
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 12

        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was prepared for the purpose of restorative consideration such as the construction background, scale, and location of buildings by comparing the historical materials of two countries, Korea and Japan, focusing on Choryanggaeksa. Choryanggaeksa was a building with a special purpose installed in Dongnaebu in the late Joseon Dynasty, and was also a space exclusively for Japanese envoys. When Choryangwaegwan, the only place of diplomacy and trade with Japan in the late Joseon Dynasty, moved in 1678, Choryanggaeksa was also built and continued until its function ceased due to the modern opening of the port. As diplomacy and trade with Japan take place in the category of Choryangwaegwan, the existence of an interpreter takes an important place. Therefore, Seongsindang, a space for interpreters, was built near Choryanggaeksa. When the modern port opened in 1876, Choryanggaeksa and Seongsindang lost their original function, but the building remained. However, after the 1890s, a Superintendent office was built on the site of Choryanggaeksa, and a school was established on the site of Seongsindang. It was destroyed when the site of Choryanggaeksa and Seongsindang was converted during the opening of the port, and its remains cannot be found today due to urbanization.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구는 20세기초 훼철된 강진객사에 대한 복원적 고찰이다. 강진현의 관아건물이 있었던 치소는 1417년 강진현이 도강군과 탐진현이 합하여 강진현이 되었을 당시에는 탐진현의 옛 치소, 현재의 강진군청 자리였던 것으로 보이며, 1429년 도강군 송계리(현, 성전면 수양리 수암마을)로 치소를 잠시 옮겼다 가 1475년 또다시 현재의 군청 자리로 치소를 옮겼다. 1910년 강진현 객사가 일본헌병대 둔소가 되었다는 기록과, 1914년 1월 강진공립보통학교가 객사로 이전되어 수업했다는 기록이 있고, ‘조선사진엽서’에서 강진우편소(1910년 12월 개설)와 강진경찰서(1919년 3월 신설)가 있는 사진으로 보아 1919 년까지도 강진객사가 존재했다는 것을 알 수 있다. 한편 일본육군참모본부에서 제작한 조선지지략(朝鮮地誌略)』전남도지부 강진현 편에 ‘관아의 문은 ‘금릉아문(金陵衙門)’ 이고 객사는 동북 방향에 ‘금릉관(金陵館)’이 있으며 남면한다는 내용으로 강진객사의 명칭을 확인할 수 있다. 강진객사 금릉관의 규모는 ’조선사진엽서‘를 통해 정청 3칸, 동익헉 7칸, 서익헌 5칸 등 총 15칸으로 추정할 수 있다.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims at the examination on the fallacy of the name of ‘Dadaepo-gaeksa’. The results are as follow: The so called ‘Dadaepo-gaeksa’ was one of the official buildings of Dadaejin, the naval forces in the late period of J osun dynasty. The building was moved to Molundae near the original site in 1970. And two years later, it was designated as a cultural asset. However it’s real name is ‘Dadaejin-dongheon’, because Dadae-jin gaeksa was demolished about the time of the foundation of Dadaepo-elementary school. Otherwise, Dadae-jin donheon was used as a school building from 1904 to 1970. Futhermore, the architectural style of the existing building is different from the general gaeksa’s in the period of J osun dynasty. Therefore, the name of Dadaepo-gaeksa needs to change into Dadaejin-gaeksa and to restore as its original style.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study on the government office building in Chungcheong Suyeong(忠淸水營) is very rare. How were the Gaeksa(客舍) and Dongheon(東軒) which are representative government office buildings in Suyeong, maintained and what was the aspect of it, while passing through the upheaval period of the end of Joseon(朝鮮)? And where was the original place and was there any change in use? It is so regrettable that these subjects were not figured out yet. So I thought it is very important task to figure out its actual aspect by investigating the maintain state of the Gaeksa and Dongheon and the change of their places. So this study examined the related historical records and, based on it, analyzed 「Ocheon GoonJi(鰲川郡誌)」in various view points. Through this analysis, this study could figured out the maintain aspect of the gaeksa and dongheon and the change of their places, and be able to deduce the other change of the government office building. This study could assume the places of each government office buildings by comparing this investigated result and the analyzed result of the original cadastral map in various view points. As the result of the study done by this method, this study confirmed the maintain state of the Gaeksa and Dongheon in Chungcheong Suyeong while passing through the upheaval period of the end of Joseon. And this study figured out the places of the Gaeksa and Dongheon, and be able to confirm their places by the lot number on the original cadastral map. Along with this, this study could estimate Jo(趙) family's confliction with the residents at that time by verifying the lot numbers of the Sapaeji(賜牌地) which this family received from the government. And among the names of the government office buildings, for the Jangkyocheong(將校廳) which is in dispute because of the name, this study figured out that the author of 「Ocheon GoonJi」made a mistake in writing Dongheon.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study is to investigate the conversion of Dongnaebu Gaeksa block to public market during Japan’s Colonial Period. The block of Gaeksa was converted into the elementary school for the first time and afterwards occupied by the public market. Dongnae Traditional Market(五日場) had kept up since late 18th century. Dongnae public market was transferred to the site of Dongnaebu Gaeksa in 1937. Especially Dongnae public market(東萊公設市場) in the construction cost of establishment was supplied on loan. A number of traditional markets were reformed into the public markets in the 1930s. and the public market was installed more by the organization of colonial period. Dongnae public market was one of those markets, too. Eventually the establishment of public market meant that the block of Gaeksa had disappeared completely.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of lots-subdivision within the block of Gaeksa at Dongnae-bu under the rule of Japanese Imperialism. Gaeksa of the old government office was the sanctuary that symbolized the sovereignty. Therefore it was naturally a main object of demolition and then the site was converted to other purpose. And Gaeksa was not only converted into the elementary school and the public market but the historic site also processed to break down for opening the road through Japanese Occupation of Korea. The main reasons of lots-subdivision were the transfer from state property to private ownership and the urban development project. Needless to say, the particular major reason was derived from the intention of Japanese Imperialism to destroy the traditional urban. As a result, Gaeksa can not be recognized the traces of today and contributes to the demolition of the remaining ancient building. Finally the deformed urban structure was left over from destroyed building.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is one that estimates the architectural composition as well as the location of guest house of Haemi Eupseong on the basis of the analysis of modern and contemporary data related to Haemi Eupseong. It is significant that this study has presented an opinion that can become a practical basis for the historical research of the prototype of Haemi Eupseong of the late Chosun Dynasty through the analysis of modern and contemporary data that had been unsatisfactory among the fruition of studies conducted in relation to Haemi Eupseong. The outcomes achieved by this study are as follows. Firstly, it was verified that the guest house of Haemi Eupseong that has been restored is one that has different architectural composition than the prototype of the late Chosun Dynasty and is restored in a different location. Secondly, in respect of architectural composition of guest house found by the analysis of the picture, it was confirmed that the government office has one step higher than the double-wing house in the form of the roof. Thirdly, the location of the guest house of Haemi Eupseong of the late Chosun Dynasty is judged to be the periphery area where the current restored guest house is located, which is where the teachers' building of Haemi elementary school was located. Fourthly, the prospect of the guest house of Haemi Eupseong is decided to be similar direction to the current restored guest house with the greatest possibility of having the same direction with the arrangement of teachers' building of Haemi Eupseong elementary school.