications and direction for future research. Literature Review and Proposed Hypothesis Entry of rival stores Prior research suggests that the existence of rival chain stores in the same market decreases the store-revenue of the focal retailer (Erickson et al. 2013, Nishida 2014).When rival retailers open the large number of new stores in a regional market, the focal retailer may be taken away their business of existing stores and latent new stores, so the focal retailer will be forced to close existing stores and slow down the pace of opening new stores. Then, we propose following hypothesis: H1: In a regional market, the higher the number of net increase of rival stores is, the lower the net increase of focal retailer stores is. Dominance of the focal retailer According to prior research, CVS chain retailers benefit from area-dominance (opening own stores aggressively in a given region), because it enables retailers to reduce their distribution and promotion cost, increase consumer loyalty and their power against manufactures (Ogawa 2004, Tamura 2014, Nishida 2014). If the focal retailer has already established a high density store-network, and had strong relationships with its customers and manufactures in the regional market, they will be less likely to suffer from entry of rival chain stores, and they will be able to continue expanding their store-network. These arguments lead to: H2: In a regional market, the higher the degree of dominance of the focal retailer is, the smaller the negative effect of entry of rival stores is. Entry of rival stores in multi-market Though H1 and H2 do not consider multi-market competition among chain retailers, this macro-level competition may have a great impact on their competitive action in a given region (Chen 1996). When a rival entries to multiple regions simultaneously where the focal retailer has already operated, the focal retailer will delay its decision making and competitive responses, so the impact of entry of rival will be larger (Poter 1980, Ferrir 2001, Boyd and Bresser 2008). Therefore, we propose following hypotheses: H3a: The higher the number of regions which rival entry is, the bigger the negative effect of entry of rival chain stores is. H3b: The higher the number of net increase of rival stores across the regions is, the bigger the negative effect of entry of rival chain stores is. Methodology To test the proposed hypotheses (see FIGURE 1), we collected panel data from the Census of CVS Market, which includes the number of stores of Japanese CVS chain retailers in each prefecture. Due to the restriction of data availability, we treated prefectures as the unit of regional market, and focused on the cases that Lawson was the first entrant, and Seven-Eleven and Family-Mart ware the later entrants in prefectures. Accordingly, the sample was limited in space to 17 prefectures, and limited in time to the period from the year that Seven-Eleven or Family-Mart opened their stores for the first time to 2014. Results We tested the hypotheses using panel date analysis by fixed effects model. The estimated results are shown in FIGURE 2. Regarding our hypotheses H1, involving the negative effect of rival entry on the focal retailer’s store-network, is not supported. However, the interaction of “the dominance of the focal retailer” with “rival entry” and the interaction of “rival entry in multiple regions” with “rival entry” are significant, although their signs of coefficients differ depending on whether the rival is seven-eleven or family-mart. Thus, hypotheses H2 and H3b are supported in part. Implication and Future Research Our findings have several important implications. First, our empirical results suggest that the effect of rival entry on a focal retailer’s store-network depends on (1) rival’s position in CVS industry, (2) the focal retailer’s dominance, and (3) rival’s multiple entry. Second, when a rival has a superior position than the focal retailer, dominance advantage of the focal retailer increases the negative effect of rival entry, which is contrary to our expectation. This implies that enhancement of the density of own store-network will cause cannibalization, so each store of a focal retailer may be highly vulnerable to entry by a rival who has superior competitive position (i.e. Seven-Eleven). Finally, multiple entry by a rival in superior position reinforces the negative effect of their entry on expansion of the focal retailer’s store-network in the regional market. Though this study was a rare attempt to explain regional competition among Japanese CVS chain retailers empirically, it did not include the prefectures that Seven-Eleven and Family-Mart were the first entrants. This may limit generality of the empirical results, hence it is valuable to take this problem into consideration in future research.