This study examines changes and features of provincial office buildings in Suwon and Chungju after relocation during Japanese occupation. Gyeonggi and Chungbuk provincial offices(Gwanchalbu) were relocated by Japan. Gyeonggi Provincial Office in Suwon used HwaseongHaenggung buildings and moved to Seoul in 1910. After relocation, most of HwaseongHaenggung buildings used for Suwon Governmental hospital(JaHye Uiwon). Suwongun Office, Suwon public elementary school, Japanese Military and Suwon Police station also used HwaseongHaenggung buildings with the Hospital. At first, Japan remodeled local government buildings for their use. Most of HwaseongHaenggung buildings had been destroyed to build new buildings since 1920s. Chungbuk Provincial office in Chungju used DongHeon building which is Chungju local government building and relocated to Cheongju in 1908. DongHeon building changed to Chungju county office after relocation. This building was renovated. Chungju county office moved to other site, this building was used for Chungju county conference room. During Japanese colonial period, Suwon local government buildings were destroyed and replaced with new Japanese style buildings. Chungju local government buildings were also renovated or destroyed.
본 연구에서는 한국에 대한 기후변화로 인한 미래 풍속의 변화를 예측하고, 건축물 외장재에 대한 풍해 위험도를 정량적으로 평가하였다. 미래의 기후변화로 인한 풍속의 변화를 예측하기 위해서 기상청에서 제공하는 RCP 시나리오와 HadGem3-RA 모델을 사용한 풍속 변화 예측치에 관한 이전 연구의 결과가 활용되었다. 강풍에 대한 위험도는 임의의 풍속에 대한 손상확률인 강풍 취약도 모델과 강풍이 발생할 확률인 강풍 위험 모형의 결과를 합성곱하여 평가 되었다. 강풍 취약도 모델은 몬테카를로 모사(Monte-Carlo simulation)를 사용하여 개발되었으며, 강풍 위험모델은 과거 태풍에 대한 자료와 몬테카를로 모사를 사용한 강풍의 발생확률 분석에 관한 이전 연구의 결과를 기초로 개발되었다. 본 연구에서는 강풍 위험도 연구의 결과를 기초로 미래 풍속의 변화로 인한 건축물의 강풍 위험도 변화를 정량적으로 분석하였다. 연구결과로부터 서울보다 남쪽 지역인 부산에 미래 강풍이 더 발생하는 것으로 파악되었다. 또한, RCP 4.5와 RCP 8.5 시나리오 하에서 부산에서의 미래 풍속의 차이가 크지 않기 때문에 강풍 위험도의 변화 역시 크지 않은 것으로 평가되었다. 본 연구에서 제안한 방법론은 미래 강풍으로 인한 피해를 예측하고 대비하기 위한 방법으로 사 용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구에서의 강풍 위험도 평가를 국가 차원에 적용하기 위해서는 강풍 위험에 대한 공간적 확장과 더불어 피해 대상물에 대한 강풍 취약도의 추가적인 개발이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
Large enclosure means a space of high ceiling and large floor. Designing the heating system, many thermal conditions exist, such as thermal comfort, IAQ, heating load and energy efficiency etc. The prediction of the temperature distribution is carried out according to some of the diffuser angle. The simulation conditions are 7 m high diffuser, 4/2 inlet/outlet diffusers, 39 °C discharge air temperature, and 6 m/s exit velocity. The results show that 45° diffuser provides an optimal thermal environment, and the reason is that the temperature is closed to the designed temperature 22 °C at 1.18m elevation plane. As the diffuser angle is decreased, the temperature of the upper region is increased for the thermal buoyancy effect. And the asymmetry of the temperature distribution is increased.
With the place which concentrates vertical traffic facility and equipment which are a core facility etc. there is in a building and with structure major role. The core is cold under effectiveness of the area and elevator system with security of the business space which is the relationship which is close in high office construction MIDAS GEN and used the identical construction infrastructure where the core location is different in order to influence is direct in dwelling environment animal power, shear force and moment it used structural analysis. It used a load standard and it compared after grasping a safety and a use characteristic, the core reaches in the building problem point the top class bringing up for discussion Drift Value and escape. The result which it analyzes with base there is recently to high office plan and it decides a core location to be, it presented in about plan of optimum. The central core in large scale and rough copy layer is suitable in the office, the case frame peripherally with the historical wall there is an effect which is stabilized with structure, the eccentric core in the small-scale office suitability but is disadvantageous evacuation facility and equipment establishment etc. The core in standard will grasp a stability in about durability and load of absence, it means it will be desirable to reflect to a high office building plan with the base which will reach.
도심지 빌딩에 의한 그림자가 대기경계층에 미치는 영향을 파악하기위하여 위성자료 분석과 수치실험을 실시하였다. 연구에 사용된 위성은 한국다목적위성(KOMSAT-2)의 가시자료이며, 수치모형은 다중반사도 계산을 위한 반사도 계산모형과 지표면 열수지를 계산하기 위한 오레건주립대학교 경계층 모형의 2가지이다. 위성자료 분석에서 고층빌딩이 밀집한 지역은 그렇지 못한 지역에 비하여 반사도가 최대 17% 낮게 산정되었다. 이는 건물의 그림자가 원인으로 작용한다. 그리고 반사도의 일변화는 태양고도에 따라 다르며, 정오에 가장 작은 값을 나타낸다. 건물 밀도가 높은 경우 지표면 온도가 43.5˚C까지 상승하는데 비하여 건물 밀도가 낮은 지역의 경우 지표면 온도는 37.4˚C까지 상승한다. 그러나 높은 빌딩에 따른 기계적 난류에 의하여 반사도에 의한 온도상승이 직접적으로 대기온도상승과 연결되지는 않는다.
초고층 건축물은 매우 세장하여 지진하중보다는 오히려 풍하중에 대해 매우 취약하다. 이러한 초고층건축물에 작용하는 풍진동은 buffeting, 와류 및 wake에 의해서 주로 발생한다. 풍진동은 구조적인 안전성뿐만 아니라 거주 성을 결정짓는 중요한 인자이다. 본 논문에서는 풍진동을 줄이기 위해 와류진동에 대한 메커니즘을 변화시켜 저감효과를 연구하였다. 원형기둥과 원형기둥에 대하여 공력학적 형상으로 변화시킨 경우에 각각 rib와 spiral을 설치하였다. 풍동실험결과, rib와 spiral의 효과는 풍직각 방향에서 비슷한 저감정도를 보였고 원형기둥을 공력학적으로 변화시킨 형상에 rib와 spiral을 사용함으로써 공력학적인 이점이 복합적으로 작용하여 원형기둥의 풍직각방향에 대해 50%정도의 저감효과가 있었다.
이 연구는 고층건축물이 풍하중을 받을 때 변장비의 변화에 따라 구조축방향으로 풍응답이 어떻게 배분되어 가는지를 규명한 것이다. 변장비가 다른 3종류의 장방형 강체모형을 경계층 풍동 내에 설치하여 풍력실험을 수행하였다. 풍력실험으로부터 얻어진 변동모우멘트계수와 변동모우멘트의 파워스펙트럼밀도를 사용하여 스펙트럼모드해석법에 의하여 고층건축물의 응답을 평가하였고, X축방향의 풍응답과 Y방향의 풍응답을 비교하고 그 차이점을 분석하였다. 결과로부터 대상 고층건축물의 경우 모든 변장비에서 Y방향의 동적인 응답이 X방향 보다 큰 것을 알 수 있었다.
We have focused on the building appearance according to the change of conservation policy and urban fabric in Bukchon, Seoul. The Urban Hanok, urban traditional housing type, had been evolved in modern contort from 1920's to 1960's, that is to say, many buildings(Urban Hanok) in Bukchon area has built up with a lot and road at the same time. But the change of conservation policy has an effect on the urban fabric and building(wooden structure, RC and brick building). Thus many types of building in Bukchon has undergone a various change. The purpose of this paper is to define a change factor of Bukchon buildings. Thus we need to pay attention to policy and urban fabric. We reached the result as follows. First, the change of architecture regulations according to the several policies(an aesthetic area, an altitude area for sky line restriction and so on) brought into building deformation and eventually the historic scenery of Bukchon has been spoiled. Second, the change of policy had an effect on the change of roads and lots. Buildings on a widen road and a united lot was built newly. But new buildings built up with a concrete or brick structure was not in harmony with the historic scenery of Bukchon area. Third, a development method of a large lot with lack prudence(disregarded a scale and size of lot) did damage to Urban hanok and urban fabric. With the understanding on the relationship of buildings, a urban fabric and a policy in Bukchon, we can define the identity and correspond with the urgent request for a the conservation of historic urban scenery In addition we can suggest the policy and the design guidelines for the reservation and rehabilitation for Bukchon, Seoul.
The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in the external thermal environment, following the application of evaporative cooling systems in buildings, in response to climate change. In order to verify changes in the external thermal environment, a T-test was performed on the microclimate, Thermal Comfort Index (TCI), and building surface temperature. Differences in microclimate, following the application of the evaporative cooling system in the building, were significant in terms of temperature and relative humidity. In particular, temperature decreased by more than 7% when the evaporative cooling system was applied. According to the results of the Thermal Comfort Index analysis, the Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) was below the limit of outdoor activities, indicating that outdoor activities were possible. The Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) values were within the very strong heat stress range when the evaporative cooling system was not applied, When the system was applied, the UTCI values were within the strong heat stress range, indicating that they were lowered by one level. The building surface temperature decreased by ~10% or more when the evaporative cooling system was applied, compared to when it was not applied. Finally, the outside surface temperature of the building decreased by ~12% or more when the system was applied, compared to when it was not applied. We conclude that the energy saving effect of the building was significant.
This study evaluate the characteristics of the wind pressure calculated by CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics). The wind pressuress of each direction are calculated and the characteristics of them are analysed using the result of the CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics).
In this study, the heat insulating performance increase the indoor temperature of the building is applied to the concrete was compared with plain concrete. As a result, the indoor surface at the outside temperature of 10.4 ~ 22.4 ℃ temperature conditions showed a difference of up to 0.6 ℃, the lowest 0.6 ℃, indoor temperature is up to 0.2 ℃, 0.2 ℃ lower results showed a minimum.
This paper is the result of analysing the Building Register. It describes the ebb and flow about small-scale buildings for 5years. Major cities are rapidly decreasing small-scale buildings. On the other hands, Small and medium-sized cities are monotonic. Currently, All of the Korea buildings are occupied by small-scale buildings up to 82%. So, This researcher suggest that these buildings need to standardized design of structure for preparing earthquake and abnormal climate.