A literature study was conducted on the management of the pavilion of the royal tomb in the late Joseon Dynasty, focusing on “Gakneung Suri Deungnok(Records relating to the repair of royal tombs)”. This study analyzed the royal tomb management system, organized the types of damage identified in the building, and examined how the damage status was recorded by type. In the above, the records related to the 1675∼1713 repair of three JeongJaGak(Geonwonneung, Sungneung, and Mokneung), which are registered as state-designated cultural properties, are summarized in three aspects: management system, damage status, and expression words. The results of the study are as follows. First, the royal tomb pavilion was regularly inspected by Observator(觀察使) in spring and autumn, and Surunggwan(守陵官) every 5th, and Servant(守僕) regularly inspected every day and night, and also inspected and reported emergency cases of natural disasters or unexpected damage. Second, the damage status of each building was continuously observed and reported for the continuous maintenance of the buildings in the royal tomb. A total of 75 records of damage to the three royal tombs' pavilion were found to have been most frequently inspected, including 19 cases (25.3%), 14 cases (18.7%), 23 cases (30.7%) of the roof, and 19 cases (25.3%) of the roof. Third, the expression of the damage status is confirmed in various ways, such as separation, separation, burst, damage, excitation, moisture, leakage, and exfoliation. Among them, the main damage records were confirmed due to the separation of the base from the peeling, the furniture, cracks, leaks, leaks in the roof, and the collapse of the roof was able to check the damage records.
최근 세계중요농업유산에 대한 관심이 고조되면서 농업에 관한 관심과 농촌의 가치에 대한 인식이 증대되고 있다. 이 연구는 농업유산을 보전·계승하고 지정과 개선에 있어서 체계적이고 효율적인 관리체계를 구축하기 위한 기록화 방안을 개발하는데 그 목적이 있다. 농업유산의 조사 및 기록 항목은 세계중요농업유산과 국가중요농업유산의 지정 기준과 신청서 등으로부터 도출하였다. 농업유산의 발굴에서부터 지정에서의 업무분석을 통해 각 단계에서 필요한 기록내용을 도출하였다. 또한 기록 항목 간의 관계와 중복 및 농업유산과 관련한 주체, 대상, 행위 등을 고려하여 DB를 설계하고 개발하였다. 농업유산 DB의 활용은 국가중요농업유산의 지정과 관리 단계를 준용하였다. 이 연구의 결과인 농업유산 DB는 농업유산자원의 발굴과 지정, 관리에 있어서 유용하게 활용될 것으로 기대한다.
During the Joseon Dynasty, medicinal foods derived from herbs were often more effective than traditional medicines. In addition, the royal family of the Joseon Dynasty believed that foods could be used as various disease treatments. Grain-based foods, especially medicinal porridges (藥粥), were most frequently used for diet therapy. We investigated various types of diet-related diseases suffered by King Injo (仁祖) as well as how the diseases were treated using medicinal porridges based on information in the SeungjeongwonIlgi (承政院日記), which is the daily record of the Royal Secretariat of the Joseon Dynasty. This study examined the SeungjeongwonIlgi of King Injo from his1st year (1623) to 27th year (1649) on a website database maintained by the National Institute of Korean History. According to the records, King Injo suffered from severe diarrhea several times due mainly to febrile disease (煩熱症) as well as abdominal dropsy (脹滿) throughout his entire life. Major diseases affecting King Injo were due to his unhealthy eating habits and psychological factors. For treatment, royal doctors prescribed around 15 medicinal porridges, including nelumbo (seed) porridge (Yeonja-juk), milk porridge (Tarak-juk), Chinese dioscorea porridge (Sanyak-juk), mungbean porridge (Nokdu-juk), perilla seed porridge (Imja-juk), adzuki-bean porridge (Pat-juk), soybean porridge (Kong-juk), Korean-leek porridge (Buchu-juk), and so on, in addition to other medical treatments. Diet therapy using medicinal porridges has been used throughout history since the Joseon Dynasty period. However, knowledge of traditional diet therapy and medicinal porridges used by monarchs in the Joseon Dynasty is insufficient. Therefore, in-depth study is needed to understand the theory of traditional medicinal foods as well as explore their application to patients in the context of modern medicine.
전광판식 번식 기록관리 시스템은 판넬식 전광판 형태로 되어 있고, 우사의 벽에 설치하 도록 제작되어 있어, 재발정일, 이전(以前) 수정일, 분만예정일, 건유일 등과 같은 관리일 (日)을 알고 싶을 때나 그밖의 개체에 관한 번식정보를 알고자 할 때는 수시로 확인할 수 있음은 물론 분만, 인공수정 등과 같은 관리사항을 기록해야 할 일이 생겼을 때는, 기입할 칸에 <날짜입력>이라는 키를 누름으로써 오늘 날짜가 자동적으로 기록됨과 동시에 저장이 되도록 고안되어 있어 현장에서 사용하기에 매우 적합하도록 되어 있는 기록관리의 편의성 을 제공하기 위해 고안된 시스템이다. 전광판식 번식 기록관리 시스템을 현장에 적용하여 도태율, 번식장애로 인한 도태율, 공태기간 및 공태기간 분포를 조사한 결과, 도태율은 5.7%, 번식장애로 인한 도태율은 10.3% 낮아졌고, 공태기간은 32.2일 단축되었으며, 공태 기간 121일 이상의 비율이 낮아지는 것으로 나타났다. 젖소 농장에서 1일 3회 이상 관찰을 하는 것은 정보 및 경영 활동 등으로 인한 목장에 부재하는 시간이 증가함에 따라 현실적 으로 어려움이 따르고, 또한 온도상승, 사육환경(사육밀도, 우사바닥)의 변화, 고능력우의 증 가, 심야시간대의 발정개시, 미약발정우의 증가 등으로 발정발견이 매우 어려운 상황이다. 발정발견 보조 수단으로는 발정발견의 가장 중요한 지표가 되는 승가허용 원리를 이용하여 소의 미근부에 부착하는 형태의 일회용 또는 전자식 보조기가 많이 개발되어 보급되고 있 는데, 여기서 공시한 발정탐색기는 승가 및 승가허용 행동을 할 때, 발목에 부착되어 있는 센서가 수직적인 충격에 의해 위와 아래의 전극이 접지되어 신호가 발생되고, 그 신호가 전 광판으로 전송되어 발정 정보(발정행동 횟수 및 개시시간)를 표시하도록 고안된 것이다. 승 가나 승가허용의 발정행동에 의해 90% 정확도와 75%의 수태율을 나타내었고, 젖소 사육 농가 5개소에 적용한 결과, 적용 전에 비하여 적용 후에 발정발견율이 크게 향상되는 경향 을 나타내었다. 무인 발정탐색기를 이용하여 발정이 개시되는 시간대를 조사한 결과, 발정 발견이 곤란한 저녁 7시부터 다음날 아침 7시 사이에 59.1%가 발정이 개시되는 현상을 나 타내었고, 발정행동을 한 최초의 시간으로부터 12시간 이후에 인공수정을 실시하는 것이 높은 수태율을 나타내었으며, 발정행동 횟수의 분포를 조사한 결과 3회 이하의 비율이 40.9 %를 나타내었다.
Western style timber roof trusses used as typical roof structures of buildings during a modern period have been developed with the interactions with their facade and functionality. The shapes of trusses and member sizes have been diversely changed by the purposes of architects, historical circumstances, and structural characteristics. For this reason, the change in the shapes of western style timber trusses along the times is one of important technology assets demonstrating the development of their structures during the modern period. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to find out their structural characteristics throughout parametric analysis of which parameters were determined from the collected and classified documents on western style timber roof structure built in the modern period carefully obtained from public institutions. Results of the parametric analysis are as follows. The number of king-post trusses and modified king-post trusses built between 1920 and 1937 reaches almost half of the total number of truss types investigated. The mean values of their spans, distances, tributary areas, and height are respectively, 10.5m, 2.4m, 24.37㎡ and 3.24m. The cross-section areas of trusses tend to reduce since the city construction law was enacted in 1920. Also, this study found that western architects usually used larger structural members than eastern architects and usages and finishing materials of roof trusses are not always considered as one of the important design parameters.
The aim of this study is to estimate and compare indoor air quality(IAQ) at stock rooms in general library and in National Archives and to provide fundamental data in order to enact the law on management of IAQ at stock rooms in general library. The survey of IAQ in stock rooms was performed in Seoul National Archives in August 2009, and the basic data on level of indoor air pollutants in stock rooms at general library was collected from domestic journal. The concentration of NO2 was 114.1 ppb at audiovisual documentary stock rooms in National Archives. That value exceeded 50 ppb guideline that was legislated by the Korean Ministry of Public Administration and Security. The concentration of PM10 and VOCs were 59±9㎍/m3 and 367±83㎍/m3, respectively at stock rooms in general library. These values were exceeded from the guideline of Korean Ministry of Public Administration and Security that is 50㎍/m3 for PM10 and 400㎍/m3 for VOCs. Also, the exceeded probability from the guideline was 83.7% in PM10 and 35.6% in VOCs. Therefore, we suggest that a national plan for the management of IAQ at stock rooms in general library should be established.