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        검색결과 911

        2024.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 코칭연구의 다변화 및 경영학연구에서 코칭접근의 활성화를 도모 하기 위해 그동안의 연구 동향을 분석하고자 하였다. ‘경영학적’으로 접근한 전체 발간 논문의 수와 발간학회를 중심으로 빈도분석 한 결과, 2010년에 1편으로 시작하여 2023년에는 9편으로 점증하였다. ’코칭관련 학회에서 발간된 ‘경영학적 접근’의 연구 동향을 알기 위해 4개 학 회에서 발간된 전체 논문 493편을 대상으로 한국경영학회 편집위원회에서 구분 한 ①경영전략 ②경영정보 ③국제경영 ④마케팅 ⑤생산계량 ⑥인사조직 ⑦재무 관리 ⑧회계 ⑨융합에 준해 빈도분석하였다. 그 결과, 2006년부터∼2024년까지 발간된 논문 중, 동향은 인사조직, 융합, 경영전략, 경영정보의 순으로 나타났다. ‘경영학적 접근’에 따른 ‘주제어(keyword)’의 구성 동향을 알기 위해 개별 논 문의 초록에 제시된 ‘주제어’를 중심으로 빈도분석한 결과, 조직몰입, 코칭리더 십, 코칭, 직무만족, 직무스트레스, 혁신행동의 순위로 나타났다. 그리고 임파워 먼트, 자기효능감, 코칭역량,조직성과은 동일한 순위로 나타났다. 향후, 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 학회의 설립 목적과 특성을 고려한 경영학적 연구를 강화할 필요성이 크며, 특히 ‘융합’적 연구가 확충되어야 한다.
        2024.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2024.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of management performance in the remaining offshore fishing industry after the resource management-oriented fisheries structure improvement policy by the fisheries vessel buy-back program and Total Allowable Catch (TAC). The results of the analysis of the determinants of management performance of offshore fishing can be summarized as follows. First, based on the management performance determinant model of offshore fishing, it is confirmed that the government's resource-managed fishing structure improvement policy, such as the fishing boat reduction project and the TAC policy, is improving the management performance of the resource-managed remaining fishing boat. Second, looking at the specific management performance determinants based on the management performance model of offshore fishing, the leverage ratio (TLTA), which is the total debt ratio, shows a statistically significant positive (+) relationship with management performance, which increases management performance directly proportional to the leverage ratio. The increase in the leverage ratio (total debt ratio) was expected to lead to a high interest cost burden, resulting in a reverse (-) financial leverage effect; however, rather a positive (+) financial leverage effect occurred with a high profit covering interest costs. The total catch (TCATCH) has a positive (+) relationship with management performance at a statistical significance level of less than 1%, indicating that an increase in catch is improving or increasing the management performance of fishing companies. The selling price (UPRICE) shows a positive (+) relationship with management performance at a very high statistical significance level of less than 1%, and it can be seen that high fishing prices are a major factor in improving or increasing the management performance of offshore fishing. On the other hand, fishing vessel tonnage (TON), fishing vessel horsepower (RHP), and operating days (WDAYS), which indicate have a statistically significant negative (-) relationship with management performance, which deviates from the existing fisheries common sense that the size of fishing vessel tonnage and fishing vessel horsepower and the increase in the number of operating days is proportional to management performance. As a result of the increase in fishing vessel tonnage, horsepower, and the number of operating days, it was confirmed that the higher the fishing cost, such as oil costs, is worsening the management performance of fishing companies. Participation in TAC has a statistically significant positive (+) value with management performance, indicating that the remaining offshore fishing companies participating in TAC are improving or increasing management performance compared to offshore fishing companies that do not. Third, there are conflicting results depending on the industry as a result of estimating the management performance determinants of offshore fishing by TAC participation, and TAC participation had a negative impact on management performance in anchovy boat seine and southern west sea bottom trawl in fishing industry while TAC participation had a positive impact on management performance in large stow nets on anchor in fishing industry.
        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, ESG(Environmental, Social, Governance) has been recognized as an important factor for the sustainable growth of companies. However, only 14.5% of food manufacturing companies have adopted ESG management. In particular, small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) face difficulties in implementing ESG management due to a lack of specialized personnel and resource constraints. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of ESG ratings on the management performance of 40 food manufacturing companies listed on the Korea Exchange(KRX) that have been evaluated for ESG. The one-way ANOVA was used and performed on data for 40 food manufacturing companies published by the Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability(KCGS) in 2023. The results of the analysis showed statistically significant differences in sales (F=12.936, p<0.001) and foreign ownership (F=7.74, p<0.01) based on ESG ratings. Furthermore, Scheffe's post-hoc analysis indicated that the higher the ESG rating and individual scores, the better the overall management performance. Therefore, it is concluded that food manufacturing companies should continuously invest in and focus on ESG management to secure a competitive advantage in the market and achieve sustainable growth.
        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to develop a comprehensive predictive model for Digital Quality Management (DQM) and to analyze the impact of various quality activities on different levels of DQM. By employing the Classification And Regression Tree (CART) methodology, we are able to present predictive scenarios that elucidate how varying quantitative levels of quality activities influence the five major categories of DQM. The findings reveal that the operation level of quality circles and the promotion level of suggestion systems are pivotal in enhancing DQM levels. Furthermore, the study emphasizes that an effective reward system is crucial to maximizing the effectiveness of these quality activities. Through a quantitative approach, this study demonstrates that for ventures and small-medium enterprises, expanding suggestion systems and implementing robust reward mechanisms can significantly improve DQM levels, particularly when the operation of quality circles is challenging. The research provides valuable insights, indicating that even in the absence of fully operational quality circles, other mechanisms can still drive substantial improvements in DQM. These results are particularly relevant in the context of digital transformation, offering practical guidelines for enterprises to establish and refine their quality management strategies. By focusing on suggestion systems and rewards, businesses can effectively navigate the complexities of digital transformation and achieve higher levels of quality management.
        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구팀은 피아노제조산업에서 대표적인 기업인 ㈜야마하가 국제화 과정에서 제품 전략과 시장 전략을 동시에 적용하는 사례를 통해서 국제경영에 관한 새로운 모델인 국제경영의 4가지 본원적 메커니즘(4 Generic Mechanisms in Global Management: 4GMGM)의 현실적용가능성을 다루었다. 야마하 피아노가 초기에 현으로 소리를 내는 전통적인 건반악기인 피아노를 일본이라는 현지 시장에서 개발 판매하는 현지화(Localization) 전략에서 출발했다가, 디지털 피아노를 개발 하면서 현세화(Loc-balization) 전략으로 나아갔고, 최상위 품질을 갖춘 그랜드피아노를 개발하 면서 세계화(Globalization) 전략의 정점을 찍었다가, 현지 음악 소리를 내는 맞춤형 피아노를 일 렉트릭 파이노의 한 영역으로 개발하면서 세현화(Glocalization) 전략으로 변신한 과정을 검토했 다. 이 연구를 통해 기업이 국제화하는 과정에서 제품전략과 시장전략을 동시에 개발해야 한다는 논리를 제시한 4GMGM이 현실을 설명하는데 적절하다는 검토 의견을 도출했다.
        2024.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 글로벌 ESG 규제가 강화되고 있으며 ESG 이슈를 어떻게 효과적으로 관리하느냐에 따라 기업의 성장과 경쟁력에 차이를 보일 것이다. 본 연구는 ESG 규제의 변화와 시사점을 분석하여 ESG 규제 대응을 위한 기업의 역할과 과제를 살펴보았다. ESG 공시항목은 점차 확대되고 있으며, 의무적인 공시항목 외에도 기업 스스로 실사를 통해 다양한 리스크에 대한 중대성 평가를 통해 정보를 공개하도록 하고 있다. 기관투자자들의 적극적인 주주행동 을 통한 정보공개도 활발히 요구되고 있어 기업 스스로 실사를 통해 공급망 내의 리스크를 파악하고 관리해야 한다. ESG 규제는 법 위반의 제재에 그치는 것이 아니라 투자 등 금융적 제재와 주주의 경영참여, 공급망 퇴출 등의 복합적이고 강력한 제재를 동반한다는 점에서 적극적인 대응이 필요하다. 연구에서는 ESG 규제에 대응하기 위한 기업의 과제로 ① 기업 내 책임경영조직을 구성하고 기업 내 ESG 이슈의 종합적 관리와 공시내용 검증을 강화할 것, ② 기업 내 실사 이행을 위한 조직과 절차 등 실사 시스템을 마련할 것, ③ 기업의 미래전략과 ESG 활동의 연계하고 이해관계자의 공감대 형성할 것, ④ 공급망 이해관계자의 갈등을 예방하고 이사회 다양성을 확보할 것을 제시하였다. 기업은 ESG 관리 역량을 높이기 위해 기업 내 책임경영조직을 구성하고 전문성을 갖추어야 하며, 정부는 우리나라 기업의 글로벌 경쟁력 확보를 위해 ESG 분야의 전문가를 육성하고 공급망 실사에 대비한 중소사업장 의 ESG 관리 역량 강화를 지원해야 할 것이다.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Executive safety leadership is essential to prevent accidents in the workplace. However, will safety be secured by emphasizing only executive safety leadership to workers? In this study, the impact of executive safety leadership on the workplace hazard level was analyzed by adding the supervisor's safety role as a mediating variable. This paper shows that executive safety leadership has no direct effect on workplace hazard levels. However, executive safety leadership was found to have a significant impact on the supervisor safety role, and the supervisor safety role was found to lower the hazard levels in the workplace. In summary, executive safety leadership was found to reduce the hazard levels in the workplace through the full mediating effect of the supervisor safety role. Based on these research results, this study seeks to present the following recommendations to the government and management: The government should ensure that a workplace safety and health system is established by strengthening the effects of other mediating factors, such as strengthening the role of supervisors who are actually responsible for workplace safety and health. Executives must grant supervisors actual authority and responsibility to properly perform their safety roles and establish personnel and performance evaluation systems.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we attempted to examine how the management commitment and safety communication affect the safety behavior of flight crew members while performing their duties. In addition, we attempted to examine how the individual cultural values ​​of each flight crew are involved and influenced in such influence relationships. As a result of the study, among the sub-variables of safety behavior, the relationship between commitment to safety compliance and communication was found to have no statistically significant effect (∆R2 = .049, p = .5), and the relationship between commitment to safety participation and communication was found to had a statistically significant effect (∆R2 = .088, p < .001). As a result of examining the moderating effect of individual culture values ​​in the relationship between commitment to safety participation and communication, the moderating effect of uncertainty avoidance (β = .256, p < .05) showed statistically significant results, and management's commitment/communication The interaction effect between and uncertainty avoidance had a statistically significant effect when uncertainty avoidance was low, but was not statistically significant when uncertainty avoidance was high.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 노인장기요양기관의 ESG활동이 조직성과에 미치는 영향 에서 윤리경영의 매개효과를 검증하기 위한 목적으로 장기요양협의회 와 연계하여 2022년 12월부터 2023년 01월, 총 62일간 700명의 설문 지를 수집하여 연구분석하였다. 연구는 SPSS 및 Amos 25.0을 사용하 여 분석했다. 연구결과, ESG활동(환경, 사회공헌, 지배구조)가 윤리경 영에 정(+)적인 영향을 미쳤고, 윤리경영은 조직성과에 정(+)적인 영향 을 미쳤다. 또한, 본 연구의 목적을 중심으로 윤리경영의 매개효과를 분석한 결과 연구는 노인장기요양기관의 ESG활동(환경, 사회공헌, 지 배구조)이 조직성과에 미치는 영향에서 윤리경영의 완전매개효과를 확 인했다. 이를 통해 본 연구는 노인장기요양기관의 ESG활동, 윤리경영 의 중요성을 근거자료로 제공하였다.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, ESG management has become a global trend, receiving increasing attention from stakeholders such as consumers, investors, and governments, as regulations related to ESG disclosure and supply chain due diligence have been strengthened since the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment (UN PRI) was announced in 2006. ESG is an acronym for the environment (E), social (S), and governance (G) and is accepted as a key factor for the continuous survival and growth of a company. As a result, there are over 600 ESG management evaluation indicators operated domestically and internationally, and numerous global initiatives have emerged. Korea’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy also announced “K-ESG Guidelines (December 2011)” and “K-ESG Guidelines for Supply Chain Response (December 22)” to help SMEs introduce ESG management and respond to supply chain due diligence. However, small-scale manufacturing companies with poor financial, human resources, and technological capabilities face significant challenges in introducing ESG management. Accordingly, this study aims to examine the current status of ESG management adoption in small-scale manufacturing companies with less than 150 people in Korea and propose activation plan ESG management based on the diagnostic requirements of the “Supply Chain Response K-ESG Guidelines.”
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Maintaining the permanence of a company in the current rapidly changing business environment is not an easy task. Rather, the lifespan of a company can be said to be gradually decreasing. As such, the author of this paper, which describes the current market environment, is the sales organization of a large company. While leading the company, I thought about how to overcome the rapidly changing market and create an organization that continues to grow. As a result, I succeeded in creating an organization that continued to grow over the past two years, and the main activity of this result was the use of sales computer. It was clear that it was an information sharing activity. This can be said to be a result of proving that a series of activities to create and share information is important for the sales organization of ICT companies to actively respond to the rapidly changing market environment. Therefore, this study attempted to examine the relationship between knowledge management and business performance in the sales field of ICT companies, which has not been covered so far. Knowledge management is a four-stage activity from a process perspective, divided into knowledge creation, knowledge storage, knowledge transfer, and knowledge utilization. did. As a result of the study, first, knowledge management activities, such as knowledge creation and knowledge storage, were found to have a significant impact on financial performance. Second, knowledge management activities such as knowledge creation, knowledge storage, knowledge transfer, and knowledge utilization were all found to have an impact on non-financial performance. In the end, this study confirmed that efforts to turn tacit knowledge into knowledge in order to respond to the ever-changing ICT market are ultimately an important factor in growing a company.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 1973년 프랑스 파리에 최초로 한식당을 창업하여 30여 년간 운영한 한인 이민사업가를 대상으로 유럽에서의 요식업 종사 경험 을 구술생애사적 관점에서 고찰한다. 프랑스 한인사회의 역사적 변천 과 정의 맥락에서 구술자의 한식당 창업 동기와 사업에 도움이 되었던 요 인, 한식당 경영의 의미에 대해서 조사한다. 연구 결과에 따르면 구술자 는 유럽에서의 연속적 이주 과정을 통해서 축적한 다양한 사회적 네트워 크를 주요한 민족자원의 하나로 활용하였다. 또한 창업 당시 프랑스 한 인은 200명 남짓의 소규모였고 현지인들 사이에 한국, 한국 음식에 대한 인지도가 매우 낮았기 때문에, 입지 선정에 있어서 주프랑스 한국대사관 과의 근접성이 중요하게 고려되었다. 한식당 경영을 통해서 프랑스 한인 과 한국으로부터의 방문객들이 모국의 음식을 향유하고 한국적 정서를 접할 수 있게 하였고, 또한 프랑스 현지인들에게는 한국 음식문화와 한 인 예술을 알리는데 기여하였다. 본 연구를 통해 프랑스 한인 이주사, 한 인 디아스포라의 자영업 창업, 해외 한식문화의 전파와 의의에 대한 이 해 제고에 기여할 수 있을 것이다.
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